Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 04, 1925, Image 1

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    D a iry
P o u ltry
W oo,
H a l s e y H a p p e n in g s
B ro w n s v ille B riefs
a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts
ln Albany Friday.
**id wife were i
In te rn a tio n a l
ifcoterpriaa O orreapondanc«)
Short Stories from Sundry
A. J. H ill and wife, Carl H ill
Marvel Lawrence of Waterloo
and De Los Clark drove to Albany ip#“ t Suud®y with house folks.
M rs E tta Chastain of Lebanon
M ary 8mith
M. H. Shook has sold the Swift **
relatives uortb of town
dairy and prodooe business to K. j tbi# week’
E. Gormley.
Mrs Emma Harrison of Albany
went to
M earb Strsley spent the week
Tumble Inn closes for the season
end with her friend, Aaaa Hein-
with a Valentine’s day dance.
rich, in Corvallis.
Most of the road supervisors in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson
this county have been reappointed.
of Brownsville called at H . W
Fruits were not damaged much by Chance’s Saturday.
the cold spell thia winter.
Caroline, w ifi of J. D. Irvine
The Albany cannery is contracting and sister of W C. Cooley, died
for berriee, cherries and peart for vssterday, aged 62.
this season’s run.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Munson
Albany city council is talking rstumsd Thursday from their ex-
about a new bridge to Bryant park, tended trip through the middle
as it did last year. It is needed.
' ** v i,it*D8 relatives in
” U* lh ii we* k -
Smoke Dawson and John New­
land have had telephones installed
in their homes aud are connected
with line 44
J. C. Harrison drove to Scio one
day of last week and purchased
ten O. A. C. roosters with which
to build up bis flock of white Leg­
Rev. Mr. Wakoham of Oakan-
ogau, Wash., preaches at the Bap.
Over $7000 has been paid as pen­
Strawberry growers at Lacomb tint church again next Sunday
alties for delinquencies in payment have contracted the crop from 120 morning and evening. Come and
bear him.
of last year’s taxes in thia county. acros for 1926 at 8 cants for Mar
“Delays are dangerous” and costly.
shall and 9 j for Ettsrbsrg.
Last Sunday night was the last
1 be Lin n County Jersey Cattle night of the revival meeting at the
Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Tycsr of
Toe Metho­
Portland arrived Friday fern short club meets at Albany Sstuiday Methodist church.
v e il with the lady’s parents, M r. afternoon. A representative of
Rev. M r. Brown, with an #18 75
sod Mrs. J. W. Bressler, while on the national club is expected.
the way to Kirby, where M r.
Among O. A. C. students home
Tycer’s sister is quite ill.
Mrs. J. A. Yokum is still in the
for the week end wars Kenneth
Glenn Stevenson and family of Cross, Carl H ill, W illiam Corco­ hospital here.
Beaverton arrived Friday night for ran, Roland Marks and Do Los
Raymond Eggeston and wife have
a week-end visit with G lenn’s par­ Clark
a 7 pound daughter.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A , Steven­
Robert Allen and famity arrived
Lee Eggleston and Lou W alker
son, and his wife’s mother, Mrs. the last of the week from Sas­
Hannah Cummings.
katchewan and expest to ssttls in are starting a chinchilla rabbit
'this vallsy. Mrs, Allen is a sister farm.
If you cannot afford to pay a
Chester Austin has bought the
dollar before Feb. 18 for the Enter­ of Mesdames Bert Clark
Schick residence on North Main
prise one year for yourself or
somebody else, tell your neighbor
A. C. Armstrong drove to his
Last week the funeral of Mrs. C.A.
about our offer and perhaps be ranch in Douglas oounty Saturday
can. The mooey goes towards to look after hie sheep.
All are Boles, who died at an Albany hos­
making a better paper— one that doing fine. One of his neighbors pital Thursday, was at Browns-
w ill be a credit to Halsey.
killed a big coyote ¡¡Friday.
It ville. The funeral of Ebenezer Con­
Mt. and Mrs. E A. P. LaFol- weighed <0 pounds and was 2 feet way was Monday, and that of J. J.
lette of Payette, Idaho, arrived 2 inches high and 4 feet 2 inches Boyle Sunday.
Thorsdav evening for a thres- long from tip of nose to end of
W illiam A. Leonard, long a
Mr. Armstrong
weeks visit with friends aud rela­ tail,
Brownsville resident and at one
tives. Mrs.
LaFollette is the
time keeper of the hotel, is dead
Mr. and Mrs hl. T. Snood celebrat­
mother of Eldon, Jesse, Georgs
and the Brownsville K. of P. had
and Kenneth Cross and sister of ed the 41st anniversary of their wed­
Mrs. W , F. W hite and lived hare ding Jan. 24th and Mr. and Mrs. J. charge of his funeral at Springfleld
or many years.
A. Stevenson wont them seven better
Rev. M. S. Woodworth accepted a
A sickly looking newspaper Is and observed their 48th. The two
pastorate at Ashland, to
a poor advertisement for the town
where it is published. Help us enjoyed a reunion in honor of the whith Place he went from here, just
in time to experience a tumultuous
day. .
storm. The church has split into
Seth French was elected president Price and anti-Price, or McPherson,
the new Retail Merchants' organ* and anti-McPherson, factions. The
listing at Albaav.
majority and directors and have gone
Stone implements, ornaments and into court to try to oust the defacto
weapons valued at $1000 were includ­ managers, the followers of Dr. Price,
ed in a gift to Albany college by D. latter claim that they are the dejure
Bancroft Optical Co.
313 West First street, Albany,Or.
Case of Albany. The collection was
gathered from an adobe bed 70 miles
north of Sacramento and the articles
were said to have been used by a
race of people antedating the Amer­
ican Indian.
P i n e G r o v e P o in ts
(Entarprlsa Correspondance)
Charles Gibson ef Corvallis vis­
ited at the farm Saturd
(Continued on page 5)
There will be a community club
entertainment at the schoolhouse
Friday evening. The program will
be given by member« of tha Linn
county forum.
M. V. Koontz Co.
Is prepared, in 1925, as ever, to serve custom­
ers frem a complete stock of fresh goods
Mias Nora Pehreson aod her
(friend, Miss Scbriber, from W il­
lamette university, spent the week
end at the P. A. Pebrsson home.
Latest styles in dainty things for ladies’
Work garments for workers
Notions and novelties
Underwear for men, women and children
Mr. and Mra. R. K. Stewart
aud Mvrsl Settle and family went
to Eugene Tuesday, where Mr. and
Mrs. Settle visited until Saturday
then wont on to their
home at Reedsport.
Miss Edith Pugh visited her sis­
ter, Mra. George Chandler, Sun.
I day.
M r. and Mrs. A. L. Knighton
were Albany callers Friday.
Men measured for dandy made*to-order
dress suits
Boys’ suits, ready to wear
Rain clothing
HOES tor the little folks
Mias Hasel Johnsen spent the
week end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hover and
daughter visited at the E. E Hover
, home Sunday.
Several young people of the
neighborhood attended a young
people’s meeting at Peoria Satur
day evening.
HOES for the big folks
“ If your feet hurt, come in.
a pair of Edwarde’ Foot F itte r« .”
We can reliava yon with
Our goods give satisfaction because they
* -f
E. Church
been decidedly abnormal of late:
Plenty of seed will doubtless be
S . S . L e s s o n available to Linn county farmers at
normal prices for reseeding the froz­
(Bjr R B V P B F I T I W A T I R . D p . . P « *»
en out areas.
of th e ■▼ •nlng School. Moody B ible In
■tit utc of Chloa«o. >
While the total amount available
t t £ . 1 H I W « « t » m N ew spaper V n lo n )
of federation and Huston will proba­
bly not meet all the requirements,
Lesson fo r February 8
white winter, Wilhelmina and Hoi
wheats may be planted in Febr­
uary with considerable safety. Also
Rink and Foisy may be planted safe­
GOLDEN TE X T— H oly F a th er, keep ly in February or early March. Con­
through thine ow n nam e thoee whom
thou haat glvun me. th a t they raft) ba siderable quantities of Minnesota
one. ae w e are."—John 17:11.
wonder, often called early wonder,
PRIMARY TOPIC— Jaaus P ra y in g for
are available. This is a good yield­
H is F rien ds
JUNIOR TOPIC— W hat Jeeue P rared
ing wheat but does not market well.
A number of cars of Jenkins club
IC— C hrist's P rayer for Hie D isciples.
are reported as svailnble by a large
grain firm, in Portland and the coun­
IC—C h rist’s Interoeeeory Prayer.
ty agent of Umatilla county reports
I. Hie Prayer for Hlmeelf (vv. 1-0). n surplus of seed above the reseed­
Fully conscious that the hour of His
ing needs in that county. This as­
crucifixion was at hand He prayed
to the Father saying. “Glorify thy Son. sures a liberal supply of seed at
that thy Son ulso may glorify Thee.” normal prices without the necessity
His coming Into the world had as Its of such extreme measures as ship­
supreme mission the glorification of ping Marquis wheat from long dis­
the Father. In order that the’ Father tance«.
might he glorified It was necessary
that the Son should be glorified.
1. To Him Had Been Given the Pow­
er to Give Eternal Life to God’s
Chosen Ones (vv. 2, 81). Eternal life
is knowledge of aud a right relntlou
to the true God nnd Jesus Christ.
Thus we see that eternal life Is a re­
lationship and not an entity.
2. He Declared That He Had Fin­
ished the Work Committed Unto Him
(v. 4). The definite work which He
came to do was to give eternal life to
the chosen of God.
II. His Prayer for His Immediate
B a n d ie d A b o u t
W a t e r P r o je c t
Figures Indicate a Good
Cash Saving in Other
Coast Enterprises.
Waldo Anderson, author of the
Clear Ijike water scheme, for which
legislation is being discussed both at
Washington and at Salem, has issued
a statement to the press regarding
the Salem effort, from which we
“It is designed to fill a much need­
ed want among Eugene, Corvallis,
Albany and Salem and many of the
smaller intervening towns nnd com­
munities in that it paves the way
for a pure water supply from a com­
mon source and further for the fi-
r.ance, control, development and dis­
tribution of said water supply.
It makes possible the acquisition
of hydro-electric power for these
cities from a common source at a
much less cost than the present, and
provides for the finance, control, de­
velopment and distribution of such
hydro-electric energy by the same
body as mentioned for the develop­
ment of the water supply.”
He cites the fact that Eugene, Al-
»wiy, Corvallis and Salem are now
seeking power and more abundant
water supplies and fears unless the
Clear la k e scheme is pushed rapidly
those cities will be driven to invest
heir money in other and smaller
water systems.
Mr. Anderson declares that Clear
Lake, with an additional tract on the
McKenzie which it is proposed to
'nflude, will supply sufficient water,
'tight and power for the entire Wil-
lakietta valley for all time, and then,
to demonstrate what a saving in cost
may be effected, gives figures show­
ing the electricity bills of the Blain
Clothing company of Albany and the
Stiff furniture company of Salem
where private corporations furnish it
with what the same service would
cost in Tacoma. Ashland and Eu-
vene. which cities own their own
plan»», B la in ’» hila in 1924 were
$327 76; the sam e am ount of the
fluid would have cost $78 04 in
T aoom e, $$71.62 in Ashland or
$114 20 in Eugene.
Stiff paid $1008.48 in Halem for
what would have eoat $373.54 in
Taoom e, $499.89 in Ashland or
$735.48 in Eugene.
Washington, D. C.—The senate pass
ed the postal pay and rate Increase bill
although house leaders had served
notice they would ask for its return
to that body on the ground that It
was revenue raising legislation and as
such could be Initiated only in the
Disciples ( w . 9-19).
house under the constitution. The re
1. Their Preservation (w . 8-10). He
turn of the bill to the senate. If ef
did not pray that they would be taken
leered by the house, will make it
out of the world but that they might
be kept front the Evil One. I t Is not necessary in order to enact It for the
the divine will that we go to heaven bouse to initiate the legislation, pass
at ouce when we believe because:
It and send It to the senate for re
(1) Christ needs our ministry. passage
Those who have been made partakers
The measure has yet to be con
of the divine life are His representa­
sldered by the house postofflce cOnt
tives In the world.
uiittee and some time Is expected Io
(2) We need Ills grace strength
eneil and developed in us. Heaven Is elapse before it makes a report to
a prepared place and only those who the house.
Representative Longworth. Ohio,
buve been prepared for it can be ad
ai|tted Into It.
and Garrett. Tennessee, tha republican
(8) The world needs us. Christ de­ and democratic leaders, respectively,
clares that the disciples ure the tight
both declared against acceptance .of
of the world, the salt of the earth
tho bill from the senate.
(M att. 6:16). Only as the light of
As passed, the bill provides for the
the Lord »bines forth through the dis­
ciples con the people in the world find same increase in the postal employes
salaries, effective as of July 1, 1924
their way.
2. Their Sanctification (w . IT-10).
as were carried ln the pay bill approv
(1) Sanctify means: First, to set ed at the last session, hut vetoed by
ap art; that means then that the dis­ President Coolidge. It would1 mean an
ciples were to be set apart to do the average Increase of $J00 annually In
specific work of representing Christ;
the salaries.
second, to cleanse; those who ere »4t
Revised rate schedules affecting
apart as His representatives need tbe
practically every class of mall also
special cleansing grace to make them
sre provided to meet the salary raises
vessels fit for the Master’s use.
(2) The Instrument used (v. 17). although the recommendations of the
They were to be sanctified through
postofflce department for Increases In
God's truth. God’s truth Is His Work,
these rates were greatly modified
(By Special Correspondent)
(8) The purpose (v. 18).
Thtgr particularly in tha second class
were sunctlfled ln order that they
Mrs. Heurv Brock, who has been
The house bas a B e w a il to raise ill, is very much improved.
might he qualified for Ills service In
$60,009,000 above aurreut postage
the world.
A number of our people are suf­
(4) Jesutf own sanctification was fof rales and one to apply it to in
fering from bad colds.
Ihst purpose (v. lit). He la tha grand creases ot salaries.
Mrs. Lee Lowery of Oregon City
III. H it Prayer for His Future Dis­
■ pent several day« thia week at. the
ciples (vv. 20 26).
home of her parents, M r. and Mra.
1. Their Unification (vv. 20-28) His
Ex-D irector of Veterans’ Bureau and W illiam Brock.
She returned to
great concern was that all hetlevars
her home Hucday evening, accom ­
Contractor Convicted.
should be united.
(1) Tho grand pattern of this splr
Chicago, III.—The federal Jury which panied by her twin daughters, Le­
Itual union Is the union that exists reviewed the administration of the one and Lucile,
between the Father and tbe Son (v.
United States veterans' bureau under
J. 8. Ntoewood waa an Albany
(2) The Incentive making possible Charles R Forbes convicted Forbes visitor Friday.
this union (v. 22). The vision of the and John W. Thompson, wealthy St.
Mrs. Guy Herman if Coburg
Louts contractor, of conspiracy to de
glory of Ood In Christ ( II Cor. 8:18)
visited friends here las week.
Is the grand Incentive which unites fraud the government In the allocating
Mr. aud Mrs. Lyman Palmer
the believers.
of veterans' hospital contracts.
(8) The purpose (v. 23). The su­
F in ’ a of $10,000j with two spent Sunday as guests of T . J.
preme objective ln the unification of
years in th» penitentiary, were Jackson and wife.
the believers Is to convince the world
T h e freeze and beavv
that God sent Jesus Christ to save I t pronounced.
cauaad tbe approach to the Lake
2. Their Glorification (vv. 24-26)
Colonel Forbes was director of the
Greek bridge to oruinble and slide
The disciple of Chris* enjoys fellow­
veterans' bureau under tbe admlnls
ship with the Father nd tbe Son and
into the creek.
Mr. Leonard,
fellowship with bis la'lcw believer,
county engineer, was notified aod
but he also looks forward to the It was in the capitol city that he is tbe dam age repaired.
alleged to have accepted bribes from
time when he shall he glorified.
Rev. Mr. Tate, pastor, will
(1) ”1 will that they be with Me Thompson, a millionaire St Louis con
where 1 am” (v. 24). There Is a pres­ tractor, in exchange for veterans' has preach next Sunday, morning and
evening. Sunday School 10 a. ut.
ent glory enjoyed by believers
pltal contracts
(a) They are now children of Ood.
Prayer meeting Wednesday even­
although It does not yet appear what
they shall bs.
Miss Sarah W illiam s is visiting
I b) They now possess eternal life
New York.—Gaston B. Means, one­
and therefore shall never perish. time confidential agent of the depart­ in Springfleld this week.
While there Is the present glory. Jesus ment of Justice under W illiam J.
Mi»s Nora Coldiron spent Sun­
wants H it disciples to be with Him Burns, was fined «10,000 and sentenc­
with her friend, Lucile Hern­
In Heaven. He said. “Except a grain
ed to two years in the federal prison don.
of wheat fall Into the ground and din.
It nbldeth alone." We can reverently at Atlanta when a Jury found him
Mr. and Mr». Bob Allen, re­
say that unleas tbe believer Is tsken guilty of having conspired to obstruct cently of Canada, have been visit-
to Heaven Christ will be lonely.
id g Mrs Allen's sister,
(2) “Behold my glory" (v. 24). The
Henry Brock of this place.
believer shall share the Ineffable glory
T he M aster-W ord
of Christ ( I John 8:1-8).
The muster-» ord of Cbrlstlunlty
One reading our "School Note«”
Robert Parker pastor.
Sunday school, 10.
Preaching. 11.
Plenty of Seed Wheat
Junior League, 3,
The following comes from Prof, of
Intermediate League, fl-BO.
Epworth lesgue, 8:80.
Farm Crops Hyalop of O. A. C. We
Preaching, 7:30.
hardly comprehend how he can pre­
Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7:30.
dict “normal prices.” The price has
P o s ta l P a y B o o st
T h e C le a r L a k e
Lake Creek Locals
from week to week must not get the
idea that the schools are doing noth­
ing but basketball.
Our reporter
A bone to the dog Is not charity. seems to be such an enthusiastic fan
Charity Is the bone shared with tha
that the basket looks bigger than the
dog when you are Just as hungry as
school-house, other work is being
the dog.
done there, however.