PAG K 4 itu k xl i’. v i T.R r m r KURAL ENTERPRISE Garland on Inoemt Tax An Independent—Not n*utrel—ne*e- paper, published eveiy Weduesday, O, [Child Exploiters Take New Courage W as. M. W IIK liL K M •ehe-np ío. . »!.»□ a year la advance. Advertising, 2-le an inch ; no discoun tor nine or apace ; no charge for com ooeiRoa orc jauges, The resolution for a constitutional prohibition of income tajres for fif­ teen years meets hard sledding at Sa ten., even in a legislature largely elected and controlled by tax-dodging parasites and their slush fund. In pposing it Senator Garland of Linn :ounty said: “This resolution is in the interest f the millionaire and adverse to the joor,” said Senator Garlaad. “Its adoption would be equivalent to promise of tax immunity fo r the wealthy. At the time the state in- .ome tax was attacked we were told 'hat its repeal would result in at racting thousands upon thousands of apitalists to Oregon. As fa r as 1 ’.ave been able to determine these apitalists have not yet arrived. I Hours of Labor form ally of the Little Ones Are Increased (Albany Democrat) HALSEY STATE BANK | M ■ A Y Xifcis.' GRAHAM ■ K U »« WlV.kM MVhAMIl BC. BIDDLE’S LAST VISIT Seventeen states already had child abor laws which were quite effective “You have often heard of Biddle looally as th e n u llified federal law Blrdsell. the cat,” said Daddy, “and I «as expected to be. Therefore the ) have one m o r e TRADING AT HOME tetion of the supreme coi rt in declar- 1 story to tell you of .ng th at law unconstitutional did not I Biddle." E E. Van Eppa of Crawfords­ " O n ly one have any harmful effect on the child- ville has a somewhat unusual side morel” asked Nick en in those states. and Nancy to­ crop which leaves him. as far as it In the other 31 states, however, the gether. it goes, independent of the wheal ,‘OUit’a action appears to have opened i “Yes,” said Dad gamblers of Chicago and free from .he way for a return of old abuses. dy, “this is the Last August 12 plants in Delaware tribute to the meat packers. story of Biddle' la s t adventure, increased the hours of labor for child­ Mr. Van Epps raises twelve or and It Is a true ren from eight to t “n per day. The fifteen acres of broomcoro. He story just as all 10-hour day has been re-established dose not take the crop to market sodlike Charity the animal stories dso in Georgia, Louisiana and Rhode are true, t r u e end ask the market hugs “ What Thursday was the anniversary of island. North Carolina is perm itting stories, will you give?" He does not give he birth of the man who, in the last in 11-honr day. Texas, South Dakota, “As you know a retailer a chance to charge ear of bis life, counseled - action Michigan and South Carolina have Biddle was a real twice ae much for allowing it to ‘with malice toward none and with aot been reported on yet, but are He Liked to Sit in cat. He belonged to a little girl a Big Chair. pass through bis hands as the harity for all.” That this had been ;hought to be in the 10-hour day named Gertrude, lis attitude through his career is ev- ranks. producer gets for it, as id the case She bad tried to say ‘Kitty’ when she Jenced by a Lincoln document which One outstanding result of the loss was a very small girl. of that 7h-ceot box of Oregon uet came to light. This is a copy of >t the national child labor law is the “And ‘Biddle’ was the best she w oa apples which cost the New York he last speech he delivered in the .endency of certain industries to move able t6 do. So they had always called consumer 15 After he raisee the ampaign in which Stephens A. Doug- -o states in which the laws are lax 41m Biddle. "He was a tiny kitten when Ger­ corn be makes it into brooms jn as defeated him for the ita te senat- n this regard. Some cotton manu- _ He had ___ wandered ______ __ trude was a baby. the dull time of year and sells rship in Illinois. In th at address he --------------- acturers of — Massachusetts are in- to the house where Gertrude lived and _ — raid : Hl y|,F ercaalog their facilities for production us he seemed to be a little waif kitty, them direct to the cousumer. “ I have meant to assail the mo ,n the south on the express ground Gertrude's mother and daddy took him Miss Elaine Woodworth, who teaches school in Mr. Van Epps’ ives of no party or individual and if that they can take advantage of the In and gave him a home. “Then when Gertrude began to talk have in any instance, of which I am ¿hild labor there for a t least 10 years district, has written the story of she tried to say ’Kitty’ just as the ot conscious, departed from my pur Reports such as this should bring others did, but Biddle was what she bis enterprise and it appears on ose, I regret it. many recruits to the movement for a said. page 8. I have said th a t in some respects constitutional child labor amendment. “Biddle was always called Gertrude’s Mention of broome recall» to ie contest has been painful to me. A national child labor law was en cat for he had arrived only a little bit tbie writer an experience in Eu­ lyself and those with whom I get acted in Argentina last September. later than Gertrude had arrived. "Biddle was a very remarkable cat. gene a dozen or ao years ago. The ave been constantly accused of a It makes 14 the minimum age for in­ He was devoted to the family and lie merchants were making a buy-at purpose to destroy the union; and dustrial and commercial employment did many very clever things. He al­ I espattered with every imaginable all over the country. It restricts the home eampaiga. Wanting i odious epithet; and some who were gainful employment of children un ways wore a little collar with many bella upon It so as to warn the birds brooin, and knowing that there ■ ¡ends as it were, but yesterday, | der 18 to six hohrs a cay, six days a that he was about. wae a broom factory in town have themselves been most active. I week, and prohibits night Work in “Gertrude had thought that was only • made the rounds of a number of 1 ave cultivated patience and made nb certain dangerous occupations for fair to the birds and she was quite right ■toree seeking for a Eugene-made ttempt to retort.” boys under 18 and for girls and wom­ "In time Gertrude grew up. She was broom, but oould find none. At en of all ages. almost a ‘young lady’ now and Biddle Defeat Tuberculoeis Law the factory I learned the reason This law is said by the children's was un old cut. (Brownsville Times) bureau at Washington to set a high­ "Oh, Biddle didn’t care much about Ae soon as the buy-at-home cam­ Frank Cochran, J. S. McMahan, J. er standard than exists in any state adventures as he once hud. He didn't paign had been announced a rep cure to wander and play as he had Wooddy, O. A. Overton, John in our union. reaentative of a Japanese broom when he was only u silly, playful little Evidently Anglo-Saxon civilization kitten. cits. Lee Miller, H. C. Thompson faetory in Portland had visited all id W. C. Templeton visited the in this hemisphere will have to hump "He liked to sit in a big chair which the dealers, offering brooms on gislature Monday for the purpose itself to keep up with Latin civiliza- was always called Biddle’s chair, and large-quantity order» at reduced ‘ showing up house bill 111, intro- ion, in the m atter of safeguarding there he would sleep—though when the family told visitors of gome of the price», end the stores had been iced by Representative Tucker, re it» young people. wonderful things Kiddle did lie always tiring all bovine livestock over six Blocked up heavily uud had no half-blinked his eyes and listened to There were ten counties represent­ what was being said about him. need for the home product. The vonths of age to be tested annually ed a t the meeting of the Oregon Hol­ "Ills family had moved from the manufacturers had to find a mar- (nr tuberoulosls. By good team work the delegation stein Breeders’ association at Salem house where they had lived for ket by expensive soliciting all over C.R. Evans is on the board of direct­ great many years. They had gone to western Oregon. Buying at home vas able to impress upon Governor ors. He and Adolph Mueller of Tan another house in the same town and ierce the futility of the bill and wai a one sided proposition. eat and H. R. Borovicka of Scio were Biddle had waited until the lust of the ucoexafnl in o etu n g hie vetc. furniture had been moved before he This bill, if passed, would place a Idnn county members present. The went along too. LET THE PEOPLE RULE Oregon S tate hospital has a herd of He was quite willing to go,w ith gh priced veterinary in Linn county Hoists ina. them. He knew they must go. And he to tax the already oVer-burdened made himself quite at home In the Some people worship representative stockmen to the tune of a t leiAt >3,- Velora Majtwell of Tangent and new house—his old chair was there and government, as their ancestors wor­ ■'00, being 35c per head for eight to shiped aristocracy. Representatives ten thousand head of stock, not say­ Lyle Saylor got a m arriage license the family were there and, if he felt sad at all, he made the best of things. frequently go wrotpr, and in recog­ ing anything about the expense of Friday. "He grew older and older of course nition of the truth that all just pow­ handling said stock and th e injuiy to nnd with age came great feebleness. But he was very happy and very con­ ers of government depend upon the a me. tented. Oregon the inialiartve sad referendum, "He was petted a great deal. Old f h o u t a n d i o f th o r n o o o lto d . Jregon the initative and referendum Rural Routes Extended age was as nice as youth he had de­ bulwarks of the right of the people. cided. Extensions have been ordered on The people are not subject to their ebster s ew ‘One day he acted rather strangely. oth on the Halsey rural mail routes He seemed to be thinking very hard' representatives. The latter aw chos o to n atio n a l ictionary "Suddenly he got up from Ills chair eh to be servants of the people and Route 1 will go north from Grasshop­ r* . Suddenly he moved, though for a long Oot the to do their will. When they fail fn per schoolhouse one mile, then west “R e t t time he had always moved very care­ H e re a re this the people, whose servants they to the George McNeil com er, south fully. very slowly, to J. W Evans’ com er, west to the a fe w »ample» • re, huve a right to undo their work " I tb a tremendous spurt be had >iviT, north westerly to the Will correct their errors. Ours is a broadcast abreaction Jumped up and had bounded out of the hepherd comer and thence go on agrimotor government "of the people, by the hot pursuit house with all his one-time youthful l he same as heretofore. Blue Croas people, for the people," springiness. mystery ship » Route 2 goes west f»om Brandon rotogravure >The luxkumption that the farm ers He dashed across the street and out of sight Esthonia aaiari nnd common people do not know what iorner to the Pacific highway, south- Fascista altigraph cyper In a little while the telephone rang they need snd are not capable of self wcsterly to the Alford station, north Riksdag J to the south com er of the Sudtell Flag Day aippio Red Star 1 The people who now lived In the house government was availed T f~ b T T in g . ' l.- ce, east to the Pacific highway where Biddle had once lived were tele­ mud gun sterol paravane I and aristocrats before this people ab- phoning. an I then as heretofore. Ruthene Swaraj megabat S «I Isheil them and is now approved of ’Biddle Is here,’ they said. ‘We This will be appreciated not only rollmop taiga plasm, n | by bosses who control some of our heard a cat purring and found him augamo ly residents on the route but also Sokol thonccn 1 outside the dt>«r. i presentatives and aspire to control by local merchants. Goode will fre- pnutuais soviet ptecool 1 He seemed 1.1 to duvetyn ¡uently be ordered by parcel post realtor S. P. boat £ want to come In. “Vox popuii vox Deli." which, instead of goin» th a t way, to Ciecho-Slovak camp-fire girl B He ran right Into cascade he left at a box a mile or two from Air Council (lie study and sat Devil Dug on the desk—Just The promoter, the contractor and their destination, would have been activation where you once Federal Land Bank I he state engineer's office are all allowed to wait till the buyer had told us he always ‘«»ion to come to town and i nder fire as a result of the burst- fe A V n v ™mu“ r 4|ow " n<1 sparkle from the fl their extravagance and fill the void '-’V ia VAIN D i piece. Suddenly tyla energy seemed caused by the repeal of the income have left him. tax lew. without U J injurious effects, for it •Wearily he got down and dragged i» al made of the pUre .t m aUrU, himself home He went back to his « 3 >e trash .v e » , d a r Th, u old chair. Yee. he was in n|d old Woodrow Wilson once wrote: “ My end tre ihn MS af our toofetiooary cat. snd his days would pet be mam attitu d e toward the initiative and ÌÒd‘i.Wh ” c>or ,,rou « p°iu‘ ‘ more But he had teen his old 1 - . referendum is th is: My judgment w a s 1 end it has always found ready fa- again- He had made one last spl-nd'd Trough ’’¡¡T.?"'1 .“ ’ r “ 1 h mm l: -, vor with »h, ceody-eetmg publia ■ I have been very much Impressed "Biddle had had bis last edventar»' * kox *nd coovijced it by th^ sw cee. with which they have si the best candy made. b nn je«d ¡n Oregon ” l a T a l e - f o i P aragraphs.“ ic a line. « • advei ¡lu n g dlagulaed aa newa. , W Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S $35,000 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited .......................................................................................' * Dr. C. FIC Q , Dentist ’-•-•.•AM/if “ PLATES T H A T . F IT ” Grown», bridge work and filling®. It wj, pay you to get my prices on your dental work Cusick bank building, A lbany • A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. T h j iAmerican Eagle Fire Insurance company iwill pay you 85% of the cash value in case rof loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent Any Girl in Trouble may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. ’ N D CA ‘ They r e n ili *, it at Salem. EDNA ferber _ Coprrlyst b- Dooblsdsy, Paia a Co> SS:“ «¡.y in., . mi .: d Í r i n r í í . ’ 1 |VÍVÍd ’ tO r y ° f t h e .ttv M id d le W < ,h,,- b e f„ undi0 Begins next week in the Enterp,