Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 14, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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PAG b 4
independent— Nwt n e u tra l—• • » • -
paper, pu bill bed eveiy W edueeday,
K H K fc l.E J l
91.6. a year la advaaca.
d e ’o»
A U n r im o g , 2»x ao Inch , b o diecoun
k>r Um« or «pace no «barge lo r colu
IV 4
i ». K I'K .-ll
governor, wbo**e atteydance at the W h a t a B udget
Officials O u ste d
sick bvd of bi* wile prevented bini
System M eans
from being present, bat the predic­
tion by the unterrjtied of a sweep- 1 One Must Keep Track of Dis­ Taking Money to Aid Pay Leg­
ing democratic victory in 1928
islation Charged Against
bursements to Get Ahead
»reins at least sanguine. Mr,
Suspended Men,
Miller thinks we will bav« a state
income lax again in two years.
eoaitkm ol -«Jauges.
(■ 'l'a le - f u i F aracraph s." 6c a II
« • advarataing dU gulred aa news.
A ring of exploiters of child labor
is financing u cam paign ag ain st the
ratification <jt the child labor urn end-
n n t. Money coined irom th e blood
Halsey want« a big, fine new o) th e little ones is being used to
achool bouse.
..i ..J safe the coining of more blood
Halsey want« a big community hall mci.ey. See, in another column, what
with dining room and kitchen and S i.itor Walsh says about it.
other annexes
■■ ■
Hulsey wants cement sidewalks and
Oregon in asked to refuse confir-
more paved streets, and doubtess
lo n or the federal child lab o r a-
property owners who have no cement ir.< ridment because Oregon no
sidewalks would not object to the n ed of it. On the runic theory Janes
building of a complete system of such w o has a respectable f. mily, m ight
a t the city ’s expense.
be asked to oppose a law requiring
Hut— Halsey guts along w ithout ol '.er fam ilies to comply will, prin­
these things and her tax ra to is lower
k s of m orality and decency.
than th a t of many o th er cities,
though it is as high as the m ajority
Elmer J, Edc quit smoking last
of us w ant to pay.
ndsy when his pipe set fire to
We are not paying fo r th e things
th a t we think we cunnot yet afford.
The g reat sta te of Oregon could
learn from Halsey.
P ortland w ants an appropriation
for an international fair, held in th a t
city and financed at least, in p a rt by
the state. Such a fair would benefit
other p a rts of the state, fo r Oregon
can show products and possibilités
th a t would a ttra c t settlers.
We w ant a couple more normal
schools, though our school system
already stands well a t the top am ong
the states.
h s bed in a Salt Lake hotel and
be was burned totdratb. At least,
if he »mokes now it will be with
hi i intone instead of tobacco.
State Treasurer Kay declare*
that Oregon*« bonded debt and
stale taxes are not too high. That
fa !» to prove the case to some ol
■ .
The price of flax to the grow er
this y ear is expected to be $22 a ton
fv 28-inch mowed, $28 fo r 22- to 28-
ii eh pulled and $38 for 30-inch p u ll­
The E n terp rise and the oth er pap­
ers would enjoy p rin tin g the m a tte r
•luob wheat in eastern Oregon
now issued before every election In was killed by the freeze.
the voters' pamphlets. and would en ­
joy a compensation a t legal rates for MAKE LIFE SUCCESSFUL
the publication
There aro a hundred o th er interests
th a t could muke pleac.unt use of state
lly practicing th rift, the average per
»on may make th eir life more sue
c e s tu i. A good tim e to sta rt Is dur
lug thrift week, January 17-23, when
The crying need in Oregon today is n campaign of education featuring
ttiglft fundam entals will bu put on by
fo r a red ictlon of the tax burden,
tiup Oregon Hankers* association and
which Is several time« us g re a t as it the Y M, C. A, co-OperstIng with 48
ic i e r national and local organizations.
w as a decade ago.
The plan is based on Benjamin Frank
The farm ers, upon whose shoulders Ila's Ideas.
le r ta the heaviest p a rt o f tbiu b ur­
Making a family nr personal budget
den, and who have Ju t boon defeated Is perhaps the most Important thing
to do; then record your expenditures.
in th eir e ffo rt to shift a p a rt of the The value of ownlug a home, making
load to where it belong»—beaten by a will. Investing In safe securities,
the u is of u $40,(10(1 fund—w ant re­ l-aylng bills promptly, sharing with
others, working and earning, having
a bank account and of currying life
Insurance will be stressed during the
1 If the lagulatnre will ru t lb« nerd
wt ek.
le»» frills and tn x -eatin g commis
slona and hold up any new scheme»
of expenditure fo r a few years the
burden» may be reduced. Will th e y ’
You are now b e g in n in g
to think of 1925. I t ’sa lso
tune to think of y o u r
ves. P e rh ap s they need
glasses to brighten up the
The child labor am endm ent is op­
posed on the ground th " t it would
place dangerous power in the hands
of congress. On this sam e theory
why not repeal all the crim inal laws
because th ey place in th e hands of
courts and ju ries a dangerous power—
th e power to p«onounce an innocent
person guilty and jail o r hang him.
Home things may bo left to th e ju d g ­
m ent of congress o r the courts.
— —
■ ■■
The Linn--Renton Pomona grange
is on record a g ain st the proposal to
amend the law to th t ti-o s ta te com­
mission and th e leg cities can hog the
m ark et road fund for use on main
lines. T hat fund was established to
build the roads which f . r t i e r s were
prom ised but ill J not get out of the
proceeds of the millions of dollar I
Meade & ¿Vibro,
Optometrists Jewelers
»m l in a u u f a c tu r io g o p tic ia n s
they were induced to vote in read |
Barber Shop
Laundry »«nt Tuesdays
kgency Hub Cleaning Works
Tbe predieliou is made that Or­
egon'» incoiue tax will be back on
A B E 'S P L A C E
the books ft» two years Not by the j
art of the present legislature, we j
fear, Put a campaign in favor of
the tax twe veara from now might I D R A Y M A N
change tbe completion of the leg
ialature, unleea the dodgers dig
All work done ptouiptlyjand reason­
deeper inta ihelr poeketa a n d raise |
mere than a $40 001» fuod to fight
Millan A. Miller repre*ente«l
Governor Pierce at a Jackson dav
In Portland Thursday
We can pretty wall agree
With X r' M‘II« • eulogy of the
¡Lobbying P ostal
Cream and Proauce Station
Cashjpaid for
I ream, I OUltry, Eggs,
I & H id e s .
\ cal
M. H- S H O O K
Chairm an Bud gut Departm ent
Oregon National T hrift Committee
How to get ahead financially, yet
live decently and well, is doubtless
tl e most absorbing and Im portant m at­
te r confronting the average person or
the average family, and that la the
sib je c t we wish to discuss and an­
ti avor to assist In solving.
No discussion of the subject can be
gin or end w ithout mention of the
meaning of "T hrift.” T hrift means
g od management, vigorous grow th;
it means spending less than you earn;
It m eans saving system atically. It
dees not mean th at one should stop
spending; on the contrary, it means
s.lending, but spending wisely and
thoughtfully Instead of carelessly.
T here Is but one real way to dis­
cuss the question of T hrift and th a t
Is: W hat will T hrift do for me? The
personal equation is all th ere is to
7 hrlft -d ecid e what you want and if
you want It badly enough and are will-
Ing to pay the price you probably can
have It.
W hat are your w ants? Do you
v, ant a home and peace and content­
m ent, a few flowers, a bit of green
lawn, perhaps some fruit and vege­
tables, the dancing fire light from the
glowing em bers of the fireplace? Do
you want the thrill of cutting bond
coupons; do you desire to cash interest
or dividend checks, or do you prefer
to spend as you earn, jazzing along
life's highw ay? The decision must be
made. The T hrift way, you say? Very
well then, let us give heed to a few
simple worth while suggestions.
The first of these is to keep track
of all disbursem ents, In other words,
follow a budget plan. Through that
find out If you are wasting money; if
so, stop the leak.
The concluding thought I wish to
leave Is th at T hrift is not easy. It
is hard work to save unless you have
a regular system atic savings plan. If
you would get ahead, decide upon the
am ount to be saved, then bank It every
payday. Just the same as though it
were any other bill which must be
paid. Following this plan for a few
months will so fix the habit that the
plan may be made effective without
Inconvenience and with splendid re­
sults. T hrift m eans frugality, aeon
omy. To be thrifty one must be will
lug to "pay the price" by practicing
frugal|ty and economy, and reaping
the rew ards of saving and Investing.
Prom inent Oregon men are taking a
keen interest In promoting thrift week.
January 17 23. sponsored by the Ore
gon B ankers' association, the Y. M
C. A. and 48 national and local or
garlzationa. It la to encourage the
"save and have” plan. A strong com
m lttee IS handling the Portland cam ­
paign and the following are comm ittee
men outside of Portland:
J. W. Maloney. P endleton; Paul Wal
lace, Salem ; L. C. McShane, H ubbard;
lir. T. J. Arneson. Baker; J. O. Holt,
Eugene; C. W. Laughlin. A storia; E
C Pease, The Dalles; Elm er William
son, Albany, cashier Albany S tate
b a n k ; F. E. Bennett, E nterprise, super
lntendent of schools; H. E. Coolidge.
La Grande, cashier La Grande Nation
al blank; Chas. E. Miller. Outario. sup
erlnlendent of schools; Fred Fox
Union. assistant cashier F irst National
bank; It. A. Emerson. Bend, principal,
high school; E. M. Bubb, Klamath
Falls, cashier American National
bank; O. R. Campbell, Medford, prln
cl|»al. high school; Roy K. Hachkett.
G rants Pass, cashier First National
bank; A A. Schramm. Corvallis, cash
ler Corvallis S tate bank; J. Montgom
ery. Marshfield, president Bank of
Southw estern Oregon; Benj. J Kim
her. corresponding secretary Marion
county Y M C. A, Salem. Oregon.
Percy P Canfield. Oregon City. Bank
Of Oregon City; C. E. Knickerbocker
assistant cashier, McMinnville. Ore.;
N. E. Geart, president Bank of Cottage
W ashington. D. C.—Six responsible
postal official« Io as many cities
throughout the country have been sus
pended from duty, an employe of tbe
senate postoffice com m ittee has been
discharged and the clerk of the bouse
postoffice comm ittee has resigned as
a result of an official Investigation
Into the alleged use of money to In-
flue nee postal pay legislation.
The officials suspended all are mem­
bers of tbe legislative com m ittee of
the National Association of Postal
Supervisors and held som e of the most
Im portant positions In the postal serv­
The suspended officials, whose serv­
ice averaged more than tw enty years,
are: P eter McGorty. acting superin­
tendent of mails, New York; Jam es
M. Greig, postal cashier, Boston; P eter
Wiggle, acting postm aster, D etroit;
H arvey M: Tittle, a ssistan t postm ast­
er, Springfield, 0 .; J. J. Fields, super
lntendent of mails, Louisville and W il­
liam Sansom, assistant superintendent
of delivery, Chicago.
Keep Cabbage in C ellar
at Proper Tem perature
H a lse y , O reg o n
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
M en for Financial
T rib u te to G o d of
W a r is R e d u c e d
C on feren ce N a m e d
W ashington, O. C.—T he arm y ap­
propriation bill, carrying $331,131.174
for all m ilitary and nou-m llltary activi­
ties of the w ar d epartm ent during the
fisral year 1926 was reported to the
house. The m easure provides for «n
arm y of 125,000 enlisted men, no
change from th e present stren g th ,
th t ugh the total appropriation ia $6,-
552,159 less than last year.
For m aintenance and im provem ent
of rivers and harbors, the bill' recom ­
m ends an appropriation of $40,000.000.
an increase of $2,657,000 over the cur­
re n t year.
The bill recom m ended a to ta l' ap­
propriation for the a ir service of $14,-
700,000 and a co n tract authorization of
$2.150,000. The com m ittee stipulated
th a t $4,400,000 of the total Is to be
used to purchase 268 new planes.
The com m ittee also decreed th at
not less than $50,000 of the total shall
be used in conducting bomb tests
against obsolete vessels moving under
th eir own power.
W ashington. D. C. — A m bassador
K ellogg a t London. A m bassador H er­
rick at P aris and Colonel Jam e» A.
Logan, unofficial o bserver of tb e
re p a ra tio n i com m ission, w ere appoint­
ed as th e A m erican re p resen tativ es to
the P aris financial conference w hich
»opened In P aris Jan u a ry 6.
Tbe inclusion of Kellogg aa one of
th is country’s rep re se n ta tiv e s w as In­
terp reted b ere as m eaning this gov­
ernm ent will use the London-Dawes
ag reem en t as a confirm ation of Ita
rig h t to collect $250,000,000 of A m er­
ican w ar claim s from tb e rep aratio n s
One subject of acute In terest to
tb e U nited S tates, listed for discus­
sion a t th e m eeting, la th a t relatin g
to the paym ent of w ar claim s of the
U nited S tates against G erm any, money
for which th e W ashington governm ent
contends should come from paym ents
m ade under the Dawes plan.
A m bassador Kellogg has been fully
inform ed of th e a ttitu d e of th is gov­
ernm ent on th e claim s question and
com m unicated to th e allied govern­
m ents a t the tim e of tbe London con­
ference. A m bassadbr H errick and Mr.
Logan also a re prepared to present
tb e A m erican flew s fully.
Cabbage keeps beat at a tem perature
Slightly above freezing from 38 to 40
degrees Fahrenheit. Many cellars are
too warm for cabbage and when It It
to be stored In large amounts the
best method Is the outside pit. When
tbe cellar Is kept at the desired tem ­
perature the best way of keeping the Sweet C lover Should Be
cabbage In It Is to bury the heads In
Turned U n d e r T his F a ll
boxes of sand. Only the good, solid
Sweet clover, In a Held th at Is to be
heads should be stored. They should
be pulled when they reach a good size used for corn next year, should be
but not left until very large. The late turned under this full. This will give
varieties should be stored as they the green plHnts time to sta rt decuylng
Of the circular letter sent out by
anil become Incorporated In the soil.
keep better tbun others.
If not turned under until spring, there the Knights of Electra last week and
will be so much m aterial th a t there quoted from in the Enterprise, the
Sinners in Heaven
will be a layer of It between the Junction City Times, which also re­
plowed soil and the subsoil Interfer­ ceived it, says. “The substance of
(Continued from page 3)
ing with the passage of m oisture and
lie ate a banana, and threw away plant food. T his condition would be the letter was that Portland people
the »kin. “W hat's the good of It all?’’ particularly unfavorable If the season want to put over an international ex­
he asked im patiently. "It wiU leud
should be dry. To facilitate turning position and want the state to stand
It under, attach a No. 9 wire to the the burden. Well we are not apt to
''It’s occupation,” she faltered.
beam of each plow letting It extend
"Occupation? Yes. Occupation for hack Into the furrow 4 or 5 feet be­ do it. Let those fellows use what
the sake of occupation! Is that all life hind the plow. This method Is very they are saving on income taxes to
1» to be worth? My G— d! W hat an effective In getting all tbe growth un­ finance the proposition.
der the ground.
Tills was another of B arbara's fears.
Northern Pacific, Great Northern
How long would the limited Interests
Push the pullets for heuvy egg p ro ­ and Southern Pacific officials are*
of the Island, shorn of a deeper outlet, duction.
discussing possibility of a new road
suffice for a man of his tem pernm ent?
• • •
to connect Bend with the S. P. at
"You are doing a lot of good among
Be sure to supply plenty of green
the natives," she suggested, feeble iced through the w inter to your birds. O dell sad so with K lsw ath Fall«. I
though she knew the rem ark to be.
is reported that the Great Northern
A bln w here two or three hundred '» seeking to acquire the Sacramento
He guve an Im patient
laugh. "Lord! Don't credit me with pounds of scratch grulu may be stored Short Line, an electric road, as *
in the chicken house Is u labor saver.
t i e Instincts of a m issionary! T h at’
means of reaching San Franslsco.
only 'occupation.' One hour. If we
left this place, und they would forget
It all.”
This bitterness, this dreary desola­
tion of voice and mien, so unlike tbe
old Alan of Indomitable resource and
optimism, cut B arbara to tbe heart.
Grown», bridge work, and fillings. It wlij
F or she understood.
"A lan! A lan!" she cried, stretching
pay you to get my prices ou vour dental work
out a hand.
Cueiclr bank building, Albany
B ut he shook hl» head. "No. I
can't—I—daren't. I'm only fit fo r the
dovll to n ig h t'’
She rose, her lips trembling, and
went tow ard him.
“Don’t ! Alan, don't shut me out 1
I —understand—"
U . S. A- C. T. C. T ir e s N e w . lo w - p r ic e d G ill
“Understand? You can't, o r—" Sud­
denly he seized her, almost viciously,
M o re s e rv ic e
B a tte r ie s f o r
dragging her up against h in t With
N o m o re c o s t
shaking hands he pressed back lier
F o rd ,
head, and laid bis hot lips upon her
S k ille d A u t o r e p a ir in g S ta r,
o th e r
C h e v r o le t
s m a ll ca rs
“I—I'll—force yon to give In—one
A u to a c c e s s o rie s
day—" he m uttered thickly.
She did not struggle; but she trem ­
bled violently In his grasp. For a long
moment his eyes burned Into hers. But,
among the unswertng passion they saw
there, lay the purity which wus the
very essence of her being. . . .
As abruptly as he has seized her, he
let her go again.
"I—I told you I was only fit for the
devil tonight,” he said huskily. “Let
me be. . . , for God's sake, let me
D r . C . F I C Q , D en tist
F IT ”
G A R A G E , G an sle B ros
A m e ric a n E a g le
$51,912.000 Gold Ore Dug Last Year
She turned, quivering la every limb,
W ashington, D. C.—Refined produc
tion of gold in the United State« last and ran into the hut.
For hours she lay. deaf and blind
year totnled 2 551 243 ounce», valued
to all around, alone with her God. . . .
at $51.912.000. the bureau of the mint
And gradually a greet peace etole
announced Sliver production »»» 64, over her spirii. Imperceptibly, the last
792.216 ounces, valued at $43.540.369 mountain rolled slowly away As one
California produced $13.041.500 worth tired out a fter long, victorious w ar­
of gold; Colorado, $'.447.900. Alaska fare, she lay, motionless, the moonlight
$1.110,000; South Dakota. $6.135.000 falling through the little window upon
and Nevada. $4.613.000. Utah was the her white-robed figure. . . .
A fter n time »he rose and looked once
chief producer of silver, its output be
more u p ,« the waves she loved so well,
Ing valued i t $12,216,000.
a wondrous shining In her eyes. And
all the perfumed beauty of the night
Tobacco Crop Sm«ll«r In United 9t»t«i blended In the tender, passionate crav­
Washington, D. C —Production of all ing to be with him who. also, had
types of tobacco grown In the United striven, »nd suffered, and conquered
States was sm aller In 1934 than to
Slipping on her old Japanese w rap­
1923 th» dep artm siu «; agriculture re per she passed notseleealy out of her
He had. she knew not gone
In to bed.
Moved by some In stin ct she turned,
The difference between the clnrk
»tumbling over the reugh gronnd. and
who «pends sad the clerk who save«
•aves ascended the eastern slopes, where
part of '*• 18 , ’ n years Is the differ they had watched the dawn on that
ence between the owner of a business Christm as day nearly a year ago
isd the man out of a jofc.
tTo be continued
Fire Insurance Co.
H a y is w o r t h j u s t a s m u c h in s to ra g e as
y o u m ig h t g e t f o r i t in case o f fir e . T h i
j A m e r ic a n E a g le F i r e I n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y
'w ill p a y y o u 85% o f t h e c a s h v a lu e in e a se l
o f lo s s b y fir e .
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent.
A n y G i r i in T ro u b le
may comm on,cate with E n n g . L re of th« Salvation Army at the
Whit« Shield Home. 56? May fair a venue. Portlaml. Oregon.
i i
w te te M te u m n w m H n i H u m