Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 14, 1925, Image 2

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The Great Outdoors
Senate Indorses
Shoals Operation
Washington, D. C. — Government
operation of Muscle Shoals was dis­
approved by the senate. 48 to 87. The
vote came on the question of substi­
tuting the Underwood leasing bill for
the Norris government operation plan.
The effect of the vote was to kill the
Norris measure, but the Underwood
bill still is before the senate and open
to amendment. Several substitutes
for the Underwood bill have been pro­
posed and republican leader* are hope­
ful of getting the subject off the sen ­
ate calendar temporarily, at least, by
tbe end of this week.
W hatever the final form of the
senate bill, K must go to conference
for consideration there with the house
measure accepting the offer of Henry
Ford, despite that the offer haa been
withdrawn since the house acted at
the last session.
The senate also rejected the Wads­
worth amendment to the Underwood
Muscle Shoals MU which would have
given a commission of experts com­
plete power to dispose of the gigantic
project without reference to congress.
W h ere Bread, Meat, Clothing, H ealth and V igorous H um anity a re Produced
extensive that they could not be liter or feed to haul, hitch your trac­ Oregon M ay G row
kept track of.
tor to two or three wagoDS and make
H e r O w n Sugar
Process! tig eggs is a modern im­ ne trip take the place of several tripe
provement. Mineral oil is used, to town,’’ says F. W. Duffee, of- the
as it does not deteriorate. They agricultural engineering department, O p p o rtu n ity Offered
.Equal Parts Brains, Cash are carried on an endless chain Wisconsin College of Agriculture.
C ontract for A creage
“There are only a few Jobs for a
T n H n a fr v W
\ \ ell
o il
through a \ -shaped tank Hied
and industry,
with this oil. The oil at the end tractor during tbe winter months, bat
o f B eets T his Y ear
Mixed as Taken
which the eggs eDter is carried at If they are done with the tractor the
a temperature of 225 degrees Interest on your money Invested will
Last week we told of tbe possi­
m o re than be returned.
Dote, q. a. daily and frequently
iro® the other end at
bilities of the manufacture of su­
at night
' a temperature of 90.
horses that wben It is standing Idle it gar from OregoD-grown artichokes.
Now we a ij enabled to announce
The person who thinks he can
When the egg first strikes th does not use feed.”
tbe possibility of establishment of
gt into tbs chicken business on a ‘:°t oil all air is expelled from the
Henry Dittmcr, a farmer near a beet sugar factory in this state.
eommsroial scale with a small io- ’hell pores as it is expanded by the
The Utab-Idaho sugar company
vestment, ae compared with that -
1’aseiDg through the cooler Albany, brought in eight bogs six
utih nil
ia aud one-ball mouths old that announces that, after experiment­
it PootruaLu
contracts and
and «nn
oil is
required in other enterprises, k-.-
has ’ oil it
absorbed to make the shell prac­ msigbed on au average 201 ing with tbe crop from GOO acres of
something to learu.
Any farmer can get a start on a tically airtight. JLggs so treated pounds, for which be recived 11| beets grown last year in north­
small outlay aud io a short time show no shriukugs for from six t< cents a pound—$186. He made a western Washington, it proposes to
good profit.—Democrat.
build a sugar factory at Belling­
have eueagh birds to supply his nine months.
ham to handlej this year’s beet
home table aud kitchen with all
the eggs needed and with cookod
Harlan Flak Stone, attorney-general
But Linn county farmers will be in President Coolidge’s cabinet, who
meat on ocoasion, sad the fowls
more interested to kuow that the h at been named a Justice of the T l i o r s i t A uuxaz Cf, t o K
will forage for their sustenance to
company invites W illamette valley United States supreme court,
a considerable extent.
After the above wag in type tbe
people to try from 500 to 750 acres
An Knterpriee reporter inter­
augugt body reversed gear and
Washington, D. C. — Opposition to this year as an experiment. Two
viewed P, A. Pehrsson of Pine
adopted Norris’ proposal for oper­
Grove about the baby Legherne be The L ittle A nim als Bring artificial stimulation of co-operative to five acres on a farm are recom­ OREGON LEGISLATURE MEETS ation of tbe Shoal* project by the
mended, and in case a sufficient
recently advertised in this paper.
As Much Money as
aid was voiced in resolutions adopted acreage is signed op, taking is tbe Moser Rules Senate and Burdick W ill government.
He has 250 year-old breeders and
by National Council of Farmers’ Co­ various sections of the valley, to
R egistered Cows
keeps them ae one line of activity
Preside In House.
operative Marketing associations.
Secretary H ughes
on hie little farm, aud he knows
make a comprehensive test of the
thirty-third session
At their place, six miles northeast
The council went on record as op­ quality of Willamette beets, it is
that they are profitable, for he of Brownsville, James Waggoner and
posing any special favoritism or sub­ proposed to give duplicates of tbe of the Oregon legislature was organix
to Q u it M arch 4
is an ex-banker aud keeps books
ed here Monday with Senator Gus C.
son are conducting a silver black sidy. and declared It had nothing to
oo them with a banker’s exactness.
Moser of Multnomah county as presi
fox farm which bids fair to make ask from tbe government "except a
Mr, Pebrssn is au educated
added proviso that the company dent of the senate and Representative
nice profits before long. The farm is sympathetic, understanding adminis­
man, and in these days education
will absorb up to $1.75 a ton of
Ambassador Kellogg to Become
is as neeessary to sneeeas on the now stocked with a total o f nine sil­ tration of the laws and regulations al­ tbe freight charge from the ship­ Denton G. Burdick of Deschutes coun
ty as speaker of the house. Neither
New Head of State Do*
farm as in any other business. He ver foxes, and the Waggoners will ready in force for supervision of co­ ping point to its nearest factory.
had opposition.
was a copper miner, but he oonld purchase more as opportunity offers. operative organizations.”
Farmers interested are requested
partine nt.
Senator Jay H. Upton of Bend, who
use the assaying apparatus in an- The elder Waggoner says that they
Deep appreciation was expressed of to write to J. W. Timpson of tbe
alyxtng a piece of ore as well as
the "sympathetic and Intelligent sup­ company at Toppenish, Wash ,
Washington. D. C. — Charles E.
he oould the pick and shovel iu rather large scale, and the experiment port of President Coolidge. Secretaries stating how much ground they are thirty-eecond session, was named at
digging it. He graduated iate will show conclusively just what can Gore and Hoover and of friends in prepared to put into an experi­ a caucus Sunday night to call the Hughes will retire from the cabinet on
banking. Theo, on aeoountof his be made at it.
congress and the thirty-five state leg­ mental beet crop, and be quick senate to order. Ordinarily this duty March 4 aod Frank B. Kellogg, now
With the purchase of one pair of islatures that have enacted the stand­ about it, for tbe ground must be falls to the oldeet member in point of ambassador to London, will succeed
wife's health, he sought the|(Jre-
service, but this was Senator Moser, him aa secretary of state.
gon climate, intending to go into foxes for $1,200, operations at the ard co-operative marketing law.”
’prepared early.
who Is to be president, so Upton was
banking here.
Mountain Home ranch were begun.
Mr. Hughes has placed his resigna­
To familiarize himself with Or­ During the year the pair littered and
tion In the hands at President Cool­
egon farming oonditiees and farm brought four pups. Toward the close
W. F. Drager, veteran clerk of the idge with a reaffirmation of loyalty to
Live Stock Consume
lauds, on which he might have oo- of 1924, three additional adult animals
house, called that body to order.
Most Careful Attention
Much Raw Materia] The executive in his m essage em­ bit chief, but with request that after
casino to set an appraisal, he took were purchased. The three cost the
Many fruit growers fall to realize
nearly 30 years of public service he
a course at 0 . A. C. The poultry Waggoners in the neighborhood of that orchard land that la Inclined to
phasized taxation. Irrigation and roads be permitted to return to private Ufa.
work, in which the college stands ) 11,600, but according to the present be wet requires drainage Just as much Convert Many Farm Crops as the most important legislation to
The president, accepting the ded-
at the head in the United States, Markets, they were cheap at the price. as land for general crops. This Is
come before the session.
elon, expressed regret, warmly praised
attracted hie attention. He had These foxes, which are now at the particularly true of peach, cherry and
the retiring secretary’s record of ac­
bought a few pieces of real estate, Linn county ranch, came all the way apple orchards. The pear, plum and
Paris to Prosecute Ibanez for Writings complishment since he took charge of
( P r .p s r .d by t h . U nited s t . t e . D t p u l i n . n l
one of .which was about 70 eyre« of . rom I’flnce Edwwrd’k Island, on the
o f A g ricu ltu re.)
soil condition. Where the land Is
Paris. Vincente Blasco Ibanez will the country's foreign affairs four years
stumps and brush on the McNeil North Atlantic coast, where the fin
In a talk delivered during the Inter
heavy and naturally poorly drained the
be prosecuted in France for his r^ e n t ago, and bespoke for him a "woU-
place, lying along the river but
national Live Slock exposition, held at
_*3t strain in the world is produced.
trees mnke a alow growth, are Inclined
rolling euough for drainage.
Chicago, Dr. John IL Mohler, chief ol pamphlet against King Alfonso of merited repose” after the cares of
The pelt of the silver fox, according to suffer from ’root rot and winter In­
the bureau of animal industry. United Spain on the charge of an offense public responsibility.
While wrestling with the stumps
to the Waggoners, is a staple article jury, the bark Is reddish in color and States Department of Agriculture, told against a foreign sovereign. Convic­
Ambassador Kellogg, already famil­
aud brush he purchased 100 eggs
of the college's high-laying strain ind is worth several hundred dollars good culture nor fertilizers will over­ briefly Of the Importance of live stock tion on such offense would rend*r him iar with many of the outstanding prob­
of white Leghorns, rented sitting usually, but so scarce are the animals come this trouble. Also good surface In our national economy. “One may liable to imprisonment for from one lems of foreign policy through hla
services at a succession of European
bens from neighbors aud made hit and so great the demand for them drainage Is no assurance that tiling la ask.’ said Doctor Mohler, “why It Is month to one year.
necessary or even desirable to have
conferences. probably will come to
start, sight years ago. New he nowadays that few animals are not needed.
The most observing orchardlsts are try such as this with Its millions ol
has a 100 foot chicken house aud slaughtered for their fur. The live
Washington soon to serve for a few
incubators with a capacity ol foxes are wanted on all hands for using more tile and there Is unques­ automobiles and trucks and Its 'Vast
weeks In tbe state department before
16(H) sggs, which he sxpeots to run needing purposes, and they can be tioned evidence that It Is paying well acres for producing cereal grains. The
he takes his new post In March.
Wheat — Hard white, $1.87; soft
twice. He counts on a 60-per-oent sold to best advantage to amateur In better trees and crops. This Is a answer Is simple. Our domestic an­
Announcement of the Impending
hatch, all of which are spoken tox farmers. Good adult pairs, in good time of year to make a critical imals, developed through long years white and northern spring, $1.80- change was made at the White House
for. Last year he hatched 80 per some instances may be sold for as
of evolution, are marvelously elHcient hard winter and western white, $1.79; late Saturday and heard with surprise
whether certain depressions or basins
muca as $2.000. As the industry is need an outlet for the surplus water In converting vast quantities of western red, $1.74.
Uy moat of official Washington. Mr.
It costs a pretty penny to stock n its infancy in this county, as well in the spring. If so, a ditching ma grasses, forage, plants and other prod
Hay Alfalfa, $19.50®20 ton; valley Hughe* had Indicated that ha do-
a poultry farm with a thousand as in the northwest as a whole, act­ chine may do the work better and ucts which are of slight direct value timothy, $22.50023.50; eastern Oregon sired sometime In the future to leave
high-class breeders aud provide ual figures concerning profits are cheaper than to dig the ditches by to mankind into valuable animal prod­ timothy, $21®22.
public office and recoup hla private
ucts. These products Include meats,
suitable aud adequate buildings i >t as yet obtainable.
hand. The tile are usually laid about
Butterfat—49c delivered Portland.
fortuaea by resuming the practice of
milk, butter, cheese, leather, fats, wool
aud equipment and a season's feed,
The yearly increase of the foxes is
Eggs—Ranch, 44 @ 48c.
law. but tom e of those nearest him la
mohair and almost countless by-prod
but with these and a thorough gratifying, as there are from four to though on some level areas tt Is neces­ nets ranging from violin strings to fer
Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook: official life believed he would remain
knowledge of and love for the even pups at a litter. The female sary to put them deeper In order to ffilzer.
Triplets. 2Sc; loaf, 29c per lb.
for at least another year at the head
buaiuess, plus untiring industry fox brings forth once a year, and
“ The United States contains tbe larg
Cattle—Steers, good, $T.50@8.00.
ol the state department.
The main lines of tile will follow
est corn-producing region In the world
Recipe for Success
in Chicken Business
banners Want no
Special Subsidy
Processing Eggs
the Up-to d ate Way
The Eggsaminer, bulletin of the
Pacific Co operativa Poultry Pro­
ducers, says :
We received a shipment of eggs
from odo of our members. Harry
Miller of Newberg, which were
found to contain processed storage
•‘W ’ - Mr, miller was summoned
to the office of the dairy and food
commissioner aud stated that he
bought those uggs by the case,
but from whom he did not koow.
Hie purchases of eggs by tbe case,
as indicated by hie shipments to
the association, cannot be so
Plant them any time.
W ill contract for all you can
should nhe produce us many us sev­
en youngsters, it can bo seen that
she with her valuable progeny are at
Jnce a very worth-while possession.
They are easily turned into cash, if
he' owner wants to sell, and are
•ven more valuable for breeding pur
noses. The young foxes mature in one
ear s time, and they immediately
begin to reproduce.
There is no particular expense in
keeping foxes, over anti above the
cost of feeding an<f sheltering them
A small chieken-wiM' pen is necessary
for each mated pair’ of animals.
They mute early in January and re­
tire to their dens to rear their young.
Mr. W aggoner says that the foxes
like a varied diet, consisting of cooked
meats, vegetables and cereals. Any
meat except pork (they may be
Pharisees) well cooked, with a little
rice and old bread undid eacl. day,
and occasionally 3ome cooked rye
and wheat will meet with the emphat­
ic approv-J of the animals, and they
will thrive on such diet. Cooked car­
rots, turnips and potatoes are also
’’ed at intervals.
Kverett Eerie Stsnard.
Brownsville, Oregon.
Use Tractor to Shell
Com and Grind Feed
Make your tractor shell your cura
snd grind your feed for yon this wtn-
ter Don’t Jet tt stand Idle In tbe slied
eating up interest money on j-our to
veatmeot It la much easier and warm­
er to grind your own feed at home
that It ta to harness up a team of
horses and drive to a fend mill in «.id
went her.
2M J#U hive several terns of forth
the natural depression, even though It
Is quite Irregular, aud the laterals will
follow the minor depressions that lead
Into the main one. Additional laterals
should he laid so as to give drainage
to the entire aren that Is wet and
springy in the early purt of the grow­
ing season. In more level fields the
main lines are usually about two rode
apart, depending upon the nature of
the soli.
With more horse power nnd ma­
chine power, we could grow with oor
present man power all the cash crops
unit then feed ourselves nnd our Uve
stock from additional acreage.
• • a
Sheep equalize the labor on the
farm, requiring least in the summer
when labor is scarce and high-priced
end most In the winter wben It is usu
ally plentiful aud cheap. Sheep-rais­
ing requires le u labor than grain
yet tbe human population uses only
about one-tenth of that crop directly
as food.
The public appetite much
prefers to use the corn crop In the
form of Juicy steaks and savory bams.
Through the stockman's skill our do­
mestic animals are becoming gradually
more efficient In converting coarse feed
into refined and concentrated products.
As alchemists for the refinement of
base materials, cattle, swine and sheep
—to say nothing ef goats—have an
enviable record.”
Don’t forget that the poultry needs
green feed all winter long, caution
poultry workers.
• • •
No, time Isn't much to a hog, but a
warm, dry place In the winter ts, ami
he’ll gain faster for It.
• • •
A cow In these good days must be
more than Just a cow ; she must be a
proved and profitable producer
Hogs— Medium to good, $9 50® 11.00.
Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice
Substitute far Pepper Plan Offered by
Ohio Senator.
M heat Soft white, northern spring,
$1.82; western white, hard winter,
$1.80; western red, $1.7«; Big Bend
bluostem, $2.05.
H a y — A lfalfa. $22; D. C„ $27; tlm
othy. $26; D. C., $38; mixed hay, $24
Eggs—Ranoh, 45® 48c.
Cattle—Choice steers, $8®8.50.
H ogs—Prime Hght, $11.25®11.40
Cheese—Washington cream brick,
22® 23c; Washington triplets, 21c;
Washington Young America, 22c.
Hogs—Prime mixed. $10.85 @ 11.00.
Cattle—Prime steer*. $7.75 © 8.25.
Kl«n Ousted by Kanaae H lg i Court.
* 9
For More egg production -
' Fisher’s Egg Producer!
I'pecial pnce on ooo-half ton and too lot*
A fresh stock of
in bulk enables u i to
The economical food for calve*, pig. and poultry
o . w . FRFM s
Topeka, Ka*.—The Ku Klux Kian
wa* ousted from the state jf Kansas
by the state supreme oourt. The court
Issued the ouster order In Its ruling
on the state suit to drive the klan
cut of Kansas brought three year* ago
by Attorney-General R. J. Hopkins.
The decision was bnaed on the point
that purchase of lodge paraphernalia
and supplies wtzbout a obarter ie Il­
legal In Kansaa. Th» ruling means
that scores of lodges which have been
doing business la the state without a
charter will be compelled to cease
uatfl they obtain state sanction
Washington, D. C.— A resolution pro­
posing entry of this nation into the
world court wa* introduced in the
senate by Senator Willis, republican.
Ohio. It oarrlee a provision embody­
ing the resommeadatlon of President
Coolidge that the United States shall
not be bound by any advisory opinions
of the court.
The resolution is tn the nature «
a substitute for that offered by Sen­
ator Pepper, republican. Pennsylvania,
at the last assalsn. and with other
proposal will come before the senate
foreign relations committee, when the
whole world court subject will be con­
Besides embodying the recommenda­
tion mad* by President Coolidge tn
his annual message laat month, the
W tlli. propesal contalas tbe reserva­
tions put forward by Secretary Hughes
and approved by President Hardin,
Gev. Plarse Removes Rase Formally.
Salem. Or.—Dr. Thomas W. Rote ef
Portland Saturday was ousted formal­
ly aa a member of the state flab com-
miesion by 0 overs or Pierce John C.
Veateb. Portland attorney, wes ap­
pointed to succeed Dr. Roes, sv— -■
removal of Dr. Ross was the culmina­
tion of * hearing held here three
*’e»h* ago when Governor Pierce
Breohkart’* Riva< T. Cortsst ver «eat. charged the retiring official with ex­
W eahiagtnn D Cr— A contest of th*
ejection of Sena».«- Brookhan. repub
Washington. D C — Tn» senate ___
Mean, town was filed In the senate en firmed the aoatinatian of James Rock-
behaH of f e e ». Stagk. hie deasaoraUc veil ShrfSHld as United « t ilt s
baasador ta Masia«.