LL'P.AL ENTERPRISE T.'unks, Cat; m crary Scutes An Independent—N et » « u tra l— news­ paper, published eveiy W eduewlay Witness the evidence of brotherly comity between Linn county new • v Wae. H. W H K K L K H paper men. The Brownsville Time and Albany Democrat republislie ■abe rip 'o. »1.9? a year la advance. the editorial statement the Enter A d vertisin g. 90c an inch ; nu diacoun itn rim e or »pace : no «barge for corn prise made of the reasons tor tl uosiAuu ed. they claim . side; then Be booms'» running foot­ In fact that is and always has bet Hugh's face smiled down at her, with steps and retreating cries. . , . O o ft, all Its old confidence I Their military leaders have always one of the chief missions of the smal astounded, had barely caught a glimpse Violently the dream-world crashed proclaimed that they were not de­ town paper. If Brother Wheeler ha of the dark face which he bad often around her as she met tbe faith fu l, dog- omething up his sleeve that is moi feated by their opponents and that seen covertly watching him, before It llke look she knew so well. Had be they could come back yet and win. la r reaching his move is commend was momentarily blo tted out In smoke. been there In flesh and blood, she could ( Continuad) bis blood abating able and the Bulletin wishes hi» He started forw ard In hot p u rs u it; hardly have been more disconcerted. Their representatives have signed “Where else would you live? W ith then, arrested by a choking c ry , halted She felt as a tra ito r might, when m eet­ treaties and admissions and promises, i very success.” the natives for— ctoaperonag»?” abruptly, and looked at tbe girt. . . , ing ti>e unsuspicious eyes of the sov- The Scio Tribune remarks: “Just but even they did so with their fin­ She drew a sobbing breuth, looking She stood motionless: her eyes, gers crossed, and in their own land why the editor changed the nan around with a pathetic gesture of help­ luminous ss stars, fixed upon him her i.om Halsey Enterprise to Kura] En The next few days were strangely lessness which touched his heart. The there were alw ays m a n y —presum . mouth X little open, the still smoking rprise was not given in a lengthy happy, The faint chance of rescue passion faded yet more from his face. weapon lying at her feet. It had been al'lv a m a jo rity —who shrugged caused their little hot to seem dearer -'¡torial, further than to state tha He pressed her against him again, this no mild Idea of causing Babootna fear shoulders, denied the admissions and the wild free life more enchanting. time protectively. which had Impelled her action, but a proclaimed the invalidity of the doc- -e was carrying o ft plans he had in The spirits of both had never been so “I t ’s a d— d lonely position for you I" furious, savage desire to k ill! She i ments, claiming that signatures nind at the time he purchased th high. Barbara, having conquered the he exclaimed. Then he rose, with sucli had hurled herself to the rescue, re­ taper three years ago. From the thereto had been obtulned under sex problem with such sublime sim­ precipitancy that she neurly fell. H e gardless of all else. 'tandpeint of community building and plicity, cast It from her mind, sur­ began walking UP and down outside •trass and therefore A fterw ard, a ll power or desire to were only keeping .Halsey to the front, th rendering herself wholly to the en­ tbe hut. scraps of papar. move seamed to leave her. A veil fell Popping of the name of the town and grossing happiness of the moment. Instead of hurrying away, she he«i from before her eyee: and a brilliance They have never complied with any ubstituting the word “ Rural ” will That her very subterfuge, proving tated, watching him In bewilderment— streamed In, Illum inating, scorching— ci the stipulations of the treaty of all It did, had been the death-knell to conscious of a strange longing to re­ ve c. tendency to build over tin fu ll of each ecstasy that she stood as Versailles. They continued to man­ “ars it took to establish the liaise; her object, never entered her head. main near him, to saunter together on though transfixed, paralysed w ith the On Christmas eve they collected ufacture arms and munitions of war nterprise. The same policy to b< armfuls of greenery, the girl dinging the shore, as was sometimes their wonder of It all. gazing upon him whom habit at night. in face of its strict inhibition, and tc this brilliance had newly revealed. . . rried on under the new name coul with unconscious pathos to the old cus­ Rut when, at last, he paused near keep several times as many men un The breath caught lit the man’s tve been handled more successful! toms In which she had been reared. her. lie made no such suggestion. der military training as its term* th ro a t; the blood raced madly through der the old name. However, I! Ah I” she cried Inconsequently. "Go to bed," he said rather curtly; permitted. his veins; his eyes blazed, answering Isn’t It all—beautiful?’’ heeler, may your every hope bt “It's lute. And, Barbara, don’t lie the glory of her own. T h e f deliberately bankrupted theii “ W liati*’ he asked, yet knowing full orc than doubled.” awuke ull night, or cut off the rest of L ik e the Wagnerian lovers after well. treasury to avoid making the repar your hair! I t ’s a ll— useless." Halsey is a rural hamlet, depending drinking of the love potion, they stood “Oh—everything I Christmas— here I ation payments the treaty called for. W ith that be turned away, and went r its existence upon a rural pop a few feet apart, under the sun-flecked Freedom from M r. H orne!" She Now when the allies refuse tc foliage of the trees, awed for a mo­ ation. There is a great deal of en sprang upon a suitcase, trulls of vine off alone to the beach, leaving her star­ evacuate territory given into theii ment by the miracle, She raised her rprise in the activités of that po- In hey bunds, uni laughed down at him. ing after him. control as security for those pay­ bund at last, as I f Inviting.......... The i •tion—rural Enterprise, if you wi He came dose to her, the same Strangely enough, she did not lie spell broke. < j ments the Teutons rage and gnash ecstasy lurking In his own eyes. awake this time. Those few passionate d this paper aspires to be an e Instantly his arms were around her. ' their teeth and declare that the ac ‘I wonder If you realize all you have moments had embodied hours of emo­ nent of that enterprise. It will W ith an Inarticulate cry, she was swept ' tion, taken in strict accord with the tional struln. The force which had ob bly continue to be known as the Implied?" off her feet, clasped to his throbbing ‘What?” She looked startled. »•'emed to be sweeping her from all treaty , an.o u tts to a violation of n alsey Enterprise, as the Mornir heart, his burning lips pressed hers, She turned away, and fastened a ! moorings had caused har to struggle •nd makes it more than ever a scrap her hands clinging round bis neck ogister is known ns the Eugeni vine tendril to the bamboo. He watched violently, both mentally and physically, all her Individuality merged Irrevocably ol paper, to which no one pays any gister, the Morning Oregonian : her silently, noticing the change to retain her own Individuality, to pre­ Into his, as a stream, falling through attention. o Portland Oregonian and the Or wrought In her by these past months. vent It from being submerged in his. urms of rock, merges Into tbe resistless The wild-rose sir had vanished: in Its 1 His Up» on hers would have been hey will conform to the treaty m Journal ns the Portland Journ; She Stopped. Hugh's Face Smiled waves o f the ocean. stead the warm blood flowed red be­ sheer physical pain, unbearable, over­ and to their subsequent agreements is a Halsey paper in the same sens Down at Her. neath a sunburned s k in ; her feet were powering . . . Afterw ard, a numb­ in line with it just as far as threaten­ at those arp Eugene and Portlai : T he son was slqklng, t fiery ball In erelgn he has betrayed. For, however brown and hardened. Yet, where the ing bayonets compel them to. pers, though their filed is much depths were concerned, remained the ness fell upon her mind. She felt too an almost violet sky. Its last rays shim­ faith fu l she might remain to word aad desperately tired to attempt coherent The German obedience to treaties oader than those municipalise mering golden-red across the water, deed to her bond, her heart would ever old tim idity which was, paradoxically, thought. Tills volcano upon which, when at last the tw o returned to the be traitorous. His ring was still on resembles the obedience of our rum her greatest lure and protection. One nowadays, they lived, must take Its hut on what wonderful Christmas day. her Anger: It seemed to burn there, an runners and moonshiners and boot false step and she would, he knew, he course! Since the moment when she Three In Bank Holdup Identified. A new world greeted their eyes at outward sign o f the world o f fact with loggers to tho prohibitory laws. Bur “off on the wing," scared as a young had seen the shark, a lifetim e of Seattle. Wash - T hree of the five every turn. N ever had reef or sea or Its prosaic realities, Ito duties, Ito partridge Rut Alan’s small store of tumultuous emotions had whirled her the latter laws are being made mors ien held here for Canada In connec sky appeared so I’plondld. The supert» sense of honor, Its ranterlellsm. Its sac- drastic and being better enforced Ion with the »42.000 Nanaimo, B. C. patience had been drained to the last mind and heart round like thistledown. absolute egotism of newly found lovers rlflcee. . . . dregs. A celd forehodtog swept Confused, yet subtly, gloriously elated, every day. tank robbery of December 12, 1924 Finishing the decoration, she paused she slept till dawn. . . . over her. It wss a t If In the midst of enveloped them both; no thought save The league of nations shows won­ sere Identified by witnesses from beside him, considering the effect. A fusillade of sticks and stones of each other disturbed the shining glorious sunshine, a thunderclap had derful vitality, it ha, been “scrap Portland, Or., as members of the gang Ferns and psi in leaves swayed In the sent Its warning o f storms not fa r' hours. L ike one still w alking In a roused her, but she did not see Alan. peil" so many time« that one might if five bandits who held up the George corners; trailing greenery decorated And a sudden overwhelming shyness dream-world. Barbara entered the away. . . . She sat down, propping suppose there Wouldn’t be a st rap of •V. Bates & Co., bank in Ihut city on walls and ro o f; flowers stood upon the restrained her from calling to him. central hut. gay with its decorations. her face tipon her hands, In self abase­ left by now. All the . «me, it ha, Jctober 15. 1924 J. a. Blrrell. cashier cahln table. ment— fearfu l, yet, behind all, «g-i But there wns no trace of last night’s 'I he line of golden light .entering with "Cozy, Isn’t I t r she asked, looking passion nhont this man of a hundred i her pierced the dusk w ith in ; and. fa ll­ ultant. . . . «moothed out many controversies it the Portland bank, and two young ing upon the oppoalte wall, drew her ineods when they m et; and her self- 'h at threatened war. Argentine women employes brought to Seattle. up for his approval. (S aSßd uo panui;uo9) "Very cosy I" he replied, looking only confidence revived. W hile she was which once withdrew from the league v«re taken to the King county Jail and nt her. "IVbnt a little home-maker you packing the old tin box w ith food, he ha returned. The United States re­ here pointed out H arry Stone, T 11 are." arrived, fresh and damp from the riv ­ mains the only responsible nalion n.hnson and Oeorge Bagley as thrtM She flushed, and again turned hastily er. H e gaily deposited a large bun­ of the men who held them up. outside and her business managers away. » dle at her feet, and wished her a «re cudgeling their brains to find " W e ll hang this remaining vine over merry Christmas. “ PLATES TH A T F IT ” the entrance, outside W ill you bring I ' 1th surprise, she uncovered a cun­ some way to collect loans and repara­ the suitcases?" ningly contrived hammock mnde from tions claims without the leugue and Grown«, bridge work and fillings. It wh He carried out the suhetltute for a tree fiber, airplane canvas, and ae ria l! without war. pay you to get tny prices on your dental w ork1 HALSEY STATE BANK t SINNERS IN HEAVEN Halsey, Oregon $35.000 Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist TO RETAIN LAND OFFICES I W ashington, Idaho and O r.g o n A ppro prlatlo n s In Senate Bill. Washington. U C .- T h e Interior de psrtnient appropriation bill, as report *d to the senate carries the amend mem forced Into It In the house by Chairmen Slnnolt of the public lands committee, retaining the land offices ■ i Burns and I a Grande, O r.j W alla Walla. W aterville. Yakima and Van couver. Idaho. Wash., and Coeur d’Alene. The bill also restores provision for the retention of the surveyors gen eral. who. under the hill passed by the house, would have been deprived of e fflre July 1 ah of the difficult con oltlons Imposed by the house In apprtr I rutting ».175,000 for the K ittitas Irri- ratio n project in central Washington, Including a provision for 6 per cent Interest on deferred payments of get Hers, were stricken from the hill by the senate committee on the motion I <>f Senator Jone» O r.g o n W ernen, n » , otee „ U n ,on j Vnlou. O r Mrs Eileath Godfrey d i e t ! t , l the home of her daughter. Mrs I Sarah Ricker, al the age of 105 Mrs Godfrey was born In Maine in l» is and had she lived until April ( would have been 108 years old. Federal Reserve Bank E a rnin g. Low Washington. D C — B ernlng. of fed ! • r a l resereo hanks In 1124 were the lowest slare 1»17. It was announced ¡ at the treasury Net earning last year ; fell off »9,000,000 compared with 19JJ j Death Rate Decreased In 1924. Washington. D C . - T h e death rate In the United Sttaee decreased In 1924. | the ceesus haraan announced The l o u s r e n o w b e g in n in g to t ln n k o f 1925. I t s a ls o tim e to t h in k o f y o u r eyes. P e rh a p s th e y need glasses to b r ig h te n u p th e NEW YEAR Meade & Albro, O ptom etrists. Jewelers and in atiu fsc uring on her neck. . . "Alan I” she cried wtldlv. "F o r God« sake— ” live fear, as of one drowning. In the cry, steadied his r<*el!ng senses. Still clasping her In his arm«, he sank down upon the rock His darkened eves mesmerized her own ; the ahvss vawned wide at her feet . . . »he was con­ scious only of being «wept along caught In some remorseless torrent toward the edge of the precipice slipping falling . . . his Up« were close to her own. . , , •Alan I" with almost superhuman ef fort she managed te gasp h|s name »gain " I can't hear It. M «| Re merciful Faintly, with perched month, the desperate petition seemed wrung from her very soul His anus relaxed abruptly, a subtle change coming Into their grasp when he realised her trembling "Why are you afraid?" he murmured unsteadily. She raised herself, her face very white under its sunbnm "Don't you see? I f you d tv - tw , how can I go on living with von here»“ H r smiled fa in tly , the mad tumult of As this was exactly what slip had often wanted upon hot afternoons, her pleas­ ure was unbounded. " I have nothing for you. A la n !” she regretted, with compunction. “Oh? W ell— we’ll see abont th a t!" he replied enigm atically; then hurried their departure. They walked quickly, saying little, oyer the rough ground which, covered w ith low scrub, sloped upward on the east of their bay. They paused to reef and eat. In the eastern wood, meaning to remain there during the midday heat. The shady branches stretched out over the beach were welcome to eyes dazzled by the glare without. The Intoxication o f the morning s beauties, their own radiant health and spirits, the strains of the w ild sweet orchestra rising all around, lent enchantment to that little picnic. Barbara had. as It were, caught at reeds during the last few weeks.' but they had broken In her grasp Onward she was madly whirling. She knew It ; could not save herself; could not quench that light In his evee. and her own foolish weakness In his proximity. Abruptly, he went ho her and took her by the shoulder«, saying nothing, but gazing Into her face as if searching for something he wished to leem there Suddenly, apprehension In her eyes deepened to horror; a cry burst from her lips; she became rigid In his hands. W ith such precipitate linete did the whole Incident occur that she could never afterw ard clearly remember how It happened that. In a flash, the face of the whole world chonged. . . . She was conscious of » dgrk H lIh , zev- age face she knew wet), looming sud­ denly up «mid the tre « « --o f , spear- arm uplifted prepa:-story to hurling the weapon Into the back of an nnsus- pertlng enemy. . .* . H er man was In d a n g e r’ T h a t was her only coherent thought. Instantly She had Whipped oot the revolver, and. wllh deadly calm. ,raised ft . . A «harp report m d a puff of smoke; • w ild howl of p,,ip Bnd fPal. ; thpn g stream of hlood •«'slug from the black shoulder In from of her. M the smoke clesred sw ay T h o s e were the out­ ward Impressions < which her mind W4S ditply a w a r j; tjit,th e y seemed qp ?• Cusick bank building, A lbany A K K U W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. Ü. S. & C. T. C. Tires More service No more cost Skilled Auto repairing -A uto accessories New. low-priced Gill Batteries for Ford, , and Star, other Chevrolet small cars MORE SERVICE FOR LESS M O N E Y A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Ha> is worth just as much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. Th j i iiifi ii'.in Eagle f ire Insurance company ) "ill pay you 85% of the cash value in easel of loss bv fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent Any Girl in Trouble may coramuntcste with Rnetgn Lee g ol the Selvatlon A rm y at tbe W hite Shiebl Home. .%? M avfalr avenue. Portland, Oregon. *7 n