« I PfcN I t . >925 k b 'K A L B N T E K P R IS B PAOR 4 «BíM’jf f L J c e - / - TORRANCE Veterans, Take Notice G L O B E ±LBA*- The war department it daily re­ ceiving cases in which veterans who thought themselves in the best of health have died or have been killed THOMAS MEIGHANin by accident without having submitted their applications for adjusted com­ pensation. Their widows and children recieve in such cases to the amount of the adjusted credit, an amount equal to approximately one third of what would have oom* io ooe payment in cash had the veteran The latest and finest picture made application prior to death. with Thomas Meighan, Amer­ Should a veteran who served overseas ica's greatest star. for a period entitling him to the max­ Soon • imum amount of adjusted service the great epic of the w*st * credit of $625 die without filing hi* application, hie widow, children or other dependent within th* restricted class will recieve that amount only in ten qurterly installm ents, while it Halsey Happenings ne filed his application prior to his (Continued from page 1) death they recieve approximately Mrs. D. F. bean arrived Thursday $1580 in one payment in cash. Cash evening from her home in Bandon foi paym ents under the aot become due a visit with her daughter, Mrs. (. m March 1 1925, and payment will F. Stafford, and husband. ■Very W e ll; I W ill Go." □e delaye' unless the veteran applies anew, could help. She watcheo H. A. Renninger of Albany, was a sufficient time in advance of that looking after business at the rancl late to enable the war department to the g irl doaely, but made no attempt to force her. Putting beck the clock southwest of town Monday. properly pass on applications and of her own days, she entered the Mr. and Mrs. Will Porter, Mrs Dora ranern it it to the veterans’ bureau. black pit with her, understanding her Meekness. Davis, Mines. Cornett, Morgasoi Barbara went away She gave and Mrs. Clark, all of Shedd, called For sat«—Rhode Jeland rad sit­ address “I want to feel cut off from Reconditioning Shop Snndny— Monday— Tuesday Feb. 16—1 8 -1 7 Ray beato« Ui-apeed Brake Service Station 212 Bast First St., Albany, the skating R in k Phone 37V Tongues of Flame Mrs. Elmer Munson spent with relatives in Albany. Sunday Glenn H ill of H a rris b u rg Halsey caller Monday. was a Miss Ida Mitzner of the Albany schools and Miss Amandu Mitzner, a student in Portland, came home for the week end. Amanda made a talk at the M. E. church Sunday evening. Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker returned to her home in Corvallis Monday after a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Patton in this city. Mrs. George Maxwell, Mrs. D. J. Hayes, Mrs. J. C. Standish and Mrs John Salash drove to Albany Tues­ day. Mrs. G. R. Walker wus called tc Reedsport Wednesday on the occas ion of the birth of triplets, two girls und one boy, to her dnughter, Mrs. Lea. Mrs. P. H. Freerksen entertained the Potter sewing club at her home near Halsey last Tuesday. Eleven hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Frank Workiuger, and Mrs. Mack hostess and in fancy work. Light refreshments were served by the hostess resisted by her daughter. Mrs. Frank Workinger and Mrs. Mat Powers. Invited guests present were Mrs. H. Freerksen, Mrs. Agnes Clark, Mrs. Kenneth Robson and Mrs. Harold I*ugh, all of Shedd. The Women’s Study club met Feb­ ruary 5th with Mrs. A. A. Tussing for a lesson on “Noted Women.’’ Roll call responses weri unusual oc­ cupations for woman. Tbs lives of Frances W illard, Jane Addame and Madam Curie were reviewed by1 Mrs. Bond. Mrs. Moody, for Instruct­ ive art, gave a talk on floors, and floor covering. Mrs. Aubrey Tussing of Brownsville was present and as- IAs ted the hostess. The club is sched uh»d to meet Februrary 19th with Mrs. M. H. Shook. The Kuterprise records s u m esses whore farmer* or others havt wooed success by som ething a littl» outside th* beaten and com m on place track. Mi»* Irene M cDaniel, < > > Inquire this office. Sinner* in Heaven Within the past few years nearly all the weekly newspa­ pers that sold for $1.50 a year have raised the price to $2. Ttie Enterprise proposes to go the other way. How can it afford to do this when paper and typeset­ ting cost twice as couch as they used to and the paper is larger and more type is set for it each week than ever before? Cutting O u t W aste Credit is waste. Bookkeep­ ing and collecting cousume time, and time is money. Some debtors die, soma move away, tome go bankrupt and some are downright dishonest persons. Those who A N ew Class of subscribers 'is »tartednow. who join it before W«dn«sday, Feb. 18, will get (Continued from page 1) T he Paper will Stop Coming at the end of the term unless the subscription is renewed. The money will be used in making a better paper for the subscriber during the life of the subscription, not in improving it for the benefit of somebody else the next year. me— for a time," site wild, when her friend expostulated. » » • • • • • A remote Corniab village, trailing Its whltewaMied cottages down a pre­ cipitous narrow lane bordered by lit­ tle cobbled dttchea wherein ducks waddled aad talked together— winding round a corner between fragrant gar- dens that merged Into gray walls of heusse aad banks which, In summer, nosed ferns from every crevice, burst forth Into fires ef purple-red fuchsias aad bulged oat Into great clamps of hydrangeas; pausing for breath, while the lane dropped to the old I bji In the valley below, the white and gray cottages straggled along on either side the stream gurgling over Its stony bed between rolling coombs In the valley behind, to the harbor which was Its goal. . . . Bach was the retreat In which Barbara found herself The rhance memory of a friend's raptors bad lad her weary footsteps thither— to a small gray house near the rtver. kept by a bright young worn aa and her truehearted husband. Hera, unknown und unnoticed, away from the stings ef malicious tongues, the Inquisitive world— not even see I ng a newspaper—she wrestled with I he questions and doubts and mlaerles ot her heart " If the Joy of your own personal love le withdrawn," M argaret H eld had said, ooe day In London, “the seed la never lost. You may think It la for a tim e; but, later, It shoots up aourlshed by experience, growing Into a strong plant which will develop Into a flowering tree of many branches." The truth of that, too, was dimly In her mtnd aa sne watched the stars com* oat above th * harbor— In her tTo be couUouadj tf» > . AU The Enterprise one year for one dollar J one look round the fatuUlar room. . , . Presently the drawing room doer closed, wttb deliberate qulstaaaa, be­ heart the tired peace e f one who, giv­ hind her. • • • • • * • ing up tilting at windmills he can Barbara’s sudden appearance at the never conqaer, ley* h it band upon th* plow which seeds t t I f solving flat brought Mrs Field little surprise She bad beard the rumblings of the Ike mystery e f tuffering could never storm approaching In barbury. bad be tccenipllahed; If her own personal seen the lowering cloud*; but. with keynote te happiness were lost ; then cwnteat she must be to bold out the rare Insight, »be forebore to Interfere gome storms, being Inevitable, are band of fellowship to those compan best left to themselves. "Forewarned Ions la b itter w ater*— to help And It and forearmed,” one's work rentes for the world starving for love Pertoapn— who knows?— that la the an Inter with salvage and recenstructloo Not a whole regiment e f engineer» »war te the riddle. A» darknesa fell, she turned down could pull down the wall enclrcliag the path over the rocks; crossed the M ra Stockler's hortana. of that Mrs Field wae certain. In time, when the little bridge spanning the rtv e r; and shock, and— above a ll- tSe talk, had made her way te the gray house, from subsided, a few bricks might with which cheerful lights beckoned. She fumbled w ith the handle, turned inflntt. ta rt, be drawn away, allow tt; opened the d o o r; then stood for a Ins sn occasional glimpse af wide up blinking confusedly; for Is ltd* beyond. . . . Rut that watrid moment not be yet . . . In th* meantime | nmiethlng big aad dark bad loomed It wae the g irl'* qwtv«e1ng east which up In the small passage, hiding the hanging lamp. . . . needed infinite dellcaey In handling A great cry buret suddenly from th * which wavered, struggled, sank grads ally lower Info the dark wtWsrusa« girt’* tip*. . . . In the dark she of morbidity, front w h ir* those who turned ashy w h ite: swayed; clutched get loss therein take b ag te dlarover vainly at the doorpost; and would a way c o t. and. when rbev do, find have fallen, had she not been caught the b urr* and thorns still »ticking to by arms that held her to strongly that they stepped her breath them, never te be quite shaken off Alan stood on the threshold, M argaret Field had bean throngh Sj, th i* h e rs e lf yearn agn_ No words scarce that we are offering one-third off to get it ^ ttu a le b y ^ a p a m o i i x t la y a r t, S a l i m ® > » P riz e s g iv e n lo r b e s t in d iv id u a l, b e s t c o u p le » J a n T d h fo is r is t h e th m e o la s t s t c o d m a n ic c a e l a c t h T a u r a m c te b le r. In n fo r th e • $ > w in te r s e a s o n . ♦ C o m e a n d h a v e a n o th e r o f th o s e good tim e s. ® > q » W atc h l o r s p e c ia l d a n c e s . it Is not denied that th * robins and some other birds vat the gherrlee and berries. Thsiy also eat the cabbage ml other vegotuble worms In fact, 'hey like the worms better than they do the fru it. Even th * sparrows are isluable when the cabbage worm see -on Is at Its height. . . . There Is little danger of the email r w le s s r overdoing th * fertilising of his soil. T he richer th * soil the bet ter for the m ajority of vegetables and flowering plants. It Is welt at all times to save any kind of fertiliser or any thing that can he developed Into fer tlllzer and apply It where must needed. 32, Eugene. Money is scarce here, too, io 'F u m b le I n n : Inoculate A lfalfa Seed No. Money scarce ? save wc. Big Masquerade Dance at • Be sure to Inoculate your alfalfa eed. A lfa lfa culture for Inoculation an be procured from most of the ag- leultural colleges at a very small coat ml Is absolutely neceeeary fer a good land. Do not attempt to grow alfalfa Itlier on slough or land where water requently lie« for cousMerable time a It w ill p artially, tf not wholly, be tiled eut a fte r the w ater disappear*. I t la more a question of ewitleatlen ban toll, as the land must be thor uglily worked up, giving It a final eed-kllllng harrowing right before ■edlng , Generally wheat land *U I tusks ex- ellent a lfa lfa soft, unless It happens i be underlaid with hardpan. South North 3:2b a. m. No. 17. 12:09 p. m. 18, 10:48 a. m. 33. 7;11 p. a . 34, 4:25 p m. 31, 11:34 p. m. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m.. steps to let oil passengers fro m south of H ard times ? s»v« 50c. »thing and everybody wbo knows St. Valentine’s, Feb. 14 J HALSEY RAILROAD TIME “ SU ND O W N ” J Bassett at T. L. Marks'. Mrs. during the past week on Mrs. M. E. basset has been sick for some time. E. V. Bass and family and Mr. and near A nybody Can J o i n thi* economy and improve­ ment class any time before Feb. 18, 1925. If the subscription has been paid in advance a dollar will set the date ahead one year. Those in arrears ean pay to date at 121 cent* a month and a dollar more will bring them the Enterprise a Year It W ill Stop ocming to every member of thi* dol­ lar class when the time expire* unies* th* subscription is renewed. Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged Nos, 31. 32, 33 and 34 rnn between Port­ land aad Bngene only. Puteogers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. Halsev-brew nsville stage meets trains 18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. Paid-for Paragraphs (5c a line) Rebekah basket social and en­ tertainment on Friday evening, Feb. 27. Remember the date and bring a basket. * The late Mrs. Palmer’s personal property will be sold at auction at the house at 1:30 Feb. 14. For Sal* cheap— Good black riding or driving horse, by G. E. Munkers, Rout* 2, Halsey. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle at the Enterprise office. A lford A rro w s (By an Enterprise Reporter) J. H. Rickard made a business trip to Corvallis Saturday. E. A. Starnes and family visited at the George Dannen home at Shedd Saturday. M - Lee Ingram and family and George Bias called at J. H. Rick­ ard’s Saturday evening. Mrs. L. E. Bond and son Lester of Albany were Sunday visitors at E. D. Isom’s. -,g ‘ Miss Hattie Dannen and Ralph Sheppard of Shedd visited at E. A. ttarues’ Sund y Mrs. C. E. Mercer of Eugene spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. D. I. Isom. Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck called an Mrs. E. D. Isom one afternoon last week. Miss LiUie Rickard and brothers, Emery anck Jesse, were Sunday after­ noon callers at Chester Curtis’. Mrs. Alice Allen and family, lately arrived from Canada, visited Mr»J A llen ’s brother, Chester Curtis, and family several day* last week- Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter Bev­ erly called on Mrs. G. W. Workinger Saturday afternoon. I lie Enterprise will continue to improve as fait as reueipt* from it* patron* make improvement pos­ sible. Linn County Farm Features will continue to be given prominence. Every farmer can learn something from some other farmer under similar con­ ditions of soil and climnts that it will Be profitable for him to kuow. In O ther Lines The weekly discussion of the i a- ternatioual Sunday school lesson, discontinued about three years ago, when misfortune crippled the fioaaee* of the Enterprise, will appear regularly. The paper will also carry More than twioe as much local news and good-natured gossip as can be found elsewhere Oregon news in brief paragraphs Brief statements of important world «Veal* Daddy’s evening fairy tale* Serial stories. When we have flnisbec with "Sinner* in Heaven ’ we expect to publish “ So Big,’’ the most successful story of 1924, picturizatiea of which ha* bean ruDuiug in Portland and Albany theaters—a farm story worth more than a year’s subscription. Join the Lucky Dollar Class I t H ave a share m making a better pa[>er in Halsey a credit to the community Pine G rove Points (K n ts rp rla a O orreepoadaaoe) The community club program for Feb. 6 was postponed on account o f the high water. The young raarrie aladias’ sew ing club met with Mrs. George Chandler Thursday afternoon. Members pres­ ent were, Mesdaraes Frank Workin­ ger, Vera Higbee, Lou Mason, Frank Smith and A.L. Knighten. Refresh­ ments were served by the hoeteaA Mrs. L. E. Eagy and Mra. E. E. Hoover attended the meeting of tho missionary society at the home of Mrs. J. W. LaMar at Peoria Thurs­ day afternoon. *C Mr. and Mra. Charles Gibson of Corvallis spent several days visiting their son 1- rank und family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawerence Zimmer­ man visited Mr. and Mra. Chandler Sunday. • . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT of Administrator Notice is hereby gives th a t th * un­ dersigned. by an order ef the Couaty Coart of Lina Couaty, Oregea, has beta • ppoiatad adm inistrator ef the estate ef Nancy Palmer, deceased. AU persons having etsire* against said estate are required to present them w ith in sic month* from the date af this notice, with the necessary vouchers, to the un­ dersigned administrator at his plac* of residence at Halaev, in I.in a County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 4th dav of February. 1925. I C. Bramwell, . — Vdm inistrator Aforesaid. A. A. Tossing. Atty, for Admr. AC la