»\ •B PAGI? J K LICU. KAT t'K I'K I SK îi DRC. 31, l«m l . « « » a » « .» « « « u 'ir jV l. '. . RURAL ENTERPRISE pride. Than he read further: “ W« know your reputation for pub lie enterprise and we know that it i> men like yourself that do things that ire really worth while.” The foregoing i , sufficient to show fcte»rlo lo. |l .f ÿ a r«ar la ad the character of"the effusion. Now Ad»»rtniQ(f, 2üc aa inch ; ao diacono io you wonder that the editor walks tor urna or ipaoe ; no charge for oow C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S n th his head above his shoulders and aoaiObo or * jaugea. j s shoulders above his hips, instead ha T a la -fu» Paragraphs," la _ _ Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited * • advertising dugutaed aa t a v a f meandering like Grandpa Monkey? If you hear of a few disastrous ut mysterious explosions in th< MAKE ET ROAD F U N D « « ‘»a a . . . . • a a , » l * V * \ ^ i V ^ r V ^ i* t lV V V ‘u \ r i A l f i l V VVUUVVV late, consider that this letter, fresl About SO miles of market road was fom the printing press in imitatior A, if a typewritten production, has te s t: lie was unaware of the sinfulness which showed vortlerouidy Its unmis­ built in Linn county last year and tbe een mailed to some hundreds 01 of his action; he had not se«n the takable relief. county court expects to do better this housanda of people, some o f whon great chief nor beard of bis Alsalon The Hmbroslal remain* were there- year. An aaaault will be made on from the god s; It was the V ow ., i . . I fore gathered together and placed In my have neglected to duly rop' Croft waved him away. receptacles of plaited reeds. Lighted i cm selves before imbibing Its gas. the market road fund in the legisla­ "Thou knovest now. Take heed, reed torches were produced for every­ The fellows who write ‘‘We knov ture in the shape of a bill to allow over-bold one I” Then he tilrned to body, and the procession set forth, that fund to be used on through state our reputation” to these hundred Roowa, «111 on his knees in despair. headed by the old chief and the white I Continued) highways. i- thousands of people are as well “If all this Is done peacefully," he "Roowa,” ho asked, “thou lo v e« thy visitor». Turning westward through Aher this they set forth again. It continued. In threatening tones, “ye little ones?" This market road fund is all that osted on those reputations as a , '' the council chamber, they bore a little was no longer dlfflcult to make Chlm- »hall rest In safety. But If again yoor Og is on algebra. the farmers have seen o f the roads “A-aa! As myself. Mighty C hief!" Inland to the sacred palm grove. abahol talk. His delight was almost hands are lifted again« us, yonr The look In his eyes touched Bar­ The communication is an entering childlike, resulting In a gtirrnllty Within a few moments the torches they were promised when they were bodies shall be burned afresh with bine bara. It was another glimpse into a bad formed two waving lines of light, buncoed into voting for millions of I edge for propaganda for an inter- cnlt at times to understand. But Croft flre-devils! Your women shall be human soul, although as yet she under­ aa the natives divided upon either «d e itional exposition to be held in Ore- realised that the little tribe, with the sla in ; your little ones thrown to the state road bonds. They were promis­ stood nothing of his trouble. of tbe central path. The bearer» of Jtt. Such an exhibition would be natives’ melancholy sense of fatalism, sharks I The wrath of your god will ed roads over which their products “It Is well. Take heart, R oow a! the sacrifice advanced up tbe center had become convinced of Its extinc­ I bring down," waving his hand threat­ My will la not to offer up thy alck ! good thing for the business inter could be hauled to the railroads. and laid it upon tbe unllgbted bonfire; tion, this conviction producing Inertia. eningly skyward, “nnd turn you Into ts and real estate men of Oregon Then the whole fund was hogged for babe; but to go with thee now to thy : the musicians squatted on the ground Apparently all attempts at cultivation tortured slaves, If ever again ye molest nd would have the hearty support through roads from city to city. hut, and, perchance, cure tbe child." ; near the altar, beginning again their had ceased, with all forethought for the great white chief or his w ife!” f the Enterprise if its promoters The Joy which transfigured the na­ uncanny mualc. The market road fund was assign future generations. Fear overawed the natives' en­ tive’s fnce was Indescribable. Upon 1 Tbs preliminary rites ceased, add uuld show us a way to finance il ed to give some of them relief and When they emerged from the south­ thusiasm. They fell on their faces tbe dismissal of the tribe, he led the i Chlmabalioi turned te Croft. :thou( adding to the back-breaking the highway commission tried to ern end of the fore«, the little colony again, babbling Incoherently of obedi­ visitors to his hut. Incoherent In his 1 ‘Thou, O Great White Chief, »halt ad o f taxation in this of hnts came Into view. ___ tate. gobble it and fought for it in the ence and mercy. He motioned them to excitement. As Croft had guessed, tlie make tbe flamea arias, straight and Finance the thing yourselves, ye “The huts are deserted,” Barbara rise: then he drew back, satisfied. He courts, but the farmers won. Now child only suffered from fever, needing j high : Thus shall we know that our observed. “Where Is everybody?” had established comparative safety for more air and cleanliness—the filth and I sacrifice 1» accepted by our god.” _ .city _ interests _______ ____ _ ww „ to 1 nights of Electra, and you have our tho big are r.._ primed "Dressing for dinner, perhaps,” he them both, for the time being at all stench being abominable. Ordering ! fig h t for a change in the la"w so they 1 ‘ *st wi’ he’ and efforts, and if thf The great white chief inclined hla can iret hold hold of nt that »!,„» fund. r..»j I halo you have placed on this editor’? suggested lightly. “Oh, lord! I am events, and explained the scene to those necessities, he produced from his head. Stepping forward with the as­ can get dry. And they won’t supply a wh;«ir.r Barbara, exultantly. pockets one of his fever antidotes, surance of one used to guiding sacri­ ead has any value you are wel Very few farmers are in the leg­ and soda! Oelestial life has Its draw­ This Introduction over, Chlmabahol Meamaa watching him In terrified be­ ficial flames from childhood, he ad­ islature and the grab may be ac I c ime to market it and devote to the backs." now Informed his guest of his priv­ wilderment: then he precipitately vanced to the altar, Barbara watching tuse any price it may bring. “I wonder what they wear?” complished. ilege In choosing the great sacrifice to pushed Barbara out Into the freeh air him in astonishment. There be paused "Who? Gods?" But don’t ask us to ask for state lie offered up at the close of the feast. again. Farmers are paying the bulk of for a solemn moment— whether to give id for it. “No. The natives—for dinner." Should the great white chief decide the taxes but are getting the little The feast, to which they were now the effect of revenmea, or to grasp He gave a shout of laughter, causing upon human sacrifice— The old man end ol the benefits from them. led. was spread upon tlie ground in an aotoe elusive memory, er from sheer We hive a farmer for governci, Chlmabahol to Jump with fright waved toward the crowd of faces, open space between the hut* sad the joy In the «tuatlon, she could not “Oh, Just a reed or two, maybe. watching in tense apprehension: hut only a small proportion o' lagoon. Only the men squatted round tell. . . . Slowly, at last, he raised What we may come to, y e t ” LOBBYISTS “All are here, O Mighty Chief." firmera is the legislature. Th. to eat, the women—occupying a lower hts arms, waving the flaring tsrch high Barbara said no more. Upon this arose a chorus of dis­ position—waited npon them, with the above his head. Then he embarked sentient cries, mixed with shouts of A newspaper lobbyist in the leg ­ maDsgeri of the dominant p ti i\ pleasant expectation of finishing thoir upon a short display of physical drill, "Meamaa I Meaman I” The natives islature writes: • “The legal news- announce that the plan tc devot. VII leavings. as if invoking the sp irits,o f an unseen pressed forward In eager anxiety. puper law and the the legal rate are Ine major part of the coming se . At the end of the fe n « the pair be­ host. It Impremnd the natives Into The const of the deserted appear­ Chlmabahol glanced up quickly. came aware that all eyes were fastened awestruck alienee, w hile filling the girl the result of the work of our leg is­ sion to “ bitting the governor ’ ’ ance of the place was soon clear. “Where is Meamaa? I see her not. on them. The snn bad set. The sacri­ with an alm o« Irrepressible de«re to lative lobbyist; th . county court h --------- ------------------- - ip been abandoned. Maybe son r Chlmabahol led his guests around the Where Is Roowa, her husband? And fice must be decided upon. An air of laugh. After this performance, he bent pioceedings are now being published I . western outskirts of the little settle­ Laalo, her son?” anxiety, of strained «¿pectatlon, was slowly down and held hla torch to the only because of the activity of th . P “ D‘# W'H * * 'VeU P ubii ment, toward the belt of verdure reach­ A little black figure was thrust mnnlfe«. heap of dry sticks and leavaa. Imme­ .............. ing down on that side almost to the roughly forward. He glanced round, lobbyists at the session two years ■I'Uslness. Croft's wits had not been slumbering. diately the fire caught on. crackling lagoon. Here, In a large clearing used fearfully, uncertain whether to cry or ago, four years ago, and six years ’Our gods have told me," he. Informed and (testing, sending op leaping yellow If tbe payer of an Income tax for council chamber, with carpet of prove the manhood of his five years. ago; an attempt is made at every moss, walls of lofty trees, roof fres­ Deciding upon the former course, his Chlmabahol confidentially, “that thy flamea nnd. thick curling smoke late the god. Bnlhunka. doth not hunger for the somber vault shove. session to do away with some publi h i* nothing lo be ashamed of i t coed with blue and green tracery, was eyes. In the act of screwing up, en doth . . . . . of u i man . . . u u this n u n moon; n i v v u , neither n r iu ir r U ’J U l he ill" * » *•» U M I M U I 1 and splendid c v n u s |{ n r This instant conflegra- cations, while few legislators ever h is nothing to fear from publicity assembled apparently the entire tribe. countered those of the white girl flesh desire fish or bird to be offered unto tJon w ss ai sign of the offering being suggest new publications. The pro­ If otherwise he ought to be ex. Upon the white chief s appearance a watching him curiously ; nnd he paused fit», to the newspapers — even to the p iled. Let there l>e light. walling murmur arose. Interspersed by gazing at her, hts mouth open. She film He deslreth to taste the dishes acceptable to Bnlhuaka. Another burst ihou bn« prepared for those who hove «1 excited Incantation broke from tha the occasional frightened cry of a smiled. A wondering grin slowly over smallest — from editorial association »«ii».. h . , . from . the k - . . . . that . . . I assem bly,/ the musicians once mors sailed here skies. All child. At a shout from their chief, spread his small Impish face, and he legislative activities pay many times No ; the grange is not out . f they all fell upon their faces. Three moved nearer, looking up at her with we have left uneaten »halt thou collect, blow ing, upon their reeds and sheila. over every year the small amount therefore, and offer unto him. It la The torches flared, the bonfire bellied politics. It lo u ld o ’t lie and be aa llmee they raised their bodies, sway­ childish adoration. each newspaper is asked to contrib food tabu to those sent by til* gods: forth tkdek gust» of flame and smoke. ing backward, then down again to the For the first time Barbara felt the patriotic as it is. It is out ol ut “ therefore doth he require it beyond all Its roar mingling with the music and earth. After the third obeisance they humanity behind the repulsive exterior other food.” wild staging We will add that the legal rate i partisan polilios. rose to their feet, eying tho strangers of these folk. She held out her free This distinct greediness seemed more At hast the flames reached the sacri­ rurlously, fearfully. extortionate — a case o f holding up hand. The little fellow came shyly While the old chief launched Into a toward It, but some one roughly pulled In character with a peevish child than fice send the air was flllpd with die and robbing the person so unfortun lengthy oration, end as she watched him hack; and she remembered, with n celestial being; but to Chlmabahol It smell 1 of burning food. ate us to be drawn into litigation appeared natural enough. He com­ A great shout went up. Tbe god the varying expressions upon their some amusement, that she was tabu! T be publication of "the county court municated the decision to the tribe. I (Continued on page 5) faces. It dawned upon Barbara that Accompanied by much muttering and proceedings,” meaning a list of bills rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnesi these might be, henceforth, the only- scuffling, a man whose face was dis­ allowed, is a big graft added to the caused by Catarrh. human beings In her life! This ap­ tinctly more Intelligent than that of taxpayers’ burdens. Lobbyists of, ev­ palling probability Rhorked her, as she many of his fellows, slowly advunced. *v * » o w Av wsv Sd rMn ery kind should be excluded from tbh F. J. CHENEY fik. C O ., Toledo, Ohio realised It. with almost the effect of a Oroft watched him closely. sudden, reeling blow. Shuddering, she legislature and from congress. They “Roowa I" cried Chlmabahol, “where turned from the sn a il dusky bodies are Meamaa nnd thy babe, that they always represent a small clique and looked at Croft’s fine physique obeyed not the command to greet the against the mass of the people. Giowns, bridge) work andl fillings. It wil His head was averted, his attention en great white chief?" tlrely engrossed by Chlnasbahol’s gab pay you to get to y prices on your dental work Many eager voices broke in, before CHILD LABOR bling speech. he could reply. Cuuick bank building,' A lbany "The babe is sick, O Chief!” Conscious of mental nausea, like one drowning, she dutched at the only re­ The Medford Mail-Tribun^ says “The scourge, O Chief! It Is again maining link with life—the companion in the house of Roowa I Let the great that if the child labor amendment is destined to the same fate. For the white chief save us from the scourge, approved “no child in the ountrv first time In her life she called him by at the Sacrifice of the Full Moon to­ will be allowed .to work until after name, grasping his arm: night—" the 18th birthday." r’í "Alan I" Roowa uttered a great cry, and fell Is there so much k» feared from T ires New. low-p'.riced Gill Quickly he turned, in astonishment on his knees before Croft, eyes wild, the ‘amendment th a t silch an egre­ ’We may any other hu- arms outstretched, babbling protesta­ Y 011 . • I " * “> aJ never see ai M ore service gious falsehood as tn*l it necessary tions and pitiful supplications io u a re now beg in n in g man being»!- she gasped. B a tte rie s foi* In tke campaign ig ^ fr fs t it, on the v ' A 1 « I. A* "I t k* t F” w « < I With • «■»«.<• I swift » . The white man fully realised the With him his • usual penetration he N o m o re cost to think o f 1925. I t’s a ls o F o rd , j and theory that The end justifies the understood, by tbe desperation In her ernfttness of these fellows, also the Skilled A uto re p a irin g Stpr, i o th e r m ean*’ " f t tu n e to think of v o u r voice and eyes, the overwhelming hor­ dellcncy of his own position, with the rors raised by this thought For a mo­ necessity of causing no offense in this C h e v ro le t / sm all cars A uto accesso ries If.the amrndmeft ------ passes, — congress ----------- „.„ ..eyes. P e r h a p s th ey need ment he hesitated; then, pulling her first action ns overlord. His face set will have j o r f M o i forbid the em- glasses to b r ig h te n im th e MORE SERVICE FOR LESS M n v r v hand down Into his, he clasped It clone, In Its m o« determined. Impenetrable ployment of chtWren under 18 ,in vb -I * 11 saying nothing. At his reassuring lines; his eyes flashed round on all rations which i f believes dangerous NEW YEAR touch the awful loneliness faded grad­ present. Inspiring fear In the hearts of Them are slates in which 1 * ’ '.little .lit ually, as the autumn mists when the those upon whom they occasionally rested Recognizing at last the man children are driven to tasks that sun breaks through. A sudden outburst of exultant cries he sought, he motioned him forward. cripple their minds and bodies and Larger than most, more brutal of rent the air. Tlie lengthy eulogy came make them mere machines during countenance, Rarbnrn quickly recog­ Optometrists. Jcwplere to nn end nt last. The pathetic relief the few years they are allowed to In every swarthy breast manifested nized her late pursuer. and tnanuficiiiriog opticians live and send them to premature but “What Is he called?" Croft demanded Itself in wild leaps and Jubilant shouts. Welcome graves. There are task- ALBANY CPoft, like Mr. Mlcawber, was not of Chlmabahol. Baboomn. O Greatest of C hiefs!” blasters in those states who, with slow In seizing an opportunity for elo­ The two men regnrderi each other quence Raising his free hand to com­ money coined from the blood o f the mand silence, he glibly reeled off other silently: and In the look of the native innocent, control the legislatures and Croft recognized hatred and defiance, duties assigned to him. prevent the passage of humane law. It was. he stated confidently, the la spite of the fear lurking In the bold 'I he proposed amendment gives con- gods’ desire that he and his wife should •yes which met his own. Laundry sent Tuesdays pTess the power to say "Thou shalt H ay is w orth ju s t as m u ch in is to r a g e as A dull murmur arose. In which hts live upon the Island to assist the tribe Agency Hub Cleaning Works not.” That is all. In tlie recovery of its strength nnd ear was quick to note hostility. The y o u m ig h t get for it in c a se o f lire. Th > prosperity. This provoked more up- old c h iefs face was full of anxiety as he steppe gifts In return for the fruits of your He hath not found favor In my It says tot)" Further si,outs arose. "The sight." replied the gods’ messenger "It gives us pleasure to Inform you I gods would have us to visit freely your curtly, frowning upon the wretch, HALSEY that the masses of vour citizenry habitations and show you how to pre­ whose expression o f defiance was rap vent the pescilenres which devour your Idly 'iding. "Ho hath raised his eyes numbers." • nd hts liand to tlie white ch iefs wife!" figners in your com m unft?” This program was vociferously sc- h* thundered, glaring ferociously at tlie C s.hjpsnl’lor olalmed; but Croft’* experience of na­ now trembling fl.ture. Wore the paused m in ine thè re«(. rea