Announcing here in big type the big sale event Albany vicinity men have been w aiting for T H E R L A IN C L O T H IN G C O M P A N Y ’S J A N U A R Y A N D Thee« ere only a few of the hundred« and hundred« of item« reduced. Tliie mn2< dollar« and dollar« »seed for you. D on't wait until thing« are picked over. Be there Friday and see the extraordinary valuta Friday and S aturday m any of your next door bargain«. opens at 9 o'clock Friday m o rn in g Ja n . 9. w ith a sto refu l o f locally and n a ­ tionally known SUITS, OVERCOATS, HATS. UNDERWEAR AND ACCESOSRIES reduced to prices th a t should crowd F irst s tre e t from E llsw orth to B roadalbin. neighbor« will get real 10, 20, 30 and 50 per cent off MEN’S DRESS SHOES AND OXFORDS AND WORK SHOES One large lot of Oxfo de and bole, black calf and kangaroo lei tlier, 15 00 to 19.00 value«, u 11 one price $3.60 One lot brown welt dree»1 shoe», very stylish, value« t< » « 0 0 ....................... Several style« In Avon Stratford, »8.00 Oxford / 6 0 ih A n n iv e r s a r y S a le $3.60 $5.60 ■peci«] • un all type« Dozens work s i, J dr««« «hoe«. We cauuot advertí«« them for luck of «pace. All «hoe« not advertised, which iu- cludee Bergmann, i.oggera and Pac»; aleo our famous Edaiouda Foot li tier line, on the type of w earing ap p arel th a t is seldom red u c ed — th e so rt o f m e rc h a n ­ dise th a t is alw ays w anted and welcome. HEN this sale starts, F riday m ornintr, all o f A lbany is going to have its eyes opened. I he m en who com e h ere on the o p en in g day a re going to see o p o o rtu n ities and th e m en whe stay away a re going to n e a r o f th ese unpreced en ted values on S a tu rd a y -fro in th e ir neighbors. T hese a re o u r own stocks N« t O/? price »35.00 to » 1 0 ........................ Less 10 percent A $10,000 «tuck of dregs accessories, consisting of everything a man wear«, noon and night. Thi« elotk hag its walking paper«. I h 14 day« it eliculd vanish. It is going to vanish. Juat look at the vanishing prices : One lot M en ’s Shirt«, 2 lor 3 grade« of flannel S hirts Silk and wool dres« Hose $21.60 A lbany's big Record breaking Value giving Sale $2.60 8.60 60 " 1 DO O ne lot of H a t..............................i Ona lot of M allory, Lee and Stetson H»ta Leather Gloves M en’s C a p « ............................." Albany, Oregon, Jan. 7, 1925 T o you, O ur Friends and Customers: This year we celebrate 60 years in business on First street. Your business has been appreciated, and now, after 6 0 Y E A R S of serving you, we are putting on the biggest sale that we have ever had. O f late years we have been having a January sale. This year this will be our regular Jan­ uary sale in connection with our record-breaking, value­ giving anniversary sale. W e invite you to inspect these values. ( Signed) Zi W alter Rlke returned to Loa Ar next day. Sunday— M onday,—T ua-day J; Mr«. Effie Haverland accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munkers and geles Saturday afte r spending th Ward, and sister, Mrs. Albert Miller, M. A. Sargent was a passenger to Jan. 11, 12, 13 £’ her »on Albert to Eugene Friday. of this city. little daughter Kathleen Anno spent holidays with relatives inand aroun Eugene Saturday. Halsey. new year’» day at H. L. Straley's. M u . A nna Hemphii, Tangent W. A. Muller and wife were Al « visit with Mr«. L. A. Pray and F. R. Curry shipped a couple of • GLENN HUNTER 5 ound instine through religion, hu (»any other Halsey friends. shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cummings c carloads of l.ay to his home town of been sent to the state asylum. Corvtllis were Halsey visitors Fr E. G. V ard of Eugene was a guest Miss Maude Ackley re urned to Marcóla when ' e was here the other day. day. M. D. Morgun, editor of the lia r Sunday of his mother, Mrs. M. M. her work at Eugene Saturday, after ■ --------- -- 'J’ A .» »’ Th« «am« sta r and play th a t r isburg Bulletin, has a son and o Prof. H. F. English visited his Georgo Powell and Reuben Teus II. L. Straley and family and Miss laughter in the school of journalism mother a t Eugene several days last Pigs advertised in the E nterprise fan for yaars on the stag«. Hope Hussey were Albany n sito rs this fall seemed to sell like hot cakes, cher of Cokeville, Wyo„ have bee a t the U. of O. rbe «am« «tory read by m ill. week. one day last week. ions in tbe Saturday Kv«n- but later A rley Cummings advertis­ guests of J. H. Powell. They lef Mr». Alec Snodgrass and two little Friday for-. Portland. Thh Salmon fam ily attended J hig P,.»t. IT MUST BE I ons Mi. and Mrs. H arry Bressler spent ed a milch cow and a sow and pig« went to Springfield Tuesday to •evival meetings at Peoria Friday • GREAT! new y ear’s day at the home of Mr. and got no call for any of theta. ! \ ¡sit Mr. and Mrs. Riley Snodgrass evening. Mr. a n d ' Mrs. Curtis Veatch an and Mrs. John Bressler. I Tor a few days. It s Coming 1 daughter • Enid, who was home fror Misses Nora and Pearl Pehrsson Mrs. W. W. Abraham and infant Humus Io the soil ia always worth U. of 0 . i for the holidays, drove t • Mr. and Mrs. Will Price and child son returned home from the hospital a nd Anna Heinrich were week end ' more than It costs. Brownsvillo Friday. t len visiUd at the hum* of Mm- it Albany Saturday. guests of Miss Mearle Straley. • • • inMM„ S alu riU y ev imjK ai <■ The agricu.tu.-st! experiment ata- Mr. and Mrs. Robert P arker and Mr and Mrs. George Workinger Sunday. «one are lamps upon the fnrm ers H iram »W illiams of Lake Creek Haliey Happenings etc. and son were dinner guests a t Frank children were dinner guests of Mr pathway to intelligent and profitable Mr». Hettie Dowe returned to P o rt­ A orkinger's Sunday. an octogenarian and resident of tha and Mia. A. W. Foote Wednesday. ' farming. land Monday, after three weeks visit community since he was 12 yaara old (Continued from page 1) P. H. Freerksen end wife and their vith home folk« at Holley. died Tuesday of laat week at th< Charter No. 49 Ercell Sneed returned to O. A. C •u g h ta,, Mrs. Mack Powers, were home of his son, Clarence Williams Reserve District No. 12 G. W. Maxwell ana wife, accom »•(»any visitors Friday. Friday. R-port of condition of the I neumonia and a slight paralytic panted by Mesdamea D. J. Hayes and stroke preceded his death. He had Mrs. Hugh Leeper returned from Mr». Florence Leeper has beer J. C. Standish, drove to Albany S at­ at Halsey, , he , Ut. of Oregon. „ q( been a snccessful farm er and a man Visiting at the home of her mother. urday. - >an> Friday, after spending new prom inent in the affairs of the RESOURCES Mr» May Miller. Mrs. David Froman and niece, Mar y«»r » day with her daughter, Mrs community! ' ’ L^ 7 * n; l4 ,,COUn,,' ,,lc,ud‘nRr« 1--o u n t, shown .□ it«lnl „ 1 loyd Byerley. Ml»s Lillie Rickard of Alford wa iruerite Ward of Albany, wore in The funeral of H iram W illiam« the guest of Mrs. A. E. Foote sever­ Hal ey Friday, guests of the former’s Mrs. David Fronton and niece, Mor- 2. Overdraft- secure,! and unsecured................ ........................................ $140,563 90 wa« at tbe P in e G rovechurcb S a t­ al days last week. ¿ Æ 2 7 S ' -« ü í sister. Mrs. Albert Miller, and moth •J.ierite Ward, came up from Albany urday. • r, Mrs. M. M. Ward. I'rtday to visit Mrs. M. M. Ward and 2,100 Mr. and Mis W. J. Bowden of Eu gene arrived Thursday and were new Miss Myrtle Tobey, who is teach- other relatives. in items do and .35 if anv ' ,C'' lnclu<,lnR those shown year guests of Mrs. May Miller and ng at West Linn, spent the holidays ""•» fixtures,»372« .................. 11,099 9J Mrs Roy Gentry and son Glenn of 9 ?àb»k icï.h°*” * , ? 7eek by the death of Mt Porter's o.vater supper. They will reside at Toledo lister, Mi-Cartney. Ted G G State f of connty of Linn Linn, »« as •-.e r . Mrs. nn. Wrt’artney. Ted ' ' Oregon "V "" count» ...................... -- I» Tavi Mr«. C. Row so an d two children '-’rter went to Portland Friday to v H' ^ h BMhm of Schenectady, N .hove *- ,t,tam in','*' ’ ° f ,h* ’>'*”-*-««med bank, d - , of Eugene were gueats of Mrs Row ■(tend the funeral. ' • his w»> on the Oregon ‘• ‘• ’»e«« '• «me to the best of mv k m .w le d t h * “ P ’•Vtric. bimnaJ t e» M, M .. ,. W I £ v» £ a 1 • , " i. ¡ J * ................... * 7 - « .. - an» listei,, Mrs. Martin Cummings S t . " . T - ì L k D. " n Taylor ' " « " . Asst Cashier W* f«»t w« k ,'Jr». (Jummin^s ac h.7"H , " " «— Ç— My commi»,ma expires 3 29-27. s. M. Roen, Engine repairing and recon- ditioniug a specialty First Valve Grinding Macnine ever brought to A lbany Makes ’etu fit H A LSE Y RAILROAD TIM E North Bonth , Ne. 3X 3:20 a. t n . No. 17, 12:0» p. m. 18. 10 48 a. m. •I$. 7,4l p m. M 4:25 p. m. 31, 11:3s p. m. No 14. due Haliey at 5:03 p. m.. stop to let off passengers from south o Eugene. , iop O,U>' if Noe. 31 32. 33 and D ran between Port land and Bngene only. , orr*oulh of Roseberg should tokNoS ° 5 17 10 Eu