.Pt* 4, Jtî-S RURAL ENTERPRISE PAGE V S c h o o l N o te s and muddling up the state primary (School Reporter) ALBANV law. Tbe basketball teams of tbe Alberta Koontz wae home over Snoday— Monday— Tuesday Philomath and Halsey high schools the week end. Feb. 8—9— 10 E. E. Gourley and J. H. Rike were met in two games on the Philo­ Rudolph Valentino math floor Friday evening. The Albany callers Munday. in girls’ team came home with tbe Mrs. A. H. Quimby waa a passen­ honors, for they skillfully worked ger to Albany Thursday. off the tie score, which wae 10 to Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell 10 in tbe beginning of the last half, and ehanged the attitude of H al were Albany callers knoay. sey rooters from suspense to ela­ C. P. Moody and family called in tion. Tbe game ended with a score Harrisburg Thursday evening. of 14 to 20 io their favor. The baskets made by the forwards of Valentino again in a role Glenn Chance made a trip to Eu­ both sides ware all field goals. similar to bia “ 4 Horsemen ” « gene Friday, taking some horses The players on tbe Philomath character._________________ which Charles Taylor of that city team were: forwards, Ethel and Thomas i had purchased in thia vicinity. Mildred Cooper; centers, Lindley 8ooq CO“ M M eighan 10 < After an absence of several months and Lein; guards, Newton and • TO N G U E S O F F L A M E J spent with her daughter, Miss Mona, Luts. The Halsey line-up wae in Nevada, where she Is teaching the same as in the previous game. •••••••••*« The boys fought a bard game, school, Mrs. M. C. Bond cretumed but were defeated 26 to 7. The home Monday. Halsey Happenings players for Hulsey were: guards, It continues rainy and J. C. Bram­ Robnett (1) and Tussiug (2); cen­ ~~(Continued from page 5) well continuas to carry the mail on ter, Wooley; forwards, Koontz (4) Cbarlee Childs end family vis route 1 for Grant Taylor and Truman and Cross; substitute. Palmer (2). ited at A. A. Tusaiug's Sunday. Robinett continues to ply the mail The Philomath players were: Mrs. L. H . Armstrong called at the James Cook home Sunday. TORRANCE G LO BE Reconditioning Shop Raybestoa Hi-speed Brake Service Station A Sainted DEVIL J J S Irwin Gardner and wife and daughter visited at tbe A. C. Arm strong home Sunday. Kenneth Vannice cam* home from Willamette university for s week end with home folks. Big Masquerade Dance at > The W. F. M. S. of the M. E church w ill meet at the borne of, Mrs. Merriam Friday afternoon at 2. Seth M ills’ mother is very ii thia week. Her sou and daughtei aud nephew and uieee are at hei bedside. A tax turnover of over >28,000 from the sheriff’s office to that of the county treasurer was made Sat­ urday. T u m b le I n n Prizes given io r b est individual, b est co u p le' • a n (j fo r the m ost com ical character, T his is th e last d ance a t T um ble In n for th e , w inter season. , Com e and have a n o th e r o f those good tim e s .1 W atch for special dances. Master Palmiter Saturday told the Linn-Benton Po mona grange that the lU te grange opposes the four proposed laws (1) ahplishing the office of state mar­ ket agent, (2) abolishing the office of state prohibition director, (S) placing the market road (nod in the power of the etate eotnmiesion placing the market road commission Fresh Smelt at the Halsey Meat Market I— I A 1 * l l S Floral ta d Music Shop Albany John R. Chesoni. farmer living on the Lorane highway five miles south­ west of Eugene, waa found guilty In Justice court of cruelty to animate in allowing 11 head of cattle to starve to death. Governor Pierce has Issued a proc­ lamation prohibiting the Importation Into Ore go» of poultry from the fowl disease districts of the east and middle west. »Bless certified by the Oregon etate livestock aaaltary board Baby chirks and eggs are oot affected by the proclamation, and a few states ■vere «tempted from tta operations date for speaker and a floor leader. This decision was reached at a meet Ing of the republican committee on committee« of the house. Under a resolution adopted by the committee, republicans who will serve during tbe S9th congress, and are not members of the present bouse, will be Invited to participate in the confer ence. No action was taken as to whether La Pollette Insurgents should be in vtted Io attend. There were Indications, however, that a move would be made either before the caucus or after It gets under way to bar the Wisconsin dele ration and perhaps on* or two other representatives from that and future conferences q ( house republicans. North I No. 32, 3:20 a. a . H ard times ? s.ve 5o„-. M oney is scarce here, too, io are offering one-third off to get it.* X 34, 4:25 p. a . I No. 14, doe Halsey at 5:02 p. in., stops to let off passengers from south of I Engene Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. I Nos. 31. 32, 33 aad 34 run between Port­ land and Eugene only. Passengers for south of Roseburg should I take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer | to No. 15. Halsev-browntviUe stage meets trains I 18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. scarce that w s • Within the past few years nearly all the weekly newspa­ pers that gold for J l.6 0 a year have raised the price to $2. The Enterprise proposes to go the Other way. How can it afford to do this when paper and typeset­ ting cost twice as much as they used to and tbe paper is larger and more type is set fer it each Week than ever before? ¡Paid-for Paragraphs (6c a line) Rebekah basket social and en­ tertainment Saturday gveulug, Feb. 27. Remember tbe date aad | bring a basket. Cutting O u t W aste Credit it waste. Bookkeep­ ing and collecting consume time, and time is money. Some debtors die, some move away, some go bankrupt and some are downright dishonest person». Thoee who pay $1.50 cover thee* lo ses. A N ew Class of subscribers is started today. who join it before Wednesday, Feb. 18, will get The late Mrs. Palmer's personal property will be sold at auction at the house at 1:30 Feb. 14. For Sale cheap— Good black I riding or driving horse, by G. E. ¡Munkere, Route Halsey. A ll 2, For sale— Dry Ash 4-foot Wood; 118, delivered. Leave orders at Enterprise office. The Enterprise one year for one dollar Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle | at the Enterprise office. Alford A rrow s (By an Enterprise Reporter) George Danuen and family of Shedd were Sunday vieitori at the A. Starnes borne, I E. T h e Paper will Stop Coming at the end of Mrs. D. I. Isom spent the] week lend with her daughter«, Mrs. A. F. Robnett and Mrs. C. E. Mercer, | ia Eugene, the term unless the subscription is renewed. The money will be used in making a better paper for the subscriber during_the_lifw_of the subscription, not in improving it for the beuvfli of souiotiody else the next »ear. A nybody C an Join Mr«. A. E. Whit beck returned to her home Saturday evening, after a two-weeks vieit with friends [and relatives in Portland. this economy and improve­ Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Rolfe aad son Deo visited relatives iu Buena [Vista Sunday. ment class any time before Feb. 18, 1925. If the •nbsoription has been paid in advance a dollar will set the date ahead one year. Those in arrears ean pay to date at l i j cents a month and a dollar meie will bring them J H. Riokard and family visited at tbe home ef Mr». Richard’s brother, Chas..Jenks, near Plain- [vijw , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Landis Pbilpott ¡v i.it.d a t-C h .s te r Curtis’ Friday. the Enterprise a Year It W ill Stop Mr. and Mr«. Jack Curtis of Pe­ oria visited their nephew, Chester Curtis, and family Saturday, owning to every rn.mb.r of thi, dol. lar class when the time expire« unlees the subscription is renewed. r T h e E n te r p r is e k will continue to improve as fast as receipts from its patrons make improvement pcs- Bible. r Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rickard and [daughter Lillie went to Eugene [Saturday, J. Curtis of Lebanon visited his brother, Chester Curtis* one day | last week, Frank Williams of Monroe vis- jited his nephew, Brian Parry, F r i­ day, Saturday and Sunday. Miie Laona Gooding of Philo­ math wae a week-end guest at Sam Greene's. Linn County Farm Features win cntinu. IO be given prominence, ¡¿very farmer 0„ iearn something from some other farmer under similar ooa- ditions of soil and climate that it will be profitable for him to know. In O th er Lines The weekly discussion of the in - teruational Sunday school lesion, discontinued about , * yT ' * * 0, Whe° mUfor‘ « M «rippled tbe finance, of he Enterprise, will .p p e .r regularly. Tbs paper will also carry Mors than twice a. much local news and good-natured gossip as can b* found elsewhere Oregon new« in brief paragraphs Brief statements of important world «vests Daddy’s evening fairy tales Wheu * • tl* ’ # fln'»hec With “ giuMrs "« .ip - ,1 u pabli.h Bi „ oi ( M l . lto. , h‘ cB ,o P o n i.o J „ o „ „ b~ " story in H8* ? * 1 *,l° riM’ H , " on, ,„k Join the Lucky Dollar Class H ave a share in making a better paper in Haisey-r— j credit to the community South No. 17, 12:OV p. m. 33, 7;11 p. a . 31, 11:3* p. a . 18, 10:48 a. a . r« ... Money scarce ? save soc. » > » CUT FLOWERS ■ SHEET MUSIC Grange HALSEY RAILROAD TIME St. V alentine’s, Feb. 14 W. W. Stewart and family of A lbany visited Mrs. Stew art’s sis­ ter, Mrs. A. C. Armstrong, Sun­ .-art between the depot and the post- forwards, Brown (6) aud Richard office. day afternoon. (6 ); center, Jones (6); guard«, Milton and Schoru (8); substitute, | George Workinger, L, H. and Miss Mary Carey viaited her broth­ A. C. Armstrong attended th . er, Clifford Carey, and wife in Eu- Hatbway. A reception wae held for the | tractor school at Barrett Rroe.' in ene Friday. teame after the game», at which a Albany Friday. Miss Ida Mitzner of the Albany nuaeber of the players made short I The weather sharps have at last chools spent the week end with speech»», mostly emphasizing the quit telling us thut we are short on sportsmanship shown by the [ lome folks. . g < rainfall for the season and admit that schools. we have gone over the normal. And Mrs. Carrie Beadle, the late Mrs. Clark of Halsey refereed both I the streams remain bank full. ‘aimer’s niece, left Saturday for her i games. ome in AnKeleB- ' Three of the high soho.l boy«, Mrs. George Workinger and lit- tie daughter came home from Cor­ C. L. Falk Jr., W. A. Falk, A. L. i Gearge Cross, Thomas Miller and 'alk and Bert Minckley left Thurs- ! Frank Koontz, aided the alumni vallis Sunday. Mr. Workings: has a big smile on his face. H< 'ay for Moro on a horse deal. j Saturday evening in winning does not like hiaown cooking. 'basketball game from tbe Oakville H. F. English and family spent Miss Carmelita Woodworth cam. ho week end with Mr. English's Stare. This made tbe fourth time Halsey has defeated this team over from Brownsville Friday and J nother and sister in Eugene. The contest was played in the went with Mrs. Ringo to hear the Mrs. H. W. Chance was out on the Oakville community building and Albany-Brownsville debate on th<