» PAGE « RURAL ENTERPRISE RUKAL ENTERPRISE An Independent—Nut neuttal— {»per, published eveiy Wedueeday, Wr " H. t* HKKl.KM F tB . I I, 19.-5 LMQdXS ^<4 Ever\ir\£ fairy Tale Keep Seed Corn Dry There la ao danger la corn getting too dry to grow. Moletare la the great onomy of seed corn and when It Is not possible to dry It eut thoroughly la the kern or crib before freezing vrtp.!o. . 11.10 « y *a r la advaa weather, artificial beat should bo used A dvertiung, 2üc an incb ; no diacoun After it la thoroughly dried there 1« for lime or ipace ; no charge for cota no danger of low temperature Injuring pou taon or v jaugea. It hat ear* should be taken not to al ■a T a ia - fo i Paragraphe," le a Une. low II So absorb moisture again before Me advartising dleguleed as a t n s It la used The presence of moisture In the kernel allows the freezing and t ipanalua which Injures the seed qual • GRAHAM B C W E ft . U r » ' f et/tM « p t o u m swi« ■ — Sinners in Heaven (Continued from page 3J HALSEY STATE BANK ” •’Yes,’- she encouraged. “Yon—mar­ ried him? TeU me everything; will your "Ton understand?” The searching took never relaxed. “You do under­ stand?" The appeal In that passionate re­ gard and queetlen brought quick re- Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $35,000 COWS’ CHATTER Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited "Dear," she replied, palling her denrn on the couch by the fire, “1 "Moo, moo," said Mrs. Cow, “the understand. You loved each other and way some talk about us!" acted In accordance with— honorable •'Moo, moo," said Mrs. Brown-and- eoavlettoots la extraordinary clrcjm FARMER IS THE GOOSE idea. Whlte Cow, “what do you mean by stance« Is that enough? What more ■T-- — JC.Q the girl away. After all. what did th a tr caa I say?” The fanner is the goose that lays their feelings matter? What their lng tEe prig*! Tdoat girl* are not ao T was thinking,” began Mrs. Cow. Barttara drew a breath of lnerpres opinion* to the man whose memory furtnnate. But I snppoae you took the golden egg on which the imple­ "I do hope it didn’t tire you," said slide relief. Holding fa it to that sym It seldom pays to feed molasses to she had tried In vain to shield from good car* to prevent—" ment combine and other industries hogs when If costs more per pound Mrs. Brown-and-Whlte Cow. pathetic hand, she recounted with slm “Y e *!“ crlad her mother almost hys­ "No," said Mrs. Cow, “It didn't tire pie fervor the whole history. Nothing vulgar calumny? Barbara turned and producing articles used on the farm than corn. In fact some experiments me at a lt I f It bad tired me I would faced the two women, tossing back terically, “suppose there had keen chil­ waa omitted up to the present. When dren?" the hair from her brow. have grown fat. The manufacturers ut the Mississippi experiment station have stopped thinking.” her voice ceased, there fell a long sliow that It requires from 1.8 to 1.9 "There would have bqen," she re­ ‘You shall have the truth!" she ‘Sensible," said Mrs. Brown-and- aUence. From somewhere In the hoaec have not only raised the costs of pounds of moltssee to equal 1 pound plied with unnatural calm, her eyes Whlte Cow. “But pray continue.” cried, with suddenly blazing eyes. cam* a merry laugh; an opening door their own production by yielding to of corn whau fed to pigs Other ex 'I was thinking," continued Mrs. let owt a brief flood of dance music “This 'Infatuation' you talk about went burning In an ashen face. “That Is union labor and raising wages so em­ pertinents have shown a higher value Cow, “of the time last spring when . . . Then a piece of coal dropped —to the end. Me returned my love. why I was so 111 at Singapore.“ I ut it is certain that molasses will not some children passed us one morning. For a moment both women w ar* \V* became husband and wife. Into the fender, and Mrs. Field moved ployes might meet the exo rti note * ftomtrhlnf wrong” and ia fraah every day. The purity 'Our own cow way," repeated Mrs. "Wh-what do you mean. Aunt Mary? end fietbaeee of nut o nfectionerv Brown and White Cow ¡ F M * - . , There waa nothing— wrong!" has always bs»n our strong point, “Our own cow way." s*id the other "'Then why maintain such mystery? • and it ha* always fouad read* fa . cows. e Why *re you afraid to talk of the 1 ▼or with the candy eating public matter—to tell the tr o th r • Feed Molasses to Hogs V II Farmer Who Hatches Early crop rroauction In 1924 Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “P L A T E S W ebster ’ s N ew I nternational D ictionary THAT F IT ” A m e ric a n E ag le Fire Insurance Co. Hav is worth just as much in storage as you might get for it in case of tire. Th * American Eagle Fii-e Insurance com pann Lr -v ou the cash value in case < loss by fire. ,u, CA b J A CHHLD MAY EAT OCR CANDY C. P. STAFFORD, Agent -w - a S ’ A ny Girl in Trouble J a it try a bot and Is» convinced i t 1 is the be»» «andy mad*. Power foe Holy Service The power for holy service la Inter J course with God. a ll* r a " * “i i * ' h ,n t' fo r All the snsptrtous minds abc„t her twrklesaneaa which, in Impulsive a»' W tar-reweb.m ; 2 >« “ "" A™ ’ “ loro*. $*s Mavlslr aveaue. Portland, Oregon. »•