I JAN. 7, to ace side, encircled the but, at a dis­ RUMAI. H M E K I’HISK PAGE 5 Me turued uBce tnaax had gene forever Az the rtpetted patBvio. I tance of about twenty yards. With a (Continued from page 2) kope W the natlveH. corn sprung from Its buried seed the email rock for hammer, Alan was During the month* since their first but -»feting at straws; yet, eagerly, pounding them Into the ground, dur­ woman, sublime In her love, glories » A la*—a fter going to fetch front steps each morning before she ing the hour before sunset. He hud In the growing courage of the inner visit to the settlement, he had come to such frail aids were welcomed w ater and rem aining to bathe— frond went up to the store she would get occupy the unique position of a setul- self »lie had tried to stifle, had arisen After a short consultation with pennies for that. Ida return. He sot down the conceived the Idea of building a "We have found the true keynote dlvlne Overlord. Hla orders, issued at dtlmabahol, Roowa w ss commanded to palisade. tnea bent over bar "Of course the snow would be too Occupation! It was what they here," she murmured brokenly at last, first In the spirit of bluff, were obeyed. take ap his residence In tbe north, to h e a v y for you. but It would be a great “What la the matter?" 1 his at first- surprised, then amused, "and we must keep It tuned aright. help the “white chief" In work upon help at this time to have the step« She half drew away from his touch. craved. Though neither confessed the I wouldn't, for the world, spoil tbe him. After u time, It afforded hltn In Bending closer. he removed the hands fact to the other, both tacitly ac­ beauty of everything.” tense lntervst. Hla orders regarding the land, while Meauiaa served his done, for we’re so busy with cooking that we haven’t time.” “w ife.” from her head, and - raised It back knowledged the need. They seized on any excuse that would supply food , “You couldn’t—ever," he whispered cleanliness were racelvlng extraordi Well, as you can see. Mahalla bed a agalaat hl» b reast The ruined huts were strictly tabu, Into her hair. “But lave la a terrific nary consideration; Irrigation work ROt they all saw haunted ,hy the. spirits of those slain busy time of It. "What’s troubling my dearest, on for their thoughts, toll for their limbs, force which can’t be turned on and had been undertaken. Now, he fatigue for body and mind. For, deep th e r e ., Roowajprouilly radiant, began I that she didn't overdo. She loved the this day of days?” plunged with new zest into this novel off like hot water; or compressed into work. Of course she wouldn’t have She louked up into the ardent grey in the heart of each, below- all the narrow preconceived channels.” training of prehistoric minds. He or- to build a new hut. to which Meamaa cared to hove been busy like that all and hIs two children cuull? be fetched. depths so close above her; then at the ecstasy of their Joy together, lurked dered the cultivation of taro to he re- He suddenly threw his arms round Within a short time smoke arose the year. photograph upon the wall. His look grim fear—not fear of each other, but her and strained her to him. "Bar­ instituted ; tHpestrj-weaving from reeds But in the holidays before Christmas followed hers, and quick comprehen­ fear of them selves; above all, fear of bara ! why should we be done out of tt> he revbed. All this origin«ling from from Meamaa’s cooking; and two small nature, of hor smiling face and irrevo­ black figures danced, like Imps, among when everyone was so busy, anyway. sion dawned fear, not Inclination, slowly awakened our rights? We've been chucked out cable laws. Kesolutely, each burled It was fun to be busy. the palms. “Ah 1” he ejaculated. "Well?” the skeleton out of sight, covering It o f the world; stripped of everything the natives’ interest, which Increasing, Aud oh, how lovely It was when •'Don't you see?" she asked. “All with a hundred pretty-colored reedu. that made life worth living. But now caused much of their lethargy to she had her own pennies to spend. i t vanish. this Is—Impossible I" But sometimes, unexpectedly, it we linve discovered the greatest treas­ She had many _____ (To be continued) His eyes hardened a U tile; and he stirred Within a few weeks, the lust signs below the thick layers, ure of nil. Arc we to give that up pennies, too. loosed her. of a threatening new epidemic of sick Stretched out its skinny arms. . . . hecuuse of—scruple«? By Q—-d!” And she bought with sudden anger b e loosed her, ne»s vanished, ami the settlement be­ “You and I have gone too far, now, e v e r y Christmas "I'll bring the river down here some T ongue T witter a to draw back because of scruples, Bar­ day,” the Inventor of modern aircraft clenching Ids hands, “I won’t! I’m came more wholesome. This being at present tbut year Alice and AUster ate all Allen Ack bara 1“ with her very own observed, thumping in a stake with d—d If I'll agree to that I It Isn't trlbuted to the what man's magic, their ly’s apples. fair. You say I always get my way fear blended Into a crude awesome T h e y are not scruples 1 It Is a mat­ his stone-age hammer. Why are you money she had • • • Well—some time—” uffectlon, which struck Alan as pa­ ter of honor." She half raised her left smt'ing in that vacant manner?" earned. She met calmly the passion and thetic. Gradually his visits became Frank fought Fred for fun Friday hand, showing the little band of din She hnd felt so Alan," ahe murmured, "you have threat In his eyes. These untamed • * • hailed even with delight. For, In mat moods. much more impor­ been a revelation. I thought you a forces no longer alarmed her, at they ters of dispute, Chimabahot appealed Mildred Morrison mended many inlt With one »wlft movement he had bully, only Intent upon gpttlng your tant, too, than If lens. would have done six months ago. to him. relying more and more on Ills seised the band and ripped off the own way, regardless of everybody.” she had simply • • e “A lan !” she protested, holding out counsel. And, swayed by none of the ring. been given the Well?" He laughed gently. her hand. He Ignored It, gazing still opposing elements, he dealt with a se­ Susanna Slock urn sang several Sun "Honor be d—d, thenl" money, mid they "Haven't I got It?” upon the peculiar radiance of her face. day school songs sweetly. vere Justness, yet liumuneness, which She sprang up, alarmed at hln vio­ all hnd said she “Ah, but not Until It proved to be She went to him. lifting both hands they found both novel and attractive. lence. He towered over her, bis face my way too.” bad worked well. to his shoulders, her lips tremulous. Withal, he braced them, stimulating Mildred made many mittens Mon biasing. The way those “Merely because I realized it would "There Is more to be considered day. their latent powers, much In the same “Do shed tlie remnants of the par­ he worthless otherwise. I learned that pennies she earned . way In which he had stimulated Rar- son’s daughter, my deer girl! Face first of all the many things you taught . . . not—not only ourselves. Jingled In the Ut­ All Mixed Up. My darling I don’t you realize we are bara. by the mere force of bis own ile bug she cur­ things squarely! You drifted Into this me.” man and woman, and—* Her flushed vitality, engagement when a mere cblld, not ried wherever she went I How beao- w face sank on his breast. “Don't you I Her own interest In these people tlfully they Jingled. realising all It meant. As you devel Yes. you.” He raised her ridn Not ) grew apace. From Alan she learned oped. It ceased to fill your life. His possessively. "Don’t yon think you see?" she whispered. “Others! To Mahalla It seemed as though they some of the dialect, very soon being kepi saying: nature did not satisfy yours. I saw have been a revelation, too? And —’scruples.’ " A long silence succeeded her broken able to speak a little herself. Some that at once. But until I knew your hasn’t the 'spirit' of the Island yos "Merry Christinas from Mahalla." heart w as free, I could do nothing— spoke about been a revelation to us words. His anus cloaed nround her times she brought the children odd bits And maybe, after all. that was again, and again he hid bis face In of ribbon or lace, which produced an save keep away 1” He laughed bitter both? It seems to me,” he laughed, really Just what they were saying, exetted uproar. Weeks later, she used ly. “I have wanted you and craved "the only thing to snve the world from her hair. those Jingling, well-earned. Jolly Christ­ He raised his head at last; and as to see these scraps adorniug some mas pennies! for your love, day after day, night being choked by materialism Is to O y ? ■ V COFVtvOrtt K Y gv GRAHAM DONNER after night, all these desolate months wreck It on a desert Islapil! Make he pulled her hands down Into his woman’s dark form, with ludicrous In­ « D i l l a M W l« H q here together like—like two icebergs everybody begin life afresh, back in own Ills face looked strangely drawn. congruity. “God help us both, Barbara!" he But, among these “children of na­ In the Harden of Eden I Do you think prehistoric d a y s” C H R IS T M A S P E N N IE S muttered huskily. “For we are In the ture,” as among other children, not of now, when I have got tt, I am going to Barbara caught at this Iden. "But,” loee it again? Would he or any sane the said, following the train of very h—1 of a position.” There was nature but of civilized education, there Mahalla wanted to have some Christ­ man wish It—or expect it—after all thought it engendered, “If all discon­ a strange blending of fear and ador- existed under-currents of strife, ambi­ mas presents snd she wunted to do tion. Ill-feeling. These were respous1’'* this? Don’t you realize what—the tented people had the chance to come, this with her very rid your system o f Catarrh or Deafness world would—think—now?” wouldn’t every tree be crowded?” caused by Catarrh. own money. She looked puszled over this sen­ "Not nt all. Only a handful would S »U by fa r a rrr 40 y a m N o w , Mahalla tence, not havtng been acquainted with arrive The majority are too peace­ didn't have any F. J. CHENEY & C O ., T oledo, Ohio a tnaUclous-inlnded world beyond her fully nsleep to realize they are being ? W e money of her own. old horizon. But she knew the truth choked. Commercialism Is the god But she asked her of every other word he uttered. Her they worship. Although, when there daddy and her awakened heart understood now the Is nothing better to do, they go to mother and her affectionate comradeship alone aroused church—in their best clothes.” D ELBER T STA R R grandmother, who by Hugh. Her whole nature yearned "You are very hitter!” she exclaimed lived down the Funtral Director and Li­ toward this man who had mastered It; In surprise. block, und her her heart fluttered—wavered. The con­ To Barbara, this tnan had ever been censed Embalmer aunt and u id e science warring against It mnde an­ dDeijb and price. Motor Hearse, who lived four Efficient Service. other dying attempt. ’ full of surprises; but she had spoken • a ttra c tiv e in the truth when she had called him a blocks away, If l.adv Attendant. “I—I can’t shatter a man's lifelong revelation. For, during the two • W e special she couldn’t earn B row nsville........................................ Oregon faith. It would be murderous— ’’ months since Christmas, lie had been some money. 'D o you love me7” he interrupted, so at every tiq-n. Not until love “I should havf taking her firmly by the shoulders. opened her own eyes; until she knew lots of errands to “A hi you—know it," she breathed. the meaning of passion herself, and said her Mahalia Old N et run,” “Yet yoo would put—thia—between understood the tempestuous force of W L. W R IG H T d a d d y , “around Ulke Bread. *s, with no hope o f rescue?” Ids. did she realize tile strain under M ortician & Funeral Director Christmas time at Ha 1 sey booetng her abruptly, he turned and which he had been living. Since the store, People will want small Halsey and Harrisburg looked long at the pictured fHce. Christ mas night the nature she had O regon packages In a hurry—string or ribbon Call D. Tavi.on. Hulsey, or Tlwn. with a stifled exclamation, be thought arrogant had revealed a thou or tissue paper, and every time you W. L. W RIGHT, Harrisburg palled It from the bamboo. Before sand wonderful mysteries. As a tree, run an errand I’ll pay you Just as I'd she realized his motive, he had torn cold and hidden In the snows and pay anyone." the photograph Into shreds, and scat frosts of winter, responds to the glory atlon In the eyes of both, whlta'ftpy for a division* o f ’which & oft soon be­ “I’d like to be paid In pennies,” said looked upon each other. “But I—I toreri them upon the ground. of spring, so he had opened In the came aware. The more savage fac­ Mahalla. swear I’ll—I'll never force you to— glory of their love. “Alan t* she gasped, almost fright tions waxed Impatient for Babooma to "Pennies will be paid to you," aald Always rum ember that. be thetr chief. Only the superstitious her daddy. 8he drew away from him, and anything ened by his vehemence. He wheeled, And, for heaven's sake, don't—let me awe In which a chief 1« held saved clasped her arms round her raised “I will give you a penny a day 11 facing her with burning eyes. j fo rg et! I’m so d—d human,” he add­ Chlmabahol from being despatched un­ you eat a piece of bread at each meal “I’m not a lap-dogI If we get res­ knees. Mountains, dark and threat­ ed, with naive pathos. I kn rp six honest, servin g m an ; ening to those whose way lies across ceremoniously to the spirits of his without a fuss," said her mother, “nhd cued, we shall, of course, go straight ( T h a y taught m a A H I K n a tr): For the first time »Ince She knew murdered sons. The result of that If you eat two pieces of bread I will them, are little heeded when shroud­ T h a ir nam aa ara W H A T and W H Y to Hugh and tell him the truth. But— him, she heard a lack of confidence would have been civil war, and deadly give you two cents." Mahalla did not an d W H E N , ed In mist, below which the sun shlnek. If not—’’ He suddenly threw his arms an d H O W an d W H E R E and W H O " In his tone. Conscious,of those, forces peril for the two white people. For Ilka bread. around her, straining her to him, But now and then a jagged peak of nature «gainst whlcfi'they were hut KfFLIN« Babooma and his friends were not Her unde told her he had an old W H A T w n the D e c la ra tio n of L o n d o n / “Have you realized that probability— thrusts through; and, with the Jour­ puppets, all the woman In her rose to partial to these strange newcomers desk which he hadn't time to clean W H Y does the d ate for E aater v a r y / ■ow, Barbara? We may be here for­ ney’s progress, more appear behind. meet 1dm. who forced them to work and frus­ out, and he hnd always told her aunt W H E N w a a th e g re a t p y ra m id of ever— Just you and I—where the . . . Generally, these frequent peaks "We can never lose fnlth In each trated their savage tendencies. Croft that he would be doing It himself sonic Cheope b u ilt ? mazes of civilization give way to were instinctively shunned; but to- other, Alan. That Will help ua H O W can you d istin g u ish ■ m a la ria l time so ahe shouldn't bother about it m oequito? Truth—where no laws exist save those dny Alan went on recklessly. But now, he aald. If Mahalla would “After all, marriage was made for But—’’ she looked at the dearly W H E R E is C a n b erra t Z e e b ru g g e / of nature—no conventionsI” He loved figure. For one Illuminating In­ W H O w aa the M il,b o y of the Slaehaa / take all the papera and put them to­ swept her off her feet, and his kisses man, like all other conventions. We stant. all that marriage would mean A re these eix m en" serving you to o / gether, and all the elastic bands In burned upon her lips, her neck, her are not their slaves. What do forms between them flashed into her heart, G iv e th em an o p p o rtu n ity by placin g another pile and all the pencils with abort hair. . . . Once more her and ceremonies matter—here? They awakening the mother dormant with­ out points In another and the ones W ebster ’ s life seemed to sink from her own keep­ are often tosh. A pauper marries an in her “A h ! But It's going to be with points In still soother, and pul heiress, and vows to endow her wltll ing into his. . . . hard—hard—hardI" N ew I nternational everything nicely sorted and arranged He set her down at last, still clasp- all his worldly goods! If he did, he Tbe cry burst. Involuntarily, from on a table nearby and then dust tbs would have to take the clothes off his lag her to him. D ictionary her lips. All the love and longing desk In every comer thoroughly, he “Doesn't—that—decide It all?" be back and go stark naked. You and which Inspired It ahone In the gaze in your home, would give her lots of pennies murmured unsteadily. “Don't you un­ I would vow to forsake all others, which seemed to envelop him ns a ». b o o l, office, “I will go over the papera then and derstand that we have bigger Issues when there is nobody here to forsake, glowing fire. . . . For a space he d r h , lib r a r y . Cmffi throw away what I don't want, nnd ? ou would hardly want to elope with to face—here— than useless scruples?" T h is “ S u p re m e ' stood silent, lost with her In a world really have that desk In order. It would Babooma? If you did, I should soon She turned in his arms, looking Into Authority” in all which neither had dreamed of before he useful to roe If It were In order. knr wledge offers service^ his eyes through the gathering dark­ catch you. That's another p oin t: we Then he stepped forward with a mut As It Is I don’t want to put nnythlng In immsdit-te, constant, listing, trust­ ness. The distant thundering surf couldn't separate if we wanted to! tered ejaculation, and they clung to­ It for fear It should get mixed up with worthy. Answers sll kinds of ques­ was the only sound; and it aepmed So what would be the good of a wed­ gether n» they had clung on thlr first «11 tbe trash there now. tions. A century of developing, to suggest approaching storms more ding? Of vows we couldn't possibly night on the island—two derelict beings enlarging, snd perfecting under ex­ “Of course you must be very, very terrible than any ahe had faced be­ break?” swept over the world's edge. . . , acting care snd highoat scholarship particular In a Job of thia sort,” She sprang to her feet, breathing fore. Freeing herself a little, she “Go In," he whispered tremulously, insures accuracy, completeness, And Mahalla promised sho wonld be. quickly. pressed him from her. compactness, authority. at la st "I can't come to supper to- ; Her uncle told her that ahe could do ‘‘A lan ! What are you saying I W r it « for a E-ampla pax» at the Naa W'trda "You have won your w ay—as usual, night. I must go away alone for a •perlra.n of IP polar an-l India Paper», els* It between supper time and bedtime, w -nklrt Yoo ara (hr J ury,-- priraa, ate Ta Alan. But—a h ! Be merciful!" As Don't I Don’t!” Mt . . . and think. . . . You've ’ and then It would not Interfere with t t o e . ««m ine tt , poW n-alria » a w,K te a s fraa “Why not?” he asked, getting up, a ant of Pock r t M ,ps the had appealed before, so the cry opened a new world to me tonight.” j tlie work she was going to do for her came again from her unprotected too. “We can't remain blindfolded G . A C MEKRIAM CO. He kissed her with lingering gentle­ daddy. S x r t a e fia ld . M a a a .. U . S . A. ia f. fftgy forever.” heart. ness, nnd turned away toward the Her aunt told her that when she The mists fell from a huge moun­ That pitiful entreaty and her sur­ shore. got through with the work for her render reached where resistance might tain peak, and the color ebbed from uncle she could spend several evenings Barbara walked slowly Into the hot have failed. The passion In his face the girl’s face. firing op work baskets about the “AhI" she murmured, clasping, her But to her, also, food seemed Impos­ faded a little; and, seeing this, she house. hands. "Isn’t the present—perfect? sible Just thon. That moment a llliiml pressed her advantage. ; "The threads and pieces of silk are nation had opened up a new world for Don’t precipitate—” "Isn’t the present Joy — sufficient? all mixed up They’re all In a tangled He took her by the shoulders, forc­ her. too—a world which. It seemed You are mine and I am rours. Don’t maaa. I shall be delighted to see them ing her to face hint. “We are only she was never to enter! . . . With let us spoil the glory of It all 1” In order.” For a long moment there was si­ human,” he said, in a low voice; "and, a little sobbing breath she went Into The Ruined Huts W ers Strictly Tabu. Her grandmother told her that If she the sleeping hut and threw hermif Barbara—I want my w ife!” lence In the darkening but. . . . would come over and brush off the face downwnrd on her bed. . . . She pressed her clenched hands J. W STEPH EN SO N . knew well the risky ground on which Then this man, who had ever been For a long lime neither alluded to he trod. For reasons of strategy, wont to sweep aside all obstacles to agninst him, hiding her head upon his will, bent his head slowly, and them. “Oh, not yet I Don’t think me I hla conversation. A new chord had therefore. Ire forbore, save for a dras­ Confectionery for kissed In turn the small hands clasped obtuse. Alan. I have thought, toot been struck between (hem, too deep tic warning, to take any steps In re­ for Idle talk. A subtler difference, a taliation for (.’h r i a l mss day's nttampt and—and feared—” upon his breast the Affectionary shade more of seriousness, came Into upon hla life ’’Bell-derils" from fhe "What have you feared?” “We must keep our' faith In each their relations. The shadow cast by If the way a m a n ’s heart is She did not reply for a moment; he white woman. In swift retribution for other—whatever the (future brings." the mountain peaks enveloped them. what h e had contemplated, had fright through his »(otnaeh, then the road he whispered. And bmderly almost waited, motionless. When every accustomed bulwark of Try as they would, they could never ened Babooma enough for tbe present. to a woman’» good grace» 1» yia a reverently, he klsaedi her lips. life has been demolished, the founda­ quite free themselves from It. Hla black face wag seldom seen, nowa­ box of chocolates a nd bonbons. Distractions o f any sort became ur­ days. far from the settlement. tions of a fresh building are laid nec­ Of course ouly the daintiest roar- PART THREE essarily in a troubled soil composed gent ; but to find them, In thia small Boo«» and Meamaa. since their »«1« will accomplish that end and of struggle, temptation, agonies of un­ Island, was no easy matter. However, child’s recovery, had regarded the " b est” means C lark’s. " W here D eep Chorda certainty. The undeveloped girl, Alan, after mentally viewing the land, "white chief" with little less than wor­ there’s a candy box, thare the blindly groping after the “hidden took what frail material there was sh ip And this fact gave Alan the idea li » art nniitcks ” want" In a materialistic environment. snd wove It Into rupee of support. wherewith to cauae distraction la the I That the ropes might break be could Increastag difficulty of the life he and A ring sf stakes. e lolling dronkenly J ao£ foresee ____ j Barbara Sow led. U waa, both knew. Sihiwn in HMven > < Daddy's ^ßzei\ii\ß Fairy Tale Hall's Catarrh Medicine - want .you to investigate our • 2 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT • when your wants both call your •D E LUXE e i this line. Our s t o c k i s t attention to the BEDSPRING < ® buiit for comfort and durability • H ILL &