Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 07, 1925, Image 5

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News Notes
(Continued from page 1)
The new $26,000 clubhouse for em ­
ployes of th e Pelican Bey Lum ber
com pany as K lam ath P alls has been
During 1924 the city of Salem laid
pavem ent aggreg atin g a cost of $185,-
670. A to tal of $15,650.76 was expend­
ed for sew ers.
P ostal receip ts a t P o rtlan d for 1924
w ere $2,763,415.21. a gain or $177,-
667.62 over th e to tal receip ts for 1923.
o r 6.86 per cent.
T he tax levy on pro p erty in Lake
county has been fixed by th e county
c o u rt a t 20.2 m ills, a reduction from
la s t year of 1.1 mills.
M em bers of th e Salem Kiwanfs club
have decided to erect a m odern g reet­
ing sign on th e Pacific highw ay five
m iles north of Salem.
T he body of Iline” Briggs. 10.
d au g h ter of Mrs. Rose M. B riggs of
S ardine Creek, was found in Rogue
riv e r n ear Medford by a searching
p arty .
W illiam E. Johnson, 49. ed ito r
th e M adras P ioneer and first clerk
Jefferson county, died in P o rtlan d
pneum onia.
H e was a n ative
N ebraska.
An appropriation of $500,000 to be
used In beginning th e developm ent
of th e Vale irrig atio n p roject in Ore­
gon w as req u ested of congress by the
budget bureau.
L um ber shipm ents from th e Colum­
bia riv er for th e year 1924 totaled 8C9,-
326,834 feet, according to figures is­
sued by R alph Lamb, deputy collector
Of custom s a t A storia.
B uilding p erm its ag g reg atin g $1,-
702.698 w ere g ranted by the K lam ath
P alls city council during the past year,
it was show n In thu annual report.
T he perm its to taled 657.
C ash tu rn o v ers to th e sta te tre a s ­
u re r by th e sta te land board during
D ecem ber aggregated $91,375.13, ac­
cording to a statem en t Issued by
G eorge G. Brown, clerk of th e sta te
land office.
An optim istic teuiing pervades th t
in dustrial life of Uregon. and employ
a era generally a re confident th a t th t
' y ear 1925 will be prosperous, accord
• lug to a statem en t issued by C. H
Gram, sta te labor com m issioner. Th«
statem en t said th at indications point
ed to a g reater dem and for skilled
labor during th e next 12 m onths than
ev er before.
Form al tra n sfe r of th e w eights no$
m easures d ep artm en t from th e statt
tre a su re r's office to th e sta te markel
agent was com pleted a t Salem. T ht
tra n sfe r was authorized under a law
enacted by the 1923 legislature, creat
ing the office of sta te m arket agent
The w eights and m easures departm en
previously was under th e jurisdictioi
of th e sta te treasu rer.
T h ere were th re e fatal industria
accidents in O regon during th e weel
ending D ecem ber 31, according to i
rep o rt prepared by th e sta te Indus
tria l accident comm ission. The vie
tim s w ere: H isac Takaki. P ortland
lab o rer; Roscoe A. Bellingham . Port
land, off-bearer, and Harold H am ilton
Albany, a ssistan t p lant operator. A
to tal of 380 accidents was reported.
An owl put th e power and Ugh
p lant of the Molalla E lectric com pan;
out of com m ission and left eight Ore
gon tow ns w ithout service for abou
th ree hours. W hen it essayed to fly
betw een high voltage w ires of the
electric company n ear A urora a win/
touched each line and caused a short
circuit. The owl was electrocuted
One of th e w ires w as burned in tw<
by th e flash.
Sixty-seven million board feet o!
K lam ath tim b er will be offered fc
sale a t K lam ath agency Jan u ary 21
Fred A Baker, sup erin ten d en t of th<
K lam ath Indian reserv atio n has a r
uounced. The tim ber, known as th
C herry Creek unit and located in tlr
e a stern part of th e county, is in th
Indian reserv atio n and will be sol
according to th e usual governm en
co n tracts affecting reservation tlmb,
A log ra ft of th e M ultnom ah Lum
Mallon Asks Congress for Additions
b er £ Box com pany, which was In
Yaqulna bay w aiting to be towed to
W ashington, D. C.—A budget re
A storia, broke adrift and under the In quest for an o th er $100,000,000 to be
fluence of a stro n g ebb tide was used in refunding federal tax es illegal
carried out to sea. T he ra ft co n tain ­ ly collected has been forw arded to con
ed 750,000 feet of logs.
Several w eeks ago th e treasu ry
Although h atch eries of th e state
fish com m ission held m ore th an 80,- through th e budget bureau, informed
000,000 eggs and fish during th e r e ­ th e house it would need $50,000,000 for
cent cold w eather, th ere was no loss tax refunds in addition to $12,000,00'
previously req u ested . The treasury
of any kind due to the cold, accord
Ing to Hugh C. Mitchell, sta te super bill, sen t to th e sen ate last week, con
talned no provisions for refunds bu
Intendent of hatcheries.
The annual hog h a rv e st of Curry th e to tal $162,000,000 requested prob
county is on and ran ch ers with wild ably will be Included in a deficiency
anim als a re g arn erin g th e ir profits bill to be reported by the house ap
from the acorn localities. The hose proprlatioB s com m ittee next week.
on th e m ajo rity of ran ch es must be
killed by rifles, as • th ey range and
grow up practically wild.
Prank A. Shepherd, d irecto r of vo­
cational education for th e governm ent
for the P acific n o rth w est sta te s d u r­
ing th e w ar and an educator of nation
al reputation, died front h eart disease
w hile he w as w orking In the basem ent
of his home a t Beaverton.
The L ake C ounty W oolgrow ers' Pro
tectlv e association will take step s to
have governm ent h u n te rs retain ed in
th e county following a resolution
adopted by th e association to th e ef
feet that it was th eir belief th e wort
had been of much b enefit to stock
. The office of city tick et agent has
neen created In Eugene by th e South
em Pacific com pany and F ran k G.
L ew is, who for th e p a st five year,
h a s been located th ere as (ravelin,-
•freight and p assen g er agent for the
com pany, h as been prom oted to the
A nnouncem ent w as m ade at Salem
by S enator Joseph of M ultnom ah coun­
ty th a t he would Introduce in th e
nfext session of th e leg islatu re a re so
lutlon subm itting to a vote of the
people a constitu tio n al am endm ent
authorizing th e state to engage in
w ater power developm ent.
All railroad corporations operating
w ithin the sta te of Oregon have join
ed In filing a new ta riff providing for
a ra te based on 50 per c e n t of the
p resen t charge for shipm ent of pure
bred horses and cattle for breeding
purposes only. The minim uni rate
was fixed a t $7 per bead.
A m eeting of rep resen tativ es ahd
\ county officials from W ashlpgton.
Yam hill and Tillam ook counties was
p'<ld S aturday m orning a t th e T tlla
mo\ k courthouse to consider rep o rts
of the »urveys of the W ilson and T rask
ro u tes
fu tu re highw ays between
th e W illSj»® 118 valley and Tillam ook
T he a ta .V f,ah and San>e com m is
slon is dis« V-’slug the ad v an tag es -ol
installing a t
wh«*’ on SU ea riv e'
to tak e tro u t to ' *Pawn for
" uP’1,,e!
for several tro u t (hatcheries, th e Ferry
creek p lant Dear . Bandon In p articu lar
A re p re sen tativ e o i \ th e comm ission 1»
to select a site so *a 110,1 haT* th ‘
wheel operating by b \bruary.
. »
people. The ucui'e of the girls' gnmc
W atch out f«»r this one; It looks eusjr, but It has a few combination!
th at nre stickers. T here are no technical words, but you’d better brush
up on your geography. By the way. If you have a baby hoy to name
you might get a few suggestlotM from this. Notice the all over Interlock.
(Copy right
1— l i t e r
2— B o v in e q u a d r u p e d
8— T o s t n p e f y
4— F o r e i u m p l e ( a b b r . )
5— F l e e
ft— C o ll e g e c l u b ( a f t h r . )
7— T o l i c k u p
ft— A d r , f r u i t
IO — B r e a k
12— B a r r e l o p e n in g
18— P a s t i m e
15— U n it e d u p
1ft— I n i q u i t y
17— R o d e n t
1ft— E c s t a s y
T a n g le s
2ff— l l l g l i In c h a r a c t e r
2ft— \ e a s e l
28— D a u g h t e r 's a l e k u a m p
8 “— H u n « n a y
27— N e g a t i v e
8 3 — D o y 's n n m e l a b b r . )
31— S m a l l p a r t i c l e
8 5 — A n o t h e r b o y 's n a m e ( a b b r . )
32— P a r e d o f la u d
87— T h e sun
38— I n t e r t w i n e d
SS— B o y 's n a m e ( S w e d is h )
3 ft— C o ; I n net» on
H(V— C n ll g h t e d
4ft— f t m u ll p a r t o f y e a r
31^— B u t t e r M u b s t lt n t e
42— In g e n u o u s
41— O v e r th e r e (p o e t ic )
44— B e e r
4.1— M i d d l e - w e s t e r n s t a t e
45— L in e a r m e a s u re
44— S h il l
47— P a r t o f f o o t
4ft— O b s t r u c t
4H— .N a tiv e m e t a l
4ft— S in g le
4ft— < r e s t o f a h i l l
50— R i s e r In F n r o p a
81— I'p o a
51— P r e p o s it i o n
52— M a s » d e p o s it e d b y « I s e l e r
T h e s o l u t io n w i l l a p p e a r In n e x t la s s e .
IS —
W a r r io r
P l a n t c u l t i v a t e d f o r I t » fib e r
W en|»O I»»
H e a rn
In ttr e t
W o m a n u n d e r r e lig io n » t o it «
T o open
A s w e e t c a rb o h y d ra te
B l a c k . a t f c ! t r M u b a tn u e e
H r c p o a l t lo n
R e la t iv e
H ig h ty p e a n im a l
F a th e r
T o u t t e r m u a le a l s o u n d a
E n g lis h b o y » ’ sch o o l
Solution of Puzzle No. 3.
Miller C.,
Robnett 8., W esley 8 ., H einriol
Shedd; Elder F., Lang F., Penhe'
C., Thompson
S., Sochwell
St John S., Malson S.
Alford Arrows
«Enterprise Correspondence)
I-ee Ingram and Elbert Isom mad
a trip to Albany Monday.
J. H. Rickard and fumily visited a'.
M. C. Jenks' at Tangent Sunday.
E. D. Isom and daughter Beverl
went to Albany one day last weel
Thelma Ingram spent F riday nigh
with her friends, Kate and Hazi
receive 40 per cent or m ore of the
Chester Curtis and family sper
total party vote, shall be certified,
new year's day with Mrs C urtis' pai
upon th eir request, as candidales be
cuts, Mr. and Mrs. C harles T andy, i
ore the convention, th ere to take their
H arrisburg.
.econd stand against each other ot
sgainst new candidacies put Into nom
Mr. and Mrs. George Dannen an
«nation from the floor.
children of Shedd visited a t E. A
S tarnes’ Sunday.
Mrs. Ruth McKee of Eugene visile
her parents, Mr and Mrs. Michael
1 tickard, several days last week.
Brownsville Briefs
(B y Special Correspondent)
Belle B urson and her b ro th e r J ini
spent the week end at N. L. Burson’s.
Marvel Laurence ..pent her vaca­
tion at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
dal ph Howard, of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert S tarr are
nicely located in the E. E. W hite pro­
perty in North Brownsville.
Grandma Schick, in North Browns­
ville, is still quite ill a t her home.
She is suffering with rheumatism .
Mrs. Hazel Moyer, who is working
in a fraternity house in Corvallis,
«pent her Christm as vacation at Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H arrison and
family and Mrs. Emma Harrison took
new year’s dinner with the Joe H ar­
rison family.
Mrs. Roy Thompson of Holley has
her b aby bov at th e loeal hospital.
The little fellow is suffering with
bowel trouble.
Rev. M. S. Woodworth has moved
nto the Lawrence property, north of
’he Baptist church. The church is
’till without a pastor.
Miss Edna Boggie of Mountain
Home is helping at the C. J. Howo
home. Mrs. Howe is still quite ill,
but some better than she was.
School began again Monday with
most of the pupils in their place«,
endy ( ? ) for their mid-year exami­
nations, which will be held this
Elaine Woodworth hnd no C hrist-
nas vacation. She is teaching at
Irush Creek and reported th a t she
/as snow bound nnd could not g et
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Snlvog have a
ew baby boy. He weighs five and
ne-hrdf pounds. Mrs. Salvog is nt
«ef parents’ home, and her m other,
, "s. C. Carlson, is car;ng for them.
Sunday morning the Baptist Sun-
'ay school children held their C hrist-
nns program at the church after
'undav school. Because of the zero
•cather Christmas eve, they were
Table to have the program then.
Anion«’ the young men returning
o O. A. C. this week were Horace
"oshow. Jim Callaway, Jack Elliott
nd Dick Eggleston.
These boys
ft Brownsville to enter college.two
nd three years ago, ju st mere "kids."
"he w riter noticed tuem on the
treot during vacation and they are
boya" or "kids” no longer, but fine
talw art men. a result of college in-
Miss Irene McDaniel was an Al­
bany shopper Saturday.
Miss Grace Beatty returned to M
Tinnville Monday. She ¡a attending
ollega there.
and Mr*. ¡W . C. Sickels and
Mrs. H ettie Dow returned to Port-
on Harold of Coburg spent several slid Monday, after a visit with rela­
lays la3t week a t the E. D. Ison tives at Holley.
T h e s n n u a l m eetin g n n d b a n ­
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe, Deo q u et o f the Ash S w a le h u m club
Rolfe and B. E. Gogswell sj>ent T hurs­ will be next Saturday night.
day evening at the Lee Ingram home
L elana Rohe returned to Eugene
last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Sprenger and
Miss Hattie Dannen and M aster Hugh
Dickson of Sliedd ate new year's dis
aer at E. A. Starnes .
Des Moines, la.—Sandw iches and
coffee w ere furnished by a local ban)
to a group of d epositors who wert
w aiting to get th e ir money in a “run'
on th e Institu tio n following th e clos
ing of tw o Des Moines banks.
T he depositors had been w aiting fot
several h ours when lunch tim e came
but did not w ish to relinquish their
places in line. T he lienk’s officer
cam e tn th e rescue, however, order
Ing th e m an ag em en t of a nearby
re s ta u ra n t to fu rn ish sandw iches and
coffee to th e depositors
The bank w ithstood th e "ru n ."
California, one of the havens V
Miss E sther Starnes helped Mr
,.iich we were told the income tax
was driving tax shirkers front Oregtfn, H arry Commons with her work sev
■s reported to be prepared this wintei ?ral days last week.
to put a tax on “everything in sight."
Lee Ingram and family spent Sat
Jrcgon doesn't do that. Hans go
urday evening at the Austin Alfor.
, cc.
home, listening to the raldo.
Bank Serves Sandwiches
Depositors in “ Run.”
Oregon Has Three New State Officers
Saleln.—C hanges In thé sta te 's of
flclal fam ily M onday a s ’a result of th>
gen eral election la s t N ovem ber wa-
lim ited to th ree m ajor offices. T. B
K ay succeeded Jefferso n M yers a-
sta te tre a su re r, Edw ard O strander
took the place of Newton McCoy a
m em ber of the public service commis
slon from th e w estern Oregon dis
tric t and H arry H. Belt of D allas be
cam e a m em ber of th e suprem e court
ta k in g th e place of A ssociate Justlc«
M artin Pipes, appointed by Governo-
P ierce to fill th e vacancy caused bv
th e death of John M cCourt severs
w eeks ago.
was Halsey 53, Shedd 5. The game
was very uneven but the Shedd girls
put up a good fight. This is their
first basketball
team to r several
On Halsey’s side the girls
were given a good chance to "dr
their stuff.” The forwards. Marjorie
W alker and Agnes Hayes, did good
work and showed their accuracy ir
hitting the basket. Agnes C handler
and Helen C artel, center and side
center/ did vefv goad work seeing b
it th a t the ball spent most of its tim<
near Halsey’s basket. The guards
Willmina Corcoran and Grace Pehr
'■son, d'd not have much of a chanci
to show their worth, hut did theii
best when they had an opportunity
The boys’ game was not so satis
factory, as Shedd won 13 to 9 Th
Halsey boys fought hard and th'
score was tied at the end of the gang
and when the tie was played of'
Shedd made two baskets. The gang
was the roughest which has bee
nlnyed on the Halsey floor for f
good many years.
Although many spectators blame
the referee, he did the best he could
and if it had not been for him ther
might have been a free-for-all. Bot'
learns forgot themselves, but w
tru st they will not do so again.
Ju st watch Halsey next tim e!
Dr. S. Parket Cadman, of New York,
who has been made president of the
■>« c h u rc h 's
Cure Alleged
Prinary Law Faulh
P ortland, Or — A I,. Mills, president
of the F irst N ational Rsnk of Port
Treasury Finances-. New Soldier Bonu^
land, who was president of the Direct
W ashington, D. C. — T he tre a s a r
P rim ary league, which gave Oregon
took th e first step tow ard fln an cln r
the d irect prim ary, has prepared addi­
th e sold iers', b o n u s., investin g $100.
tions to the law which iro v ld e for
000,000 in- special tre a su ry securities
post-prim ary nom inating conventions
af 4 p er cent to m eet th e first call or.
in certain rases. This m easure will
th e governm ent funds Jan u a ry 1, 1930
be Introduced in th e sen ate and house
H alf of th e secu rities are flat five
a t th e coming legislative session.
y ear tre a su ry no tes and th e o th er $50
T his proposal -of Mr. Mills Is the
000,000 is 1n the form .of special treas
first studied effort to cure some of
ury certificates of indebtedness, re
th e alleged evils which have develop
deem able at the option of the treasury
ed under the direct prim ary since the
from th e special bonus account,
adoption of the Oregon system in 1904.
-------------:— ;----- ,------
It provides that conventions, county,
Chicago Coal Teamsters Vote to Strik:
Chicago. 111. — Five thousand <(»i d istrict and state, are to be held fol­
te a m sters aud tru c k e rs voted to walk lowing the reg u lar p arty prim ary elec­
out as a protest a g a in st th e refusal ol tions and th at all candidates receiving
th e Chicago Coal M erchants' aesdcla 40 p er cent or more of the party vote
tlon to consider th e gran tin g of wpg a t a prim ary election are to be im­
mune from the Jurisdiction of the con­
Increases to th e m en.
ventions, but candidates who fail to
Monday. He is st'e n d in g (I. of O.
He had been visiting at W. H.
K irk ’s.
Miss Lena Dorrick left for Salem
Monday nfter spending the holidays
Charles lenks and family of Tan­ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
gent visited at J. H. Rickard's Friday Dorrick.
Miaa Lillie Rickard accompanied them
Miss Vivian Logsdon, who has been
home and stayed until Sunday.
pending the holidays in Albany, re ­
turned Saturday to resume school
E. A. Starnes and fam ily visited
Mrs. S tarnes’ brother, George Dan
nen, und family near Shedd Tueada;
Mrs. II. W. Rolfe, who has been
of last week. Aaron Starnes Jr. visiting Mrs. E. A. Riggs, returned
Mrs. Mary T. Norton of New Jersey
stayed the rest of the week with his to het home a t Huntington, Calif.,
is the first woman to be elected to
congress as a democrat.
office after March 4.
She takes
The people who paid their share of
*40,000 to lefeat the Income tax law
Sold, Bad, Bumptious Basket Ball
b lit who claim ed no o b jectio n to an
{(School R ep orter)!
income tax but only to fau lts in this
particular act will probally have n
gan the season trium pthantly by win chance to manifeat their sincerity If
there is such a thing, for a new law
m sg their first game from the Shed.l
of the kind will probably be up for
high school girls with the score 53 to discussion in this legislature.
5. The right forward, Marjorie Wal
kei, on the Halsey team , although
playing her first game, piled up 4k Not to Surrender Cologne Bridgehead
P a r i s —The allied am bassadors In
points of the final score. The Halsey
centers handled thea ball so skillfully B erlin m et at the British em bassy In
th at the Shedd forwards were unable the G erm an capital Sunday and sign
ed Identic notes, announcing the
to make more than one field basket.
Pistes were laid for forty-three at refusal of th eir governm ents to eva
the banquet given by the Halsey eunte the Cologne bridgehead on Jan
rchool to the team s afte r the games uary 10.
E nglish
toastm aster
Speeches made by a number of the
joung athletes gave good proof th at
they are versed in other things as
well as in basketball.
(By an E nterprise Reporter)
The ball games Friday night we-»
enjoyed by both Halsey and Shedd
F rank Splaw n returned to his
home at S t a ) ,ori T uesday, after a
v isit with relative« a t Brownsville
and Holley.
Mr. and Mt3. H. L. Robe and sonn
.etrnued to Elmira Saturday n fter
spending the holidays with W. H.
Kirk and family and also visiting the
Robe families.
Mrs. Grace Goodall returned S'- >
urday from a visit with her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Kitty 1*urner of Eugene.
.Mrs. R. .1. Haverlund, wno has
been visiting in Eugene, returned
The Times in its edition of Jan. 1
prints a three-column review of the
local everts most of interest during
the year which every reader will scan
with interest. It took «piite a bit
Klamath Bandits Kill 1, Rob Many. of time to compile such a work, to
Klamath Falls. Or.—Oscar Erickson, say nothing of the typesetting.
88. was shot and killed alm ost In­
sta n tly and a group of card players in
the basem ent of th e S candinavian hall
here were relieved of approxim ately
$400 in a spectacular holdup by three
•»■»»a and m asked men early Sunday
Amor A. Tussing
LAW YER and notary
H alsey , Oneoon