R ural e H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s international an d C o u n ty E vents Ted Porter spent Sunday in Corvallis. Large and Small Events Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs Saturday and L. H. Armstrong and family dined at AC. Armstrong's Sunday. The Armstrong family and Mr. Mrs. Ringo went to the funeral of Shelley were iu Albany Saturday Mr«. Irvine at BrownsvUle Thursday P. H. Freerksen and wife attended F . M. Bond and wife, now of grange at Shedd Saturday. Springfield were visiting in town Elmer Munson and wife, P. H. last week. rieerksen and wife and Mrs. M. A. H a rry Commons and guest visited at Muller were Albany visitors Wednes- the Seth M ills sud George W o rking e Uay- * : Rebekah PR<2 AM • BASKET SOCIAL • • M o n d ay , F eb . 2 3 Good Entertainment Program N o te s F ro m th e S . S . L esson (B y RBV r I) F IT Z W A T E R . C D . D m * n i Ihv S v e n in e School. Moody B ib lo In- v tltu te o l C hl«a»o ) ijh. 19 tt W tsisr n N a w g p a p r U nion ) H alsey Schools Lesson for February 22 1 rize ( ontest in Essnys on Abraham Lincoln Trips toS alein GOOD C IT IZ E N S H IP (School Reporter) (Temperane« Lesson.) The English 3 students wrote themes on Abraham Lincoln last LESSON T E X T — Rom 11:1-1«. OOLDEN TE X T — Thou s h s lt lov» week. The senior who produced the thy n elah b or *■ th y s e lf.’'— Rom. 11.» best one will be awarded the medal PRIMARY TOPIC— L ove One An- ■n the show window of Koontz’ tore. other. homes Sunday afternoon. JUNIOR TOPIC— He w ard s o f O bedi­ This is an annual event in all high Mrs. Ida. Crittenden and children ! ence. schools. Altthough the school Irene Morgan and William E. Tow from Albany spent the week end I INTERM EDIATE AND SENIO R TOP­ got a marriage license Saturday. with her cousins, H. Abraham, and! IC— O beying the law. was not given a holiday, YOUNG PEO PLE AND ADULT TOP­ tome Don’t know whether she will tow him wife. of the English desses IC — O beying and E n fo rcin g the Law. or he will tow her through life. pvnt part of the time hearing read Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Abraham re­ our great It Is highly Im portant that the dis­ essays and poems on P in e G ro v e P o in ts A lfo rd A rro w s turned Saturday from Newport, Mrs. M, M. Ward, over 84 years ciple of Christ should realize that he emancipator, written by celebrated where they had been to spend the Is a citizen as well as a Christian. In authors and poets. old, is aa spry as a cricket. She skips winter. (By an Enterprise Reporter) (E n te rp rise C orresp on d en ce) telllgent Christiana w ill show loyalty The girls who played baseball last around town or jumps on a train to to tbe state as well as to the church Mr. and Mr». W. A. Muller spent Kate and Hazel Green called on In fact, the better the Christian, the year unanimously decided that they visit Albany or on the stage for P. A. Pehrsson was at Junction Sunday with Mr. Muller’s sister, Mrs. City Tuesday. Brownsville like an 18-year old. their friend, Thelma Ingram, Sunday I better the state. The failu re to recog­ wished to have fancy block style let­ Russel Gott of Albany. afternoon. , Dean Bilyeu visited his parents, nize this truth has brought Christian­ ters given for their participation in Louis Borovika, a veteran victim the contests last season. The boy» ity into disrepute In many quarters. James Fisher and wife visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bilyeu, Sunday. of German gas, died in a Walla Walla J*>e Ingram of Harrisburg spent I. The Christian’s Obligation to the were awarded theirs a considerable hospital Thursday of tuberculosis. Fisher’s sipter, Mrs. H a rry Commons, Mrs. R. K. Stewart went to Eu­ Saturday night with his nephew, I^e State (vv. 1-7). while a^o. He is a son of the Scio Holstein Saturday and Sunday, returning to gene Tuesday and agfiin Friday for Ingram. 1. Obedience to the Rulers (vv. 1-4). Visitors during the week were breeder of that name and leaves a Shedd Monday. medical attention. Elmer Tandy of Harrisburg culled This obligation Is upon all Christians. Misses Lena Bsss and Melba Neal. wife and child. The reason this obligation la universal Mrs. W. W. Stewart and son Wal­ While blasting stumps last week, on his sister, Mra. Chester Curtis, Is that civil government ta ordained of Both have previously attended school Harvey W. Cooper of Sweet Home, ter and daughter Bettie spent the E. E. Hover une'.rthed a part of a Sunday afternoon. here. God and the rulers are His represent a 72, committed suicide Friday by week end with Mrs. Stewart’s sister, petrified deer horn. Saturday evening the high school lives. It Is God’s purpose that man Mrs. Ruth McKee of Eugene visited shooting himself through the heart Mrs. should live under authority. It la H is students enjoyed a party given in the C. Armstrong. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael There was no school at Pine Grove purpose because tnau’s highest good city hall in his home*. He left a widow and The interior of the build­ , A baby daughter was bom to Mr*. M onday afteruoon and Tuesday, as Rickard, last week. demands It. To refuse obedience to children. Ill health was given as ing wag appropriately decorated for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bond of civil authority la to resist God. This Meek Powers U a hospital at Albany j Mrs. Smith was ill. the cause of his act. Springfield visited at the E. D. Isom of course does not mean th a t a Chris­ the close of St. Valentine's day. The Saturday ovening. Mother and child Mrs. W. G. McNeil and Mrs. Al- home Tuesday of last weex. tian at the behest of the state ahould •ffair was in the form . ( an a th le tic L. V. and W. L. Wilson, living near are doing nicety The baby Is named do that whleh Is morally wrong. Just on test which was the first of its Brownsville, are in jail In Eugene on Henna Marie. Little Donna Marie is ! ertson attended the district con­ A new play shed, 16 x 30 feet, has as parental authority doee not Imply ind to be held here. ference at Woodburn the last of the booze charges; their c w was seized also a granddaughter of Mr. and been built on the Alford school th a t the child la under obligation to ' week. The Halsey basketball teams play- there and then Sheriff Richard and Mrs. P. H. Freeduen. do that which la morally wroiq« at the grounds for the school children. ad at Shedd Friday evening and, won deputy Lilian! went to their place command of parents, hut It does de­ Floyd Nichols, L. E Eagy and W. Miss Elizabeth May Stanwood The Alford school had a debate mand submission aa the law of the be­ one of the games played. The score and seized 15 gallons of booze. married Albert J. Gray of Sweet D. McLaren and families were among Friday afternoon on the subject “Res­ liever’s life. The C lirlstlaa frequently between the boys’ teams was 15 to Everett S. Sbellev left for Portland Home recently rend they will make the Pine Grove people attending the olved that one c.'innot be a success in has need to call upon the rulers for 12 in favor of Shedd. Miich of the help and personal protection (Acts rough playing seen jn the gazne here Sunday, after visiting his sister, Mrs. Bandon their home. Miss Stanwood play p.t Oakville Friday evening. life without a higli school education.” January 2nd was absent from thia A. C. Armstrong, several days. Mr. has turned Gray early. ^The Pine Grove orchestra made its The negative won by one point. The 18:12-17; 18:85-41; 22:25). 2. T he Spirit of Such Obedience one. Undoubtedly both team- have S b klley i t a So"thern Pacific fireman Six charter members of Purity first appearance away from home judges were Verne Philpott and Bob (v. 5 ), It Is to be conscientious, that Kaine., in experience sine« that date. and Dunsmler, Cal., is his home. Alen, the carpenters who were build­ Is, tt Is* to be regarded, not merely as Friday evening, when it furnished Rebekah lodge were present at last The Halsey players were: forwards, serving a good purpose, but morally ing the play shed. the music at the play given at the week’s meeting. They were Mr.' and Some of the delinquent taxes col­ right. < ross, 2 and Koontz 4; center, Nor­ lected this year had been long Mrs C. H ., Koontz and Mesdames Oak ville community house. A Valentines’ day party wss given 3. The N ature of This Obedience ton 4, guards. Tossing 2 and Rob- Mary E. Miller, Nellie Frum, Clara overdue and were only paid when it Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Berger of Eu­ by Miss Lillie Ricknrd at her home, (vv. 6-7). nett, substitute, Wooley. The Shedd bee *ne necessary to clear titles Cross LaFollett and Mae Miller. (1) Payment o f personal and prop­ pi (yers were: guards, Thompson and gene came Saturday after Mrs. Mary S'furday night. Those present were erty taxes. The citizens who enjoy the transferring property. One such Satchwell 1, center, Pennell 2, for­ ■ Farm work grand! Farm work is Herbert, who has been at R. K. Chester Curtis and family, Lee In­ claim had been assessed to the late slave work. Yesterday, the load of Stewart’s for the past four months, I gram and family, George Bias, Mr. benefits of government are morally wards, Elder 9 and Tong I. bound to support It. Ben Halladay in 1895. The girls’ team won the game play­ carrots I took to town didn’t bring Mrs. Stewart being unable to care I and Mrs. Michael Richard and daogh- . 2) Payment of duties upon nierchsn ter, Mrs. Ruth McKee, Mrs. A. E .! enougt to buy goods for the baby’s for her mother p.t present. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Koch were din- dlse nnd license fees. T he business ed with the Shedd girls, 49 to 5. The Whitbeck, Mrs. E. A. Blames and exchange between nations must be members of the tcajn emp! i.tlcaily cloth os when it cornea. It’s better I Mesdames N. E. Chandler, Floyd feed them to the live stock,” Selina's Nichols and L. E. Eagy spent Tues­ children, Mrs. E. D. Isom and daugh- ' regulated. F o r such regulations ex agreed that it was the fastert gum« Albany’s husband remarked. Read “So Big,” day at the parsonage at Peoria. A ter and J.H.Rickard and family. Music [lenses Incur for which benefits the played this season. and games were indulged in till a late citizens Khrould pay. onIy beginning in the next issue. The Shedd high school held a re­ number of ladies of the missionary ' (8) Veneration for magistrates— hour, when ice cream hnd cake were ception after the ,games were finish “fea r to whom fear.” Those who fear Our sinners art in heaven again society and church were present. A I served.» EXCLUSIVE ed. God should venerate His represents covered dish dinner was served and this Week and we leave them there tlves, that Is, civil rulers. (By an Enterprise Reporter) and next «art the story of “ So Big.’’ j a quilt pieced for the parsonage. OPTICAL PARLORS (4) The proper attitud e—“honor to ----------------. L ak e C reek L o cals whom whose mother tolled in the fields as honor.” This means th a t civil The 7th and 8th grades v.slted the L;|te, but better than neVer, Trotsky he grew and put him through school servants, officers of the law, should be legislature and other points i f Inter­ E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L honored because of the m inistry they est at Salem last Wednesday. and college and with it achieved suc­ had a slight stroke of political sanity Tl:e (By Special Correspondent) perform. cess greater than ha, though he nnd therefore he has fallen from his B a n c r o f t O p tic a l C o. pupils were Cyrus McAllIs er, Jen- The school observed Valentine day. j high estate in Soviet Russia. II . T h e C h ristian 's O b lig atio n to H ia amassed more of the kind of treasure nie Nicewood, Edna Vannice, Ruth F e llo w C itizens (vv. 8-10). 313 West First street, A lbany,O r. that takes wings and flies away. Everybody is busy cutting wood. Rector, Daniel This Is summed up In the word Sturtevant, James “So Big,’* the moat succegsful Wesley, Francis Norton, Iris McPher­ “love." Ixive Is a perpetual oblige (Continued on page 6) The attendance at the Sunday American novel of 1024, will be pub­ school is increasing. tlon. Paying of »debts Is obligatory son, Wilma Wahl, Keith Hays, Ger­ upon all. Christiana an» Judged by trude Robins, Bessie Reynolds, John lished in the Enterprise starting their promptness In paying debts. The Miller, Elsworth Gardner and Herman J. S. Nicewood was iu Harrisburg with the next issue. only debt that Is right to o(ve Is that Saturday. Koontz. As we were unable to ob­ of love Although we give love to the tain any information from them, we full each day. each succeeding day Our neighborhood is rejoicing over Pine Grove Cnurch what calls for It over again. Love works no haven’t the slightest idea of the new mail route. 111 to one’s neighbor. T h is love for­ they thought of the legislature. Sunday school, 10. Martin Cummings and wife drove1 bids defrauding In matters of prop, T he eiviea class, composed of Preaching, 11, by Rev Mr. Gil e rty ; It forbids going Intd-debt where seniors, juniors and a few sophomores, to Brownsville Friday. Jeapifl. Henry Brock and family visited a t ' there Is no reasonable’ certainty of be­ seniors, juniors and a few sophomores Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7 30. ing able to meet tbe obligation; It for­ Luther Brock’s Sunday. bids defrauding In matters of moral visited the leg islatu re to-day. The minstrel show promises to bo Mrs. R. K. Stewart went to Eugene purity. Where there Is real love, adul­ Church of Christ tery cannot be committed, fo r It is a better than the originators had any Wednesday for medical treatment. crime against one's neighbor Ixive hopes for. The first grades are just learning Mrs. Thomas Ardry will be hostess forbids murder. It forbids stealing. It | to the L. C. and B. club next Thurs- forbid* coveting. It forbids working their letters. Times change evjn in III to one’s neighbor. ' d ay ’ .l« fc the schoolroom, for they can read III. T h t Grand Incentive of the . ust as well if not better than under Christian’s Life ( w , 11-14). Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jackson went to This Is the coming of the Lord rhe the old method of teaching. Corvallis Sunday to help Lee In g ra m supreme csll is to the Christian to celebrate his birthday. awake out of sleep T he picture here Halsey high school has been invit­ Col. Ben T. Sudtell will be auctioneer ® Bring basket if Convenient, but come any • way and enjoy a jolly evening. • Gentlemen are requested to come hungry ? and with the money. M. V. Koontz Co. Is prepared, in 1925, as ever, to serve custom­ ers frem a complete stock of fresh goods dry goods Latest styles in dainty things for ladies’ wear Work garments for workers Notions and novelties Underwear for men, women and children CLOTHING Men measured for dandy made-to-order dress suits Boys’ suits, ready to wear Rain clothing s HOES for the little folks HOES for the big folks “ If your feet hurt, come in. a pair of Edward»' F o o fF itte re .” We can relieve-you with The approach to the Lake Creek j bridge has not been repaired and is dangerous to heavy travel. I Clifford Carey pastor, N. H. Cummings and family and Bible school lO. O. O . Coldiron attended tbe Rebek­ Sunday w School, -- I 10. - ~ - ah lodge in Halsey Wednesday eve- The morning address will be | ning. given by a lady representing the interests of the near east relief. Balf Bond and family were dinner Christian Endeavor 6:30. guests at Thomas Ardry’s Sunday, Evening service 7:30. i the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Ardry and Mr. Bond. M. E. Church Our goods give satisfaction because they a re K OONTZC GOOD GOODS rj -W<» « Robert Parker pisfor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 3, Intermediate League, 6:80. Epworth league, 6:80. Preaching, 7:30. Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7 30. presented Is of one asleep when thp sun Is high In rhe heavens. Life's duties rnn only he properly executed when one Is awnke The one going through life without thinking of eter nlty Is asleep Each day Is bringing us nearer to the eternal goal and since thnt day Is nt hand, we should 1. Cast Off the Works sf Darkness (v. 12). The works o f darkness are the sins of the flesh such ns dishonest deullng In business, rioting and drunk­ enness. 2. Put on the Arm or of L ig h t ( w . 12-18). W ith this arm or on the Chris­ tian w ill (1) w alk honestly, (2) not In rioting and drunkenness. (8) not In chambering nnd w-untonness, (4) not In strife. (5) not In envying« 8. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ (▼. 14). Tbe only « a y to be free from the work» of darkness Is to put on Christ ed to send delegates to the second annual Educational exposition to be held Fcbr. 21 to 23. More than 600 high school student delegates and faculty members attended the expo­ sition last year and indications are that more will be there this year. No wonder boon comas high. A farmer ea-t of Harrisburg wss fined 11500 Ibe other day on his p]sa of guilty of distilling it, T h t state senate stopped passing The Enterprise announced the Re­ bills for spending more money ami bekah entertainment for “Saturday, voted down the Clear lake water l eb., 27.” Then last week it changed, hill. Then It went back to its to “Friday, Fa* ,27,” which was cor­ regalar fob. M r. Anderson did rect as the plans then stood. Now dot have a well financed lobby. the committee has changed the date to Mond ty, Feb., 23, and advertises M rs. G W. Laubner was an Albany Born: To M r. and Mrs. Russell it on page 1 of this paper and says caller Saturday. *Gitb*n> yesterday, a • oy. “Bring a basket if conveinent, but come anyway.”