Sinners in Heaven DEC. Jl . I « ’ « RURAL K V T F R P R H E RAGE beau in uer anus. t From that day another paradoxical Xu. T h a t’* the chief p u u i: they He threw uimseir down acroaa the phiiao opened before them. For. though 't need to be forced Hugh— (Continued from page 2) When the ranamherud the eloee lated. threshold without a word they now bad many surface interests once—called me hearties»—" ■ ■- clasp of his hazrta the pressure of Ma From outside, the noise of the rev­ in common te heigl ten their compan­ He drew her hands down ward, pull­ She langhed aelf-xmaoiauaJy, giving waz even now eating of their o fferin g 1 elers still came to th eir ears, growing heed i*s n bar U u a tL l w pules ionship, the wall between was yet ing her up close behind him. her "bobbed" head a shake, eluding hie H ealth and prosperity would be theirs gradually fain ter . . . and fainter throb bad aw l fler toes burned tt moat more strengthened And. thia time, it '•I'm going to talk quite straight. eyea fo r at least the duration o f this moon! . . . until, at last, silence fell. quit, «he tula boratdf rt^eutedly th l* was the girl who unconsciously built Barbara I gather the real fact Is__ "O h! I — Juee thought I would cuf T h e music abruptly eeeeetl; the danc­ delightful, MipoeMble tondarneus be­ up the crumbling bricks w ith hasty you are not fretting for— Hugh?” By hair." she replied, with elaheratu ers sank breathless to the ground; an tween them most be slopped st otww . fingers, not daring to look at that yawn- rereleasness. She made no re p ly ; but the fingera VIII awed huah fell upon}the gathering She meet reenlutety hide hqr wootn» i ing precipice beyond. la his closed spasmodically He went "A ll your beautiful h a ir!" he mur- When the fire had died down to a hood. thowUg eotblag bat the seitaaa A fte r that memorable night, Barbara From a pocket-book diary they were • • on, his voice low, and deeply earnest mureri. his gate never leaving her. comrade 1 and Alan had walked back together uble to keep count of the days and glowing heap of bers, the al­ "Love can be forced least of all. I f '•ptfls are out of ptace bare!" ahe As aoou as Uia soft i^ n t of daws bud uighta w hidi flitted by so rapidly now. circumstances uomblne to prase that leace broke atornuly in an outburst early nest morning. Alan for the moat observed. •nterttfl f»e ttflg ro e *. she reee Tak The native« le ft theui alone; save mistakes have been made. It Is uo of Joyous h ila rity . • The procession part silent. Barbara talking feverishly A moment's reflection, and he had bag li»i »-lasera, she ctit Armagh hand- when, at Croft's command, they good struggling against the knowledge I started back to the settlement.' the of the natives' feast, music, ritee— decided on his courue. “I see. Hence­ fnl a fte r bandful of her lr* g thick hair, brought rolls of reed matting, or However painful. It Is better than u riotous m errim ent continuing all the anything to prevent awkward pauses. forth, then, we are— two »ay dog» t » waritag oe regrets open the luxuriant way, the w arin g torches making the ( past Barbara, bllsafolly unconscious swords, spears. Implements. Only one. lifetim e of vain regret One of the gather? What a good Ideal" tresses piling round her bare feet as he knew wall, still hid defiance un­ moon seetu pale by contrast. crudest tragedies in this funny old of any flaw in this pact of friendship, His tone was cool snongh to reassure go tar ao good: But H happened der «he cloak of subjection, hiding bis world Is the ease with which such ml« I At a small hut on the outskirts lost her fear of these childlike folk. a dozen nervous women. She was con­ that Barbara'» heart remained unshorn time. Chimababol paused. in . listing that It I Having proved the effect of a random I I I « con be made— unconecioualy__all scious of a grant relief as ahe Joined ef Its sex. »wDaaaF 4— f tm n ll c h ild r e n fell front her. “Alan. I want to tell yon something." but his grip tightened, pulling her lfV _ -A r tln lr a f a p p a r e l 5— H e a le r l a el«»lba "W hat Is It?” he asked, bregtbtng A feeling as of a cold wind, full of across the threshold. I # —- f l l a w o f a h n r n <1— 1 Irm 17— A a tb r n p « * l4 vsgoe foreboding, chilled her heart In quickly at what lie saw in her eyes 7— K n c f t f i r n n | "The natives are w atching!" he mut­ 1M— i ’o m f o r t * — H ip “I saw a shark today. And," hur­ that warm evening air. tered In her ear. 19— H o te l« • — O th e r riedly, “I —ob, A la n ! 1 retaliated all H is torch showed the Interior to be 1 0 — f f m a ll v r e e a r e « e t a l » la IO — llo r « e o you have done for mo, all you have > 1 — N o avee a f l u m b a r small and bare, the sole contents Iv ln g 19— 1 n r lo « e < IX 32— F l a l a b risked and spared me— " X4— o n e two rolls o f reed-mattlng or “tapestry." 22— P a r t i 35— N e y -a ll« a N ear the blaring fire stood Croft. “All my Invlirlhle halo, In fact?" Loosing her, he fixed the torch in the t a — W la b e a f a r 25— o b ta ln r d H it utuds hung loosely nt 1 i 1 r sides; She Ignored the flippancy. “And I ground and took up one of these hesps. P re p a ra f a r ta b la 37— K a ra Ids gave was fixed upon the distant, feel ahnply full of—of— " B4— D l a t r l e t j “They roll themselves In this, to 21»— O r g a n o f h e a d 35— K i n d a f d n < heaving water. At the sound of the .20— P a r t o f v e r b be* “O f— what. Barbara? What?” (deep," he said. “I t w ill make a sub­ 97— T a f if fiip n u t 91— P r i m a r y c o lo r gift's hurrying stops, he turned quickly. “O ratltude—" stitu te for a door." Fl>— O l r l ' a n flm fl 92— O ld b o r s a “A ship r he announced briefly. “G ra titu d e !” He turned away, with 1 She mechanically helped him to fix 42— P l o t o f * r o a a < l 35— B e g in * “I b It coming T' a short laugh. 40— C o H V » ) « R r e 99— M aka ovar It across the openlDg. L ike revelers In 47— T o a i f k a a p a “ No." “I can do so little In tarn to make 37— F m i M l t r r a Continental carnival, the natives 6 0 — T o ebeat Sh— T o le t lo o a e Silently they looked at each other; things tolerable fo r vuu here." she were too much excited to settle down 11— V a ile d ( a b b t .) 40— W e a l h e r e o c k the man Inscrutable as ever, the girl went on. In the warm th of her heart 12— F r a a o f l a f a e t a 49— F u e l fo r the n ig h t; the noise outside was clasping and unclasping her hands, her “Your life was to fa ll— " • 19— I t o r y 44— A e te d p a r i still boisterous. Turned and Fled Into the Hut. 14— C b a a r a a 45— K a ra e d lipa a little tremulous. In the turmoil H e Inked round again quickly “No Alan, the same p rim itive tingling In Bn— f t o l f e lw b 47— P a r t o f l e v of her emotions, she sank upon the fuller than yours w lfh the man you—" ah» turned, and, without a word, fl»d his blood, talked rather w ild ly as he 19— H e a v y h a m m e r 49— « a p e r flu o u a g r o w f b ground at laid, and buried her head In “Ah" she Interrupted passionately Into th» hut. . . . 1 7 — N a a fe 4 I 4 9 — W o o d o f t h e a p o llo c b p1«a< arranged the cover. her hands. T h * a o In ffo R w il t a p p e a r In n e t t la a u a . 'Don't 1 I — know." Hs stood still for a m inute; than h» "Tve are savages now 1 Conventions j. Croft looked at her. his own feelings H er votes went into alienee. For a draw a quick anateady breath, and don't count here. As you remarked, Senator M c N a ry appears to have these may henceforth be our sole com­ in much the some chaotic state. The long time he sat watching the dark­ strode to the shore, to pace up and down up and down fa r Into the ' panions. And they ragnrd yon as my— hope of once again playing the part ness creep aw lftly over the water. succeeded in getting liberal appro­ among hts fellowmen— dear to a ntan A fierce craving for advice, sym­ night. . . . w ile— remember Finishing his Job. priation» fo r Oregon im provem ent« Barbara Hty awake throoglmot long he turned round, his eyes glittering In of action —of achieving the ambitions pathy oven disapproval, »o long as ahe restored to th o e la te from which ru&leasly destroyed at the very mo­ bourn facing In terrible Isolation the 1 could unburden her agitated mind, mas­ the dim lig h t “You must play up, too. 0 th e y had been oraeed. fo r—fo r your own sake. . . , W hat ment of Attainment, had been raised tered the girl. She took one of her old great question o f sex. W hat ahe had E A and dashed almost simultaneously. Impulsive plunges dimly realised and vaguely feared, la I t Barbara. . . . W hat'a the m at­ Rut in that same moment he faced the I am so troubled!" »he exclaimed since that revealing moment during ter? W h y —do you look at me— like fall knowledge of what all tills Eden E A L T their visit to the natives, now loomed m ddenly. that?" H e caught both her wrists. th o u s a n d s o f t h s m s a s t t s d , like existence meant to him—the im s .e .e ' K J j B p r o n o u n c e d . a n d d e f i n e d in , “T ell me Ju«t what la troubling you," up In Itx naked reality to alter the "W-we— can't stay— here!” she m ut­ manslty Of lilt Increasing hopes, bitter­ whole aspect of their life here to- I L E D 5HP> he answered, hla voice softening. tered again, not moving In h it grasp. sweet In their uncertainty. And. as gethfr She faced the true position: "Loneliness?” “But we— we've shared a hut before E M J lT Ö the flnmpa ascended, he faced abruptly realised clearly that »he and thia man — a ll these weeks 1 W hy are you afraid The Hasp of his fingers encouraged r e 3M 5 o i the probable termination of It a l l ! were cut adrift from all the safety of now? T e ll m e!" H e bent over her. confidence. ______ L , O ‘U?D FA* H e controlled, but not without dlfft- other human companionship, all the *Jk/*r*m* “T ell roe. Bair ba ra— ” "No. no! Thia wild fife. this lovely cuRy, the emotions rioting within his restraints of civilization with thia ter­ A L j S'E *1 can't . . . I don't know, . . 1 heart, when those tense few minute», island, seem to creep up and op. en­ rible, eternal attraction now me» art ng l A D D E;Rj — I ’m not— " Desperately she tried to fraught with so much meaning—such gulfing me. ao that I —dread the a few »ample» them. Re cape from It was Impassible, w ithdraw her hands and eyes from his. crucial pages in the Book of Fate— re­ thought of the old restricted existence. broadcast fib» understood now the nature of the abreact Idtl Alan, it's terrible I t —It 's Intoxicating She fait powerless, as If she were slip­ laxed. w hen the fa r off spiral of abyss yawning below the preriplc* t agrimotor hot purauh ping down some precipice Into roar­ smoke faded Into the clouds, as the dis­ — It frightens m e! I never crave for which had threatened her of late. This 1 Blue Crews myvtary »hip ing torrents which would engulf her, tant vessel vanished, he leaped upon a the world nnd a wider sphere, aa I new knowfledge Hlirmlneri the paxt even K A I ? K F R rotogravure Junior college sweep her away from every known bowlder and threw his arms wide. The djd In Dfirhury I know I ought m he to the strange magnetic attraction, ■ " z * 1 k i l l J IV Ewhonla i pining for rescue; to long for—ffer— rl FascUta landmark. This was n tterly different gesture might have been a welcome fo half-fear. In the earty days of their Pre altigraph i from that other night's four Then It freedom, or an acquiescence In the in­ those st home; to he unhappy r R ik-iag acqualntBnce It terrified her. shaking had been fear of him. and tangible. evitable; In either case It savored of tried, htmeetly! But—* Flag Day a 9 Red Star her confidence Her one shield and Now It was subtle, terrifying, and— of 'U s m o f" Laughter Interrupted her. mud gun I ■I paravane protector in all ther had faced now ap­ herself, in some arrange way. “T r ie d ! Have you really? Than— B Ruthcne J a J mega bar peared In the light of the etiecay H e turned suddenly toward her J. W - S T E P H E N S O N . H e drew her suddenly closer; b u r I rollmop taiga plaamon again»’ w-boni ahe had ao a lly l “I am sorry," he sold. " I feared It you are happy here?" w ith all the Strength of her w ill, she "That's the trouble; don't you see? aokol tenoid upset you—today.” G augamo ahortoen flung herself back In his rrasp. I don't know why. but I am J was “ Why today?" »he asked curiously I ptoroais soviet precool “Don’t— touch roe; I don't— under- even glad when the ship didn’t cam» duvetyn A look of Incredulity crept Into hl* realtot S. P.boat ktand— Oh. , . A lan — help oa b oth!" to n ig h t! IF» Just as if there's some face. Czech (»-Slovak camp-fire girl The cry was one of desperation It spirit In thia Island which draws ->nt ' I t 1» December twentieth Wasn't A ir Coundl aerial caarada Startled him. For a long moment he up and up- Do you think me utferly that to be your wedding day?” I f the way So a m an’s he«rt it Devil Dog salvation gated deep w ithin her darkened »yea, heartleoa?" She tank back, staring t him blank through his stomach, th ro ttle road Federal Land Bank the blood mounting in his face, throb­ He laughed again; and ahe won ty Twkre she open»-! her lips to speak, to a woman’s good trace'* is via a bing in his temples, his verv Ups dered at the exultant ring o f It /« t A/« Stotshoeee At Inst, »lowly, box of ehogolnten and bonbons. trembling Then, almost violently, but bet no words came e f tn f e r m e tie n T think youra a goose— waking u p ' aha turned her ra re seaward. w ith a strange look o f exultation, he S e r e n e Y oe f O f con's» only the daintiest mor- Have you only Jos' realised the— ' I t woe P she «lurmnred. "I—had— let her go. ■ela w ill accompl'th that »nd, and 's p irit'—on the Island?” Then he be­ tcargotten ' Again her bead dropped T i l go and see I f — If — all s safe nut- 2700 p fl|M came se rious "How could your un­ “ beet" m»»n C la rk ’». “ Where W o her hands 0000 illiMtralKMM'" atde," he stammered. happiness help those In Hngloari ? They there’« a candy box, there the li» » aa ’ he words were, he heard She heard him leave the h u t : and have long eg" (Iro n us op for deed heart uniocks.” A wild Joy flashed through him. j she tank down In the fa r corner, trem ­ Reside». no forced ' Oaottraa are worth bo dared not trust h la a e if or bling violently . . . . She heard anything.” him enter la te r: and the burled her hM route bo left bar—d o b in g , with G A C. f 1 « Ml AM CO . Saria<