News Notes From All Over Oregon Gleaned by the W estern Newspaper Union Rider« are rounding up stray horses In P ine valley and holding them for I disposition by the sheriff. | Im m ediate construction of a box factory at K lam ath Falls by the Chilo­ quin L um ber com pany is announced. A barn on th e K ruse ranch on Isthm us Inlet, nine m iles from Marsh- I field, burned w ith a loss of about >7000. Mrs. Melvin M. O erslde has been ap­ pointed p o stm aster of a new postoffice In C lackam as county to be kuown as Oerslde. M abelle N. Olds was nom inated for p o stm aster at Cloverdale, and A rth u r S. Lund has been appointed postm aster a t W arren, Colum bia county. thoroughfares with pavem ent. A shipm ent of 50,000 eastern brook tro u t eggs w as received at the state fish h atch ery at Dead Point creek, n ear Dee. The eggs w ere taken at Fall creek, n ear Bend. The Dead Point hatchery, which last year pro­ pagated over 3,000,000 fry, expects to exceed th is num ber th is year. A clean up of all th e hay In th e alfalfa fields of th e w est end of Uma­ tilla county will be effected w ithin the next few weeks, according to Carl Me N aught of H erm iston, m anager of th e hay g row ers’ co-operative organiza­ tion. A pproxim ately 80 per cent of th e crop has been moved to date. The A shland city council ordered calling of an election in th e near future to subm it to the voters the question of issuing >8000 in bonds to purchase th e h istoric southern Ore­ gon Chautauqua building, which will be sold w ithin th e n ext few weeks to satisfy a m ortgage foreclosure judg m eat. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 7 I- JA N 2«, 1925 »URAL E N T E R PR ISE PAGE S A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros U. S. & c. T. c. Tires More service No more cost ¡Skilled Auto repairing Auto accessories New, low-priced Gill Batteries for fo rd , and citar, other Chevrolet small cars MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY O. W . Frutii look a truokload end there was a dearth uf local |of bogs to Albany yesterday. news in our columns. This week Dr. Garnjobst was called from Miss Schroll is tending her mother, | Corvallis yesterday to see Mrs, who bus the malady, and the dearth continues. Some o f the Heury Brock. local subscribers who co-operated Mrs. Teinik arrived from St. with the publisher in making a Heleus yesterday for a visit with I her mother, Mrs. J. C. Bramwell. good local newspaper have relaxed their efforts since Miss Schroll has J . W. Drinkard attended tb» been on the job and readers w ill | inerchund:ee shoot last week and miss her work. brought home some hame and Miss Florence N itzie of Shedd died bacon. F rid ay , aged 14. Both th e state p en iten tiary and the sta te train in g school ft>r boys at Salem Spanish-A m erican w ar v eteran s in a re fire tra p s and are not adequate to cen tral Oregon will consider th e or cope with p resen t m odern conditions ganizatlon of a cam p in Bend at a according to B. Ogden Chisholm, a «£> by W u siera N«w«pu(»#r U n ion .) F. W Robinson and family and m eeting to be held th is week. m em ber of th e in tern atio n al prison R uth and Irene Quimby a re a tte n d - Horizontal. V ertical. Charles Weifenheitner of Junction comm ission, who is inspecting the t — M a r a b E stab lish m en t of a p lan t in Bend 2 — G o d o f lo v e 'n g th e B row nsville high school. City were at A. E. Foote’s Munday. 4— 1 OUtljff RORt 8— S h o r t s le e p for th e utilization of ran g e horses, penal in stitu tio n s of th e Pacific n o rth ­ tt— D e e p l y e n g r o s s e d Miss. Mab«l Robinson remained Ed» Z im m erm an and w ife spend 4— T o k n o w ( S c o t c h ) U— O r f f n n s <»f h e u d producing bone meal, hides, glue and west. 5— E n f f l l a h i n n n ’s s n lu ta tlo n <«w« | for a longer visit with her sister, Sunday a t the home of Mr. and M rs. 13— D u l l . (s p ir itle s s p e r a o a w o r d s ) P lans have been com pleted and the allied products, is being considered. Mrs Foote. 13— I ’ u r e h h * n b I e E. A braham . 7— P r o j e c t I a n p ie c e e f w o o d 15— K x e lu n ia tlo n o f r e f fr e t 6— D e a l e r An additional w ater reserv o ir to co n tract let for the rebuilding of the I S — P n s tlu ? e s The new tro u t h atch ery cn R oaring mill section of th e P o rilan d Vegetable Thursday night the sheriff's of­ U— H a p p e n i n g serv e th e K incaid park territo ry , re ­ 20— 1 q u ic k p u ll 10— A ff ir m a t iv e fice whs broken into sod a quart riv er will be open fo r business by Oil Mills company, which was destroy 2 3 — l i n t (up: b e e n v i c t o r io u s cently annexed Into th e city limits, 11— F a c e b o n e | bottle of confiscated booze stolen. A pril, it is thought. 2 3 — S m a l l r t'o n i ed by fire, Dec. 18. The mill, which 12— M n n s i o n is planned by the Eugene w ater board. 21— F i s h ( f C i 14— b i f f A thousand dollars in money and will be used to. press the oil from 115— T u r f 15— T o e a r n * L- D u rg e r, form erly publisher C. M. O ranger of P o rtlan d w as ap­ copra from th e Philippines and the [much liquor were left undisturbed. 2 7 — G i r l ’s n l r k n n m e 17— P a r t e d w i t h of th e Scio T ribune, w as strick en pointed by G overnor P ieros as a m em ­ South Sea islands, will cost about >50, 2V— L o n g - p e r io d o f t im e What the fellow wanted was a 15— C a m e f a c e t o f a c e w i t h 3 ft— O n e w h o f o ll o w s u p 21— C h r i s t m a s c a r o l w ith p araly sis la s t T hu rsd ay a t Leb­ b er of the sta te board of forestry to 000 to rebuild. | drink. ¿12— H o y ’s f ir s t n n m e 23— P r e f i x n t e n n lu f f b y m e a n s o f o r succeed George H. Cecil, also of Port anon. As he was over 80 y ears old 34— O ld h o r s e ’ th ro u ffh A fter he had held up 21 men in Sternberg Brothers guarantee there is sm all hope fo r his recovery. 33— T o p u ll w it h fo r c e land. '— A u t h o r o f " T h e I n f e r n o 1 a T routdale pool hall, W illiam Still »•{— | « | t |8truwberry growers 6 cent» for 27— A c q u i r e John Thom as, aged 70, of Medford middle-aged E stacad a man, w as shot U n i v e r s i t y o f fic ln l 2 3 — B e lo n g in g : t o a n e a s t e r n u n i ­ Mr. H aw ley has introduced a bill Marshall and Oregon berries, and 43— P r e v a r i c a t e v e r s i t y dropped deed at th e G reat N orthern and seriously wounded by two Troul k much more as the market may to set aside 12 sections o f land fo r 43— B e co m es f n tljfn e d 2«— A d r i l l station a t P ateros, W ash., while w ait­ dale citizens who w itnessed the rob 4 5 — B o y ’s n n n te 31— D o m e s t i c a n i m a l warrant. Contracts can le had to the C lear Lake w a te r r.ource and a u th ­ 4 3 — D l a t r e s a sfR -nal 33— C u p ing for th e train . D eath is believed to bery. Still escaped, hid in a patch run for any length of time, from 1 orize un organ izatio n to b rin g th e 4 7 — M ix t u r e o f e a r t h a n d w a t e r 30— F o r c i b l e s t r o k e have been due to h eart failure of tall g rass In a vacant lot, and was 4b— I n c l o s e d ( p o e t i c ) 37— P u »snare w a y io & years. w a te r th rough th e valley. 6D— S h o e m a k e r ’s to o l ( p i . ) Ils— D a r k e n e d An a re a council of Boy Scouts of la te r captured and tu rn ed over tc 5 3 — Y e llo w 28— T o n iu k e a m e n d e Who thinks our star route mails C alam ette and G ran d P ra rie A m erica covering th e cen tral Oregon deputy sheriffs. 54— B e lo n ff tn jc t o a p e r s o n 40— M id d a y s are not expedited? Brad Moss, g ran g es oppose the changes in the 5 3 — T o r u n o ff 41— M e t a l s t a m p d istrict .and including th e comm uai One hundred and eighteen m ills re 5 7 — A c q u ire s b y la b o r 44— C h a f e w i t h f r i c t i o n ill» Hnlsey-Swoet Home carrier, p rim a ry and m ark et road fund law s ties of Bend, Redmond. M adras and porting to th e W est Coast Lumber 5 9 — I in p r e m b ed 40— C a r p e n t e r ’s to o l was arrested at Brownsville M on­ r d th e consolidation o f the offices F le s h P rineville, was organized in Bend. 49— L a t i n o r F r e n c h f o r •*!»•• m en's association for th e week ending day for speeding. He was re­ of sta te m ark et ag e n t and food and 6 t — N i c k n a m e o f m a r t y r e d P r e s id e n t 51— T h i c k s lic e o f a n y t h i n g K lam ath Indians will realize approxl Jan u ary 17, m an ufactured 102,284,186 52 — A w e ig h t 63— T o I n l t l n t e leased again, however, so tbe dairy commissioner. 63— G ir l* « n a m e that el y >1,000,000 during 1925 from feet of lum ber; sold 106,014,206 feet; mails came through. T h e s o l u t l i i n w i l l a p p e a r In 54— U p o n receip ts received from th e cut on and shipped 115,214,268 feet. New n e x t Is s u e . A lexander P ow er died a t Lebanon f tl— T o b e In d e b t One hundred volumes from the Saturday m orning, aged 59. He w as reserv atio n tim b er units, Fred A business was 4 per cent above pro 5M— i l o d e n t s ta te h o r a r y a re lik e ly to be o n [ e a lly days , B sker, su p erin ten d en t of the K lam ath ductlon. Shipm ents w ere 9 p er cent Solution of Puzzle No.’ 8. •l>® »helves in our publicJjbrary ! partn(r -„ the RoonU above new business. Indian reservatio n , h as announced iP O R E g g S T a t F 1 this week. Among them are mat y The new tro u t h atch ery of th e state Since the F arm e rs’ Union w arehouse se;>. He became postmaster and f iS M E.L L UjE tine books for children. Toll 1'e gam e com m ission on Roaring river In E ugene was established 19 m onths w ent into the g ra in w arehouse busi­ S T A L E lS P A E 0 NJY "There «re no hard and fust rules I li b r a r ia n what you want to read •go the total sales have am ounted to in Linn county, will be com pleted ii ness. He w as th e firs t pres d ent of for feeding goats,” says C. A. Leach. I a n d she will be able to supply you ,T gtR. J 3 ¡0 R >353,000, according to th e rep o rt of March or April, according to M. L the H alsey s ta te bank and the bank Jefferson county. Neb., who hus a herii I th r o u g h th e s t a le li b r a r y th é m anager. E. E. M orrison, at the Ryckm an, s ta te su p eriutondent o’ of Nubians. 1 w as fo r a tim e located in a w arehouse hatcheries. T he h atch ery will be siml m eeting of the stockholders. u e “One thing you m ust keep ln mind Miss Ruby Schroll. tbs enter­ building. He w as extensively in te r­ I t DggS T O R M Y j A ; vefn high-grade copper, e sti­ lar to th e Tillam ook statio n , and wil Is th at the food used should he of u prising Enter prise local reporter, ested in business of various kinds a t kind to produce n strong body hr well '(intended wiih tbe grip last week the tim e of his death. m ated by m ining ex p erts ns th e largest bring th e num ber of year-arounc as produce milk. We have found that In th e history ot U nited S ta te s copper plants of the com m ission to 22. corn, oats and short« make a very A heavy acreag e of w heat, damaged mtping. has been stru ck by cutting T Ju b Cleaning Works, Inc. good m ixture for (he older stock. We ** Cor. Becoond and Ferry Into th e footwall vein of th e Mother in D ecem ber when su b z e ro w eather mix the feed In the ratio of 04 pounds Master Dyers and Cleaners Ix>>e* cegtper m ine, 26 m iles from prevailed for several days while the of oats, 52 pounds of corn snd Hbout y M ade-T o-M easure Clothes w heat was unprotected by snow, will Baker. 15 pounds of shorts. In addition Io have to be reseeded, according tc this we feed all the good alfalfa hay IM P E R IA L C A FE . 209 W. First W ith a three-fourths vote cast at the goats will eat. Harold G. M urphy Prop. a special school election a t Medford Fred Bennlon, U m atilla county agent T h is is good advice; “ It you live Phoue 665 on th e question of Issuing >165,000 R eports of sim ilar dam age has been tu Allian)’, trade iu Albany ; if you live W k nkvkr clos » in souie other towa. trade in that tow n." bniftis tow ards the construction of n received from n o rth ern p a rts of Sher lie # high school, th e proposal was de man, Gilliam and Morrow counties Very few gardeners who have space But in these autom obile days many re­ lL f AONETO E L E C T R IC CO. at dding elsewhere find it advisable to do Official Strumberg carburetor serv­ The sta te land board has asked for feht/»d by 58 votes. 257 for and 315 to spare will do w ithout a straw berry it least part of th eir buying in tlie ice station. Conservative prices All approval by the sta te fo restry depart patch. The everbearing variety has •gainst. * larger town. T hose who go to Alban» work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. come into favor, and ln most Instances to transact business will find the firm: m ent and ag ricu ltu ral dep artm en t of E stab lish m en t of a gam e refuge in Is Satisfactory. However, tlie crop, named below ready to fill their require M A R IN E L L O PARLORS Oregon A gricultural college looking l^ sk e and H arney counties Is proposed being continuous throughout most of me tits witli courtesy a n t fairness. every Saturday night (A beauty aid lor every need) In a bill Introduced by S en ato r Upton. to th e exchange of approxim ately 70 tlie growing season, Is seldom sa at. Francis Hotel 000 acres of scattered school lands foi A C C E S S O R IE S A N D T IR E S 'The proposed d istrict em braces ap ­ Prep., WlNNIFRKD RoSg. large at any rime as the regular kind. Auto S upplie proxim ately 1,000,000 acres of land sim ilar governm ent ncreage ln Douglai B etter results will be had by pinching Watch for ed uext week an­ J. H. A l LISO m en aud money are best when off the blossoms until June. and would be: used for the protection county. The la tte r lands are located 442jWest First St nouncing special busy. Make your dollars work in in Douglas county and are In one tract of antelope. ur savings departm ent. A lbany S tatk F our fatalities w ere due to Indus A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flower J ank . Under governm ent supervision. B ecause of a row betw een Mayor One can make his own fruit-tree * » and plants. Floral art for ever» Johnson and .the new city council. tria l accidents in Oregon during tht j^ J O O K E ’S M U S IC H O U SE protectors at a com paratively little and all occasion». A shland has no city atto rn ey and no week ending Jan u a ry 22, according t( Flow er phone 458-J. cost. Simply buy screen wire, 20 or a rep o rt prepared by th e sta te in police Judge. while th e chief of police K verything musical** 30 Inches wide. Then cut Into short The r u n s w ic k 223 W. First st. and, stre e t com m issioners a re holding d u strial accid en t com m ission. strips Just large enough to go around P H O N O O R A P II } th e ir Jobs only because no successors victim s w ere J. T. P arks, W endling the tree. If they are then rolled into at J T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR ch aser; Irus II. Axtell, P ortland, u tilitj hav® been named. cylindrical shape, using a brisuustl* k W O O D W O R T H ’S M r. and Mrs. Fred Nicbu- Second street, opposite H am ilton's m an; W illiam M. Sweeney, Portland they will curl around the trunk and store. ^ I hs and their bebv were io Tjjie Alsea F ish erm en 's P rotective tru ck driver and J. V. Johnson, Marsh hold th at position. Galvanized screen D a v e n p o r t M u sic c o m p a n y offert “ Sudden Service.” nssBciation has adopted a resolution ted in a tent at a logging camp field, tim ekeeper. A to tal of 480 accl wire, while more expensive, will Iasi A-' Piano-case organ, geod as new th e re in statem en t of Carl D. tear Bend when a two-foot tree T H E M A R G U E R IIE S H O P PE several seasons. den ts was reported. I'.atey organ, good a t new ^ ^ '¿ b j a k e r as m aster fish w arden and fi- Shampooing, Marcelling and Scalp i'll across them. One big branch Vied Pianos. The W illam ette C entral F ederal vent into the ground between their I reatincuts. M argaret C ountrym an, •.u PX ’tin « Dr. T hom as W. Ross In F arm Loan association was formed i’ astkurn Bro«.— Two big grocert L 0 W es’ Second s t P hone 22. eads and another between their to retain his seat on the h is e f t o / '8 Ju st because the vegetable planti- at a m eeting at Eugene of delegates stores, 212 W. First afid 225 South odios end the tree came down s ta te fU By° comm ission. nre making a good show ing as a result Main. Good m erchandise i t the right T H E HPEC1ALTY BHOPPE from Lane, Coos, Curry, Linn and Ben pen them so close lh«t they w for liciiistitching ami atamped good» S herl'V »‘P ’ s ta t®’ assem bled In ton counties, who conferred with of of the favorable show ers and sun prices. :ould riot get out without help, yet shine, It must not he forgotten that the ipposite H sm ilton's, 318 W. Second st. ninth ann HP1 ¡in v e n tio n at M ultnomah ficers from th e federal loun I ank at none of tbem rrceived a scratch. weeds, too, are making even greater I/l it o Cafeteria aud confectioner» l ^ a l d o A n d e rso n & S o n , distrib- county c o u ,N f° u' e ln P o rtlan d ’ adoPl Spokane, elected officers of th e asso Home cooking. Pleasant surround strides. Unless the weeds are killed ed a rcsolutio. ' Ur6' nR ,h e 9tate ,eg,a elation and delegates to th e conven- ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai- mg«. Courteous, efficient service. within a short time they will g it eheaC We make our own candies. Ju d g in g from th e lite r a tu re we are uers, Kssea, Hudson A Hupinobile cars, ls tu re to abolish th e ” ate Prohibition eion to be held in Spokane in March of the vegetable plants and will cro w , j tccessories. a polies, lst A Broadalhin. W S. D umcan . body, of which eceiving under his fran k , Mr. S tan- law enforcem ent and chose A lbany as the place of the the latter out, or sup the life from tin New George L. C leaver is d lrect°r. ield is beginning to function as U nit- ■orge [¡^ilnis developed and printed plant. next annual convention and “ We mail theta rig h t back to yon. E astern capital was * V re s s fu l last .1 S ta te s sen ato r. The la s t bill re Fred H erriok, p u rch aser of a large used Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or week ffi bidding for th e C> e rry rrnpk tract of governm ent tim ber in th e Mai ortr-d as introduced by him Is as Halsey Happenings egon. iKiiiglit, sold and exchanged at all tim es reserv atio n tim b er in the heur national forest in H arney coun H eritor ions a it is revolutionary. It (Continued on page 5) p a rt of K lam ath county. The ' N i ? ty th e developm ent of which in P O K D SALES A N D S E R V IC E B E N T. S U D T E L L Tires and accessories bid was subm itted by the Camp. V 11' . ;—'iv fs the construction of 60 miles ot vould b ring p o atm astersh ip s o f the W J. Rilielin write» that he is I Repairs I’hone 76-K. 1X3 N. Broadalhin si., Albany Towle L um ber com pany of O sh k o sV I ra j| rpa' * (yora C rane through Burns first, second and th ifd classes under K i s k -P ullak M otor C o . t'riog of the cold weather at Prine­ W ls., with an offer of >8.11 a thousand l j )ag re( ejv ‘ a y e a r ’s extension of tfm< ivil service ru les and do aw ay with OBRJ f eeding Milk Goats A O&SV A S E LM M N TO B/NO K H I L E A P A N E L SffiS TA A R E K a g lS T I V E b | E :S 0 NEER. ^y^Îbanyj£/)irectory DANCE The Strawberry Patch Tumble Inn M" Fruit Tree Protectors St. Valentin < DANCE B Keep After the Weeds r FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY . . . . i Start logging ThP eX P rizes aggregatin g »500, to be dlvld- I ten sio n was a u th o r.,'* 4 by Colone' •> into first, second and th ird aw ard s, I R ' ii U bbi B G reeley, chief '* the forest w ere authorised by com m ittees r e p r e - 1 sorvlcs. se a tin g th e P rineville post of th e t A m erican Legion for co m petitive drum | p jce N o ( R g ljg h e d corps drills at th e A m erican Legion i id H H ire Is not liked by poultry s ta te convention Ju n e 25, 26 and 27. * rnnks lu«ver than wlteat In both dges- The principal roads w ithin C ra te r { tlbilllty and pnlatsblllty It Is not L ake park will be hard-surfaced f :» rr cb used for poultry feeding, even year. C ongress has passed r , , 1 th e South where rise Is grown m easures which give a to tal of I I • f “ e comm ercial chick scratch grain *•— - - . 1 t.lx tu re s contain s little rice, but II i rnl^year. h u . . . . and . . a the money will be us< ' I fie«« not «fid to tbe value of the feed, lor replacing the presepi dusfyik e quad ren n ial shakeup. Vitamines Are Lacking ville. L V rln iilie r Furniture Co., furui- Erank Hadley and wife am i fi turc, rugs, linoleum, stoves rang«« (•uneral directors. 427-433 west Firs' W rite lor booklet describing our 20- Mrs. L V. Chance were in Al street, Albany, Oregon. year Rural C redit Amortized Loans bany yesterday. E U l.I.l.R GROt E R Y . 2B5 I.yot Die loan pays out in 20 paym ents, fa ­ irin g the principal. Cheap rates No Mr» Mnrv Palmer has gone tr I * (Successor to Stenberg Bros ) lelay. B eam L and C o ., Groceries F ruits Produce O trvallia, where her daughter, Mra 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. I l’hone 263R A. T. Grugett, is quite til. F A R M LO A M S Fall pigs suffer more from a lack of vitam ines than from anything else. Pigs may have a perfectly balanced stion In so fa r as protein, carhohy- and fat are eoncem ed bat will Ira, olman ja c k son not th »Ive w ithout vllamlnes. which Mrs K arl Bramwell and Mra. G rocery—Bakery wt In rye or wheat pasture. : re pr«s<. Edith Robnett aud Truinan visit­ I K verything in the line of eats at lowest rate of interest. ulfnlfn or s»’ « « r ' ,,ver ha?> " r fr,"*h Opposite Postoffice ed Albany Monday. milk. When v ? « '’’10''’ arH add,‘d ,o Real Estate Inauranre ub Candy Co., First street, nexi Prompt service. Courteous treatm ent. I well-balanced r n t .',u *&* ^ad f’*,t " ld Lawrence Taylor is tbe lale-t done to Blain C lothing Co. -row und fatten us .'ap 'd ly and ecu- W sr B a in , Room 5, First Sa»