/ C RURAL A g rc u ltu re H o r t e u I tu r e L i v e a to c k « A W — J y Chronicle of Local ^Events and Progress on Linn County Land HALSEY. O REO G« FEBRU ARY 25, 1025 Halsey Happenings and County Events aod spent the after.««,, with friends. Mrs. May Smith’a children, typhoid sufferers, are recovering. Joe D rickard ia here from east* ern Oregon viaiting hie eon, J. W Ortakard. O n ly O n e P aper D a ir y P o u ltr y W ool N o te s F ro m th e hadn’t noticed them hit more than H a s 1 apped H ades 37 of us on the stage. Perhaps L e ft in A lb a n y H a ls e y Schools they got in a couple of cracks that • - ' I I didn’ t see. they said, “ Halsey hoys Large and Small Events The Democrat Swallows Philomath Gets a Double win Then 1 Ho Lake That B urneth” 23 to 20,’’ and we went home Chronicled in Brief the Evening Herald Some people was there from Beating—Another May Drive Unlimited Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell and Philomath and some from Halsey Paragraphs at a Quip Salem Visit Mrs. Albett Miller v.cre in Albany Manufactories Mr«. 0. W. Frum and daughter« «od some from betwix and between, Ruth and Vivian were Albany call­ Thursday. and George Hayes oatne around In the lu lls about tw enty-five The Albany Herald haa been ers Saturday. The members of the civics class, and made us pay 35 cents for set Mrs. A. J. Dumond and Miss Emma bought, by Messrs. Jac It eon aod w ile s from Healdsburg, C al., a tin up there and beta »hot at. Th« gospel team from the H aliev Carlton of Albany visited at Q. W. Cronise, equal proprietors of tba together with tbsir professor, Mr. wsu named G rant has been boring Elisha Gotup. Democrat, and after March 1 the English, visited Salem Wednesday M J£. church will bold services at Laubnur’a S unday, w ells where hot water gushes Irani papera will he consolidated as a The forenoon was spent in the state the Pine Grove church Sunday Twenty-eight members of the civ­ the earth and th e rocks are loo hot Mrs. J. H. Sturgea of Rex has been evening at 8. non-partisan daily, the only paper house, where the legislature was in ics class, in cars furnished by C. H for barefoot travel. T he Dearborn visiting her mother, Mrs. Schroll. published at Albany. M r. Jack* session. After noon they stop ­ K oontr, Mrs. Ringo, W A. Muller. H ‘ “dependent has a writeup of jt Lebanon la inaugurating a building and sister Ruby. ■oa is a democrat and Mr. Crooise ped at part of the instithtions kept F. tnglish, W. G. McNeil and W. H from which we quota : a republican. Mr. Reagan has program for the coming season tn McAllister went to Salem Wednes E. V. Bags and family and Mr«. The preosure became so great that which more than a mile of street pav­ owned the Herald 13 years. 1« it by tbs sta le, nam ely: Penitentiary, day and studied three kindred insti­ when water was poured in’to the pipe Sophia Bass spent Friday at T. J. hospital, and schools for the deaf, ing w ill be a part ‘ Bl« ky to sell out? Ashton’s, near Tangent. tutions, the legislature, the peniten­ to clean out the well an explosion fol­ sue Herald haa been aggressively fnute and blind. The weather was . The county Christian Endeavor tiary and the insane asylum. lowed thut shook the mountain side. Harold Stevenson and wife of ropubliean, opposed entrance into good for the trip and no accidents convention will be at Lebanon Rocks weighing fifteen pounds were the league of nations, opposed the occurred, so it may be said that the -r own «ville and Mrs. Leonard Stev­ 6, 7 and 8, beginning a< G. R. Walker has bought a home hurled 300 feet. The pipe was blown income tax and favored the late students hrrf a thoroughly entertain­ enson visited Corvallis Monday. 7:80 on the first day. at Reedsport and the family will be out of the ground. A column of wat­ lamented attempt at Salem to ing and enjoyable day. Lyle Taylor and Misa Velora Max­ united there in the spring. Washington’s birthday delayed emasculate the open primary law. er 500 feet high was burled Into the Monday was a holiday for the Brownsville and Pine Grove cor­ well* of Tangent were married Sun­ The Democrat haa aurpasaed in schools. The morning was spent in air. day in Drain. They will reside near ' respondence until too late to send literary worth end in practice fa­ giving a program in the high school When the well ceased* spouting. Tangent. it to the linotype.* vored the income tax and the open Grant and his drillers surveyed the rooms, whieh the gram m ar and Mrs. D ..F. Dean, who has been at primary and gave other evidence Fred Oarey was down from Eu­ spectacle, partly in sorrow, portly in high students participated in. All gene the first of the week, the guest C. P. Stafford’s a couple of weeks, of preferring government by the iolemn glory. The well was a wreck. of the pieces given were either in of his father, W . J. Carey, who is went to Oregon City to vieit her people to ’representative” govern All of the money invested in it was ment, whether administered by a rofersnee to George W ashington oi now making his home in Halsey. «on, C. 0 . Dryden and family. gone. The ground was covered for monarch inheri ing hia position or of a patriotic tenor. Naval Board Reports Airplanes ’ ’’ndred« of feet with bluish mud. Mrs. Warren Perry returned to G. F. SchrolL a victim of brain by the winner in an election. The The basketball game of the her home in Cottage Grove M or- softening, after years of laborious Enterprise congratulates Jackson Grant dug up some more of his Would Never be P ara­ Halsey high school was played. Fri­ day, after a few days’ yiait with money, borrowed some more and and Cronise. * < care hy his wife and daughter, b it day evening. The visiting team came her mother, Mrs. J. T. McNeil. mount on the Sea. started to d rill aaothtr well, using the been removed to the state insane asy­ from Philomath and were defeated in same size pipe. A#ain, after going E E. Gourley drove to Albany lum. Report on Columbia both boys’ and girls’ contests. down a few feet, he found steam. Tuetday, bringing home hie wife Washington. D G.— President (5ool Irrigation Prospect The boys' soore was made in a Idge added a aew chapter to the air The farther ho went, th« greater be­ Mrs. Schroll is not yet out of and the children, Mrs. Gourley hard-fought game in which Halsey bed. but her condition is improv­ aod the twine being able to leave service controversy by making public came tha pressure. And tha greater Washington, D. C.-*«-A summary of was behind in the first part. ing As soon as »tie is able she the findings of a group of six engi­ the hospital. the report of a special naval board the heat at tha bottom. It finally The g irls’ score was 39 to 6. Thi.* ano Ruby expect to take their cow Miss Pearl Pehrsaon, atudent at nud chickens and go home with neers recently appointed to review en­ is the third time this season that the which found that the battleship re I. ecam« so hot that lead lat down with malned "the final arbiter In sea war the drill melted. Lead malts at a the state Dortnal at Monmouth, was their daughter and Sister to Rex, gineering, agricultural and economic score has been run up so high in fare,” and alrplanee would never "|s temperature of 620 degrees. A t tha data on the proposed Columbia river their favor. home for a few days the first of the near Newberg, for a good, long ■ume paramount Importance." basin reclamation project In the states *op the temperature waa oboist 360 week. She was accompanied from rest. A reception was held at the The president also issued a formal degrees. of Washington and Oregon was receiv­ That means superheated Corvallis by her friend, Miss "Edith I Word from O. L. Lee and wife of school house shortly after the last statement In explanation of the »30, deam. ed at the interior department. Details Mack. Reedsport is to the effect that the w ill not be made public until the full game. The Philomath pltyers and 000,000 supplement naval Items re Grant sank his first successful well friends who accompanied thsm have cently submitted to congress by the The basket social and program triplets, two boys and a girl, Robert, report ia received and studied. iOS feet, when the pressure became given in the oity hall Monday Elbert and Virginia, grandchildren A delegation of officials of the state shewed true sportsmasstaip tbrnogswu: i 1get tureau which were founded on so great thy. he couh^not well go eveoiug for the benefit of the R e­ of G. R. Walker, who a t'first were of Washington and representatives of the season and thia Was one of the recommendations of the naval board 'nrther. He put a cap on the end of bekah lodge was well attended and rather weakly, are coming on finely, the Columbia River Basin league held main topics of conversation during bnt sharply modified. The complete the pipe and screwed In a steam building program submitted b y ’ the much enjoyed. Baskets sold as and so is Mrs. Lee. a conference with the committee at the the evening. ,"rauge. Tho thing registered 68 high as seven dollars Col *Sud. A. professor from the extension board Involved expenditure of ISO, Interior department presenting addi­ pounds. With the cap off end the Raymond Logan, who has been in tional information regarding the pro­ department of the University of Ore­ 000,000 a year for three years. tall waa auctioneer and kept the The president makes no reference to steam blowing freely, the pressure the employ of the Western Union for ject. interest high and bidding lively. gon addressed the assembly last week was 20 1-2 pounds. » the past two or three years, stopped Congress authorised the secretary of He also had a personal talk with the the board's findings as to Relative mill D 8 McWilliams of Albany By this t*me, Grant wan not so tary value of aircraft, battleships am passed here Tuesday on liis way off in Hr .sey Saturday for a\ visit the Interior to make a survey and re­ students of the senior clast. submarines, tha problem he assigned ti crazy. Neighbors began to think bet- port on the proposed Columbia river with h s mother, Mrs. Belvary Tx>gan. The students selected as delegates ' to Brownsville. Mrs. McW illiams of him. His banker no longer baaln Irrigation project, appropriating to attend the educational exposition for study last September. He adojttf accompanied him as far as Halsev, M.’. Logan was on his way to San the board's view, however, that med treated him as if he were a nut. 1100.000 to cover the coat «{¡the Inveg Francisco to report for duty. at O. A. C were Ralph McNeil, Fred­ ernlzatlon of old battleships (not In Grant Was able to form a little tom tlgatlon. die Heinrichs and Thomas Palmer. eluding the elevation of guns) Is thi pany to drill another well He had Monday night the following of- Albany's They drove to Corvallis Friday even­ first requirement and completion, ol to form a company because he had ficer-i were elected for the Halsey De Los Clark sud Will Co.roorsn v/ only aircraft carriers and their planes sec put about »76,000 into his work up Methodist Sunday aohool: Super­ came home from O. A. C. for the ing and returned Monday. > t > «t' The basket ball teams' of Halsey ond. to this time and he hod little left EXCLUSIVE intendent, J. W Hussey; assistant week end. * high will piny their last games Fri­ superintendent, B. M. Bond;/ sec­ By talking as hard as he had drilled -***- girls’ A. J. Hill was on »he sick list for day evening r.t Scio. If the retary and treasurer, Gladys.Had­ he wns able to sell enough stock to STATE HAS $14,000,UUU OPTICAL PARLORS it will be its sixth vic­ ley; pianist Georgina C lsrk; Assist­ a couple of days the last of last week te',m wins drill another well 60 feet from the tory this season. . *» Tl . . • ant pianist, Roberta Vannice; li­ Large Cash Balance Reported by one that waa already spouting. Ho brarian, Agnes Bressler The Church of Christ Treasurer at Olympia. E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L attached a 20-horsepower engine to L, teachers for the next year w ill be Olympia. Wash.—State coffers hold the first well to drill the second. A Funny Game Bancroft Optical Co. Appointed and confirmed by the 114.172,868.50 as the cash balance of This was the first engine on the Halsey, Feb. 20. Sunday school board probably all binds February 14. according to re 313 West First street, Albany,Or. I was passing by Rialto hall F ri­ port of State Treasurer Potts, with American continent that wok ever next Sunday*, day nite and there came out a noise business for the week of »344.056.95 In run by steam taken from the earth. (Continued on page 4) Last summer. Grant proceeded like the battle of Waterloo, so I receipts and expenditures In warrant went in to see what had broken with his third well. In September it payments of »166,994 »0. loose. wns dowif 137 feet and had a pressure The state general fund la holding Inside the door something the up well with a balance of »4.414,466.11, of 30 pounds closed and 18 pounds shape of a cannon bawl but bigger open. the motor vehicle fund has »¿,490,64(7. and softer dropped on mv bed and Let us describe the two completed z to which will be added the »2,268,382 a boy yelled “ getont o, the way.’’ In the suspense fuijd representing re steam wells In terms of oil. The otily quiet place was the Engineers say that 166,000 barrels Sunday Sohool, 10. Is prepared, in 1925, as ever, to serve custom ­ stage, and that waa full of chairs, celpts. from motor vehicle licenses of oil would be required each year to Preaching, j l . The accident fund holds »1,713,903 and mostly standing on their heads, ers frem a complete stock of fresh goods Christian Endeavor, 6:80. th * reclamation revolving fund 'has produce as much power as these two and a few people. steam wells contain. At »1.35 a bar­ Preaching. 7:80. »757,002. The mane floor was full of The Christian Endeavor ia to bloomer girls and red-sock boys There le an overdraft In ‘the capl rel that is »222,760. In other word« * bare a business and social raset- and sockless Simpsons and they I tel building fund of »551,426. which these two wells are producing, each Latest styles in dainty things for ladies’ iog at the home of Mrs. Elbert were banging two of those soft will be paid off from tax receipt« on veep, power worth almost a quarter Itom Thursday evening at 7:30. bawls such as first greeted me last fall’« le w . f a million dollars. wear It ia planning to take in a number quite rock less. Eleven average oil wells, producing Work garm ents for workers Five Bank Robbers Captured. ot new members that evening. AU 38 barrels a day, would not be quite There wee a one-piece baud play­ South Bend, Ind.— After the robbery membeea and those interested ere ing, and he’d hold hit instrument Notions and novelties nough to keep these two steam wells of the Mlllburg. Mich., bank of »2900 going. urged to be present. in his uyiuth and a bawl in o it Underwear for men, women and children In currency and »62,000 in negotiable There were 55 in Sunday school hand and start it goin and the red last Sunday, an increaac of 14 socks or the Bookless or the bloom- securities, sheriff's posses and citizens The Study Club over the Sunday before. That ia erettes would get it and take care­ chased the five members of the bandit Mrs. M. H. Shook waa hostess of fine. Just let us keep that up. ful aim at somebody on the stage gang more than 40 miles, engaged In he Women's Study club Thursday, Those of vou wbe are not at­ revolver and shotgun duels with the Men m easured for dandy made-to-order and let it fly. Sometimes they president Mrs. 8. J. Smith presiding. tending set vies elatfrbere especially dress suits would h it the marg and some­ bandits, wounding four of them and Thirteen members responded to tho ovited to come and work with us. times the bawl would flv high aod capturing them at New Carlisle, Ind Boys’ suits, ready to wear toll call with short descriptive poems. Clifford Oarey, pastor. get into a basket overhead, and it Plans for a silver tea and apron sale England Awaits Arma Perley Cell. Rain clothing might of stayed there and we London.—The next move concern the Saturday befo-e Easter were dis­ Pine G rove Cnureh might of got some peace, but the missed, proceeds to be for the public bottom had been worn clean out Ing the proposed limitations of arms for the little folks Snoday school, 10. J of that basket and down it would ment conference le expected to be library. Preaching, 11. » HOES tor the big folks taken by Washington Word was pass raising sheet. He was hailed by the oom« again iato the rabble.. Evening , 8. hy the gospel team One of the girls waa called od around In unofficial olrclea that alter cutting, previoas to plantisg. says •f the H a My M. E. church. Walker,perhaps beoatiae she walked Great Britain stands ready Fo accept Mrs. G. W. Ltaibner gave an inter­ " If your feet hurt, come in. We can relieve you with so much, and every time she threw an Invitation to participate in such esting lesson on our national parks, a conference Joel as soon as It Is a pair of Edwards’ Foot F itte rs .” a bawl at tha stage she'd miss and M. E. Church ■dressing Crater Lake and Ranier. it would go right into that basket, received For instructive art, Mrs. Tuning Robert Parker pastor, Our goods give satisfaction because they but it wouldn’t stay there Irecause talked helpfully upon curtaining tha Sunday ecbool, fO. Food Prieee -Inenease Two Per Cent. the bottom was clean gone. are Preaching, 11. * Washington, D. C ._A nother, boost home. There was another worn-out The hostess was assisted in serving Junior League, 3, basket over the door and that was of 2 per cent In the average retail Intermediate League, 6:80. what let the bawl tumble and hit price of food In the month ending hy Mrs. C. P Moody. X GOOD GOODS Epworth league, B:80. January 16 woe reported by the de me when I first went in. Preaching, 7:30, Bimeby somebody calls out; pertinent of labor on the boats of 1 Mr. and Mrs. G P. Stafford were Sunday guests of Mr. und Mrs. L. Prayer-meeting Thnreday, 7:30. “ Halsey girle win, 39 to 6, but I figures from 61 cities. W. Shisler at Hwrrisbirg. for Steam Power O ur Naval|MoguIs Decry Aircraft M. V. Koontz Co. DRYGOODS CLOTHING T hoes S KOONTZG /»’ 6* » 5 U I