« European Fowl The Great Outdoors W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, H ealth and Vigorous H um anity a re P roduced M ore Farm Relief Cutting O ut the W aste and Bunk M arketing G raf Piffle in Congress Are Glimpsed and Girls’ Clubs Linn County Boys’ Products, $6S24.25 a Yeai of \ \ in c h #2355.03 is P ro fit feed F o r M ore Aggressive At- titude to Aid Agriculture Cited By Com m ission. Linn county boys’ and girls' clubs made a good showing in the report received .by Mrs. Edna Geer, county leader, from the state leader, for the year ended Nov. 30. The clubs ol three other counties exceeded those in Linn in value of products of club Work. L inn's total was $6924 .21 and the expenses $5,469.22, the pro­ fit for the youngsters' work being $2,365.03. The 100 per cent clubs, with their leaders were: has decided, in the event It wins Its P i T c t i P n i i n f l T-TpT*p test ,ulls on tbe federal government's 1 C 3 1 I U U 1 1 U U C i C taxation under the California Washington, D C.—The house agri­ The One S ure Way to Get cultural committee decided to Invite It Done is to Do It ail members of the president’s agri- Y o u rself < ultural commission to appear before it to discuss recommendations for re­ P o rtla n d , Ja n . 22 lief of the farmers. The committee also decided to call representatives of Luat spring a n u m b e r of farm (arming organizations. era who bad fo r years m arketed After the hearings, which started products th ro u g h the re g u la r trade Monday, there will be an effort to draft legislation in time for action at cbaunels o f Chicago, and who had become discouraged w ith Ihe sm a ll the present session. Since the commission's report was p ro fits le ft them a fte r the horde of transmitted to congress several bills m id d le interests had ta ke n to ll aimed at farm aid have been offered. started th e ir own re ta il store on Senator McNary, republican, Oregon, th e water fro n t. In th e firs t aca- introducing a new farm export bill aon they sold $65,000 w o rth of containing many of the features of the th e ir products. Now those farm ers McN'ary-Haugen measure. Senator are a rranging fo r a ch a in o f pro- McNary said be acted at the request ducsr-to-consum er depots across of farm organizations, and that it was th e c ity . The m id d le concerns his aim to have the bill before the la ke so m uch fro m th e ir p roducts committee when it reopened the whole th a t th e y are toreed to d ire c t se ll- io g in self-defense. ■subject of farm aid. The F a rm e rs’ U nion S u p p ly The legislative recommendations on 'he agricultural commission were com pany of K tn tu c k y iu one year transmitted to congress by President has firm ly established 14 ch a in re- Coolidge with a request for their en­ ta il «tores su p p lie d fro m one actment "at the earliest possible ceotral warehouse in M a ry s v ille . The record of store extensions in to 'late.” In a brief message sent to both first ont blue grass c o m m u n ity and in s p irin g house and senate, the president not | then another mages only urged prompt action but took i rea<’ *n B ,or the eo-operator. Since th s d e p a rtm e n t o f a g ric u l­ occasion to express confidence in the ture gave out figures show ing commission and its findings. No draft of legislation to carry out th a t the P acific coast grower re ­ ceived but 78 cents per box fo r the recommendations accompanied the applos th a t re ta ile d in New Y o rk report and It was indicated that th is .ti,, .i, . . . -ask would be left to the house and 1 ? T " , « * " W° r? ' n< ° “ . , , piMus baudie th© product* a 1 senate agr, cultural committees. fh(( w iy to thfoug|) P Disease Is Characterized by Ita Extremely Infectious Nature.

f different colloidal substances will potato treatment for control of tuber Regulation and other suppres­ ceedings would continue. Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice. pest. nix with practically all deep-well wa- diseases has been found to bring sive measures are being formulated Zysset. Lona Zysset, Gail Zysset, ers even when untreated. These stab home $15017. Increased yield. by the bureau of animal Industry to Hazel Zysset. tilled oil emulsions will also mix with Minnesota Board Merger Planned. When agricultural extension workers become effective as goon as the work The dollars and cents recleved for lino-sulphur solutions, making a high­ began demonstrating approved meth Seattle Minneapolis, Minn. — Minnesota, can be organised to meet tbe emer the club products are but a small ly effective combination spray for "ds of treating the seed In the potato­ Wheat—Soft white. $198; western gency. tired of expensive board* and commis­ oortlon of the profit from these white tiles, scale Insects, and rust growing communities, very few farm­ white, $1.96; hard winter. $2; western Embargoes were declared recently sions, Is trying to get back to first clubs. The best product of Linn udtea. When a combination of this ers In this section used this preven red, $1.95; northern spring, $2.02; Big against a number of poultry producing principles In government. An interim kind Is properly made by a competent live measure. Method demonstrations county, the boys and girls, was ma­ states of the Middle West by New committee of the state legislature, Rend bluestem, $2 25. grove manager It Is a reasonably safe terially increased in value by the ex­ «pray for either dims foliage, branches were followed by the growing of test York city, and the states of New York after two years of investigation, has Hay—Alfalfa, $23; D. C.. $28; tim­ plots In which treated and untreated perience. And that increased value or fruit. The stabilized oil emulsions smm I was planted by farmers undei othy, $26; D. C., $28; mixed hay, $24 New Jersey. Maryland. Pennsylvania recommended that the 92 state de­ Connecticut and California. 4s already felt on many farms and inve met with much favor among the direction of extension workers Butterfat—47e. partment*. boards, commission* and will go on adding to the value of Linn many of the largest citrus growers, These test plots gave such farmers Eggs—Ranch, 34®38c. whatnot In the state capital be con­ Wierrhuntable production, as the years who no longer find any difficulty In and their neighbors an opportunity to Cattle—Choice steers. $7 50 0 8.00. solidated into 12 department*. H errin Sustains Its olng the untreuted water from deep i umpire the results from the use of The cauntv. now standiuy Well* Hogs—Prime light, $11.75011.90 treated and untreated seed. The nun, ■ e irto the fore, will have better Cheese—Washington cream brick, Methods for Treating Water. K ; K. K . R epute her of Knw valley acres on which Prune the Fruit Trees stock, better crops, better farms and A new United Stales Department of treated seed potatoes were planted 19c; Washington triplets, 19020c Young trees, fruit or shade trees, 1 etter homes, on the average, be- kgrtcnlture Bulletin No. 1217, "Mixing lias Increased each year, according Washington Young America. 21022c Herrin III. — Another pistol fight require attention every see son The »ause of these clubs, and many a boy Emulsified Mineral l.ubrljathtg Dlls to reports to the United States De stirred Herrin early Sunday When Pruning knife should be u ,ed nU)t, Snokane or girl who would have left the farm with Deep-Well Wuters and Mine Sul part ment of Agriculture, from practl th« .moke had cleared away It was liberally if the best results are de- Hogs—Prime mixed, $11 35011.50. 1 < be swallowed up in the great city pliur Solutions." by W tv. Yothers. rally none In 1919 to more than d.tkki entomologist, and J. It. Winston, pa acres In 1924. found that a man representing himself aired. There I* no do that the Cattle—Prime steers. $7.2507 75. will live out the span of life in peace ’h.•login. discusses the heat methods for as an officer seeking to arrest a klans- fruit tree* which are headed low and prosperity in those hornet. resting deep well water, but also rec­ There will be no Increase In man had been shot to death In the prove more satisfactory. They are A successful rural leader must be ommends using statdlxed oil emtUslons a good fanner. charges for grazing cattle and sheep Lymar hotel by Rufus Whitson, police easier to get at when pruning, spray- The potter cannot meld without clay with untreated water. on national forests during 1926 and man. after the alleged officer had r e L ““« flD*“ 7 wheo P‘ck!n« th* nor the hen make shells without lime Directions and formulae are given fruit. Crape vines require th* same 1925. Secretary Gore of the depart "In this " Eat-More Fruit" campaign, • • • wounded Sim Stephens, policeman attention, early la the spring for stabilising oil emulsions by apply- farmers can well set an example ment of agriculture has announced. The consumer has a peculiar way of ng various colloidal substances such and terrorized the hotel employes The avoiding any crop that Is consistently as casein, milk, skimmed milk powder, latest affray came while Sheriff O*llt- Control of Apple Scald Inconsistent In quality. gelatin, cornmeal, wheat flour, corn gan was seeking martial law in Herrin O S S on*d wrappers have proved to be starch, and laundry starch, as well as Quiet prevailed tonight. , The dropping boards, perches and glut. Those Interested may obtain the most practical preventive of scald The killing brought the death toll A car of 4 In the klan antl-klan fight to 14 bests should be treated for mites. The ihe bulletin, ss long as the supply $ ound so far. The first consideration pullets also should be examined for lasts, by applying to the Division of I* prompt rooting after harvest. Then Th* coroner’s Jury exonerated Whit­ park your apples, using oiled wrapper« Publications. United States Depart lies. son for each apple. Soch apple. , houid ment of Agriculture. Washington. I>. C. "It was merely a rase of an officer come through storage |n much better Approximately $29,294,900 had been of the law performing his duty." Major condition. Writ, to th. United S u e * expended In constructing Irrigation epartment of Agriculture for Farm- Davis remarked. works In this state at the close of The major said he had reported the ore Bulletin No. 1390 for . more com­ 1924, with 1.343,00 acres of land tnvolv plete discussion of th* problem. will arrive in February. Place your order hm s ' ? AdJwU» « ’«»*r»l Black. , d. according to the biennial report of H e. ’■ •^m endstlons the state engineer, filed with the leg ¡¡J now for delivery nght off the car at a L sefu l L itte r C a rrie r I that Islalure. • martial | , W P’' „ r ,* „ >n,1 oPlDi°» „ sad iît? » ' '" J Pr°Tld* ' • 00d It will reqnlre approximately $1, this time " 7 *' «nd Miter carrier when one Is msk- great saving in price 250,000 Io reseed the froson out wheat ln» preparations te take ear* of the W e w a n t yo u r produce and g u « r » ••» re . It la one of the greater I. lands In eastern Oregon Instead of ante« ths highest m a rke t prices TAX TEST SUIT IS AWAITED $300.000 as originally estimated *• O u r husinees « 'ta b lish e d 44 year* îrk ^ i Z Th* m’ nu" cording to a committee of farmers ago eeclslen Would Aff,et ................. . f-wkad into the earner easier than It ,nd hankers who appeared before the A Reference, Hank of California X ^ hro« f n ' ra tb* wlndow' Commoolt, Property |_.w Joint ways and means committee of PAGE & SON Portland, Of the house and scuule. Washingtos. D C. - The treasury m e. the carrier Is 011*4. „ tlkeg bu, (Jse Hard Water in Mixing Spray C-, VEAL POULTRY EGGS CAPONS HOGS J J s Land Plaster O. w . FR U M I L . L m7 ' I’* u *“ roU “ * tad dump th# ro ite m # by th# r#- >