PAGE 4 MUKAL EX') EK DKL. 31. iw>. Large Increase in Public R.ghls are November Exports Defended by Board New« NetM (Continued from page 1) Figures just released ay the tore«! service showed that la I » « Oregon was second la lumbar production with ■ total of 3.968.083.000 feet. The only other state ahead was Washington with 6.677,656.000 feet. Production In Oregon Increased 11 per cent over th* previous year. The Oregon supreme court. la an opinion handed down has reversed Judge Campbell of the Clackama« county circuit court la the case la volvlng Samuel Director, accused ol larceny la connection with the alleged burning of hie store at Oregon City A retrial will be held. How to dodge automobiles will b» a sew course of Instruction at the Parrish Jr, high school In Salem, sc cording to announcement made by school officials. The Parrish school Is located on the route of the Pacirit highway and has beea the scene ol several near accidents. Restaurants, hotels and manufactur Ing ooncerns of Roseburg dependent Recant portrait of Thomas D. upon gas for conducting their business Sohall, blind congressman from the were sadly crippled when the gas tenth Minnesota district, who was plant frose Friday m in in g The gas elected senator to succeed Magnus mains were completely filled with ice Johnson. shutting off the entire supply to the city for several hours. SENATOR METCALF Washington. D. C.— A large Increase Chicago.— i ue power of employes or in American exports during November was chiefly due to foreign taking of of railroads to default themselves out foodstuffs and raw materials, it was of court may be granted, but they can­ shown by commerce department not default the public, the other party figures giving a preliminary analysis In Interest in wage and working con­ ditions disputes. It Is argued by the of the month's foreign trade. Total exports were $493,597,000 railroad labor board in a brief submit­ against $401.484,000 during the same ted In the United States district court month a year ago. The foUowlng ex here. The brief is In connection with a port and import figures with comparl- sons for tbe corresponding totals for suit of the board against J. McGuire, who refused to appear before the November, 1923, were issued: Exports— Raw foodstuffs, $58,699,- board and to testify in a wage dis­ 000 against $14.481.000; foodstuffs pute between the Brotherhood of Loco­ ready for consumption. $54,800,000 motive Englnemen and Firemen and against $52,295,000; raw materials for the conference committee of managers use In manufacturing, $196.385.000 of western railways. The public, the brief states, has an against $160,346.000; manufactured commodities, $124,939,000 against 9118,- interest, because an increase in rates 668,000; partly manufactured food­ of pay may be reflected in a demand stuffs, $50,872.000 against $48.955,000. for Increased rates for carriage, which Jess« H. Metcalf, sleeted to the Imports— Raw foodstuffs, $38,074,000 It would pay. It also has an Interest against $40,134,000; foods ready for in the rules governing working con­ senate to fill the vacancy caused by consumption, $29,091,000 against $35,- ditions and hours of labor, aside from the death of Senator Colt of Rhode * 590,000; raw materials for use in their social aspect, since the rules Island. manufacturing, $112,813,000 against may be unnecessarily burdensome, $97,814,000; manufactured commodi­ causing unnecessary expenses and so ties, $61,463,000 against $64,110,000; sustaining rate of carriage at an un­ partly manufactured goods, $52,831,000 necessarily high level, the brief argues. against $50.825.000. 5 Even äiryläl MARY *«••«•( GRAHAM B •* VtltMfi «TWrfB I SNOW BUNTING “We are very fond of It along by tbe ocean," said Snow Bunting. "We really like to be by the ocean better than Inland, though once In awhile we go Into the country away from the ocean and whirl about be­ fore a snowstorm and through the storm, too. and look and appear as our name would have us look and appear! “We have dear, lovely calls and we can whistle, too—ever so prettily. Yea Indeed. “We're friendly with tbe horned larka We look beautifully white when we fly, and we ge way up to the Arctic regions, at times, “These facta 1 was particularly told to te ll "And someone who saw one of out neats at one time described It In hu­ man words to be a lovely coxy nest. This person saw It In an old bollew log. The aest was lined with feath­ ers and was made of grass and white fox hair. "They say though that we look our best when flying through a snowstorm. Ah, but birds do look very lovely when they fly. Great crowds of birds Speedy Action Necessary, as fifing Is always a lovely sight Even Less Than Ten Week6 Re­ starlings when they fly are very beau­ tiful. main Before Adjournment. "They fly so gracefully and so mag­ nificently. "1 say 'even starlings' for starlings Washington, D. C — The Christmas are not so very popular. They have veek recess at an end, congress went taken such possession of things. back to the grind with housq and sei They push other birds out of the I ate facing legislative tasks that are way. "But they do not bother us at all. expected to keep them working at top | speed until the close of the present However, that is not what I am to ubout 1 am - going session March 4. , talk . - - - - to tell yea The Muscle Shoals problem, vex- “ ™mlng. log as ever, still has right of way ,n er £ « £ ’ w h ^ r e d V t T r n T Moth- Congress Resumes A fter Short Recess Any further action that may be taken by Qovernor Pierce with rela tlon to the ousting of Dr. Thomas Ross W e w a n t y o u to in v e s tig a te o u r ot Portland as a member of tbe state fish commission probably will depend upon a recommendation to be solicit New York. — W hile the orchestra ed from the attorney-general. This was played "God Save the King" and a announced by the governor. British flag and the Stars and Stripes Fines aggregating $«»,286 85 were floated above him, Viscount Cecil of Imposed by the courts In Oregon as Chetwood, received from Norman H "A'en ? ° ” ■ w?n t ? a r e .in th is lin e . O u r stock is the result of activities of the state Darla, of the Woodrow W ilton founda- 9 a t t i a c t i v e in both design and price. traffic officers during tbe current lion, the $25,000 award and the medal W e call y o u r special a tte n tio n to th e biennium, according to the biennial re­ plaque presented In recognition of his port of T. A. Raffety, cblef Inspector service for world peace. for tbe state motor vehicle depart More than 1200 guests, among them tuent. Arreata numbered 3988. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, thronged the Four boys who escaped from the grand ball room of the Hotel Astor « b u ilt fo r c o m fo rt and d u r a b ility the senate, which also faces a show- — She said: statb training school were captured by nt the dinner in honor of Viscount | down on the question of sustaining “ “L ittle Snow Bunting, tbe winter the Police while hiding In a dwelling Cecil given on the anniversary of the H a l sey the presidential veto of the postal j on Frdnt street In Salem. The boys birth of Woodrow Wilson, and ap­ O reg o n salaries bill and Is pledged before the involved in the break were John plauded the presentation of the award. windup of the session to take action I Moore, Archie Evans, K. Kline and J. In accepting the award Viscount on the Isle of Pines treaty. Richter. They spent one night In the Cecil asserted that the advance in On the bouse side appropriation bills | H er Red Pimple Drees open and two of them auffered from ihe past five years In the direction WOMAN HAS WILD RIDE w ill continue to have priority, with frozen feet. Bahy has o red-dotted Swiss dress, of International co-operation had been leaders planning also to dispose of so on Sunday morning she said- Auto Passenger In Crash, Thrown | the McFadden bank bjl| and perbapg | One hundred and eleven mills re "little short of marvelous." Mother, 1 want to put on my red Praising the United States for hav Onto Engine Pilot. porting to West Coast Lumbermen's the rivers and harbors authorization. pimple dress.” Indianapolis, Ind.—Thrown onto tbe association for tbe week ending Ing consistently stood for peace, Vis The house already has sent three j December 20, manufactured 7>.154.»«3 count Cecil said that ha would not pilot of the Knickerbocker special fast of the dozen annual supply bills to | feet of lumber; sold 89.830,»93 feet utter a word of criticism of the at GIANT DIVER IS LAUNCHED Elg Four passenger train, after tbe the senate. A fourth— the treasury- Bud shipped 73,228,612 feet. New bust tltude of America toward the league of train had crashed into an automobile postoffice _ _ measure, carrying more | He stressed, however, the New Submarine Can Go W ith Fleet ,n whlch she was riding and injured I than three-quarters’ of a billion dol uess was 13 per cent above prodyy nations a In Any Weather. thrue members of her family, one fatal lars and Incidentally the largest peace- tlon Shipments were 19 per cent be­ accomplishments of the league since I's Inception under the leadership of low new business Portsmouth, N. H - A seagoing aub- ' “J “ cro39lnK hpr«- M r i Kenneth lime appropriation bill In congression The Oregon-California Railroad com Woodrow Wilson, whom ho character­ marine, the V i . which with her slater I * ' “ ’ of thls cl,y' had a wild 12 a‘ h is to ry -w ill be disposed of thia •now Bunting Left a Little Sons r “ntU she feI1 from the f a in week, clearing the way for the army pany and tbe Southern Pacific com ised as "a great American and a great ship the V-l can accompany a battle- ' ».a — a_ * ItltA f) iHtnh none n > l.l._J »_ »_ I . . ... J pany filed suit In the Marlon county I ' “ ’T ? ° f th* wortd-" addln3- "‘ bwe 1» ship I supply bill, which next will have right •eaeon Is passing. For what do ypu into action and under any con- into a ditch near Oaklandon, Ind. circuit court to reapportion the rail ' D° ‘ U* ‘ ° fa,n* mlKhtler lhan thfit " dltiona the fleet can fight, was launch­ suppose I saw today T Although unconscious when found. I of way. “I asked her In my sweetest voice: she was not seriously Injured, suffer W ith less than ten weeks remaining roads’ share of the expense of con ed at the navy yard here. Senator Couaena Favor« Tax Publicity •"W hat, Mether Nature? Do tell atructlng two overhead crossings ineat The V-2 Is a sister ship of the V-l, ing only from exposure from the sub- before congress must adjourn sine die me.’ Washington, D. C.— The movement zero weather and slight bruises. I loaders recognize the necessity of ed at Wilbur and Sutherlin. Douglas launched here last July. Twice as " T saw a Mourning • Cloak Butter­ for complete publicity of Income tax county The total ooat of the two over large as any ever previously action on vaa^rnc these yiupuama, proposals, I fly,’ she reUM, said, ’and you IU know, little ---- . construct .. a I speeding ------- *UU YOU U U .¡’ .Li® returns was given great Impetus when head croealnga waa $103,800, ed In the United States, they are the Chanc*"® r A,ked to Hezlfln. and it Is expected that the next few Snow Bunting, when they begin te Seuator Couzena, Michigan, republi­ Topeka, Kan.—Dr. E. H. Lindley, weeks will see several of them on I cume' 1 know that Mistress Sprlngtlms first of a group of nine submarines Sale of approximately i , 300,000 feet ka, and ohalritfcn of the Investiga chancellor of the University ot Kan their way to the president. | on 016 of pine, fir and larch on Tepee creak. tlon committee. Announced himself In authorized by congress in 1916. by Gov­ ' ‘O know- how she meets The V-2 is 341 feet six Inches over' sas. was requested to resign - -------- i -----------— -------— - i w ,„ . f coursa . - you ----- ---------------- -----— — In the Wallowa national forest waa favor of complete' publicity. Jonathan M. Davis and the state I Chicago. — More than 60 persons *ylnter on her way here, and how they all. and displaces 2164 tons on the sur ernor •,onathan announced at tbe dlatrlot office of the Washington Leads In Lumber Cut. face. She Is designed to cruise as a I h° ard ° f adminis,ratl°°- I * . Lindley. * e r e killed, upward of half a hundred ? “ th “a<1 taU" and wbat • forest servioe In Portland. The tlm Seattle. Wash. — Washington state, metpber of the fleet at sea in any ! With1“ half an hour after the formal were Injured and 15 others were miss they ure^worth! P““ lln* tor aI1 ber was bought by tbe Oregon Lumber — ._ any i , , ............. . I -- ----------- * u uul'-'r ’ were miss | they are worth! With a total «jit of 6,656,0110.000 feet weather. Four oil engine« ___ _ I request as the the result result of of an an unusual ■■■........i___ .. ’"B n>... __. I saw - Mourning J provide req"f” t for f° r„ his hls resignation res>Kaa'i«n had had been been I " • as num- I u t today dost company at Enterprise. The price was made, sent Governor Davis his refusal b«r of accidents Christmas eve and I must tell you about M o u X ï S î $3 a thousand feet for the pine and Oi lumber, led every stale In the Union 6600 horsepower. and, contributed 18 per oent of the Action by the governor and the board Christmas day. Mother Nature continued. ‘ 60 cents a thousand for the other 'Mourning The most serious as well as the ! C’loak comes when It nation's lumber cut for IM S, accord species. Veterans to Get $1.000,000 Hospital of administration followed a contro-1 Is very early Ing to bureau‘{of cenaus figures an versy with Chancellor Lindley over the I »o at pathetic ClirUtmas eve tragedy *prln<’ 1 oft® “ If Mourning Washington, D. C. — Contracts for It la reported at Salem that Oov- j lio n u n d o e , t ___ . 1 I ______ a __ . ® ' I U ’ lrT a x le a — 1 I-. . . . . nounced by the district offices. Ore- construction of a 232 bed hospital at O suspension of four students of the occurred at Hobart, Okla.. where 35 Cloak Ukes to listen to the chatter ernor Pierce has under adv laamani a between W inter and Mistress Spring- goe’t cue was 3rf86.033.06u feet. Louis San Fernando, Cal., to cost approxi­ university for drinking. persons were known to be dead and time I the le ia litu r « L ‘" H “ th rd d b fourth six others were missing or dead as mately $1,000,000 have been awarded ’I often think that la It, for surely We . . . . h rBeO“ mend‘ Uo» fka‘ « ’L h ln ,to n ’s lumber cut showed Four Hundred Students Protest. the result of a fire In a school house by Director Hines of the Veterans' Mourning Cloak arrives early. state printing office be operated kttlh of 14.4 per cent over 1922 Lawrence, K a n — Four hundred Uni where a Christmas entertainment was Its bureau. In connection wltb tbe statu pemten “ ’Mourning Cloak comes flying production of 83S.399.OUo lath was u versity of Kansas students held a in progress. through the woods, Jaat a little warm tlary. Under the governor’s plan con 36 per cent gain. Shingles showod a meeting here and adopted a resolution The next highest toll of life was •uullght to encourage him. He flies T H E M ARKETS vlcta would be Instructed In the print decrease of 12 per cent, with 6 963 protesting against the removal of I taken near Roanoke, Va. where about and flits here and there, and 1n? profession, sad only such free >88.000. Chancellor E H. Lindley by the state I thirteen were dead and seven were we can see thoae wings of hls to dark Portland as la neueasary would be em Wheat — Hard white, $183; gOft board of administration, which is head missing as the result of the breaking •nd purple and rich ln appearance Ploysd. R. W. Brown, Widely Known Elk, Dies white, $1.77; northern apring, $178* ed by Governor Davis. touches. of a “muck" dam at Saltville. Stette Kdwerfls • Springfield youth. I Sa> Diego, Cal. «e~ Robert Wood “ ‘His blue spots are so handsome^ At Stanford, Tex., four were killed hard winter and western white, $1.75- toe. Oh. Mourning! Cloak la a hand­ who nearly a year ngo pleaded guilty Brown, past grand exalted ruler of and six Injured, one seriously, in a western red, $1.72. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS somely dressed fellovr, and there Is no to the aharge of larceny In a store the Klk» «nd editor of th# Elks' Ns ! tire ln the Stanford Inn. Hay—Alfalfa. $19.50@20 ton; valley mistake about that. He Is one of ths at Springfield and who was sentenced tlonal Magaalne, died nfblil'bom e here timothy, $22.5O©23.50; eastern Oregon Under Interstate commerce commis best dressed of my^ftutUly. to serve two roars In the state pent ° r cerebral hemorrhage. He was first timothy, $21 the products of stem. $2 09. Torchia. an attorney of Glendale, C a l. woman with whom he disappeared » • . continued Snow Bunting, “and so gere the aumber of coyotes at 185 th p of states which per- H a r—Alfalfa. $22; D. CM $27; tlm exploded, blowing off his left hand. | were arrested by Sheriff Oyer and a I know it must be true, lyax. behest, or wildcats 1730. cougars mH the labor of «^¡Wren of tender “And I thought that It might be olhy. $26; D. C., $28; mixed hay. $24 driving fragments into his body and to. w o lr*> t l30 Of tbe fur hearing ' for lon* hour* da,I> in indue pcsse on the ranch 0 , Joseph Mar ■Ice for some of the winter creatures Egge Ranch. 40047c, Injuring one eye. tines, father of the young woman. animals It was estimated that there I trial Pursuits. The effect of »«is 2L • On, M l»'r«ss Spring Butterfat—60c. Attorneys for Lawrence M. Hight, are 500 heavef* «long the streeae competition is felt by many Oregon time. She might be pleased to think Cattle— Choice steers. $7 35 08 50. former pastor, and Mrs. Elsie Sweetin, •he was spoken of-creatures are Britain Bars American Potatoes. eight badgers. 3 * fn».- to» mertea. lJRo industries. Hogs—Prime light, $9 6009.90. convicted at Mt Vernon. 111., on the Humanity demands that Oregon London -G re a t Britain has declar- i a i T J ” , WheD they‘ve be« mink and 18)0 1 weeeeli wedsals. Cheese —Washington cream brick, charge of killing W llford Sweetln. » r ad aa embargo on American potatoes sway1" b°nt’ • ' * “ ’ ’ben ,h«y ware is tify the child labor amendment, 22 0 23c; W’ashington triplets. 21c; pealed for a new trial. The Jury ver ; U T n e mlaietry 0, agriculture an and economic equity supports the Washington Young America. 22c. A m o r A . T u M tn g for « die, . . . called ...iw ,„ r life m o imprisonment imprisonment for for 1 o r d e r a i . » . . . . . . . .. fnr8°wS,“r BDntla< ,eft ' «««• ratification as a protection to our in i. Springtime .lone, and u „ „ Peace Medal Given to Viscount Cecil FURNITURE DEPARTMENT 2 ; de luxe bedspring H IL L &