* I I The Great Outdoors W h ere Broad, Meat, Clothing, Heulth and Vigorous H um anity are Produced Il the domestic cut. Storms also de­ skim milk and the second to raise stroy a great many birds by catting off calves on dried milk, using powdered their food supply. Protection against skim milk, powdered or sernl-solld but- the elements cannot often be provided termlUc, or malted milk. The results for birds except where refuges or sanc­ clearly showed th at good calves can be raised on a very small amount' of W eather Conditions S up­ tuaries are maintained for them, but whole milk and th at the manufac­ a protective public sentiment, sup­ posed to Mean Ruin ported by effective laws, will lessen the tured m aterial mentioned can be sub­ damage done by man and domestic an­ stituted after the calf has got a start. Increased Yield imals. Birds may be Still further en­ All the calves used In the experiment were never off feed and were kept un­ Nineteen tw s u ty -fo u r was a couraged and Increased by the pro­ usually free from sickness or digestive vision of food trees, such as ttie mul­ year of surprises to farm ers in berry, which will serve the double pur­ troubles. Dairymen everywhere will be Inter­ L in n couoty as well as in Oregon pose of attracting them uwuy from cherry or other fruit trees and supply­ ested In the findings reported In this as a whole. The corn crop wa new bulletin. Copies may be had by ing them with suitable food. hardest h it by the cold sp rin g , bu' , uddressing the Division of Publica­ tions, University Farm , St. Paul. even corn, due to a h ig h e r price. I Dairy Herds Do Well brought ap p ro xim a te ly as tnanv d o lla rs as in 1923, The average on This Mix«d Ration It takes about six pounds of seed yie ld was 27.8 bushels par acre. Cora-soy-benn silage, clover hoy, corn to plunt an acre. Thia means A in llic n and a h a lf more bush ground corn and oflts, corn-soy-bean about sixteen eurs for eacb acre to be els of oats were produced in th - fodder roughage with a small amount planted. etate than in 1923, w hile tbu value i of ollmeal added each day—that's the of the crop ia «4 m illio n d o lla r* ™tlon Chari«» Beck. Bremer county. To Banish Bovine T. B. in 1923, a n d th e U)wu lH u,ln® ,0 Produce the 1,000 as agamst 4f 41 in pounds of milk he delivers dally at a The Oregon Jersey C attle clu b p ro fit to the grower is reckoned a’ j nearby condensery, says a w riter In 6 cents a bushel, against a loss o' Successful Farming. It does not take w ill ask the le g isla tu re to provide 10 cents in 1923. a dairy-minded farm er long to see that th a t a ll c a ttle west o f the Cas­ The pro d u ctio n of wheat rot* Beck, whose herd of 40 grade cows are cades sh a ll be tested fo r tu b e rc u ­ to 26.2 bushels oer acre, again* Jnst starting their third milking sea­ losis. Also to fo rb id the use of a 24.1 in 1923, and the p ro fit pc son. has the right Idea. “Lust spring 1 planted soy beans breed name in selling d a iry prod­ acre from 7 cents to 34 O regon’ last wheat crop ia valued ♦37,000,- with the corn I expected to nse In my ucts unless a ll the c a ttle producing stlu," offered Beck. “I thought that If 000. m ilk used are of th a t breed. The u n u su a lly d ry year, instean beans were good In silage, they would A series of co u n ty Jersey shows tie all right In fodder, so I plnnted a of c u ttin g down the yield of wheal , high growing variety to be cut with at the a n n u a l ju b ile e is p la n ned. and oats, was auuuuipanied h i , the corn for roughage. other c o n d itio n * th a t mure th a i “Besides cutting the cost of concen L in n cou n ty, o f course, is in it. counterbalanced the d ro u th . W t trated feeds by reducing tlie require­ grieved and w orried over ttie u n ­ ments of them, soy beans Increase the C. J. H u rd , m u rk e tin g special­ usual seasonal conditions, hut the> efficiency of the silage," continued ist of O. A . C., is in W ashington, lleck, while explaining Ills system of proved a blessing in disguise. D C , th is week atte n d in g the Wa do not look for auuutinaanc> dairy fanning. An abundance of clover hay Is grown th ird annual m eeting of the na- of this y e a r’s prices. 'I bey an each year by Beck, who started several tfo n a l council of fa rm e rs’ oo-opera- the result of sh o rt crops alm ost all years ago to grow Into the dairy busi­ iiv e organizations, Ja n u a ry 5 to 8. over the w orld. Good yields In ness Instead of going Into It In a lump Legislation on co-operative m a rk e t­ other wheat e xp o rtin g countrie- sum. A pm-e bred bull was the first in g w ill be the m ain them e before may reduce our m arkets and oui move Heck made tow ard better dairy the conference, T lie Pacific Co­ prices. farming. Next be begun selling Ills operative W ool P roducers’ associa­ poor cows. That system bus made Ills tion o f Oregon bolds m em bership herd one of the profit makers In the in the c o u n c il, w hich represent* county. the leading co-operutive associa­ tions in the U u lie d S ta t“ «. O regon’s Wondrous Climatic Surprise Sugar From the A • I 1 ’T ’ I j /ArtlCBOke I UDCf . K t ‘p r f " S ( .* I I te d C h e a p e r ¡111(1 Swoeter T han P ro d u c t o f the Cane W IN T E R in Sunswept California The A m erican neople use more sugar th a n those of soy other c o u n try o f im p o rta n ce in the E*tjoy this winter the warmth and the w o rld , net because we raise it, lo r healthful outdoor recreation o f California we do not, G erm any and F ra n ce playgrounds. produce beet sugar aad gel along <£ ft 7 25 winter tourist fare to Los An- w ith 17 or 18 pounds per in h a b i­ *r *’ : • geles; on sale daily up to and ta n t ye a rly so th e y m ay have a including April 30; return limit May 31st. surplus to exchange fo r A m erican Travel in secure, cozy comfort via the com­ cash. We take a ll they b a v i fo r fortable, con venient trains o f the Shasta us, and m uch cane sugar from route. Cubs and H a w a ii and A sia, and You’ll like Southern Pacific d in in g car service-— we eat n e a rly 100 pounds a year highest quality food deliciously prepared and served for each man, woman and c h ild in at your accustomed meal-time. the co u n try. T h a t is an exam ple Full stopover privileges cn route. of the lu xu iie e A m ericans have For fu ll in form ation, ask become so accustomed to th a t they regard them as necessities. Sugar is not a necessity. O n ly in the last few centuries has it been know n to m a n k in d . “ The Phone 226 C . P. M O O D Y , Agent wisest man in the w o rld ,” Solo­ m on, never heard of sugar or tobacco or coffee, fo r w hich A in e r- icaus spend m ore gold th a n ever be got from O p h ir. bebts, c a u liflo w e r, tom atoes, cel­ \ t b a n y iftinectom /— C o n tin u e d Sugar beet ra isin g is being con- ery, spinach, s trin g b e s o t and ord sales and service sid tre d in the K la m a th c o u n try , tom atoes. Beans aud peat con­ Tires and accessories w itti the p o s s ib ility of the erection ta in the largest percentage of pro- Repairs of a factory. 'The crop nourishes te in and are a lw ays a cheap aouice K irk -P ollak M otor Co. on soil too a lk a lin e fo r m ost other A hundred pounds of s u lfu r to n t m ille r F u rn itu re C o., fu r n i­ plants and th e region uaosed may ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. the acre every three or fo u r ysais prove adapted to it. Funeral directors. 427-433 west F irst A p la n t w tiic b is at home on sh o u ld give a ton or m ore increase street, A lbany, Oregon. A p p ly r ls a ii laud m ig h t need potash iu y ie ld o f a lfa lfa h a y. U L L E R G R O C E R Y , 286 L yo n where our ra in s dissolve aud carry e a rly aud h a rro w in whan the (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) «way so m uch of th a t substance meadows are renovated. Groceries F ruits Province Now comes tbs announcem ent In p la n tin g straw berries in O re­ Phone 2b3R .lis t a U n ite d States e xp e rt at gon see th a t the p la n ts era set W ashington lias discovered a math e a rly suuugh fo r the roots to be O O L M A N & JA C K S O N Grocery—Bakery d o f c ry s ta lliz in g the h ith e rto un w e ll established before m oisture E verything in th e line of eats ry ta lIiz a b le substance know n ruus low in sp rin g , [A n adverties- Opposite Postoflice r u il sugar o r levulose so us to make u u o t on th is page otters to sell p la n ts and c o n tra c t fo r the e ro p .] | C“ '‘ dJ C°7-’1F,,rHt eet’ neXt t sugai more re a d ily soluble tha r J I < door to Blain C lothing Co. une sugar. We have been ta u g li r Noon lunches. F e b ru a ry is the m o n th to tow h a t th is s u b s ta n c e is nearly Home made candv and ice Cream. red aud alsike clover. L ig h t freez­ weet as o rd in a ry sugar. Th innouncem eut from W aahm gtoi ing and th a w in g o r ra in s usu a lly ub C le a n in g W o rks, In c . Cor. Secoond and F erry ays i t is 14 tim es as sweet. The cover the seed, Pure seed is in Seed to be p la n te d M aster Dyers and Cleaners otnm ou a rtich o ke , us ra m p a n t ill dem and. M ade-T o-M easure Clothes Jregon as the evergreen black should be free fro m b u c k th o ru y, is said to a good source of th is I l i a e xp e rim e n t sta tio n w ill test I M P E R I A L C A P E , 209 ' h ir s t * Harold G. M urphy Prop. fr u it sugar, aud the m a n u fa ctu re »•ed free o f charge. Phone 665 j f augur fro m it more sim ple and Rye grass is cheap, easily grow n W k never close ess expensive th a n the m a kin g ol and p a la ta b le grass. E a s ily es­ une sugar. If an expert w ill ta b lish e d , i t has a teudency to ly iA G N E T O E L E C T R IC CO. come and show us aud s ta rt an teseea its e lf. It w ilt grow on A’ A official Stroiuberg carburetor serv­ Conservative prices. All 'rtic h o k e sugar fa cto ry in L in n w h ile , black, s tic k y and low la u d ice station. work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second. county we w ill be much obliged loo d eficient in organic m a tte r .or any of us can raise artichokes AK i NELI.O P ARLO RS io r tim o th y . E n g lish rye grass i* a ’ I (A beauty aid for every need) N e x t week a l O. A. C , auga m ost in dem and fo r pasture. St. Francis Hotel beets and tla x are to be discussed Prep.. W innifrk d Ross. S ystem atic records are k e p t by by farm ers of th is va lle y and col lege experts. F lu x of good fioe most successful d a irym e n in O re­ en and money are best w hen cun p ro b a b ly be grown on good gon. A ib re e -yca r survey by the busy. Make your dollars work in soil anyw here in L in n co u n ty and college exteusion service indicates our savings department. A lbany S tate a lin e n fa cto ry ru n n in g on home th a t a herd th a t produces less than B ank . U nder governm ent supervision. grow n m a te ria l w ould be valu 160 pounds of f a t iu a year gives ^ J O O R E ’ S M U S IC H O U S E the owner o u ly 13 cants an hour able asset to the co u n ty. for bis labor. Cows p ro d u cin g " E v e ry th in g m usical" m ore th a n 280 poubds paid the 223 W. F irst st. ow ner 43 cents an hour. C T IM S O N T H E S H O E D O C TO R KJ Second street, opposite H am ilton’s M ilto n A . M ille r has beeo named store. (Oregon A g ric u ltu ra l College ) "Sudden Service." by G o veruor Pierce as a n u m b e r H p iiE M A R G U & R I I E S H O P P E The firs t p o u ltry short courses o f th e state board of vouatioual Shampooing, M arcelling and Scalp to 6« offered at the college are in ­ education. Treatments. M argaret Countrym an, cluded in th ia year's program . 110 W es' Second st. Phone 22. Birds Will Eat I n j u r i o u s I >U£Ti Contrivance Holds Bait _______ * Easily Reached by Mice Southern Pacific F F F THE MARKET8 Recent experim ents have demon Fanner Is Also Benefited stinted the value of a wooden |aiison Portland station that may be easily mid cheap­ W heat — Hard white, *1.88; soft by Consumption of Vari­ ly constructed to make poisoned bait white. *1.76; northern spring. *180; readily accessible to mice without ex­ ous Weed Seeds. hard w inter, *1.75; w estern whltp. posing It to the weather. Square pieces of 1 by 8-lneh boards are cut $1.75*4; w estern red. $1.69. ( P ls S s r a d by th e tt a lt* < l StMtas P s p a r n a s i,t Huy—Alfalfa. *19.60@30 ton; valley o f A g r t b u it u r « ) for bottoms. A depression to contain The economic value of birds, rape the poisoned bait Is made across the timothy, *22.50^23.50; eastern Oregot dully Insectivorous birds In farm dis bottom board with a chisel or, If made timothy, *21@22. trlcts. cunuot be too strongly eoipiut at a planing mill, by a group of circu­ B utterfat—49c shippers' track. sited, In the opinion of the biologlcu lar saws. The two walla of the sta ­ Eggs—Ranch. 40@44c. survey of the United States Ifeparl tion are cut from 1 by 1'4-lnch strips Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook: meat of Agriculture. For tills reuso. Into 0-lnch lengths. The whole Is the bureau Is Interested uot only in tin fastened together with four nails. Triplets, 28c; loaf. 29c per lb. C attle—Steers, good, *8.60®8 75. protoe lion of migratory game birds Mice nre attracted to these poison Hogs Medium to good, *10(t 1175. which Is one of Its Important film stations and have often been observed Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice. lions, Sul also In the conservnliun ul running around them. all beneflehil bird life. ___________ *12@1S. Hardly an agricultural pest exist* I Profits From Apples but has nuinerutiH effective bird en Seattle Careful records kept for the past eniles For instance. 25 kinds of bird W heat—Soft white, *1.77; western are known to feed upon the dovei 20 years of the cost of every nrchunl weevil, uiid a like number upon tin operation nnd the Income from the white, *1.74; hard w inter, northern potato beetle. Sd on the codling moth sale of the fruit In a typical ten-sen* spring, *1.78; w estern red, *1.71; Big 4« on the gipsy moth. 41» on horseflies Baldwin apple orchard In western New Bend bluestem . *2.00. Hay—Alfalfa. »22; D. C„ *27; tlm flff on blllbuga. 85 on clover-root borer» York show that apple growing has on cutworms. 12« on leaf hoppers paid an attractive profit, at least In othy, *26; D. C., *28; mixed hay, *24. tills orchard The average yearly net and 1H8 on wlreworins. Eggs Ranch, 45® 48c. profit on a barrel of apples for the 20- Devour Weed Seed». B utterfat—48c. Blrds benefit the farmer also by em »«••*' P*’«"’1 •»«« •’• <’«« ” •>’ •"'1 ■' C attle—Choice steers, *7.50®8 60. ernge annual profit per acre for the 20 Ing quantities of weed seeds. It ha Hogs Prim e light. »ll.S0@ ll.90. been estim ated that a single species o. years hue been *120.71. Estimating Cheese—W ashington cream brick. sparrow bi a single state—low u—con that the orchard Is worth *500 per sumed annually 875 tons of weed seeds sere, the annual net dividend has been 22922c; W ashington triplets, 21c; W ashington Young America, 24c. Birds do not. of course, especially sin 2fl :t per cent fl* out tlie noxious Seeds or an Insect Spokane poet for food; but estlng Indlacrlml I How Producer Can Get T horough sp ra yin g w ith B o r­ H oge—Prim e mixed, *10.85 @ 11.00. nately and voraciously, the mos j deaux m ix tu re any tim e in Ja n ­ More Than Market Price abundant food Is tuken tlrst, nnd till* I C attle—Prim e sieere. *7.50@8.ii» S tart today I Now Is the time to u a ry w ill give p ro te ctio n from Is likely to be the moving cuterpllls. start making a market for your prod peach leaf c u rl. or adult Insect, or the seeds on tin plant or on the ground, where the.' urta. s ta rt by getting Individual cus Baled hay stored in sum m er have been carried by the wind. Mmiv i I turners to buy your products mid build increases in w e ig h t several pounds aperies nt birds perforin another Im I up i. trade that will lust. You mav d u rin g w in te r ,« being heaviest in portsnt service to man through theb ; not think that this van he done, but F ebruary and M a rch . I t gener feeding habits, since they act as acnv ' Others have done It ah,l there Is no a lly goes back n e a rly to its o rig in a l eager» In districts where the dispose reason why you cannot? Put Mnywild of waste Is nul completely taken car, ■ eggs on the market In Individual puck w eight the next sum m er. of by community aud Individual effort «ges. Soon you will see that every H e guarantee highest market Th# d ie t m ay often be im proved birds siske a valuable coutrlliutlun ti j lialy will want your eggs, und then, when the demand Is great enough. priet s. by d im in is h in g th e e x p e n d itu re public health. I yqur price will also go higher. You 43 years in business. fu r meats and sweets th a t vege­ Domestlo Cat I t Enemy. I cannot expect more than the market Reference, Hank of Calif. tables may be used m ore freely Next to man himself, wantonly usln; . price unless you do create this demand bis gun, the worst enemy of farm bird- H ig h in iro n aie spinach, bents for your eggs, thinks D H Hall, ex ca rro ts aad tomatoes. In calcium P o rtla n d . Ore. J tension poultry husbandman at Clem [lim e ], ca rro ts, nuions, beam son college. ‘ When egg« are 00 cents per dozen. ' Mr. Hall addo. we never receive culls | to find a m arket—but when they are 25 and 30 cents— we are always culled upon to find market». The law of snp ply and demand governs the market to a certain extent, but when a person for sale has his own Individual market alreudr established he need not worry about a flooded or low m ark et Special price on o n s-h a lf to n and to n lots W H VI M Timely Farm Pointers T U RKEYS CAPONS VEAL HOGS POULTRY PAGE & SON s TRAWBERRY -► P L A N T 'S e j 1 1 or M o r e e g g p r o d u c t i o n F i s h e r ’s Egg P ro d u c e r J A ltP Plant them any time. Will contract for all yon eai raise. s TENBERG BRO W- A LBA N Y s Dairy Calves Do Well on Dried Milk Ration "Raising the Dairy Calf When Whole Milk Is Sold" la the title of Bulletin 215. which was prepared from studies at the University of Minnesota agricultural experiment station, hy Dr C. H Rcklee and T. W tiullirk am of the division of dairy husbandry Two plana of experiments » ere adopted, the first to raise calves on t he minimum amount of wktfl« UUU or ( A fresh stnek of ffiJERSEE milk eood in bulk enables us to \lz I COMPOUND J X C r * ' ” The economical food fo r calves, pig» and p o u ltry * O. w . FR U M This is goo tlVNCAN. E V lm s developed aad p rin te d * We mail them rig h t )«ck »o vom A oodworth Drug Com pany, Albanv. Or- goo. if < ■ SHOE O 1 / SERVICI w oq^that cosi le»» per month oi wea