Senators A re Busy 11 Wranglng O vertim er w I S GIFFORD [ WALKER D. HINES ■ £ q 1 Ben Franklin ■ i Solved the Service 5/ Problem 36 41 “ I f y o u w o u ld h a v e a s e r v a n t t h a t y o u like, s e rv e y o u rs e lf,” sa id B en E r a n k ljn , w h o se b ir th d a y we c e le b r a te th is w eek. 44 Walter S. Gifford, who has been elected president of the American Telegraph A Telephone company, the biggest public service corporation In the United States. He began hla bust nsaa twenty years ago at a pay roll clerk in Chicago. ■ l(B by W estern N ew sp a p er Untun. ) Horizontal. Vertical. 1—- T h a t w h ic h g o « i a l o n g w i t h 10— C o ll e c t io n o f t a l o r u n t l o n 11— M o d e m 12— P o in t 14— T o p o n d e r 17— I n d e f i n i t e p e r io d o f t im e 19— O v e r 20— B e v e ra g e 21— N « n r 22— You and 1 23— P e rfu m e 2ft— M a e l c a l n o t e 20— S m a l l I s la n d 2ft— N ip p le 8 1 — C h a s t is e d 32— R o re d o m 83— A pace 8ft— L o n g c u t 86— P a r e n t 8 8 — O ld N o r s e p o e t r y 4 0 — 3 .1 4 1 3 9 4 1 — F o r e x a m p le 4 2 — A n y t h i n g w h ic h o b s t r u c t s 43— N o t o u t 44— P r e fix m e a n in g n e w 46 ■ T y p e o f w i l l o w t r e e 4ft-- O s u ni 49— C e n tr a l p a r t o f 8 1 — M lr p lc 8 8 — P e r p e t u a l 17 Seek Probing of Gasoline Rise Washington, D. C.—A select com­ mittee of seven members would be appointed to investigate recent In­ creases In gasoline prices under a joint resolution Introduced in the house by Representative Zihlman, re publican, Maryland. Under the resolution the proposed selection would be composed of those members elected to tbe next con gress, and would have power to Issue subpenas, send for persons and pa pers, take sworn testimony and be empowered to sit where It desired. Tbe resolution would direct that the committee investigate stocks of crude oil and gasoline In the United States as of January 1, 1926, and their owners and holders, as well as the price of crude oil and gasoline at the refineries and In the open market on that date. It also would authorise the committee to Inquire into the possible relations the recent- crude oil price Increases bear to tbe gasollne-prlce jump and if tbe In creases were general among all com throughout tbe United States. Prenoh Envoy Not Authorized to Act Washington. D. C.—Emlel Daeach ner. the new French ambassador to the United States, had not received any Instructions from nls government to take up the matter of funding tbe French debt of $4,000,000,000, It was learned at the French embassy. Turkey Will Ignore Action of League. Constantinople.—Turkey will Ignore any decision of the League of Nations relative to the expulsion of the patriarch of the Greek Catholic church, according to semi-official in formation. Turkey regards the expul slon of the patriarch as a domestic matter. Good Boy» No Good Mamma—Edgar, I don't like to have you play with boys who are bad. Edgar—But the good boys are no good, mamma. Modern Barber Shop A Laundrv tent Tuesdays Agency Hub Clesning Works ABE S PLA CE F. M . G R A Y . D R A Y M A N All work done promptly and reason­ ably. l'hone M . T h e senate voted $60.000 for re g^lrs tq the W hite House roof. former secretary of SWui the eightieth anni- birth Saturday. central California buffeted by a severe Whtoh rtpped numerous build lngg tttpna their foundations. Ohited States, France and Italy kavw protested to Albania over all oQ oonoesalons , to the Anglo-Persian comm ission, according to the London Express. \ One fireman was killed and more than,$2,000.000 damage caused by fire which swept through the American Royal Livestock arena, housing Kan saa' City’s annual automobile show. Frostdent Coolidge, who has stood close to the capital during his year and a half in the White House, plans to make trips covering many parts o f it he nation, soon after bis lnaugura tjon March 4. He will not visit tbe Coast, according to the present ltlner ary. , Frederic William Upham, 64, ol Chicago, for 20 years the financial ge nius of th e. republican party-and na tlennlly prtm lnent figure in the busi ness world, died at his home In Palm Beach, Fla Last June Mr Upbam resigned as (tapasnrer of the national republican coitrmlttee on account ol ill health, i The 1— D e c l a r a t i o n s 2— Y e h lt ^ e 8— O v e r 4— O r n a m e n t a l p le e e o f m a t e r i a l 8 — S la n t in g ft— W r i t i n g a c c e s s o r y 7— P e r s o n a l p r o n o u n ft—« F e m a le s h e e p 0— T c a s l n g l y 13— H a l f t h e s q u a r e o f a n y t y p e - f a c e 13— L o a t h e 10— T i d y 1ft— C h a n g e l i n g 28— T r e e 24— W in d s 26— S m a ll m e a s u re m e n t C n b b r, e f pl> Let us show you the Electric Washer you need. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY s o r t it io n w i l l npp ea r In n e x t Is s u e . Solution of Puzzle No Idaho College Transfer Beaten. Boise, Idaho.—The’senate of the leg1 islature, 21 to 20 d efeited a measure calling for the transfer of the College of Agriculture from the university of Moscow to Pocatello Technical Insti­ tute. Colorado Liquor Law Drastic. Denver, Colo.—Possession of a still In Colorado is a felony and punish able by a prison sentence of from two to five years. These are provisions of a hill signed by Governor Morley. ^ /^ lb a n y J~/)irec tory T h is is good advice: " Il you liv e' in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town.” Hut in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness A CCESSORIES AND TIR ES ■ * Auto Supplies J. H. AM.isofff* 1 !2jWest First St. A lbany Floral Co. (!ut flowers a * and plants. Floral sit for every and all occasions. Flower phone $58- J. B r u n s w ic k PHO NO O R A P H S at W O O D W O R T H 'S ÏAnvaripori Music fcnutpsny offers Piano-case organ, good as new Ustey organ, good as new Used Pianos. N ib a n y iD iitc t o p y — Continued ub Cleaning Work?, Inc. H Cor. 8ecoond and Ferry Master Dyers and Cleaners Made - To - Measure Clothes Thrifty France Parks Governor is Bankrupt For Alaska Washington, D. C. — George Alex­ M PERIAL CARE, 209 W. hirst ander Parka of Alaska was nominated Harold G. Murphy Prop. by President Coolidge to be governor Phone 665 of Alaska. W k N B V B R CLO S B Mr. Parka, who has been atatlohed M A G N E T O ELECTRIC CO. In Alaaka for aeveral years, will suc­ L’ A. official Stromberg carburetor serv­ ice station. Conservative prices. All ceed Scott C. Bone, whose term of work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second governor will expire In aeveral months. ARlNELLO* parlors The nomination came aa a aurprlaa, (A beauty (id for every need) inasmuch as the term of Governor St. Francis Hotel Prep., W innjfrrd Rosa Bone does not expire until next June, and he had not submitted a formal en and money are best when busy. Make your dollars work in resignation, The president recently reappointed Oovernor Farrington of our savings department. A lbany ST a TR B ank . Under government supervision. Hawaii, and the belief was general that be Intended to give Governor J^JO O R E ’S MUtìlC HOUSE Bone another term of office. The administration of Alaskan af­ '*Everything musical” 223 W. First st. faira by Governor Bone has been C TIM 8O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR marked by several controversies, but Second street, opposite Hamilton's whether these had a bearing on the president's decision was not made store. "Sudden Service,” known at the White House. I M M aldo Anderson E ustbnrn 3ros.—1 wo big grocery W ii S o n . distrib­ Humphrey O K.’d by Committee. utors and deaters for Maxwell, Chal­ Washington, D C.—After six week» stores, 212 IV. First and 225 South mers, Essex, Hudson & Ilupnwbile cars. Main. Good merchandise at the right Accessories. » pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin. of Investigation the senate Interstate prices. commerce comm ittee ordered a favor Y E SPECIALTY SHOPPE E F 9 F r a n k lin w o u ld a p p r o v e o f th is new o r d e r o f th in g s b e c a u s e it is th r if ty . E v e ry e le c tr ic a l d e v ic e y o u u s e m e a n s t h r i l t o t m o n e y , tim e a n d la b o r. 27— F i x 2D— S p e c ie * o f c u c k o o 3 0 — E x p lo s iv e 34— S a lo o n s ( E n g l i s h s l a n g ) 35— W i t h e r e d 37— E r a 3ft— V n s o p h l s t l r a t e d * 40— S w in e 4ft— U n i t o f r e s i s t a n c e ( e le c , t e r m ) 40— J a p a n e s e s a s h 47— H a s te n e d BO— A b o v e 52— P a r e n t s lite Cafeteria and confectionery Gov. Pierce Ousts Geo. L. Cleaver. hemstitching and stamped goods. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ 318 W. Second st. Albany, Oregon Salem. O r.—W illiam S. Levens ol ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. Owner, Irene McDaniel. Baker, was Monday appointed by Gov­ We make our own candies. W. 3. D uncan . ernor P ieroe as state prohibition com New F U R N IT U R E A N I) mlssfoner to succeed George L ilms developed and printed. Cleaver. L even s. a democrat, has fot FARM M A C H IN ERY We mail them right back to you. the last elf.-ht years been district at Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ bought, sold afld exchanged at all times * ' torney for Baker county, but was de egon. feated In. tfhe last election. He li B E N T. S U D T E L L PORO SA LEK AND SERVICE credited by Pierce with having been Tites and accessorie« Phone 76-R. 123 N. Broadalbin st., Albany a vigorous prosecutor of the prohib! Kepairs K ir k -I’ ollak M otor Co. tion lap.. Covens Is 45 years old. President Rides Hobby. •W alihlngtsn* D. C — President Cool ldge. oftenthl»»« described as a man without a hot*>y. really has one which In a literal sen se he rides dally. It Is an electrittal apparatus In tbe na fore o f a hobby-horse, so arranged that the operator receives the same oxer else he would If mounted on a spirit­ ed hunter. S et up In the president's dressing room. It Is managed by push bu'tons. which determine whether It shall go through the movements of a canter, a gallop or merely a trot. » -*• — *■— ------ — B y g o in g o n w ith h is e le c tric n l e x p e r i­ m e n ts h e s ta r te d th e e le c tr ic a l b a ll ro llin g , so t h a t to d a y th e h o m e m a k e r s e r v e s h e r s e lf s im p ly a n d e a s ily w ith h o r e le c tric w a sh e r, ir o n e r , v a c u u m c le a n e r a n d o th e r e ld b tric a l a id s. 53 z BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Walker D. Hlnea, former director general of railroads, who has been ap­ pointed director of the League of Na­ tions commission to Investigate navi­ gation eenditlons on the Danube and the Rhine. 1 7~ ft Pullman Sureharge Held Not Unfair. Washington. D. C.—The present sur­ charges on Pullman sleeping and par lor car* Is not unreasonable, the inter stats commerce commission held This sttroharge, which is In addition to the regular passenger fare tor the trans portation of passengers In Pullman cars, goes entirely to the railroads. FAOE S RURAL ENTERPRISE — ______ CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 10 Filibuster Blocks Consideration of Important Legislation in Upper House. W ashington. D. C.—The (Sth con grass la leisurely writing the final chapter of its history. The house, having disposed of all of the regular supply bills, is moving along slowly In the consideration of the general legislation on its calendar. The senate, in less fortunate post tion with respect to appropriation measures, feels a keener urge for haste, but is blocked by a filibuster directed at several measures. W ith the inauguration of regular night sessions Monday, leaders in the senate are hopeful of speeding up business, but are faced with real con troversies over the emergency officer retirement bill, the Cape Cod measure and the conference report on Muscle Bboals. House leaders have made no plans for night sessions. Satisfied that all of the appropria­ tion bills. Including a huge deficiency measure still to be passed, will be in the hands of the president well in ad vance of adjournment on March 4, leaders of both the house and senate are concerned as to the fate of sev eral other measures, notably the postal pay and rate increase bill and farm relief legislation. Farm legislation still Is In the formulatlve stage, and until the bouse and senate agriculture committees can come to agreement on a bill to embody the recommendations of the president’s agricultural conference leaders can m ik e no specific plans as to time for consideration. FKH 18, 1928 P irtm iiler Furniture FA RM LOANS Co., fuini- able report on the nomination liam E. Humphrey, formerly nttle, Wash., to be a member federal trade commission. The atlon will now be considered senate. Minneapolis Federal Judge Is Suicide Minneapolis, Minn. John F McOee United States district Judge, died tr his chambers In the federal buildlns here of a gunshot wound, self Inflict ed. * tore. rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-43.1 west First Write tor booklet describing our 20- year Rural o ied it Amortized Loans street, Albany, Oregon. loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ _ ULLKRGROt'KRY. 9 t t Lyon The tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No (Successor to Stenberg Bros., delay. B eam L and C o .. Groceries Pruits Produce 133 Lyon street. Albany, Ore. l ’hone 2b3R at lowest rate of interest Real Estate Insurance ub Candy Co., First street, next i Prompt service. Courteous treatment door to Blain Clothing Co. H Noon lunches. Home-made candy and ice Cream. ; ( i i • FARM LOANS Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line oi.eats Opposite Postoffice I W m I B a in , R o < m 8, First Savings Bank buifmng, Albany Fatal Prosperity Often our trials act as a thorn-hedge to keep ua In the good pasture; but our prosperity Is a gap through which we go astray.—Presbyterian Record. Our Love of God Onr love of God would be Idolatry If we did not believe In His love for us­ ili» responsive love. His W ritten Word God npver leads us to do anything that 1» contrary to His written Word. Doubts Doubts shoot fundamentals exist In certain churches. Where there la a warm-hearted church, you do not hear of them.—C. H. Spurgeon. A R R O W G A R A G E , Gamie Bros. F H olman & jackson of Wll of Be of th» nomln by th» Paris,— M. Violette, reporter-general of tbe budget, lias virtually confessed the Inability of France to meet In­ terest payments on her huge debt. If it Is Impossible to find relief from Interest chargee now amounting to up­ ward of one billion dollars annually, Violetta told tba chamber of deputies, "It soon would be Impossible to draw up a new budget.” “The budget we are now presenting (that for 1926),** Violette said, "rep­ resents the maximum effort of French taxpayers. We must reduce public ex­ penditures in 192$.’* Violette pointed out that the ex­ penses of the government were equal to half of the annual gross Income of French citizens. Violette warned »he chamber the limit had been reached. Violette Is chairman of tbe finance committee of the chamber • U. S. A C. T. C. T iru s N ew , lo w -p ric e d G ill B a tte r ie s fo r M o re s e r v ic e F o rd , and N o m o re co st O th e r S k ille d .A u to re p a irin g S ta r, C h e v r o le t s m a ll c a r s A u to a c c e s s o r ie s M ORE SE R V IC E FOR LE SS MONEY J