ó ¿ o ¿ í ÍXAíZA y TERP A g rc u ltu re A W e e k ly C h r o n ic le o f L o c a l E v e n ts a n d P r o g r e s s o n L in n C o u n ty L a n d D a iry H o r tc u ltu r e P o u ltr y L iv e s to c k HAIAKY, ORE ON Halsey Happenings and County Events Short Stories from Sundry Sources A. C. A rm strong is driving a new S tar car. JANUARY 2», 1925 Taylor’s father, J. C. Standish, and wile. 17 YEARS or MEAT CONSUMPTION C. II. Davidson and wife were Al­ bany visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Z im m erm an: drove to Albany Thutsday. B. M. Bond and family drove to Tangent Wednesday evening. 2 160 IW 7 :«oe »»»© Mil (•13 »•14 1 in the 1*0 ! 1*67 1»ta ICW ■MO « i Coolidge officiated at the simple un­ M veiling ceremonies of a tablet to the memory of Woodrow Wilson, for 11 years a member of the church. I U.S. 'M l •WJ F PE ' 170 I lard. According to the Sears-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation, in addition Mrs. Mary Robnett returner! to hei uneral of the late Mrs. Albers. to providing the amount needed for domestic consumption, enough meat and home in Brownsville Saturday after At midnight a daipty lunch w a s ' lard wns produced to export over two billion pounds, which Is equivalent to u t.nree weeks visit i'h d ie r sister in served by the hostess assisted by Mi’s, i about 18 pounds more per capita. As pork production Is now being curtulleil, Poi H and. .t ie 1924 figure of meat consumption Is not likely to be equaled In 1925. duy Layton and Mrs. Hans Koch. Delma Wahl came home Friday Mrs. W. A. Muller went to Albany and returned to her school duties et P in e G ro v e P o in ts Another Pioneer Gone vur.day morning, called there by the Corvallis Sunday. llness of her sister, Mrs. G. Mess- Mr3. Nancy E. Palm er died last George W orkinger and wife are man. Friday morning at her home in this lE n t o r p r ls o C o rre s p o n d e n c e ) the parents of a baby girl born lust p „ ,. ir„ . * il c’tv ' afte r several weeks of illness C. C. Jackson and B. M. Bond had week Monday evening a t the hos­ i Her funeral and interm ent were at county surveyor Leonard doing some ; Saturday, pital in Corvallis. Pin« Grove Sunday, afte r brief ser- surveying on th eir farm s In the Lake Mr. and Mrs. A. L. K nighten w e re 'ric e s at the home. The P otter five hundred club met reek neighborhood Thursday. in Albany Tuesday. Mrs. Palm er was born April 10, a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. F arrell of W as­ Mi. and Mr3. Will Eagy of O ak­ 1848, a t Seward, N. Y., the youngest Muller Saturday evening. Four daughter of Nicholas and P atty Ott- tables of progressive five hundred co arrived Thursday night to be w 'th ville visited a t L. E. Eagy’s Sunday. man She m arried Lyman B. Palm er were played, Mis. J. C. P orter and their daughter, Mrs. May Smith, d u r­ Mt . and Mrs Frank Gansle and I • H arry P o rter reciering firs t prizes ing the illness of her soti3, Wayne J a ig h te r visited at L. E. E ag y ’s on in 1866 and two years la ter they came and Fleming. around Cape Horn to Oregon and s u d Mrs. F re d S p re n g e r and F 'm k Monday evening. bought the farm owned by Mrs. Dy- W orkinger recieving the consolation The P o tter sewing club met with Frank Nichols of Corvallis Visited cic Brock where her husband died prizes. Mrs. Joe Eli ot Wednesday. Seven his parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles 36 years later. She then moved ineo m m bers responded to the roll call. Nichols, Thursday, town, residing here about 21 years. Organisation of a 30-picce band has i he afternoon was spent in sewing been started by the Albany Elks lode« ’’o? the hostess. Invited guests were The men of the neighborhood work­ Si c had been a Rebekah for many A bill which would enable citlaa in Miss Vida Albertson and Mrs. Fob ed on the telephone line Thursday, years. Not long afte r she camo to Oregon the Willamette valley In Oregon to Ramsey. Lunch was served by the giving it the annual overhauling. Mrs Palm er lost trace of all her rel- proceed with a plan to develop a water '•orics; assisted by Mrs. Bob Ramsey. Many old residents of this and th e ’ stives, but two years ago a niece, Mrs supply was Introduced in congress by Lake Creek neighborhood attended ' Carrie Beadle of Los Angeles, pass- F Tty cen ts Io th a t p u p il in Representative Hawley. The meas­ he funeral of “ A unt’’ Nancy Palm er ¡¡„g. through Oregon, stopped off In .lie H alsey p u b lic schools in 'if tVsn ure would authorise a grant of ap­ Cunzlnn | w • • inquiry ■ at the .. «« a at the Pine Orovo nUimnk church Sunday Tf a isev made Halsey proximately twelve sections of federal '•b o sc fa in ilv th e E nterprise is afte. noon. S trie bank, and was dire-ted to the government land around the head tak en an d w ho first turns in th e The sewing club met with Mrs nomò of the old lady. Th- lonely waters of the McKensfe river in the c o rr-c t so lu tio n to th e cross-w ord vicinity of Cedar lake to au organisa pozz’e in this is-ue. A nsw er rniiet A. I, Knighten Wodnesday afternoon. woman was nearly shocked into fits *hc sudden appearance of a rel- tion which it is proposed to have the he in th e E n te rp rise office before 6 Tho- e present were Mesdames R u s-' sel Githens, F rank W orkinger, George ' ativp aft» r so many years. Mm. state legislature designate as an p. ni. July 23. Chandler, F rank Smith and Lou Ma-1 Beadle wrote to Mm. Palm er’s sister agency for construction. One of our subscribers, recently son . The tim e was spent In sewing ( Lvdia and brother John in New York Mr. and Mrs. Fwred Taylor of P ort­ wrote us to know if we believe in and corresnonden'e fell