PAO K b RURAL E.'.TERPKISK PÉB 18. 1935 iuae are looking kitox Ute Gwuriey j anch. SPECIAL DANCE r ARMY BILL IS APPROVED TORRANCE President Signs Measure Carrying Total of 8330,180,000. , * G LO B E y . W. Clingtnan wss an Albany Washington, D. C.—President Cool buaday— Monday— Tuesday caller yeiteiaay. Idge signed the army appropriation Feb, 2 2 - 2 8 - 2 4 Hen budtell will auction ofl bill, carrying $330,180,000. Ray be«too Hi-sp«ed Brake baskets lor the Rebekahs Monday It “ The Covered W»eon” In addition to providing for the Service Station regular military establishm ent, the S a t u r d a y N i g h t 4 F e b . 21 Guy Bramwell and fam ily of • cd "N o rth cf 3 6 ” were national guard and organized reserve, I Brownsville were in Halsey Saturday 212 Hast First ••.. ¿ Ih u iy , tie r combined in one big picture featuriuR th e COLONIAL MOVETY ENTER- < the bill provides $40,000,000 for con the akatit P R»qk it truly would be great.Sjeh Helen Armstrong was home from TERTAINERS o f San Francisco • tlnuation of river and harbor projects. Phone II ) —> her school work at Eugene over the is Nane musicians, playing fourteen; different instrumsmt,. and g 810.000.000 for flood control work on week end. two entertainers. A combined show anara are finishing tbsir study book loin interests have atruggled for many does not amount to much. That may 1'ortunlty to increase their Income feed, the pld birds being shifted to ilha, was put to death In the house or may not be true. If the farmer Is from butter, raise better calves and different yards and the young chicks Mra. D. F. Dean, who is visiting the Halsey Mutual Telephone sub buying 8-3-3 fertilizer (and more than raised on new ground each year. imlttea on interstate and foreign Staffords. soribers of line seven have beeD 40 per cent of the fertilizer sold in adjust their labor problems more sat­ Frost has installed a battery of 24 The vote was 11 to 6. Mr. and Mrs. Chialvo oV Olympia. busy the past week Dotting their South Carolina Is of that analysis), this isfactorily by breeding a few more electrically heated Master incubators cows for fall freshening and a few 8-3-3 fertilizer can be mixed from high Wash., arrived Sunday evening for line in order, placing new poles and will continue to use the Charters analysis materials with less than 1,- less for spring. sud restretching the line, resulting 500 pounds of material for each ton of which- he had, giving him a hatching Io much improved service, fertilizer, the remaining 600 pounds capacity of about 16,000. Eggs from FOR S A L I being filler. Tills 500 pounds of filler Viotor Woodfield and his crew his own flock will be hatched for his must add materially to the cost of buy­ of workmen, who are building naw own use and for his customers, and ing this fertilizer and applying It to and repairing old laada for the the surplus capacity of the incubators the field. telephone company through the •8 and $10 a ton ; nlfo Colta and will be uged for custom hatching. • Low Analysis Materials. L J A I I 'C Floral and valley, mov'd their headquarter- Music shop As a general rule, however, the W ork Horses cheap. Phone l l x Hatching started about February 1 from Albany Halsey to Tangent the first of manufacturer would, most likely, use J. D. Rode, 8 miles west of Halsey and will continue during the spring the week. low-analysis materials for making up months. this fertilizer. The result, however. Is Frost takes an active interest in Samuel Newby died Monday at practically the same so far as the 'he home of bis son at Marshal- every forward movelnent concerning farmer Is concerned. He pays for the V «, town, Iowa, and will be hurried the poultryjJndustry, is a member of expense of handling the large bulk of Friday at Rosedale church, neat the Pacific Poultry Producer’s asso­ low grade material used In making up Salem. Mrs. Claude H u ff waa a this fertilizer, and frequently the ma ciation, of the Oregon Poultrymen's daughter of Mr. Nawby and aha terlals used are not So good hs the association and a member of the lat­ sod Mr. Huff will attend the fu- • higher analysis materials. N * ter’s egg laying contest committee. ueral. He has had special training for poul­ Deep, Mellow Seed Bed Is try .raising and, has been • developing The auction sale last Saturday of personal property left by the present pl^nt during the past Required for Soy Beans Admission 20 and 30c three years. Mrs. /r o s t and the two lute Mrs. Palmer was well attended Soy beans require a deep mellow daughters, both of whom are in by people from town and country seed bed similar to corn und It would anil price, realized ware fair. Mrs SEED WHEAT FUND READY pay to plow the field Hnd keep It in school, take an active interest Palmer had good furniture kod good condition until the first of ,i„ne in the poultry flock. took good care of it, though bar Oregon Board Sets Machinery In Which Is about the best time to sow the beans. Manehu Is one of the best many years gave it timo to deteri­ B y E d n a F e rb e r Motion for Farmers. r i . Cn ° Pyroto1 " “ I » m v s in varieties for hay The oat cups should orate. C o r v .ll.s t b ,, week> acoording (0 Salem. Or.—The slate board of con , Author of In the gralp drill and thev E D N A FERBER ••Cheerful By Request,” The Harrisburg school district ha» trol Saturday put Into operation the Should all be left open when sowing avsnt Ttg' ’ C° Unt)' M ncultural machinery for loaning to the farmers ••Gigolo," “ The Okie.” got ahead $2000 and wants to redeem for hay. The drill should he adjusted p ,rt of the car l ° b* •‘ H alf P ortion»,” Etc. di,lrihnt«d from Corvallis will be of eastern Oregon $1,500.000 for the U pon her firs t v ie w to sow from 60 to 90 pounds per acre. seme outstanding schoolhouse bonds, delivered to farmers February 20. The beans must be Inoculnted to o f a field o f cabbag­ I but the holders refuse to sell, aa the purchase of seed, as authorized under appropriation measure recently an hi, car Wa, iPru-P(, get the best results snd the best way bonds will draw interest for from es, S elina D e jo n g A rom ance o f h u ­ to do It Is to secure some soil from acted by the legislature. five to nine years more, so the dis­ M-ner’ frotn Hufibard. e x c la im e d , " H o w a field where soy beans are grown, man nature; o d i­ The appropriation was necessary and r Ml ’ ’ Albany Lebanon trict will loan its funds to raise part beautiful I ” being careful to get toll that has con l h il i.c ,Ervf ,g I t i f Jike,y th a t It waa explained on the floor of t: ■■ verting mine o f hu­ of the interest on that amount of talned some of the soy-bean roots. legislature, because of the recent cold RrioL h b < > r * ' t Car to be P°ol«d, by T h e remark was long m an a c tio n s a nd bond*. Spread tills out und let It dry. hut do weather which destroyed the crops ot not expose It to the tun for the light . en?ig M ° eXt f,H He is ac- people as they really • standing joke, one thousands of grain farmers residing *111 kill the bacteria Then mix three Mrs. Mills, near ninety-four o f the fe w jokes o f •re. b* P°wiblo that sufficient vrara old, mother of S. A. Mills, east of the Cascade mountains. For •>r four quarts of the soil with qach the stolid Dutch vege­ thq use of the money the borrowers vushel of the seed and drill It together. •cattered orders will enable farm- who had bean ill at his home (or Why has it been the table gardeners among ^ •■ n th e W U la m e t,. valley to get several months, died yesterday will he compelled to pay Interest at He careful not to get the seed covered most talked-about too deeply. Never plant deeper than • truck load together. * whom she had come m orn in g and tha body was taken the rate of t per cent. three Inches, depending upon the soil. novel of the year f I „ _________________ ! ALBANY Ht J o Reconditioning Shop T u m b le Inn I : SUNDOWN i 2 J J J Use High Grade Fertilizer Only : A Golden Bed ; A Big Barred Rock Hennery 8 l* !l ¿»(«SVM Basketball CUT FLOW ERS — S H E E T M U S IC Last and best game of the season H ALL □ DOUBLE BALED HAY HEADER HALSEY HIGH SCHOOL So Big Becuuic. Edna Ferber writes out o f contem po­ rary life, not from a liter a ry w ind ow looking upon it. We have secured th e privilege o f printing this charm- • ing story as a serial. First Installment Will Appear in PHILOMATH HIGH SCHOOL / R IA L T O H A L L ’ riday Night, Féb. 20 to Newberg for burial. Funeral services will bo hold at that city Friday. Mra. M ills' lata husband waa for litany years instrumental in the support of Newberg college Cause of Weak Pigs There are several things that cans« pigs to be weak at birth. Pmbahl the most common rauae la the Improp er care of the sew during pregnane? The sow mnet he fed a rarefnlly bal «need ration containing plenty o' protein and mineral mat tor fee thee- lances must he present to bull.’ the growing emhryno. Exercise Is e o r Important because the sow must b- In good health te sourish the yens» pl(& Cows Fail to Clean Well It It vary noticeable In some section, where tha toll Is under continuous croppings for s long period, as well «. during hot. dry seasons when the crop,, do not grow wall. that the ,-owg f»n »•Hooa naturally at calving u m, Thlf fvoquootly happens when the cow, Hr,. ™ • ration that la low |n mineral «•«at. t . that are fed sp?r ■ngly and with a poor ration the nun. bor of cow, that fall to clean are man, mors thna from a well-fed herd. San Fronelace Publisher la Osad. Ran Franc taco — M H De Young pobllshsr of the Son Francisco Chron tele, died bore Sunday following an operation for intestinal troubles B ig to live. Useful Manure Spreader Durability of manure spreader de pends largely upon resistance to wear of Its gears and hearing surfaces, spreader has to withstand almost had usage In this respect as plow or cultivator. Modern spreader, are gen «■ally made with heatings carefully guarded against dust and grit. All moving part, that require lubrication should he covered and protected - dirt and atone cannot get Into the: An «lied eurface will bold dun and grtt The ooy bean crop W|H , standard rotation of cr,,,., , •«••on', gronth esn be h .r v e ,/.,i , UW. «o segj s h e ., o . u . But it was an insight to the character and perception o f this un­ usual wotngn. the chief figure in Edna Ferber s remarkable book. . T h e greatest ito ry from the pen o f Edna Fcrbei, & w rie r w ho has been voted unan- •moualy. "the female O. H enry." // a j S e r ia l in gj A delegation from the local I. 0 , D. F. lodge visited the Brownsville lodge Saturday evening. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT of Administrator d .r » ? i^ J ’ iI,ereby tiv en ,h 4 t ,h * M»- C o n r r r d,- y " ‘der °f ,h« h Conn,r S °" 7 ° L Coan,f' s, beta ‘*2 ^ ra"»i»r»»°r of the estate of havini fi "•*' deoeMed. All persons ren. r5d »“ d •»‘•te are mn« U.d f Present them within Sis w.m ,h . ™ he d ,,e of ,h i* ■"»>«■ d e lL l Z t n7 e” "ry vouchers, to the un­ dersigned administrator at his place of • ' » • ' - i« u . : of ®",.P ° bll»hed this 4th day of February, i«2fc j. c Bramwell. * a v Vdministrator Aforesaid. A A r .ss.n g , Atiy. for AJmr.