Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 25, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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* • • • • • • • •
G L O S E * • 'Y
• S a o d a ,— M onday— T uesday
Mareh 1—2 - 8
FEB. 25. 1925
Plorai and
Muuc Shop
Alban >.
So Big
(Continued from page 5)
Another triumph by the
J maker of ‘‘ The Teo Com-
J mandmeota.”
| galloon«, plastrons, revere, hustles, •
all tuuuher of lumpy bedevilment. That j
Selina could appear In this disfiguring
garment s creature still graceful, slim,
and pliant was a steer triumph of
spirit over mutter.
She blew out the light now and de- ,
scended the steep wooden stairway to
the unlighted parlor. The door be­
Ray bestow Hi-speed Brake
tween parlor and kitchen was closed.
Service Station
Selina sniffed sensitively. There was
pork for supper. She was to learn that
there was always pork for supper.
She hesitated a moment there In the
Phon >
darkness. Then she opened the kitch­
en door. There swam out at her a haze
of smoke, from which, emerged round
blue eyes, guttural talk, the smell of
« A L S E Y R A ILR O A D TIM fi
frying grease, of stable, of loam, and
of woolen wash freshly brought In from
the line. With an Inrush of cold air I No 32, 3:20 a. m.
No. 17, 12:09 p. „
33. 7 ;llp . £
that sent the blue haze Into ewtrls the I
10 48 «• m
P- m.
Jl, 11:34 p.
“No!" The two on their knees sat outer kitchen door opened. A boy, I
his arm piled high with stov«-wo«>d, I ^°; 14, du8 Haleey at 5:02 p. m..
smiling at each other, wide-eyed, like
entered; a dark, handsome sullen boy I g u et
Pasa8nger» from south ’lops
q {
"Here—wait." Maartje Pool thrust
of wood. Selina stared back at him Nos. 31. 32, 33 i n d °£ ° n
the lamp into Selina's hand, __
th . lid of the chest, dived expertly I f^ieye sprang to life between the boy I land and Engene only.
tween Port.
Into Its depths amidst a great rustling ° f tweive and the woman of nineteen Passenger« for south of Roteburp shn«.u
u kÄ No. 17 to
electric cu
of t feeling.
of old newspapers and emerged red- an e'e8f]fto
rren t n
I take
tr, Euirene —
» .c ther8 « S
"Roelf,” thought S elin a; and even
faced with a Dutch basque and volum­
inous skirt of silk ; an age-yellow cap took a step toward him, Inexplicably
18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 »n order named.
whose wings, stiff with embroidery, drawn.
“Hurry then with that wood th ere!”
gtood out grandly on either side a
pair of wooden shoes, stained terra­ fretted Maartje ot the stove. The boy i
cotta like the sails of the Vollendam Hung tbe armful Into the box. brushed ( ' aid-iO f P a ra g r a p h »
fishing boats, and carved from toe to Ids sleeve and coat-front mechanically,
(5c a line)
heel in a delicate nnd Intricate pat­ still looking at Selina.
Klaas Pool, already at table,
tern. . A bridal gown, a bridal cap,
Lost—-A PinkiDg Iron, about 8
thumped, with his knife. “Sit down,
bridal shoes.
"Well!” said SeUna, with the feel­ teacher." Selina hesitated, looked at inches lo n g ; aemi-cirole on oat
ing o f a little girl In a rich attic on Maartje. Maartje was holding a fry- |end.
Robeta Vannice,
1 rain, day. She clasped her hands. ing pan aloft .In one hand while with
the dther she thrust and poked a fresh
“May 7 dress up In It sometime?"
W hole milk delivered, 8c ousrt
Maartje Pool, folding the garments I >tick o1 wood Int0 018 open-lidded
Mrs. W. F, Carter.
hastily, looked shocked and horrified. ’ tove’ The two pl«talls
’’Never muut anybody dress up In a selve8 at the table. 8et w llh it» red-
eld»»'« .i—___
I PhPrkPfl n in th n n d h(in*.hunt(lnA
Lo«t— In HaHey or Albany at
bride’s dress, only to get married. It checked cloth and bone-handled cutlery.
brings bad -uck."
Then, as Selina Roelf flung his cap on a wall-hook and on the train between tb« iwo
stroked the stiff silken folds of the sat down. Only Selina and M aartje re- P1“ 08»— A n E a s te rn S ta r
skirt with a slim and caressing fore­ malned standing. “Sit down! s it F in d e r p lease leave at E nterprise
finger; “So you get married to a down!” Klass Pool said again. Jovial- office a n d receive rew ard
High Prairie Dutchman I let you wear ly. "Well, how is cabbages?” He '
It.” At this absurdity they both chuckled and winked. A duet of tit­
Rhode Island red eggs, 50c a
laughed again. Selina thought that ters from the pigtails. Maartje at the
P. j Forster.
thlg school-teaching venture was start­ stove smiled; but a trifle grimly, one setting.
ing out very well. She wuuld have might have thought, watching her. Evi­
such things to tell her father—then dently Klass had not hugged his Joke , ° ,ld papers for sale at 5c a bundl«
the Enterprise office,
she remembered. She shivered a lit­ In secret. Only the boy Roelf remained I
__ —
tle as she stood up now. There surged unsmiling. Even Selina, feeling the red |
over her a greut wave of longing for mounting to her cheeks, smiled a little ,
her father—for the theater treats, for nervously, and sat down with some
his humorous philosophical drawl, suddenness.
for the Chicago streets, nnd the ugly
(By an Enterpriae Reporter)
(To be continued)
Chicago houses; for Julie; for Miss
Mrs. J. H. Rickard ia on the sick
Plater's school; for anything and any
one that was accustomed, known. and
ft ¡nukes out letter»?*
Selina peered closer. “W hy, sure
enough! This first one’s an S
Maartje was kneeling before the
chest now. “Sure an S. For Sophia
It Is a Holland bride’s chest. And
here Is K. And here Is big D. It
wakes Sophia Kroon DeVries. It Is
anyways two hundred years.
mother she gave It to me when I was
married, and her mother she gave It
to her when she was married, and
her mother gave It to her when she
was married, and her—"
“I should think so!" exclaimed Se­
lina, rather meaningiessly; but stem
lag the torrent. “What’s In it? Any­
thing? There ought to be bride’s
clothes In It, yellow with age,
“It Is!” cried Maartje Pool and gave
a little bounce that Imperiled the
Reconditioning Shop
have been offended at anything today
For In spite of her recent tragedy, her
nineteen years, her loneliness, the ter­
rifying thought of this new home to
• Coining soon, I tioinae Mtugh- ’ wblcb she was going, among strangers,
she was conscious of a warm thrill ot
a n ’« latest,
« elation, of excitement—o f adventure I
That was It. “The whole thing’s Just
a grand adventure,“ Slier on Peake had
said. Selins gave a little bounce of
anticipation. She was doing a revolu
ja. t ln n v r y uad daring ihlng : a thing that
Halwy Happenings
the Vermont and now. fortunately, In­
accessible Peakes wonld bare regarded
(Continued from page 4)
with horror. For equipment she hod
Robert Allen is cutting wood for youth, cariosity, a steel-strong frame;
one brown ledy’e-cloth. one wine-red
B. M. Bond.
eaehmere; four hundred end ninety-
Lucas Wheeler and wife and Bryar seven dollars; and a gay, adventure­ Selina Stood Looking About Her in
the Dim Light, a Vary 8mall Figure
called on the llalaey Wheelers Sun
some spirit that was never to die,
In a Very Large World.
though it led her Into carious places
-.2. x :
and she often found, at the end, only
Miss Dorothy Chilcote of Albans a trackless waste from which she had fork In her hand, th e kitchen was
spent the week end with Miss Alt« to retrace her steps, painfully. But clean, but disorderly, with the disor­
der that comes of pressure of work.
always, to her, red and green cabbages
*• •
There was a not unpleasant smell of
were to be Jade and Burgundy, chrye-
Harrisburg’s interest in the pock
cooking. Selina sniffed it hungrily.
oprase and porphyry. Life has no
crusher at that city has been bought weapons against a woman like that. The woman turned to face them. Se­
lina stared.
by the county.
Klaus Pool was a school director.
This, she thought, must be some
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wahl anc
other—an old woman—his mother,
daughter Wilma were Corvallis cal
B ut; “Maartje, here is
cabbages. So now the drew herself up
school teacher,” said Klaas Pool. . Se­
lers Saturday.
primly and tried to appear the school
lina put out her hand to meet the other
Trula, Miller o f Brownsville and teacher, and succeeded In looking as woman’s hand, rough, hard, calloused.
severe as a white pansy.
Her own, touching it, was like sutln
Warron Benedict of
“Ahem I" (or nearly that). "You
against a pine board. Maartje smiled,
have three children, haven’t you, Mr.
were married Feb. 13.
and you saw her broken discolored
Pool? They’ll ull be my pupils?”
teeth. She pushed hack the sparse
George Finley was in Halsey Sun-
Klaas Pool ruminated on this. He
lay, in transit between his big Craw­ concentrated so that a slight frown hair from her high forehead, fumbled
a little, shyly, at the collar of her
fordsville farm and Portland.
marred the serenity of his brow, io clean blue calico dress. •
Mrs. L. V. Chance has returned a f­
“Pleased to meet you,” Maartje
tempt to give the conversation a dlgnl- said, primly. “Make you welcome.”
ter a few daiys’ visit with her par
ded turn, she had apparently created Then, us Pool stamped out to the yard,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis o f Albany.
tome dlfflculty for her host. He was slamming the door behind him, “Pool
Glenn Hill of Harrisburg was in I rytng to shake his head two ways ut he could have come with you by the
« sey Friday and was accompanied j the same time. Thts gave It a rotnry front way, too. Luy off your things.”
notion. Safina saw, with amazement, Selina began to remove the wrappings
home by his mother for a few day.
hat he was attempting to mW negation that swathed her—the muffler,, the
md confirmation at once.
shawl, the cloak. Now she stood, a
J S. Nlcewood offers prizes o f $1 I “You mean you haven’t—or they’re slim. Incongruously elegant, little fig­
60c and 26c for the three best letters, iot>—or— T'
ure In that kitchen. The brown lady’s-
“I have got three children. All will
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom went to
written by members of the high iot be your pupils." There was some- doth was very tight and hasqued therefore dear. She had a horrible
above, very flounced and bustled be­ premonition that she wus going to
school civics class.
Albany Friday.
hlng final, unshakable In bis delivery low. “My, bow you are young!" cried cry, begun to blink very fast, turned
Maartje. She moved nearer, as If Im­ a little blindly In the dim light and
Miss Ida Jackson, granddaughter | >f this.
“Dear me! Why not? Which ones pelled, and Angered the stuff of Seli­ caught sight of the room’s third ar­ Reduction Is Attributed to | ed a t E. D. Isom’s Sunday8"” y V,Slt
or C. C. Jackson, who attended th e, von t. Do tell me which ones will and na’s gown. Ami as she did this Selina
resting object. A blue-black cylinder
Halsey high school lust year, went vhlch ones w on ’t ”
Mrs. E. A. Starnes visited her sis­
Decreased Plantings in
suddenly saw that she, too, was young of tin sheeting, like a stove nnd yet
“Ge«rtje goes to school. Jotlna goes The hud teeth, the thin hair, the care­ unlike.
to W ash in gton and m arried.
It was polished like the
ter, Miss H attie Dannen, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. English ana | o school. Hoelf works by thy farm.’’ less dress, the littered kitchen, the length of pipe In the sitting-room be­
Charles Warden o f Rowland was
“How old Is Hoelf?" She was being harassed frown—above all these, low. Indeed, it was evidently a giant
children wont to Eugene Friday ev
< P rep ared by th e U n ite d S t * U i D e p a rt
chool teacherly again.
an .«fternoon
caller at Chester Curtis'
standing out clearly, appeared the look flower of this stem.
m eat of A *rl« S iltu ro .)
i c
cm qg for a visit with the former’»
“Hoelf Is twelve."
of s girl.
"What’s thut?" demanded Selin«,
Production of all type, of tobacco | i>unday-
m o th er and to a tte n d the ,,pera given
"Twelve! And no longer at school!
Why, I do believe she's not more pointing.
grown In the United States was smaller
Miss Catherine Pinneo, a student
Hut why n o t!’
hy the Brandon Comic Opera c
than twenty-eight!’’ Sellqa said to her­
Maurtje Pool, depositing the lamp last year than In 1823, reports the
Koelf he works by the farm."
self In a kind of panic. "I do believe » on ■ the i little , wash-stand - preparatory
y Unlt»d Status Department of Agricul- Whi,
( U.
■ q of J O.,
’’ visPed Mrs. A. E.
Doesn’t Koelf like schodir
she's not more than twenty-elghu’’
to leaving, smiled prldefuUy. “Drum." I
The total crop was 1,248,000.000 whItbeck Sunday
But sure."
W. J. Lane's car was turned hot-1
She hud been awure of the two pig-
D runit
pounds as compared with 1,615,000.000
Mr and M r.
“Don't you think be ought to go to tailed heads appearing and vanishing
tom side up near Mattoon, 111., Feb
™ M
Me« ° rd Ingram of
"For beat your room.”
Selina pounds In 1923. The cigar types show . . .
<chool ?”
In the doorway of the next room Evl- touched It. It was Icy. “When there
9, in a collision with another ea*
a cut of 24.000.000 pounds, and the ,1 , ton wera
" « k -en d g Ueit, „
“But sure."
dently her hostess wag distressed- be­ la fire,” Mrs. Pool added, hastily. types used for chewing, smoking, snuff, the
In8Tam home.
and he and his father-in-law were
Having begun, she could not go raU88 the school teacher's formal en- Selina was to learn that Its heating
,a“L eXl>ort ,how- “ r8,i “«ion of 248,-
brtiised and cut up more than was
ack “Doesn't your wife want Roelf ■ rance had not been made by way of powers were mythical. Even when OOOJXM) pounds.
E• A- Starnes, A. E. Whitbeck and
pleasant, but they were walking I to go to school any more?"
parlor instead of kitchen. She fol- the stove In the sitting room was
Decrease In Planting.
D' Iiom attended an I. O. O. F.
"Maartje? Bat sure."
about with their bruises next day.
lowed Maartje Pool Into the front blazing away with a cheerful roar qone
The reduced production is attributed
at Brownsville
She gathered herself.- together: room. Behind the stove, tittering, of the glow communicated itself to
Mr . and Mrs. Charles Straley am
urled herself behind the next ques were two yellow-haired little girls. the drum, rt remained as coolly in­ to decreased plantings in practically "lg h t
Mrs. Straley’s mother,* Mrs. Esthei lion. “Then why doesn’t he go to Geertje and Jozlnu, of course. Selina different to the blasts breathed upon all the Important tobacco growing see-
and Mrs' E- A- Starnes and
chool. for pity’s sake?" !,
went over to them, smiling. “Which it as a girl hotly besieged by an un­ tlons, and by decreased yields In many M
Rlke, drove to Corvallis Saturday
Klaas Pool's pale blue eyes were Is Geertje?” she asked. “And which welcome lover.
areas. The biggest decrease was In the - rS'
^som attended the funeral
evening, Mrs. Rike returning to her
fixed on the spot bet weep the horse's Jozlns." But at this the titters be­
or flue-cured tobacco portions o1 A11'8 Elder at Shedd Tuesday of
work. Mr. and Mrs. Straley return
roared a voice from
•art. His face was serene, placid. Da came squeals. They retired behind tielowstMlrs. Tbe voice of the hungry of 1 Irglnla and the Oarollnas, where last week.
ed by Albr,ny and called on Mrs. E Kent.
the round black hulwurk of the wood- male. There was wafted up, too, a production of what are known as the
E . Gourley and
the twins at the
burns», overcome.
’ R o elf he works hy the farm."
New Belt
wa" “ V
G ueits at
H- Ri<*«rd’s Sunday
faint smell of scorching. Then came
Selina subsided, beaten.
Selina s quick glance encompassed sounds of a bumping and thumping lc » Z n ^ U
.r y e ° a r .162,000 ,100 P° Un<” I n - ’
Tate in d
Duak was coming on. The lake mist the room. In the window were a few along the narrow stairway.
Peoria and M. C. and Jesse Jenks
Mr. and Mrs. E F. Cross drove toj
came drifting across the prairie and hardy plants in pots on a green-paint­
Of IA these
two flue-cured IJUUI?,
type«, UiV
t)g heden!“ cried Maartje, In a V a...
hung, a pearly haze, over the frost- ed wooden rack. There was a sofa panic, her hands high in alr.^ She New Belt type showed the heaviest de And wives of Tangent.
> Hillsboro Friday evening for a week
/ end visit with the latter’s parents nipped stubble and the leafless trees with a wrinkled calico cover; three was off.
2oonisiJSiUCtlU" be‘ng placod Ht about
E. A. Starpes took his daughter
Air. and Mrs. A. A. Morill.
They It caught the last light In the sky and rocking chairs; some stark crayons of
P° Dn? “ comP“'-8'1 with Esther to Corvallis F iday. She was
I^ft alone In her room Selina un­
held it, giving to fields, trees, black Incredibly hard-featured Dutch an­
were accompanied to New Era by earth, to the man rented stolidly be cients on the wall. It was all neat, locked her trunk and took from It two 3.'U.001.0.10 pounds last year The de­ a delegate from the .Shedd high
Mr Cross’ mother, Mrs. E. A. P. Lr i side the girl, and to the face of the stiff, unlovely. But Selina had known photographs—one of a mild-lo'oklng partment points out, however, that
sales data In South Carolina are as yet school to the high «chool convention.
Tollette, nnd her hnahaud.'who w e r r J girl herself an opalescent glow very too many years of hoarditig-houae ugli­ man with his hat a little on one side, incomplete and the production figures
on their return trip to their home in « underful to see. Selin«, seeing It ness to be offended at this.
been a twenty-flve-year-old Selina, m il.«
Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Marks drove to
r a ‘* ” d « ‘ •«1
opened her lips to exclaim again. and
Maartje had lighted a small glass-
million pounds. m ajr
eastern Oregon.
Corvallis Saturday afternoon and
then, remembering, closed them. She bowled lamp. a steep, uncarpeted minus the courageous Jaw-line. Look­
Burlsy Production.
hud learned her flint leseon In High stairway, Inclosed, led off the sitting ing about for a fitting place on which
attended the educational 'exhibition
to stand these leather-framed treas­
Production of Burley, which I. the
ures she considered the top at the chill I ‘U0M Important single tn»Z o /toi.'.e?^ at ' A. C. which they report was
Ooy Beans May Be Grown
led the way to Selina s bedroom Se­ drum, humorously, then actually place«! * n8 •<’H.(XW,O0O pounds ,
most wonderful display o f the
or 15.778.000 work nf
ol8Pla y or tne
to Improve Thin Soils The Klaas Poole lived In a typical lina was to learn that the farm worn
’. Production
f the different departm ents
Oets are not considered a big mone.t
type was un- ,° the c°Re8*- The pharm aev build-
crop, but they do furnish a variety a» a score like It |o the duak These talk when nrtn n i.v ................. . . . . . . . ' .. "
?u ‘ P°HtWy Interested ey e s I llpr 31.bOO.OtX) p ounds a s e
feed, and they lit In the rotation pro sturdy Holland-Americana had built lalk when opportunity presents Itself, l erbaps they would put up a shelf for with 51 000 000 m a,n<1’ “* compared lnK was especially Interesting in that
t r 1? ?
* “ • d”
A narrow,, dim, close-smelling ball- her. That would serve for her little • - - n T ^ u ^ n d ^ ^
gram where tome spring sown crop I k here In Illinois after the pattern of the
celled for. Home farms where from squat houses that dot the lowlands way, unenrpeted. At the end of It a •tock of hooks nn,| for the picture» as rille types war l»artl«ll,,n „fr,M ‘’h ?*. I dlfferent fig u r e s of which w e r e d o-
which were do­
abont Amsterdam, Hu nr lent and Rot­ door opening Into the room that was
o«e quarter to oue-thlM the acreeg
well. She was enjoying that little somewhat b«ter yield, production bemj nations o f the numerous w holesale
Wjs formerly given to oats are chsng
flush of exhilaration that cornea to a P laced at ll)rt.0U0,000 p ounds a .
houses o f the state and to be made
; 1“’
K S “ ,7 S .‘
Ing^over ,u aoT beans, eud the system l.v by the roadside Yard and dwelling Io the marrow three objects caught woman, unpacking. She took out her K
The bed, a huge and
permanent part o f the Institution.
»•*>• to be meeting with wide favor had a geometrical neatness like that tier eyes.
neat pile of warm woolen underwear
of Henderson type
•f a toy bouse In a set of playthings not unhandsome walnut mausoleum, her stont ahoe«. She shook out thé « Production
Spring wheat may be utilised as nurse
cut of 25 per c « , . , Bd ^ e P ad ? The domestic science department was
Peering down ever the high wheel reared Its somber height almost to tba crushed folds of the wine-colored cash­
alsr very attractive, showing? what
for «Severs or clovers and grasses may
be sown during February or March on •-t-llna waited for Klaas Pool to assist room's top. Tl(« mattress ot straw mere. Now. If ever, the should have ^ T otol” * 7 dUCtlon * 31 Per cent'
can be accomplished along that line.
falleew n wheat. With this shift of her In alighting. He seemed to have and comhusks was unworthy of this regretted Its purchase. But she didn’t
- le » » « » • io»M i.ono
., J "
nures crops soy besot may he profit no such thought. Having Jumped down, edifies» but over tt Mr«. Pool hail No one. she reflected, as she spread It
A. E. Foote was confined to his
ably grows In greater areas, and may fie was
__ throwing
rosily on the bed, possessing wlne-col-
empty crates and
rd bv a bad cold and sore throat
stitched and quilted, so that Selina ored cashmere could be altogether
be utilised In a way that will give I boxee out of tbe beck of t h e ' n i ' o
the first of the week. J. H. Rike sub­
maximum feeding valqe end at the I to Selins, gxthertag her shawls and lay soft and warm through the win­ downcast.
tame time gtve acme aid to our thinner j leak about her. clambered down the ter. Along one wall stood a low chest
stituted for him in the garage.
so richly brown as to appear black.
pound«, and
-Ide of the wheel and stood looking The front panel of this was curiously Trying Selina washed In the chill wa- Wleconifln
uecrtaa« rrf lL432i»0O0
abont her In the dim light, a very
carved Selina stooped before tt and ter of the basin, took down her hair pounds.
The right sort of farm manage small figure In a very large world for the second time that day Mid;
of Administrator
ment by the right sort of farmer real­
Io higher yields win
“How beautiful!” then looked qnlck- little mirror over the w ssh -„ .nd sh
mean low-
ly does pey.
he rrtumed and slapped one of the ly round tt Maartje Pool as though a d ju sted the stitch ed w h i t , bands of •r unit costa.
, br -i" ~'rA,r
th8 Ckraatv
horses smartly oa the flank The team
• • •
C” a ,r Oregon, het been
fearful of finding her laughing as
trotted otiedlently off to the barn He KU»i Pool had laughed. But Mrs.
«oíTT. «îr2'',lon no‘
appointed administrator of the estate of
°b" ' - =
the h * n(-r P.*lraer deceased. All persons
picked up her little hide-bound trunk. Pool’s fsce reflected the glow in her S
It dieci lurages Insects.
She took her satchel The yard was
s'in g .H uns apainst Said »state are
own. She came over to Selina and
quite dark now As Klaas Ibxk opened stooped with her over the chest, hold- grace an,! m S t Î o ’ t o X » t h . ^ T
to present them within sic
Kusine«.» must do for firm ~
liith t h e ' hr <’*t* "f
the kitchen door the red mouth that Ing the lamp to that Its yellow flame
'ng whs) science Is doing
’ ror farn' Pro- 4— _ j " ? * * ' ? vouchers to the un­
germent beautiful. It
. dnctlon.
» 8 and »10 a ton ; also Colt« and »as the open draught In the kitchen lighted np (he acrolle an«) tendrils of Lrp.lllng
at his ■
«ce t y ’ of !
bunchlnem, , nd equal'!,'
grinned a toothy welcome at the nerved surface.
- d e u c e » « administrator
H .I.V ,
’c X
Work Horse« ohesp. Phtuic i l l •tore
»•Hing tightness m dr»„ of
colored forefinger oho trn«wd the hold
P, Rode, 8 mil»« west ol Halaej.
■")-« wca J 4 ;. ,.ArlTy , e
A woman stood avgr the store, a
Ooqrtgbes 09 the panel. “See? How
*■ «
• r j o v e r h . What an awf„, old
• Vdmiwtstrator Aforesaid.
”er Metha«leh most bave been I a k t
A. A. Tessiag, Atty, fqr Admr
Com ng Through
A lfo rd A rro w s
Production of
Tobacco Small
i eT*h’ rlTea ,h** 0,8 »»•