Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 11, 1925, Image 1

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    Halsey Happenings
and County Events
Large and Small Events
Chronicled in Brief
P a ra g ra p h s
The Peoria ferry boat took a vs.
cation Sunday night and wandered
six in lie» down etream to the W.
8. Coon place. I t got a ride borne
next day.
acquires riches and .»o-callsd lux­
Brownsville Briefs
Mrs. Mary Hayes, who was ill,
is improving.
'Bnterpriae Correapoadence)
Grain Temperature
Notes From the
Reduced to Normal I
S. S. Lesson
Rev. N. Wakebaui of Okanogan,
Mrs E. E. Gormley returned Sat- Wash., who baa been preaching ai
the Baptist church, departed Mon­
urday from Eugen«.
day for McM innville to visit his
R Kirk and daughter Grace
W. R.
daughter, who is attending L in ­
and son Henry drove to Albany Sat­ field college.
Mr. and Mre. Reece Mallow
Mrs, M. Morrow of Canmore, motored to Woodburn
Canada, is here visiting her mother, They reported much high water
Mrs. L. A. Pray. She will start to along the way.
morrow for San Diego.
Rev. Mr. Wright of Portland is
Delora, Wells of junction was with to fill the Baptist pulpit Sunday
morning and evening.
her grandm other, Mrs. L. A. Pray,
rrom Friday to Monday.
Tburs will be preaching at Hoi
We called Mias Elaine Woodworth ley Sunday.
( B j MBV p b f it s w a t b r . D IX . d m
• t th e K v«nlo< School. M oo4y B ib le I d
tcttut« of C h l o « o I
(®- 1115 W ei tern N ew sp ap er U nion )
Lesson for February 15
Necessary’ to Destroy Any ; P r o p o s a l to M ake a T r ip
Insects Present
to th e S to r m C e n te r
«Prepared br '» • U nites StetM Department
a t S a le m
nt Agriculture.*
Grain Infested with insects may
(By an Entarpiisa Reporter)
heat, due to their presence, until It
The civics class is planning a trip
becomes favorable to tbe breeding and
LESSON T E X T —-Mark 14:13-42.
GOLDEN T E X T — ''Not w hat I w i l l
development of large numbers of de­ to Salem to visit the legislature. The
but w hat thou w ilt." — Mark 14:16
structive weevils and beetles of va­ weather mtyr be warm in that vicini­
PRIMARY TOPIC—J esu s In the Gar­
rious species. I f the temperature of
ty, but it will perhaps be as stormy
JUNIOR TOPIC—C h rist’s P rayer in
Drawn for the March jury are
the grain continues to rise, it reaches I
the Garden.
there as here.
Almarine £ . Quimby of Halsey;
have been known to raise the temper­
The high school students are prac­
H . C. fa rm e r of Shedd; Joeeph
IC—C hrist e P rayer in the Garden.
YOUNG PEO PL E AND ADULT TOP­ ature of grain to 88 degrees Fahrenheit
Strode and Henry MeCartney of
hard for the minstrel show
IC— L esso n s Front Getheernane.
and 05 degree« Fahrenheit when the
Harrisburg; K. LoBoggie, Henry
We hope however that they are
I. Jesue Christ Suffering (vv. 32-34.).
A. Wilson aud W. J. Moore of
studying their lessons Just as hard.
by the name of her sister m a recent
Mrs. Charles Howe, who has
1. The Place (v. 32). The garden low 50 degree«. It Is highly neces­
Brownsville and F. L. Bayne of
sary, therefore, in warehouses where
The English classes are studying
news item.
past several weeks, is able to sit ing olive und fig trees, beyond Kidron, large quantltlee of grain ure stored to widely different subject». English 1
Mias Ruby Schroll had a setback up an hour a day now.
Frank Gray of Albany hae |
about three-fourtbs of a mile from keep the temperature of the grain is studying punctuation rules, Eng­
92000 contract for making bop in her covalescence from the grip,
Jerusalem. The name means olive low and particularly te destroy any lish 2 writing themes. English 3
W. W. Poland is attending the press The name Is significant of the ln»eet* which may be present.
»pray from quassia bark for uae in but is improving and we hope soon
A study of the effect of fumigation Shaseepeare’a
occasion. Edershettn says, " It Is an
at Salem this week.
Oregon thia year.
to have local news from her again
emblem of trial, distress, and agony." upon heating grain has been made by night s Dreatn.•’
W illiam bain an Albany loan
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Powers of
Fay M allow is erecting a new Perhaps the garden was owned by the bureau of entomology of the Unit­
The sophom ores Lave juut started
and real eatata man who advertises Sparks, N ev, who have been visiting barn on his place at Ash Swale.
some one of Jesus' friends. It afforded ed States Department of Agriculture. geometry and they have’nt decided
in the Enterprise, wee in Halsey Mrs. Pow ers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Him a suitable place to retire with This has demonstrated that when
heating Is a result of insect infesta­ yet whether they like it or not. How­
Bruce Burson has moved to the His disciples in this trying hour.
P. H. Freerksen, left for Albany Sat­ Brecktel place, north of town.
2. His Companions (v. 38). He took tion the Insects can be killed and the ever, they will understand It if Mrs.
temperature of the grain redaced to
That carload of fir wood brought
urday to visit Mr. P o w ers’ par­ Bruce Says be is going to batch, with Him the eleven dla 'iples that they normal by fumigation with hydrocyan­ Freeland continues to teich that
in by E. S. Hayee seems to have
but we are all keeping our eyes oi
class Som e juniors (m ostly girls)
ents a few weeks.
filled the present demand.
sorrow with Him. Being a real human ic-acid gas or carbon disulphide. Even
ore sighin'» with relief because they
being He craved human sympathy. He
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Abraham
offering of dry ash in the last two
bade them watch with Him. While He Fahrenheit have been reduced to nor- are through with geometry.
J. C. Harrison was in Albanj
issues of the Enterprise brought no and son Lester and Mr. and Mrs. P.
knew that He must "tread the wine­ mul temperatures by fumigation. Such
Mr. English is rarely •• favored”
H. Freerksen and grandson Bobbie on business Thursday.
press alone,” He had a keen apprecia­ reduction In temperature prevents the by having the privilege of t-uchiryf
were dinner gues*s of Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Dawson, Cleve Hnrri
tion of sympathy so far us tbose who
Howard Ternanis in an Albany
weather, when owners, not understand­ two freshmen classes.
loved Him could give It.
son and Jack Gamble are cutting
hospital with a broken arm. the H. Abraham Sunday.
Next week we will have more bout
Hana K och.left for Hood River wood in the hills north of town.
3. His Great Sorrow (v. 84). This ing tbe ability of Insects to raise grain
result of a mishap in a lumber
is the same as the “cup” in verse 36. temperatures, believe they are enjoy lug the high schvol and some about the
yard where he wae employed.
It was not primarily the prospect of protection due to Insect Inactivity re­ grades.
Thus he starts in married life.
Mrs. Henry Bateman went tc physical suffering that, was crushing sulting from temperatures of 60 de­
daughter.for.a week.
tj ¡*ri,
Frank Workinger and wife and Portland yesterday for a visit will
H im ; it was the suffering as a sin
Recorder Cross stayed at home
(School Reporter)
her sister, Mrs. John Edwaras. an
beerer—the sensntlons of His pure soul
Monday night, caressing seme children were Albany visitors Satur­ family.
coming into contact with the awful
Solid geometry and botany have
teeth and blessing them and dent­
sin and guilt of the world. In add!
leen substituted In place of the two
istry generally. Mayor Clark savs
P . H. Freerksen attended
tloo to this there was the Judgment
subjects, algebra 3 and physiology,
the city council did nothing but monthiy creamery meeting at Albany
When putting up Ice It la Important
stroke from the holy God as It fell
tiught last semester.
routine work and tha ordering of a Saturday,
upon His Son Instead of the sinner. that It be well stored In the Ice hogae.
Berah Informed No Arrangement!
Renn Walker has returned to school
God caused the Iniquities of the world Put the cakea er plecas as closely to­
few sidewalk improvements.
Made for Settlement.
; Mrs. Albert Miller spent the week
to strike upon Jesus ( I I Oor. 8 :2 1 ; Isa. gether as pooalhle, and fUl In the after an abs.-nce of half a year and
The author of “ 80 B ig ." the end with her daughter, Mrs. Florence
cracks und holea between pieces of will graduate with the senior class in
Wasklactoa. D. C.— Secretary Mel­ 68:6).
II. Jesus Christ Praying (w . 38-42). Ice. The whole secret of storing Ice June. Miss Walker is the only ad*
serial story tbs publication of Leeper,, and son Francis in Eugene.
lon informed Chairman Borah of the
Though He priced human sympathy Is to prevent any etrculatton of air
which will be beguu in tbs Enter­
senate foreign relatione committee
d tional student entering thia term.
la the hour of supreme need. His ot?y hetweev, tbe cakea.
A. A. Tussing, B. M. Bkpd. G. W.
prise this . month, portrays the
that the treasury had been ad vised of recourse was prayer. The sympathy • Le*ve about one toot or more of
For tbuee who have forjpjtlun the
genuinely successful career ef a Laubner and C. P. Moody attended do proposals looking te settlement of
space between the wall and the pile humorous dialect of the negro and
woman whose esthetic nature sees the Masonic ledge at Shedd Saturday the Italian war debt.
great crises of life we can only find of Ice. Thia space should be (Died the store of wit and amusement it
beauty in a field of cabbages and oveninjg.
with sawdust, shavings, or chopped contains, or for those who wish to
The secretary's letter, written In help as we go to God In prayer.
wringa happiness from life while
straw which prevents the rapid melt- be carried bock r<din to other times
J. The First Prayer (vv. 38-38),
Miss Cleona Smith, teacher in the reply to a personal Inquiry by the
toiling with her hands on the
(1) His posture (v. 38). He fell lug of tbe Ice, and also prevents the when the black folks revived still
Sweet Home, high school, spent the Idaho senator, said that the debt,
In contrast is seen the
water from keeping the Ice house wall
week end with her father, W. L. November 18, 19114, totaled »2.097.247,- on his face prostrate on the ground. wet, so that It decays rapidly. There more d ista n t tim es of en jo v m en t,
empty failure of a life acclaimed
In the hour of our great need we nat­
Smith of thia city.
urally prostrate ourselves before God must be a passageway between tbe tha high school is preparing a minstrel
successful by the world because it
to November 11, 1918, amounting to
becoming posture. (2) His peti­ pile of Ice und the roof to where the
Gilbert Carey, , wfio is attending »1,031,000,000, subsequent advances of
show. This is going to be what is
tion (v. 30). “Take away this cup from air la to pass through freely.
school in Portland, was home for the »817,034,060.90 and accrued Interest of
’’ an old-tim e
As electric power la becoming mere generally tanned
i week end and spoke at the M. E. »449,477,924.88. The Italian govern on the cross. No doubt It was moat common In country districts there la affair,” conveying to the audience
| church Sunday evening.
ment had been credited with ''amounts grievoua to Him to face Its shame, blit greatly Increasing Interest In the use everyth ing that the gilt of song
He pressed on knowing that for this of artificial Ice and electric refrigerat and dram atic talent cun offer.
i i
. r .
L ’ »
returned” In the sum of »184,882.94
Friday afternoon prof. Cosby of O
cause He had come into the world Ing units, which are a great deal more
T bs hove’ team beat the Scio
A. C. will give a free ‘talk on “Rais­
(John 12:27, 28, cf. Heb. 2:14). He convenient, and In the long ran prob­ boys’ basketball team with a score
Uae of Meat Increatee.
ing of Baby chicks” at the Albany
prayed that the "hour might pass from ably us economical as natural stored of 17 to 6. The Halsey team played
Washington, D. C.— Increased meat
Him ”— tbe burden was so great that it Ice.
public library.
a new man, WUbur Norton, in the
consumption In the United States last teemed His life would be crushed out
Kenneth Sims of Scio, who was
W ar and Peace
position of center whose size baffled
year was Indicated In statistics com His prayer was heard (Heb. 8 :7). When
badly burned by coming in contact
Be at war with your vices, at peace his oponents throughout the game
piled by department of agriculture Ood hears our prayers He grants the
with a power wire while working on showing that about 1,000,000 more petition desired ( I John 5:14, 16). with youy neighbors, and let every yeai
and who piled up 8 points of the fi­
« transmission Hae at Jefferson, is meat anlmalB were slaughtered than Angels ministered to Him, giving the find you a better man or woman.
score. The term was: forwards.
313 West First street, Albany,Or.
r acovering.
In 1928. Slaughter of 79,432,840 cattle, necessary grace to endure to the end
Cross 5, and Koontz 2; center, Nor­
(Luke 22-43). (3) His resignation (v.
calves, sheep, goats and twine was
ton 8; guards, Robnett and Tussing
(Continued on page 6)
36). His will was In subjection to the
reported. Wbtle half a million fewer
Don't overwork the hens with too 2. The players on the Scio team were
Father. Hs knew that His death on
swine were killed, slaughter of cattle, the cross was the will of God the much light.
guards: Thurston and Zysaet 3; cen­
calves and sheep increased half a mil
Father; for He was the Lamli slain
ter, McKnight; forwards Miller 1 and
Greens fed to the hens help pat
from the foundation of the world. (4)
lion each.
The disciples rebuked (v. 37). He sin­ green backs Into the pocket.
Tbe girls' basketball team alao
gled out Peter, since he had been the
Be sure to plant "certified“ Irish po­ took the count over the Scio girls by
Elmer Munson and wife spent Sun­ most conspicuous In proclaiming his
Though he tatoes next season, for safety and a score of 14 to 11. For the first
day with Mr. and Mrs. Munson of loyalty (JohD 13:38).
I s p r e p a r e d , in 1925, a s e v e r, to s e r v e c u s t o m ­
would go with Him to death he could profit.
time this season there was a consid­
• • •
not watch one hour. (B) Exhortation
e r s fr e r a a c o m p le te s to c k o f f r e s h g o o d s
erable am oun t of c h sa g in g posi-
to the disciples (v. 38)
‘ Watch and
Pine Grove Cnurch
pray, lest ye enter Into temptation.” York, had 3.000 co-operative saaocl- tios of player«. D uring tha last
The only way to be able to stand in atlons In 1920.
half Helen Williams exchanged with
Sunday sohool, 10.
e e e
the time of trial Is to be watching and
Prenching 11.
Weeds transpire moisture from the Will toina Corcoran from guard to
praying. Jesus knew that ulthough
L a te s t s ty le s in d a in ty th in g s fo r la d i e s ’
Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7:30. the tUarlples meant It well they would soil. Remove the weeds and so con­ jumping center and Agnes Hayea
w ear
was substituted for forward in place
fall In the trial unless aided from serve moisture.
s e e
Elsie Reynolds. The line up read
W o rk g a r m e n ts fo r w o rk e rs
Church of Christ
Jack Frost will provide much com­
2. Tbe Second Prayer (vv. B9, 40).
forward», W alter 8 aud R eynold« ;
N o tio n s a n d n o v e ltie s
He withdrew tbe second time from fort next summer If you will provide
centers, Corcoran and Carter; guards
His disciples and ottered tbe same a storage for his products now
U n d e r w e a r fo r m e n , w o m e n a n d c h ild r e n
• a e
Pehrs-on and Williams, substitutes,
words in prayer. This was aot vain
If we may Judge from the trend of
repetition. It Is proper to repeat our
Hayes 6.
requests. He found the disciples asleep public sentiment, the time may not he
entertained the
again Their shame and confusion were far distant when those who will npt
trade their products will not tell them. teams at the school house after the
more marked than at first.
Secret of Storinf-iee
for Use During Summer
Bancroft Optical Co.
M. V. Koontz Co.
dry goods
M en m e a s u r e d f o r d a n d y m a d e - to - o r d e r
d r e s s s u its
B o y s' s u its , r e a d y to w e a r
K ain c lo th in g
l o r th e little fo lk s
lo r t h e b ig fo lk s
” If your feet hurt, come iò.
a pair of Edward»' Foot F itte r» .’ ’
Clifford Carey pastor.
Bible school 10.
Christian Endeavor 6:30.
Evening service 7:80.
We can relieve you with
O u r g o o d s g iv e s a tis f a c tio n b e c a u s e th e y
a re
» ♦
C. Church
Robert Parker pastor.
Sunday school, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 3,
Intermediate League, 6:80.
Epworth league, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7:30.
8. The Third Prayer (vv. 41, 42).
He uttered the same words In His
third prayer (Matt. 20 :44) He tells the
disciples to sleep on and take ¿heir
rest, as tbe hour had now come for His
betrayal. There Is such a thing as be­
ing asleep when wanted and awaking
when It la too late.
T h a n k God
Thank Ood every morning when you
get up that you have something to do
that day which must be done, whether
you like It or not. Being forced to
work and forced to do your best »111
breed In you temperance, self-control,
diligence, strength of will, content aud
■ hundred virtues which the Idle will
never know.—Charles Kingsley.
G. T. Hockensmith. of Albany was
e. Halsey visitor Friday. *
grime. • The e were about fifty per­
ns seated, and about twenty were
served otherwise.
Speeches were
made by representatives from both
Halsey and Scio, including Mrs. Shot-
well, Mildred Covey, Bertha Thayer,
Harold Thurston, Arnold
Truman Robnett, Wilimina Corcoran,
and the referee, Miss Thajfer.
English acted as toastmaster.
The Halsev h'gh »chord teams will
The registered live stock business Is
as sound and practical as the growing play at Shedd Friday evening.
>t a crop from improved seed
e e e
“Alaa for the rarity of Christian
Waste leaves from vegetables should
under the sun.” Witness the
be thrown Into the chlrken yard. If
tbe chickens are kept In tbe pen «11 lack of It among a lot of "Xpller than
tha time.
Greens of moet any thou" people in "Sinners in Heaven”
.Ind are enjoyed by the poultry and thia week. But at the close of this
It is claimed add te the egg produc­
chapter Barbara glimpses her para-
tion. Much can be g rim In the base
A Isrge number of cattle die every
vesr from cornstalk disease. Veteri­
narians say there Is no treatment for
lie dlsense They suggest that overly
hungry cattle should not be turned
nto cornstalks because they are af­
fected quicker. Feed the lalmsla
•ome bay every morning before they
are turned out
iu SBL
liae one« mere.