Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 21, 1925, Image 1

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A \ \ c i'k ly ^ C h ro n ic le o f L o c a l E v e n ts a n d P r o g r e s s o n L in n C o u n ty L a n d
A g r c u ltu r e
H o r tc u ltu r e
L iv e s to c k
lalsey nappenmgs
and County Events
J A N U A R Y ¿1, 1925
W. A. Carey made
Brownsville Saturday.
butchered two hogs Thursday, one i f
f '
| weighing 700 pounds and the other V /. □ . L J e b t kJ TOWS J
So Does Oregon’s
The missionary society of the ’
i Peoria Free Methodist church met a t '
the home of Mrs. w. g . McNeil Oregon
Wednesday afternoon.
Wayne and Flemming Smith, sons j
S h o r t S to r ie s fro m S u n d r y of Mrs. Mae
S o u rce s
sick list.
L) a i r y
P o u ltry
W ool
are both on the |
Leads Slates of Nation
In Percentage of In­
G. W. Laubner went to Browns­
John McLaren left last week for a .
Mr». D onna C ro îs visited E u ­
ville on pleasure bent—to interview
i trip to Canada. M r. and Mrs. Lee j
gene F riday.
the dentist.
: Camp are taking care of the farm '
Mrs. A. E. Foote went to Junction
j during his absence.
( Washington, D. C.— The public debt
City Saturday.
Mrs. Woodward, returned from Walla
Mrs. N. E. Chandler was pleasantly
thc United States, including that of
Mx. A. C. Armstrong and wife Walla Friday.
surprised last week by the arrival the federal government and all of lta
were in Albany Saturday.
j of her brother. Charles Swanson, and subdivisions. multiplied nearly seven
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Layton and son
times between 1912 and 1922. it was
! wife of Minneapolis for a visit.
Mrs. George Workinger visited at spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Henry
shown In census bureau figures. At
H arry Commons’ Thursday afternoon Abraham’s.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chandler, Mr. tbe end of December. 1922. the total
and Mrs. Charles Swanson, Mr. and was $30.846.«2«.000, while at tbe same
Miss Lavelle Palmer came home
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprenger and
from her school at Corvallis for the
Mrs. George Chandler and son Rich­ period in 1912, it wae but $4,860,460,-
son were visitors at the J. C. Porter
week end
ard and Miss Agnes Chandler visited 000. While the greatest increase ap­
home Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawerence Ilmmerman peared in the federal debt, because of
The fish commission has bought
Friday evening.
the war. the debt Increase of states
Everett Wyman, 2 1-2 years old,
16 acres near Larwood for a new
1 here is less price variation due to quality In hogs than In any other anb
died last week from injuries receiv­ ^mal In the live stock kingdom. Yet, quality speaks, even on ths hog market,
Some men from the Dixie school was nearly three fold and that of mu­
Mrs. E. E. Parr, 50, postmaster at ed when he fell into a vessel of hot .w ith top prices going to the smooth, plump porkers. According to the Sear.. district visited the Pine Grove school nicipalities and other subdivisions was
Roebuck Agricultural Foundation, during the past year choice fat backs In recently. They expect to build a new doubled.
Crabtree, had a fatal stroek of pa­ water at his home in Scio.
The greatest proportionate debt In­
[th e lightweight class on the Chicago market, averaging from 150 to 200 pounds, school house and the county superin­
ralysis Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWilliams of i brought from 87 cents to $1.50 per hundred over common hogs of the same
crease was In the state accounts of
tendent recommended the plans of
Ortgon, where the Increase of $39.952,-
Morning Star grange has passed a Albany were guests at C. P. Staf­ I class. At the beginning of the year choice lightweights were selling 87 cents
a hundred over the commons. Through February highest prices for lights were this bnilding as good ones to follow.
000 in bond Issues represented 129,-
resolution favoring income tax and ford’s Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Workinger [81 cents over the low price. During March. April. May and June the spreud
49B.8 per cent.
oleomargarine laws.
The federal government In 1912
and children were Sunday visitors at .narrowed only to widen again through July and August. In October top price«
County Clerk Russell reports that Frank Smith’s near Peoria Sunday.
In the lightweight class were hovering around $10.00 while low quotations were
owad $1 028,664 000, while In 1922 It
two dollars less per hundred.
cne voter In every eight in this coun­
owed $22,166,886,000
The total of
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerkson and
ty swears in his or her vote instead
Butcher and bacon hogs are graded as choice, good and medium In the
stave Indebtedness tn 1912 was $346,•
heavyweights, and choice, good, medium and common In other weights. For­
of registering.
942,000 while in 1922 It was $935.644,-
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller m e rly there existed a grade known as prime, which possessed the maximum
Mrs. R. K. Stewart, who has been 000 Other civil divisions owed IS,-
Burgulars took $150 to $200 worth Sunday.
i of condition, form anil quality. At present If is extremely difficult to get this ill, is much better.
47t.964.OOO In 1912, and $7.764.196,000
of overalls, shirts and blankets from
.grade In the desired market weights Choice hogs have the conformation and
Miss Ruby Schroll has wrestled quality that are desired In prim» hogs, hut are not quite so well finished Good
A number of our people are attend- In 1922.
the Homer Speer store at Tangent
with the gripp since Friday. Mrs. pure bred sires are relatively cheap now and their use would Insure higher ing the meetings at Halsey.
■ ■ ■
Thursday night.
,, , , ,
. _ ,
Salem, Ore.—Oregon's ranking as
Laubner and Mrs. W. H. McMahan .quality litters next spring.
hred Jackson of Salem was visit- f,r„ 8I|lnng
,n (h<>
Harry Porter and his mother, Mrs. took her place at the library Satur-
tng old friends here Saturday.
I , l0n
deb, Rg reppr, ed from
J. C. Porter, and Mrs. W. A. Muller day.
ing but a loving remembrance of
Brownsville Briefs
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Curtis of Lebanon Washington, comes by reason of two
were in Albany Saturday.
their Christian mother.
Miss Mary Carey returned Monday
spent Sunday at Henry Brock’s.
i bond Issues totaling $58,080,760 dur-
Word was received Wednesday that
“Wages of Virtue” is the picture from Salem, where she had been the
,be ten 1'6#rB b,twe’ " 1312 ‘ nJ
(By Special Correspondent)
Mrs. May Dickenson, a sister of Mrs.
show at the Globe Sunday and Mon­ guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Gillett.
. 1922, the biennial report of the state
Fred Harrison, had passed away at
1 * 1 treasurer reveals.
day. We have been taught that “vir- She was met at Albany by her par­
Rev. J C. Orr has resigned his pas­ her heme in Riddle. Mrs. Dickinson day.
tue is its own reward.” Go and see.
ents, W. A. Carey and wife.
The total outstanding bonded debt
torate liere in the Presbyterian was here in the hospital several
Miss Sarah W illiam s was a guest
of the state Is $80,118.490. of which
Mrs. Harry Commons’ father and
Miss Sadie Rednols of Beach,
weeks last fall and winter with a tu­ at G uy Herman'*, near Cebnrg. this $20 000,000 is In soldier bonus bonds,
mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. B Rpreng- Cal., arrived in Shedd Saturday to
In Ash Swale neighborhood ‘six mor on the brain, and has practically
and $$8,060,760 In highway bonds The
er of Shedd, and her sister and hus­
babies have been born in the past been dying ever since an operation in
N. H. Cummings and fam ily, M r. latter do not constitute a dlreet lta
band, Mr. snd Mrs. J. W. Fisher of
six months. Talk of “ race suicide!” Portland last fall. She leaves a little and Mrs. Henry Brock and Mr. and billty outstanding against the general
who is quite sick with heart trouble.
Canada, visited her Friday.
Wouldn’t this have gladdened Teddy eight-year-old »on. Mr. Yokutn, her Mrs. Thomas Ardry visited Albany . ' r*dlt of th* state ln »>»»' *P«risl provb
Roland Murks, senior in pharmacy Roosevelt’s heart?
father, is very low and cannot live during the week.
8leB f0*' ,h’ lr funrt,, «• raad«
Washington has put a ban on ship­
j c m ton of (he Moneys received from au*
ment of poultry from outside that at O. A. C. has been appointed man­
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison and
Telephone line No. 3 held its an totnoblle licenses, which mere than
state, though no reason for it has ager for the pharmacy show during little Hazel Jean accompanied Kev. vile as Uncle Jimmy Yokutn snd
meeting si Bert Halses’.
O. c^ver the annual demands tor Interest
been given. Many Oregon poultry- the
edncational exposition.
Pro M. S. Woodworh to Albany last Tues- close to ninety years of age. Mrs.
men have contracts for baby chicks cesses of making various drugs, and Jay. Rev. Mr. Woodworth goes to Fred Harrison departed Thursday for G. Coldiron was alerted president, atjd principal payments.
to go to Washington and it is thought toilet articles will be demonstrated Ashland where be is called to preach Riddle. The family have the sympa Martin Cumings s e c r e t a r y - t r e a s u r e r , ------------------- -
snd Henry Brock, Charlie Wilson and
thy of the entire community.
that Washington is simply following by the students.
in the Baptist church
Ardry directorc.
the lines of protective tariffs.
Purity Rebekah Lodge No. 130 in­
The American Legion will give a
Myrle Suttle and wife and baby
A. A. Tussing returned Monday stalled officers for six months, Dis­ came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. dance at Woodmen hall Jan. 19.
daughter of North Bend are visiting
trict Deputy President Ella Moore, Eail Hanison of Ash Swale Tuesday
Myrles mother, Mrs. R. K. Stewart
i officiating. The list is: Addie Moody, morning, Jan. 13. The young man
Washington. D. C.— The house past­
The farmers of Brownsville have of Pine Grove. Mr. Suttle has been
A lbany’s
, P. N. G.; Esther Bond, N. G.; Edith has been named “George Luther.” risen in their wrath to war upon the in the hospital for some time.. He ed the McFadden bill which would re
j Robnett, V. G.; Charity Clark, secre­ Earl and George jr„ are getting along ' coyotes and organized a coyote -club sustained a fractured skull and other vise the national banking l^vs
Tbe bill, the banking policy ol
tary; Sadie Gansle, treasurer; Louise nicely. So is the mother, This is the which offers $40 for every coyote injuries from a fall while working in
which had been Indorsed by tbe Na­
1 Robnett, warden; Malissa McMahan, first child in the home.
killed within the district by a mem a mill.
tional Association of Credit Men and
conductor; Veda Bramwell, chaplain;
ber. The county pays $4. The hides,
Grandma Schick passed away too, bring money. Join the club, kill
tbe American Bankers' association
Mary Gray, R. S. N. G.; Mae Miller,
is designed to put national banka on
| L. S. N. G.; Emma True, R. S. V. G.; Thursday evening, Jan. 16, after an a few coyotes and get rich.
a better competitive bails with state
! Louisa Taylor, L. S. V. G; Alta Skir- illness extending over several weeks.
Institutions, particularly with regard
i vin, I. S. G.; Laura Bramwell, O. S. Her funeral sermon was preached
< Bnterpriee Oorreepoedewee)
maintenance of branches. As report­
Bancroft Optical Co.
I G.; Donna Cross and Clarice Gorm by Rev M. S. WoodMoith of 'Ashland.
Mr. and Mri. McGee of Eugene ed to the house, tbe measure gave na­
i ley, musicians.
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
313 We»t First street, Albany, Or.
visited at Michael? Rackard'na Sun­ tional banks tbe right to maintain
knew her. She was a devoted Christ­
Inira-clty branches whSre state banks
(Continued on page 5)
Mr. and Mra. Harry Holt of Salem a$e permitted to do a branch hank
Baptist church and a splendid mother.' bers a t the church Wednesday even-
The world was better for her having ing was a very enjoyable affair. were Sunday evening callers at the lilg business, but tbe amendment» pul
forward by Representative HUI. repub
lived in it. We suffer our own sor­ About forty-five partook of the sup Lee Ingram mome.
llnan, Illinois, which the house accept
row. bnt her death is entirely our own
Mrs. Whitbeck and M rs. Hawkins ei. placed restrictions on the malnten
loss, she hoving gone to the heavenly
The program consisted of songs spent one afteu-non last week at the 80ne of these branches
father she was so fond of talking to,
H. L. Straley home.
Among other things, the Hull
and short talks.
and about.
Her children, three
spiendments provide that In states
I s p r e p a r e d , in 1925, a s e v e r, to s e r v e c u s t o m ­
daughters and four sons, have noth­
The pastor, Rev. Mr. Tate, in well
the week end at the home of her hereafter legalising branch banking,
e r s f r e m a c o m p le te s to c k o f fr e s h g o o d s
chosen words, welcomed the class to
national banks must obtain authority
the church and to its duties and aunt, Mrs. Minnie Starnes.
from congress before establishing
priviliges. Lyman Palmer ably pre­
Mrs. C E. Mercer and Mrs. A. F branches to meet state banking com
sented the subject, “What the World Rob nett tot Eugene called on their petition.
mother, Mrs. D. I. Isom, one a fte r
Expects of this Church.''
L a te s t s ty le s in d a in ty th in g s fo r la d ie s '
last week.
w ear
was the theme of a talk given by
Miss Hattie Dannen and Master
W o rk g a r m e n ts fo r w o rk e rs
Thomas Ardry.
James and Hugh Dickinson of Shedd Approve) la Q iv tn Senator Kendrick's
N o tio n s a n d n o v e ltie s
Bill by President Coolidge.
were afternoon callers a t E. A.
Mrs. Martin spoke on “ The Aim of
•Starnes' Thursday of last week
Washington. D C.— Administration
U n d e r w e a r fo r m e n , w o m e n a n d c h ild r e n
Gar Sunday School This Year."
Lake Creek Locals
Tinkering Bank
Laws Some More
Alford Arrows
M. V. Koontz Co.
M en m e a s u r e d t o r d a n d y m a d e - to - o r d o r
d r e s s s u its
B o y s ’ s u its , r e a d y to w e a r
K a in c lo th in g
f o r th e little fo lk s
HOES f o r th e b ig fo lk s
“ If your feet hurt, come in.
a pair of Edwards' Foot F itters.”
We can relieve you with
O u r g o o d s g iv e s a tis f a c tio n b e c a u s e th«
a re
Church of Christ
Lon Cham lee paeior.
Bible sebo .i io.
son superintendent.
C hristian E ndeavor 6:80.
O ’
I“» •
w. H. Robert ; rin e Grove I oints
Evening ..rvice 7:80.
t t t n t . r p r l ^ C o rrw p o nS .n .-.)
Mrs. FlorSU'-e Hawkins and daugh­ senate reclamation committee at the
ter, Helen «Jean, returned to their opening of hearings on tbe measure
home in Portland Friday of last Secretary Work gave bis support to
M r». A. E. W h itb e rk accom­
T he church w ithout a bishop in : Bert Haynes and family visited at panied them for a visit with friends
the country w ithout a king.
'A rth u r
Springs te,
Rowland, and relatives.
If you have no churcn home i Sunday.
'ouie and w orship with us.
Joh nn y P referred P o u id tr
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes and J.
Johnny— Mother, do I have to wash
W< Morgan were Albany visitors
my race?
M. E. Church
M other—C ertainly, dear.
R obert P arker pastor,
Sunday school, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 3,
approval of the bill Introduced by Sen
Miss Lavelle Palmer sang a solo
Mrs. Gusta Alien and two children,
find Mr. and Mrs. Tate a duet, which Clara and Boyd, of Cottage Grove ator Kendrick, democrat. Wyoming,
proposing government loans to settlers
were much enjoyed.
visited Mrs. Allen's siater, Mrs. of reclamation projects now under
Della C urti^ two days last week.
construction, was transmitted to the
In term ed iate League, 6:80.
E p worth league, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7:30.
W. G. McNeil and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Albertson attended church
in Halsey Sunday evening.
Mrs. D. H. Pierce of Albany spent
a few days helping at the Stewart
home while Mrs. Stewart was ill.
Charles Nichols and J. R. Mode
Johnny— Aw, why can’t I Just pow
der It llko yon do yourself?”
Idaho Rspubllesos Dlteh P rim a ry Bill
Boise, Idaho. — House repebllcam
consigned tbe progressive primer)
election bill to the sane fate accord
ed the democratic measure and refua
ed to print IL
the measure and Director Lord of tbe
budget made It known that the pro­
gram did not conflict with President
Coolidge's financial plans
Under the revision, th« measure
would propose loans op to $2000 for
eettlere on the hsaie of 60 per cent ol
the Improvements made by the settlors
or cattle owned.
Interest at 4 per capt would be
Land would he obtained,
however, under provisions of tbe pres
ont law.
la farm labor scarce? The hoga will
biarvest your corn and pay you for the