BLKAJ. fc.S 1 AKi'KISM HtU « *«•> ROADS OC C F POLI I ICS bs you tbllk a bey wouldn't think of his appearance and whether he wore We can re a d ily believe L . L. old clothes or nice one«. tivea eapecially, propose to " h i t rural enterprise Maybe boya d ool like to dreas aud tbe governor,” a* ordered by the Swan’ s denial of tbe charge th a t An Independent—Not neutral— new«- fuss and all that sort of thing, but bis auto tru c k b ill was prom pted b o v e , d u rin g the laat cam paign, Tommy didn’t like the feeling that he paper, published eveiy Wedueadsy, whether a n y th in g else is accom­ by tbe ra ilro a d com pauy. Tim e» hadn't any better shoe» to wear. I , W » . H. W H K KLKH His Sunday shoes were beginning to plished or not G overnor Pierce h tv e changed since a ra ilro a d show a little wear and hls everyday C A P IT A L A N D SURPLUS gave them ao opening by losing company was tbe moat p o w e rfu l ones were so dreadful. «kbe. Hp lo. »115 » y«»r *» »dv««e* He felt everyone looked at them. Ad vertisiug, »' tr ik in g out at hi» enemies and H E L P IN G T H K U S E L V E -4 sick und his father's for being out of last after months again of struggle a moment “There'» one thing, Bab— and—uncertainty—I became convinced iuey »re snapping at h im and the ^ers a t bis questioners and say: " I work for a while. "™ r . s - oe' The g o ve rn m e n t in vi-atigatori .eople are paying fo r the abow. He knew It was not. His mother that It would be right to make our put i t where i t w ould do the n io -l “When you tell—your mother o own marriage. Wb~" She touched Her didn't enjoy being sick or taking hor­ nxav h elp tha farm er» enough to anybody of—thlnga-belng over be­ ro o d .” rid medicine. And his father didn’t finger. ‘T h is waa the only ring he tween ns. don’t mention your mar­ off»«t the cost of th e ir iuveetign O u r railroads are a tte n d in g to had." . riage! They won't understand, »«a enjoy not having work. C H IL D L A B O R tio o , o r they m ay add to the b u r­ Her words went Into silence. A He looked very miserable sitting their own buainees, and are aur It will be rough for you.” fslnt relief replsced the look of horror around the house or going out and den by coating more th a n they are A correspondent w rites : “ Ev- jr is in g lv efficien . She threw back her head, with some­ In Hugh's face. To an essentia y thing of Alan'» old arrogunce, and then coming back again and saying to w o rth . They recommend fre ig h t ry etats uow ba» fu ll power to M r. Swttu'e l- ill, as announced Tommy's mother: clean living British sportsman, the Idea away. charge change» w hich may am ount nake Its own laws regarding ch ild •ie,ore he le ft A lb a n y fo r Salem, “No luck this time. It s a hard time of wantonneas between the girl he drew “I know you mean that kindly, loved and the man be had trusted was to about a drop in a b u cke tfu l. abor. There are good laws and of the year.” Hugh; but It’» Impossible! It would .ad ones, and live at tea w ith no proposes a tu x th a t w ould maae unbearable. That hasty Judgment was Yes. there were a number ot rea They recommend fa ir tie u tin e n i contradicted by her word». He could seem as If I were ashamed. It would estriotione at a ll. A ll c h ild re n fre ig h t tru c k » pay for the wear sons why Tommy wanted shoes. be Implying that our conviction» were for the farm er, in com parison w ith i ised iee,j p te ctio c ti o n n , , b u t t the h ild ild re i p ro ro te bu the o ch Then he could wear his Sunday one« not. as she surmised, clearly compre­ bey in flic t on highway», and pay hend tbe magnitude of the forces to be wrong." the m a n u fa ctu re r, in im p o rt dn- n tb o l# g ve «tate» need it worat ol for every day and his new ones for uore on paved road» than on “People are not overcharitahle about Sunday. And If. on the muddy spring contended with upon the island, any tin i, w hich m ay be a» near a» tbe „U , here, as you knew.” he urged. "Tou itber» th a t cost less. more than a man learning swimming days, he should 'T h o u » » m l» o f c h ild re n lis t n x ille o n iu in . strokes In still water can realize the may both have acted according to your wear the very old than ten year» old are a t work. difficulties to be encountered, by the convictions, and they may have been They recommend fin a n c ia l aid, ’ C h ild re n lee» than »ix year» o ld , pair It wouldn’t T h a t tbe developm ent of Ore­ same movements, out in the open sen right; but all tbe same It was—unor­ matter then, for ahiuh in rare Instance» may he a working a ll day loog, arc di»c< v gon’ » resources is in its in fa n cy i But the simplicity of her explanation thodox. and— They wUl »Imply throw he could say. “I help, hut w hic often lead» o n ly j r red from tim e to tim e by inveeti offering no excuses, brought with It mud at you and—especially him! tr ik in g ly evidenced by the fact Just thought I’d deeper and deeper in to the m ire .»tors of the n a tio n a l c h ild luboi the force of truth. Evidently, how­ Bub,” he came back to her, speaking wear this old pair bat more than h a lf of the enor ever incomprehensibly, each had acted with unusual Insistence, "I can’t bear so I could have In the last few year» th e ie baa o m in itie * fre ig h t businers some fun." They In accordance with deeply weighed to thluk of you facing that 1 For my “ W h ile more th a n a m illio n nous ra ilro a d been a considerable am ount of th ia , b ild re n are w o rkin g , fa r more ■ rig iu a tin g lo the state is forest would know he sake, as well na your own— and—bis, convictions. This was Hugh’» first plunge into don’t tell them." kind of “ h elp ” extended Io fa rm ­ ban a m illio n men and wornei hnd a better pair iroducts. She remained silent. The truth of such complications: he was utterly and It would be re unem ployed. S ettin g Hie c b ii er». When the federal reserve bis words, as applied to Alan, struck lost, adrift from every mooring. all right. ren free w ill give w ork to iaei l bs county is goiog to run rook bank» began to fu n c tio n m oney! Barbara, watching him, half held out her forcibly. The contemplation of hls It was Christ­ ud women who are now id le rushers now on m a te ria l to be mas mo min g and was advanced to farm ers, on »lx name suffering calumny had already, her hand. 'You must not think hardly of Alan, that morning, proved unbearable. The c h ild labor am endm ent w il used in m a rke t road extension T o m ro y awoke m o n th s’ tun«, w ill) w hich to raise she appealed wistfully. “If he had not "It would be an awful trouble to robably not be ra tifie d th is year ■vbeu it can be hauled. Some of with a start. He a crop At harvest, w ith the heard his father There Were Can­ behaved honorably, I should not have your mother and ray old people," he price a t tbe bottom . »» i t always m other year», i f the question th a t rock is needed on road» th a t s h o u t i n g -lo v e d him—as I did. Surely you added, with hls usual thoughtfulness. out dy Bags and j , then, farm ers wanted to renew ,, made au issue in elections, it vere in good co n d itio n last fa ll. Christmas greet­ believe that, Hugh?" “They will be upset, as It la. And— Oranges. Mechanically he took her hand. “Oh,\ they couldn’t understand.” ings to everyone tb e ir notes and hold th e ir crop» ,,iay be. ami all tbe family were wide awake lord!" he ejaculated. "What a me«» She suddenly turned and caught hla fo r tbe better prices of the next products o f u n d e rp a id c h ild H a rris b u rg is wisely considering and Joyful. It all la!" shoulder». ] | ihor are free to come to Oresot “Mother feels better than she haa "It's hell for me!" she exclaimed, a a yin g its pavemsuta from c u rb to "Hughle! do you?" she aaked earn­ " O h , no,” th e y were to ld , ‘ th a t t i beat down th e price of home c u rb arid paving along tbe P acific for weeks," Tommy heard his father hitter agony In her voice that startled estly. "All! you must 1 I can't lose— telling his older brother and sister, him. Hd looked at her strangely, w ould be speculating, We dou’t products. Congre»» passed an act highw ay from its 16-foot s trip to "and last night Mr. Brown told me he amazed. This tragic-eyed woman who your faith, too." Then he acted In a manner that aa- had suffered bo much, learning to love had a Job for inel” len d you money to Speculate i i prevent th ia , b u t the c o u rt de- both curbs. with such fierce Intensity, was far re­ Oh. how happy Tommy felt, but | c a re d it u n c o n s titu tio n a l. C ou­ (Continued on page 6) w ith .” even greater than all the family re­ moved from hls old girlish companion. res» trie d again, b u t the supreme ¿Personal quarrels among th e " Then w hy do you lend money joicing, It seemed to him at that mo­ He felt In a turm oil: full of pity for to the brokers who buy o u r g raiu c u r t , w ith a m in o rity dissenting, ” h ig lie r-u p s ” at Salem are b u rn ­ ment, wits the fact that Santa Claus her, though still half Incredulous, The Right Frame hud called the night before, even chaotically uncertain of hls feelings axain ruled i t o u t. lie n e e th ing up the ta xp a ye r» ’ money. aud hold i t fo r the sp rin g rise? ” I t is of v ita l im portano» th a t though he had had to do so much towurd Croft. Dropping her hand, lie s ibmiswion of tb e am enduH ut. the fiu m e of yo u r glutee» set p ro p ­ ‘ T h a t is his regular business." picked up the photograph once more already. And there were candy bag» The farm er'» business waa to W» are p a y iu g taxas to educate Then the full realization of hls own e rly on yo u r uose. We bave the and oranges and mltteua and a beau O x fo rd , P rineetou, Shur-On, tiful, shiny, splendid pair of new shoes IOSS—to be faced for the second tlm soy c h ild re n w h o were ta rd ily raise g ra iu ; the b ro k e r’c to make I'w in te x and num erous o th e r surged up In hl» heart, as he looked at with a piece of paper sticking out of etcued fro m d ru d g iry [b y m oving a p ro fit. the pictured face. He put It down hur­ styles. Y o u may make the selec­ one, upon which was written. "Tommy's new shoes, from Santa." riedly, and passed hls hand across hls tio n , h u t let u» do the a d ju s tin g . Since then the farm er baa been i.ere fio m o h ild -la b o r states. W ith m u le d m inds and bodies they are forehead. given s lig h tly belter treatm ent in It'S a—d—d world now for us borti, Sinners in Heaven tru g g lin g througe the lower grades the m a tte r o f loans, but loan» Bub! I—Td better go—it has rather (Continued from page S) w ill to t cure the fa rm e r’ s ill» . He -«hen they ought Io be in high bowled me over—” He turned away, /V - rVAHY ■ GRAHAM • B O N N E R stumbling a little. "It—will be such t j • vatWN «nuua'.H-« —— needs t i gel out of debt, n o t ill school. We do u o t begrudge the he repeated, bewildered. "I thought a blow to the old people." he muttered Ktst o f suah education as those deeper. you disliked him.” huskily. T O M M Y ’S N E W SHOES ’¿ S f i in e 5 1910. w ith - the k in d of lufo rtu n a te e are capable of aesim- The girl watched him, helplessly, l l c 1-< •••»•■ — — Blie looked silently Into hls agitated face. It wu8 evident that the truth with aching heart. As he reached the h e lp ” th a t ha» been afforded, d a tin g , hut we begrudge th e ir late Tommy was not very old. Nor wss was still far from bis grasp. door, she caught the suspicious glint skmaaters the funds w ro n g fron ill« m ortgage debt on farm s in this he so very, very young. That Is to “Hughle," sh» said very quietly, "It of misery In hls eyes which seemed to say, he was not a waa impossible to write. We were break down all barriers. Her defensive country hsa trebled in amount, heir l it t l e bodies and uow devoted baby. Not by any not married during the trip—not until attitude melted Into sympathy, as Ice being now $4,000,(MX),000 a little io propaganda against tbe aiuend- manner of means we had tieen on the Island for—over u melts at the touch of hot coals. In her .ueut m a tte r of 1820,000.(00 a je a i He went out to year." Impulsive way she ran to him and ploy with others i f interest, coats aud oonimiasions He gazed at her, speechless, his be­ seized the lapels of hls tweed coat V A N IS H IN G FO R E S TS and with an older wilderment gradually chuuglng to dis­ 'Hughle!” she cried, tears raining Werage 8 per cent, fo r the crop» Optometrists. Jewel er« brother and sla­ may and dawning horror. unheeded down her cheeks. "Forgive to pay, in a d d itio n to cost of pro­ and m a n u fa c tu rin g opticians ter. too. Oregon oontain» ta ore tim b e r me! I couldn't help It. It—It breaks "On the lslaniW For a year?" he That was one echoed. "But—how on earth could my heart to hurt you like this.” d u c tio n , I «fore the fa n n e r has ih a n any other stale. ALBANY ot the rensons you get married—” Suddenly the Hls hands closed upon her arms, but a n y th in g t. ward fa m ily expense» J l(u l,cl T im b e r i» O regon’» great»»! Tommy did not blood rushed to hls temples und the he could not speak. HALSEY or for the nae ol the unm ortgaged . ,.Mt| j |y a vailable asset feel ao vary old. horror grew and deepened. He caught 'I—couldn't bear to—betray your He waa the young her arm, gripping it fiercely. “You p o rtio n of his land. T re b lin g hi» - . . tim . b e r su p p ly is being tru st” »be sobbed. “Believe me. Oregon's eat In the family my God! Barbara! you don't mean Hughle, I tried not to—I tried to keep iut«re»t-heariug debt is not an ■turned away eo fast th a t it c o n s ti­ His slater and hla that you—you. of all people—and loyal to you—’’ Cash’paid’for advance toward» pro sp e rity. b ro th e r were tute» more than h a lf the ra ilro a d “O h!” he Interrupted vehemently, Croft—” o l d e r (ban he A nother recom m endation is co­ h e ig h t leaving the state, Abruptly he swung her ann free, hls ’don't moke It harder. D'you suppowe 1 Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal « as, and of course face blazing as she had never seen It. operative m g . W« recently should have wanted you to marry me 1 IIV he ■ dav Oregon’s ■s, a ww « • - — - - a — rk - — e tin •■ a ■ «a • is s. com w ■« 1 ing ga when * Hs Was Ashamed * ° hls d“ dd> "Tbe swine! the—the rotten swlnt M . H- S H O O K from—duty? out oil loyalty?' H e & Hides. Dinted to the difference between ,t)rest, w ill be gone, aa are those of of Them. “ nd »» WR* hU he choked, at a loss for words. “I union - i, c o u n try , where labor , „ b - r , la l„ olloe fa in o u , fo r th e ir mother. tTUsted him. He gave me hls word Christmas time was coming soon and o-operatea against the fa rm e r, in- "And he kept It," she cried quickly. imber. all (he boys and girls were talking He faced her, something nearer to a reusing the cost ol whatever i t W here tbe lum berm an b a t taken about IL sneer than she had ever seen curling irodwees for his use, and Bug- “Whut are you going to ask Santa hls good nutured Ups. "In whnt way? ilie tim b e r, in oiost cases, there anud, where lauor has co-oper- riiu a iiia o n ly a blackened, stu iu p - fori" they would ask Tommy. Tommy By betraying the greatest trust one didn't know. G row n», b rid g e w ork a n d 'fillin g s . It w h man can put In another? By dragging tied to reduce the coet o f house- ci vered waste. Ills mother hnd been sick during the you down—” pay you lo get m y prices on vour de n ta l w ork iold supplies and consequently o f I f au iuccine ta x , or a severance fall and hls father hnd been out of "Be quiet. H ugh!” C usick bank b u ild in g , A lb a n y work for several weeks and Tommy i t own product». S ta te M arket ta x , o r a n y th in g else le g itim a te , The anger In her voice silenced him. Agent Spence'a le tte r, on pace 2, can keep a d d itio n a l e xp lo ite r» out hud heard It hinted that Santa Cluns He turned away, dazed. Sinking upon bad helped with the medicine. tbe couch, he covered hls face with his ells ol some recent common-sense ol onr forests let us have it in the "Perhaps," thought Tommy to him hands. r-ojierative m a rke tin g in the in te re st of th a t p o s te rity who w ill »•elf. "Santa has spent all he cun af­ The girl was trembling with Indlg- ; ailed States I f these dem on- b a re some o l o u r present state ford on our faintly, for he has lo divide nation. Her back to the room, she up I'hriatnius between all the faml struggled with the hot anger seething (ra tio n s could be successfully »■lids to redeatu. lies." within until her woman's understand­ And when he asked hls older Ktpled tb ro u g b s u l the co u n try tb-> — ■ —■ • «► '■ ■ 11 ing won the victory. Then she turned brother and hls older sister If thia ■ irnict's receipts m ig h t be doubled W hen wheat jig g le s around tba were true, they said that he was right. round. "It waa my doing.'' she said. in d h it fin a n c ia l troubles better >2 m a rk i t is a good tim e to sell, They asked Santa to give them a "Tour—doing?” He sprang to hls ban halved and some aleek m id- little of their Christmas In medicines. if the speoulators ha ve n ’ t gol feet and walked nbnnt agitatedly Not because they wanted medlctiies llem en w ould be o u t of job». vour g ra in — and your goat— before but because medicines had to be "What d'you mean? You were not the Itought and money hadn't been coming sort of girl to encoursge— For God's ! Ilian. sake, explain everything!" In— hardly at all. T h e squabble at Malein resembles i A merit tn E.iirlc Fire In su ran ce co m p an /J "He kept hla word to yon." she re­ For one thing Tommy wanted a bag Mi . A nderson th in k s C lear bike of candy, lie also wanted one of peated “He saved my life at the risk num erous pack of hound» w ot will value n o g * big bear. T b s* d o m in a n t o» n give ua cheaper lig h t aod Santa's oranges. They ware so much of hls own. In every possible way he better than the ones at the store looked after my safety and comfort: nd P o rtla n d 's represent»- power. H ere’ s hoping. • tt y . Better than any other oranges could nobody could have done more. Al­ though he—cared—all the time. I possibly he. Tommy also thought he would like never even guessed It! H e—he thought She’ll Accept Your Gift n Uttle tin boat—Just s tiny one to I belonged to you.” She paused, shad­ Gladly ing her eyes. float tn the bathtub. “Then—" Blit more than anything else Tommy i f I t ’ s a box o f onr delicious “Months went by. and no rescue wanted a pair of new shoes. ra n d v It is »» wbo'eaome as it is Perhaps that may seem a strange came Then -I—oh. Hugbie. I couldn't help It—1 realized -I loved him. and— I ••« •***M » » e it« « *te » » « H e « M e M M e e e present for Tommy to have wanted d elicious, and a fte r ta s tin g i t I and be—knew It. too . . We He had hla good shoes and hls old T o n 'll w ant more E veryone But slioes. Only hla good shoes were not meant to wait—and tell yon dotes upon o u r choice coofeceiona so very good any longer and hls old months passed ngaln. and—the position . T l ev ara always pure, fresh and shoes were so old that he was ashamed became Impossible. Tou can't under may cmnmumraite with En»igo Lee of the Salvation Army at the stand here. But there we had to face ) of them. delicious. Maybe It seems to some as though facta—quite differently from ordinary White Shield Hom.*, SA5 Mavfalr avenue. Portland. Oregon. a little boy wouldn't be apt to be standpoints—to make onr own laws. astiauicd of an ojd ^alg q( jhces. May He l«ft the de^gioa W It«- < • . At J HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon $35,000 Meade & Albro, Cream and Produce Station Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES THAT F IT ” A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay is wo rth just as much in storage as yon might get for it iu case of fire. Th? I pay you 85% of the cash of loss by fire. in case| C. P. STAFFORD, Agent( 1 «♦••••••••••oeww. MMM«««**«•••••••••••••«•••••••• j 1 Clark’$ Confectionery <* Any Girl in Trouble f