I A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L i v e s to c k A W e e k ly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land HALSEY. OREGON H a l s e y H a p p e n in g s a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts D E JE M R E R guests at the Frank Workinger home Sunday. George Hussey of National, Wash- spent Christmas with his parents. A — # p ki ota |j A N ..r ii.. MA» . AFA, MAY. JUNE JULY. AUC., SEPT OCT. NOV 0EC 100 LBS. L d/CHICAM »19.00 1 **• I »12.00 ^/Ck-___ â w W- -V * c 7 hl J" s th e hock, b ein g h igh ly m arbled w ith b rig h t lea n o f a fine grain. S o u th S a n tia m riv e r w as frozen o ver Clive Arden is telling our readers at Lebanon and Ice skating was enjoy- about sinners in heaven, which Isn’t B ro w n sv ille B riefs, ' impossible, for we are told Beelzebub himself was there once. She will al­ Da E ttn R obnett w ent home to Chester Rice went to Albany Fri­ Eugene yesterday, after spending so describe doing3 of some people in j the holidays with her grand church whom we should think were day. inner», however saintly they may m other, Mrs. D. Isom. Prof J. K. Torbet went to Al. deem themselves. We have yet to Miss Anna Mills of Astoria sppnl leam if there are saints in the other, bany today. th e past few days with her p a r­ farther and warmer place. Silas White has killed his sixth ents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Mills, bear this season. and retu rn ed to Astoria today. Claude Mack, of the Santiam coun­ Miss Gladys Wolgamott spent Mrs. L. H . A rm strong and try, went hunting in the late cold Saturday in Albany. daugb’nrs Ketta and Haze! left t o ­ 'pell. He took off his boots to wade Johu Olsou was a passenger for day for O akland to visit Mrs. "• stream, fell and lost them. Then Go Wage Grove yesterday. A rm atrong’s paren ts, S. J, Chei - he ran c mile to the nearest resi­ dence, barefooted, in the snow. His V'oncies Miller is home after a few oweth and wife. feet were frozen, but he expects to months in the Coos bay country. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran werit to b? all right in a few weeks. He got N. Pasco returned to his home in P ortlan d today via the S. P to no ducks except his own ducking. Portland Friday, after a visit with ba with her d aug h ter, Mrs. M ar­ Mrs. Sarah Helmick, probably the triends. cella K irk, who is very ill with un >. ' ’ '»c abscess in th e lungs. The patient oldest person in Linn county, died E. L Wood went to Eugene Mon­ last Wednesday at her home in Al­ day. may be taken to a sanitarium He is enjoying a two-Weeks Mrs. Arch Handley and children bany from an attack of bronchitis, vacation. and Hubert Burton were dinner aged 101. On the occasion of the Betnize Coshow spept C h rist, celebration, last year, of th*e comple­ tion of the west side Pacific high­ mas with home folks, returning to way, the state highway commission Corvallis Friday. A lbany’s ledicated a park, four miles south M.ss Joan Blaikig returned 'Satur­ only of Monmouth, which Mrs. Helmick day from Portland, where she visit­ EXCLUSIVE had deeded to the state a couple of ed during Christmas. - . /ears previously and named it Hel­ Dr. and Mrs L. R. Dougherty mick park. The park is pnrt of a OPTICAL PARLORS 1 donation claim which the Helmicks of Seattle have been Visiting rela­ — | to:ik up in 1846. Th I ' <1 on tives in Brownsville. E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L j the claim until 1878, when Mr. Hel- H. J. Shoemaker Returned to his died end the widow moved to home at Stayton Monday after a vis­ Bancroft Optical Co. I i I mick Albany and built the house in which it at the C. D. Estey home. 3tJ West First street, Albany,Or. I J j she died last week. i (Continued on page 4) | | | | | | | HEALTH, HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY THESE a re ■r c " after spending the holidays with rel­ atives. J. I. Williamson returned to his home at Yachats Friday, after spend­ ing Christmas with his son, K. C. Williamson. Mias Erma G oulard, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. H M. G oulard, left yesterday foi W alla W alla. Mr. and Mia D. L. Cowger. re turned to Portland today, after i v i/it with the lu tter’s parents, E J. Spencer and wile. Mrs. E A. Miller and daughtei Catherine returned to their horn at Riddle yesterday, after a visit a t Charlea E n g e t ' s . Mr. and MVa... Allen Warden re­ turned to their home nt Noti Satur­ day, after visiting friends and rein tives near Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Nicholson and son returned to their home at We­ natchee, Wash., Friday, after a visit at the S. P. Tycer home. Mrs. E. U. Richard and daugb ter Alpliena of A lbany and Ml«' Lulu Grigsby of Pilot Rock weui home today after a visit at J. A. G rigsby’s Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Shoemaker and children returned to their home at Camas, Wash., after spending Christ- mas with the latter’s parents, Mr. Mrs. W. F. Whealtlon Of Portland and Mrs. W. H. Tull. arrived Wednesday afterndion and was I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holloway a guest at C. E. Stannrd’3. | entertained during the holidays W. Mrs W. R. Goodman went toj A. Holloway of Medford, Mr. and Junction City today to attend the Mrs. W. H. Gerrettsen of Roseburg funeral of ber sister, Mies Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Satterlce Hayes. of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wolfe return­ D elbert S t»rr, who conduct« two ed to their home in Newport Monday, widely separated lines of busines« made a contract outside of them on the 21st, when he married Mis» A letha Isom, He did not a n ­ nounce the event o the E n t* r* peise and our Brownsville eorre •pondenl failed to report It. o u r w ish e s at th is P in e G r o v e P o in ts tim e fo r y o u fo r th e N e w Y e a r . . The rain is very welcome after the severe cold. T o w h o m w e also e x te n d o u r a p p re c ia tio n fo r y o u r h e lp fu l c o -o p e r- - a tio n d u rin g 1 9 2 4 . M. V. Koontz Co. HALSEY, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sylvester were Corvallis visitors Monday. Lon Chamlee pae'or. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nichols snd Bible school j0, W. Il- Robert­ John McNeil were Corvallis visitors son superintendent. Monday. C hristisn Endeavor 8 SO. Evening service 7:80, «. A. L and Russel Knighten and The church w ithout a bishop in Dean Bilyeu came down the river the country w ithout a king. from Harrisburg to Peoria duck If you have no church home hunting Christmas day. They re come and w orship a ith us. ported the river frozen clear acrost in one place so solid that they walk­ ed across and pulled their boat. M. E. Church Robert P arker pastor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching. 11. Junior League, 3, Interm ediate League. 6.80. Epw orth league, 6:80 Preaching, 7:30. Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7 SO. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » Church of Christ I 1924 IV ntun county spent the week end | at L. E. Eagy’s. I t P a y s T o M a r k e t B eef of Q uality Mrs. Addc Ringo spent Chri-tni-s with relatives a t Cottage C isvi Miss Helen Pearl of Elmira w as! the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. »11.00 Delora W elle went hem e today, E. S. Marsters, during the holidays, j CHO • W. P. W ahl and fam ily were in $10.00 Lay members offered some e lo -1 A lbany M onday. 1 quent pravers at the Methodist I $»00 Mr«. E. V. Baas and children church last Sunday. Next Sunday w ent to Albany today. the revival meetings there begin. $ 9 .0 0 Mi»a Hazel Davis returned fn n. a p * 'c t * W. J. Rihelin wag so well p visit in Albany Wednesday $700 - pleased w ith the barber business Revival m eetings begin next when he owned a shop in Halsey r $SOO S unday. Sse advertisem ent. that he has bought a half ¡ute-est C. H . D avidson and wife wen w i t h his son George in one in $ 3 .0 0 »««Mm«»V«. Sunday guests at J . W. H uesey’s Prineville and will soon go there It is con d ition and q u ality rath er th a n w eig h t that d erid e w h eth er a steer to reside. L. H , A. C. and Helen Arm is to be p la ced in th e b eef c a ttle cla ssifica tio n . W ith in th e c la s s It Is cond! The old man of the Enterprise has tion and q u a lity th a t la rg ely d eterm in e the am ount of profit th a t goes te th e stro n g and Mies A rdatn Caldwell •■'.bout completely recovered from the shipper. C h oice to prim e ste e r s bring from 75 ce n ts to >5.76 p er hundred­ were io A lbany Monday. w eigh t o ver th e com m on ligh t stock , a ccord in g to a stu d y m ade o f lig h tw eig h t The county court «eke truck effects of his collision with an auto­ ste e r s com ing to th e C hicago m arket by th e S ea rs R oebuck A gricu ltu ra l F ou n ­ mobile two weeks ago, but last week’s drivers to lim it their loads to two dation. issue of the paper came out a day tons till the roads settle. T h e bulk o f the sh ip m en ts are clasaln od under th e g r a d e s o f p rim e steers. late owing to his inefficiency and Mrs. H arry Commons* sister, the impossibility of getting printer 1.200 to 1,000 p ou n d s; ch o ice steer s, 1.130 to 1.000 p o u n d s; good steers, 1 1 5 0 to 1,600 p o u n d s; m edium steers, 1.100 to 1.400 pounds, and com m on rough Mrs. W h itlatch, and family of help. - . steers. 900 to 1.200 pounds. T h e s e a re th e c la ssific a tio n s o f th e U nited State« Eugene visited her Sunday. Mr. and Mr3. P. H. Freerksen gave B ureau o f M arkets. Mrs. W. A- Carey went to Salem 1 rime b e e f ste e r s are the Ideal type, com bining ex cep tio n a l breeding and today to tak e care of her mother, a Christmas dinner at their home thorough finish ing. Short n eck and sh o rt legs, sm ooth flesh and well-flUed, near Halsey. The guests were Mrs. M rs Stone, w h o is very feeble. bulging b risk ets are p rereq u isites. P rim e b eef ste e r s are rare, e w n steers H. Freerksen of Shedd, Mr. and Mrs. enough to grad e t s ch o ice are few . T h ey ahow m ost o f th e characteris- Mrs. E sther R ike of Corvallis Hans Koch and daughter Freda, Mrs. good tie« o f th e p rim e grade, good breeding and long feed in g, sm ooth flesh and thick spent the heiidays with her Mack Powers and Mr. and Mrs. fa t. On th e block the q u a lity ste e r w ill sh ow a good p rop ortion o f red m eat d au g h ter, Mrs. Charles Strsley. Frank Works nger and children, Bob­ covered w ith a m odest am ount o f sm ooth w h ite fa t. T h e lean , w h ile Arm of textu re, w ill be rnellbw to th e teuch. T h e ca r c a ss sh ou ld ca rry down full to F or th e fir st tim e in m an y y e a r s th e bie, Doris, Mai and Howard. Short Stories from Sundry Sources 3f. N e w s N o te s F ro m Mieses Ann and Mary Heinrich of Corvallis are spending their holidays J at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Eagy and Clar­ ence Eagy of Oakville spent Christ- j mas at L. E. Eagy’s. ■ jt~ —— — — - — Mrs. Inez Smith and Kathleen ar« I »pending the holidays with Mrs . Smith’s parents, near Albany. E le c tio n A ll O v e r O re g o n •»leaned by the W estern Newspaper Union T. M. Hicks wag elected presto»at ■ I Glenn Nichols fell and broke hi» i collarbone while skating near the j school house last week. o f o ffic e r s of the Pine Grove D a iry P o u ltry W ool of the S a lem ch a m b er o f c o m m e rce at the a n n u a l e le c tio n . The com b ined le v y fo r s ta te and U m a tilla c o u n ty ! m ills, M 0 ln c h r tg tm „ I cou n ty p u rp o ses in Sunday School I for 1»25 w ill be 14.40 a n d tea ch er» w ill b . held S u n d a y , J a n u a ry 4th. N ea rly A Christmas tree and m u sica 1 I wai* distributed by the Brooks-Scanlon play, "Santa to the Rescue,” wert I and S h elv ln -H lx o n lu m b er m ills at given by the school children at th« Bend. schoolhouse Christmas eve. Much T h e W illa m e tte river, for th e first credit is due the teacher for train tim e ln th e m em o ry o f th e o ld e st rest ing the children so successfully, a» d en ts, w a s c o m p le te ly fro zen o v e r at we seldom see such small children S ile m . take such parts. It certainly giver An arm ed, m a sk ed m a n held up t h e them an opportunity to develop ant pool h a ll o f F. E. W a ller a t B orin g, ob­ talent they may have. tained >160 from Mr. W a lle r and m a d e h is e s ca p e. S c h o o l N o te s A sp a ra g u s a c r e a g e w ill be d ou b led In th e sp rin g by m em b ers of the U m a­ tilla P ro ject G row er«' a s s o c ia tio n a t H erm iston . (High School Reporter) There was much commotion and many joyous leave-takings as th« rift-laden students hurried away So their respective homes Wednesday tc spend the holidays. loot’s hope the> eturn “a sadder and a wiser” crowd There certainly has been a quantity of unnatural stillness about. Basketball suffered some neglect on account of the intensely cold weather. In spite of the persuasive arguments of “Old Boreas" both the boys and girls managed to turn out for practice as usual last week. Now -is the time to enjoy crops word puzzle« without letting your lessons suffer. The first basketball game of the year for the boys and the first of ‘he season for the girls will be play rd on the home floor on the evening of January 2. The visiting teams, who are from Shedd, are expected to put up a good fight, so the gen ■'Tai outlook seems to favor two fast tnd exciting games. It is hoped that there will be a goodly supply of rooters for both sides. The high school plans to give a re­ ception for the teams immediately 'allowing the games. Wednesdaw afternoon at the T h e body o f an u n id e n tified la b o rer w as ta k en from b eh in d an e n g in e ten d er o f a w estb o u n d p a sse n g e r tra in a t A rlin g to n . T h o m a s E arl. 43. co m m itted su ic id e at h is h om e in E u g en e by h a n g in g h im se lf w ith a p ie c e o f c lo th e s lin e from a beam In th e w o o d sh ed . Dr. S an d ford W h itin g , a p ro m in en t P ortland p h y sic ia n and su rg e o n , drop­ ped dead In h is o ffic e In th e S e llin g building. H ea rt d is e a s e w a s g iv e n a s th e ca u se. Stacy, II, and C lark, 10, s o n s o f ■Mr. and Mrs. H. R. B w a n so a . liv in g fiv e m ile s n orth o f E u g e n e , w ere drow ned w h ile sk a tin g on a sm a ll la k e near th e ir hom e. Mrs M ary K napp. 07. mother of H orace K napp, w a te r a u p erln ten d o n t o f La G rande, d ied aa th e resu lt o f burns su ffered th e n igh t o f D ecem b er IS. S h e w a s a p io n e e r o f th e v a llo y . Cold w e a th e r has h a n d ica p p ed en u m e ra to r s o f th e fe d era l farm c e n su s to su ch an e x te n t th a t o n ly about 20 per cen t of th e a c h e d u le s on n o rth w estern O regon fa rm s h a v e b een filled out. For sc h o o lh o u se a la r g e g ro u p o f p aren t» I ch u te s and fr ie n d s en jo y ed a p ro g ra m by fu rth er In r o stig a tio n of th e Dee- irrig a tio n project, in ce n tr a l I O regon. E lw ood M ead, c o m m is sio n e r recla m a tio n , haa set a sid e »5000. en ted so m e c le v e r s o n g s and r e c ita - | A n n o u n cem en t to thia e ffe c t was m a d e •he students. The little folks (ire- I «’f to R e p r e se n ta tiv e S ln n o tt. »inns emted to the eeaeon, pee lie Reynolds and Herman Koontz gave an amusing dance of two child ien of Holland which won instant up 'loval from the spectators. The high -chool pupils contributed several .umbers, among which was a solo, "Black Hawk Waltz, by G«or- zina Clark, and a vocal solo, "Star of the East,” by Willmina Corcoran A song by a quintet of freshmen girls ended the entertainment. Rom e 60 y o u th fu l tra p p e rs are on d u ty In P in e V a lley d u rin g th e boli- J a y s and c o n sid e r a b le riv a lry Is pres e n t to o b fefa th e g r e a te s t n u m b er o f h id es. N ea rly all b o y s ln th e H a lfw a y h igh sc h o o l ea rn th e ir sp a r e m o fiey in , P u b lic e m p lo y m e n t b u reau p la c e ­ m e n ts In O regon d u rin g th e cu rren t bien n ium n u m b ered 30,335, acco rd in g to th e b ien n ia l rep ort o f C. H. Oram, s ta te labor c o m m issio n e r . T he m o v em en t by th e c a ttle m en o f he sta te a s a resu lt o f a plan a d op ted liy th e O regon C a ttle and H o rse Orow- erg’ a se o c la tto n to w a rd ord erly m a rk et­ ing of c a ttle in th e s ta te soon w ill bo launched In U m a tilla co u n ty , a cco rd ­ in g to In form ation re c e iv e d by Fred B en n io n , co u n ty a g e n t T h e plan Is | to h a v e a. r e p r e s e n ta tiv e of th e g ro w ­ ers in t h e ,s t o c k y a r d s at P o rtla n d at all tim e s. - r Prof. Peck of O. A. C. recommends ;olng slow-in cut^ipg out trees and .hrubs believed t