^ / ^ b a n y ^ i r e c t o r y S:nners in Heaven “ I and my tribe would be friendly to ' DEC 24 •M U R A I, E N T E R P R IS E PAGE 'Even so, Great Chief. ’ thee sod thine W h y hast thou Seen " H *a ! . . . " Hts fertile brain acting upon soma Impulse, paused be­ hostile unto vs? W hy has thou to speedily conceived a plan which. If hind her. tempted the wrath of the goda who wild, w u yet founded on fact. two pounds of pecans I promised toi h It all very dreary for you— here? sent us hither, by greeting us with I T h u is good advice; " I f you live "Chief," he began confidently, “those take down the street, E lle n ; I Will got Do you hate It so much?“ spear and arrow?" iu Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live white men who murdered thy sone iright away," There was a wonderful, unusual gen- Chlmabahol beat his breast, looking !«• - m u other town trade in that town. were an enemy tribe waging war The doorbetl rang vigorously, threff t in these automobile days many re- tlaaeai In his voice—an undercurrent fearfully at Croft. against my tribe. And their ways were times. "B. B." hastened to the door. iog elsewhere find it advisable to do of something, almost yearning, which " It was the Vow," he said In a low treacherous, their weapons terrib le !" at least part of their buying in the touched her unaccountably. " I f It Isn't my first lieutenant"— a tone. Chlmabahol was unusually intelligent ‘ »tger town. Those who go to Albany pet name he had fo r a member o f hte “f t ’s no worse for me than for you, •T h e Vow? W het v o w r for a native. Quick to grasp’ the mean totransact business w ill find the firms ahe replied, responding to his tone In Hass. "W on’t yon come up.” ‘T h e Vow of Vengeance— of H a te !” n atied below ready to fill their require­ lng of this stranger, who spoke a dia­ “ No, thank you, M r. B axter, I can't the natural generosity of her heart. H e The old man rose, and walked to and in apt t with courtesy and fairness lect so much resembling his own, a made no reply fbr a moment. Theo, fro. feverishly pulling bis beard, oh right now. The girls are planning a flash of comprehension leapt Into Ids By Eleanor E. King lightly, he praised her shoulder with viously laboring under some strong class reunion while they are home fop A C C E S S O R IE S A N D T IR E S eyes. hl* hand. the Christmas holidays They want tw emotion. At last he paused opposite . Auto Supplies “And they came hither thinking to 'Come and tell me when the lonetl know i f they can’t count on tb e lr them, and they saw tears upon hts J H A l l is o n find thee here. Great Chief, so that nass Is too bad " W est First St teacher fo r one o f those humdinger wrinkled black cheeks. "H earken. i®, Weat.ra N.w.pap.r Union.) they might slay thee?" And he was gone, his footsteps dying Great C h ief!"' he said lessons— like they used to have before "T ile white A sndle lit np Croft's face. I f not ib a n y F io r a i Co. C ut flowers sway upon the loose twigs of bamboo man came before, not many summecs F SO many y e a r, we were scattered to the four winds." strictly accurate, this surmise would * * and plants. Floral art for every cans. past He came In great numbers, and •B . B." surprised, dazed and happy had not already and all occasions suit his purpose admirahly. She wndressed and stood, fa ir and he k i l l ! A-aa ! He let looie his magtc, swept over his head nil in the sumu breath, Just chuckled "Even so! And. seeing thy tribe of _____ v Flow er phone 458-f. w ny bo always did when sum»- •Mm at P»yehe. beside the water, a and he k ill most of my tribe with his — a o r r n w, great , a different hue. they were tilled with It hit them, making holes, fresh Interest awakened In her com­ smoke! worile« and time u N » W I C K fear and cried, saying ,'I.ct us slay panion. As she lowered herself into leaving little hard ball-devils behind whitening his hair P H O N O G R A P H S them' ”— he had a vague impression the Shimmering ripples, she resolved to Our homes were near thine own, even — one would have at of Biblical eloquence, but It translated in the huts beside the waving paltis follow op this talk, to press through W O O D W O R T H ’S declared him too very well—"And they slew all thy sons thin piece of w a ll; and, by a They also were shattered by the smoke good to live. H is In their fe a r; then ran to their boats kindly deeds had made his kindly £ ^ a ll a n d see th e big assorting!) and its ba!l-devlls. M.v warriors lay jrocesa of subtle alege. win the friend For their hearts are as the fermented Our '- 'o f Christinas presents at ship which all ax once seemed extreme­ dead, bleeding on the ground. face. H is every' »ct. thought or deed, breadfruit long stored In a pit." women also, our little ones, they ly desirable. S. S. il rrt 4 Son's wns for someone else. Yet, "this man 330 W. First st Albany, Ore. Pausing to refresh his oratory, be Bat us usual, disappointment met spared n o t!’’ H e paused, overcome, of God” sat with his head on Ills hand, proceeded to picture their mutual for a moment. deep in thought. In these last few T V iv e n p o r t M in ie c o m p a iiy offers her efforts when next she assailed the enemy In lurid colors, assuring the Croft sat listening Intently,., with w all. Tlte gap proved to be firmly moments he had lived over ten years Piano-case orgaa, good as new chief of their downfull. This gave him ’ . patched up. even barred across. It dawning comprehension. or more; had seen twelve little girls Batey organ, good as new another inspiration. How did they come?" he asked. was Impregnable. Baffled, she could grow to womanhood. Uaed Pianos. "The gods sent us hither to tell thee only finger the bars and wonder. . . The lagoon was black with strange M r. B axter laid taken a class from that thy Vow of Vengeance hud al C 'i s t b t t r i i B ro s ,— 1'wo big grocer» The old chief appeared, keeping a canoes. Great Chief. Beyond, near the the beginners' department. Every Sun­ ready overtaken the trib e ;" he an Mores, 212 W. First and 225 South aafe distance, soon a fter receiving the big gap In the reef, floated an Island* day these twelve Uttle girls hod been nounced coolly, "But, because thou Wain. Good merchandise at the right white man's message. . A-aa! a strange tight, filling But an out­ prices. earnest against us, we coutd not carry a delight as they sat listening w ith break of sickness was raging In the the bravest w ith fear— ’’ H e stopped, eager, attentive faces to the wonder­ ¿ out our mission. The gods were an settlem ent; therefore, much to the again overcome, and turned away. fully Interesting things they were told. C a fe te ria aud c o u fe c tio u e n gered. therefore, and visited thy tribe Hastily Croft Interpreted this con­ * " * Hom e cooking. Pleasant surround­ girl's relief, their visit was postponed. A ll too soon came graduation from with sickness. Thou hadst to learn the gramruur school. The lessons hud to ings. Courtepus, efficient service. Having ascertained from him that no versation to the girl. fear of us and our wrath. Therefore, go a little deeper for the high school trade was carried on w ith other Islands, W e make onr own candies. Didst thou attack these white men Chief, see that thou and thine fall not that no ships came to the south, Croft first?” he asked. W . S. D u n c a n . students. The teucher was fully equal "Hera Is Something to Sneak Upstairs again into sin by lifting thy bunds to the task. F inally college took Its threw himself with renewed zest Into W ith You." The old man shook his head. **We p 't l u i s d evelo p ed and p rin te d against us, the friends of all the gods 1" toll, until only three o f his flock re­ the building of a new hut. As If to feared their a rr iv a l! W e but gathered A We m ail them rig ht back to yon. thing pleased him unusually. “Yon Tills flow of eloquence made a tre­ drown all thought, he worked Inces­ together, outside our houses, to see the mained, and those few left in the fall Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ surely can count on me,” was all ho mendous Impression upon Chlmabahol. santly. sometimes moodily silent, some­ wondrous sight. The hand of Death to start their college career. egon. could say. His relief was Intense. That this god­ time« seeming keenly to enjoy the new has been beuvy upon us. and we were Mrs. B axter came In, Interrupting H is “first lieutenant" came closer, like pair, with their wonderful powers, comradeship that had established small In number, even then. Thot day, J P O R D S A L E S A N D S E R V .C E bis reverie. “E llen ," he began, “I had come upon a mission of peace and , , . . , , - | pretending to whisper, “Now, don’t let itself, little by little, between them less than h alf were left alive. , . . Tires and accessories often think I hud such Joy in teaching Jour w lfe know al)0Ut , hlR .. an(, gh# friendship, Inspired visions of renewed A month or more passed before the M y sons were all slain. . . . ■ Repairs those girls; I wonder I f I did right » ho» i « i „ i,u right in siinn.-d "lipped a box Into his hand— "here Is prosperity In bis simple mind. Coming native chief's wrinkled black face ap­ K ia K -P o L L a a M otor Co. “T h e d—d m urderers!“ keeping them under one teacher so closer, he prostrated himself at their something to sneak upstairs w ith you. peared again, tw o warriors in attend Chlmabahol looked up, startled by long. I suggested that I turn them M erry Christmas I" E V i i t u i i i i e r Furniture Co., furn feet, in submission. ance. this buret of vehement English. Croft over to gome womun to teach ; I -* tote, ruga linoleum, stoves ranges (To be continued) Croft thrust a band through her arm "B. II." stood dumfounded, alternate­ Funeral directors. 427-433 west First when they Joined the n ativ e s ; and controlled his indignation, making fu r­ ly slinking, turning, rattlin g, smelling ther Inquiries, which elicited the an­ street, Albany, Oregon. again she was conscious of the old swers he expected. and fondling the box; he took it up­ E W L L . E R G R O C E R Y , 2 8 6 L y o r magnetic stim ulation of his personality, stair«. He dropped Into a chair. This •T h e y were all men," the native told which bad sustained her during the him. “A fte r they had killed, they ftoil was the first tim e any of Ids girls had (Successor to Stenberg Bros. J W aste oil removed from the cran first terrible nights and days. ,remembered hhn on Christinas, beyond Groceries Fruits Produce away to their canoes. They were cov­ case of tractors and automobiles cun Phone 263 R. a card, through all these years. H e ered with dark clothing, each like nnto bo put to good u s ■ this fall freeing bad always made It a point to tend each. When they spoke, they spoke poultry docks of mites. , VI I I O E M A N A JACKSON Io all graduations and Christmases. strangely—here." he stroked his An oil spray can be used Pffectlvel; ■'* i Grocery— Bakery Feur and curiosity formed the chief throat, "and their words were like the to kill the mites found on and n c " The girls hud appreciated It. T h is E verything in the line of eats elements o f the unusual animation in sounds made by one whose stomach roosts. Aln.o.-' any o'l can he used I was the first time, but. he hastened to opposite Postoffice tho natives’ settlement. Great bustle Is too full, and who must return some­ since many flock owners have am tell himself, It was quite all right— he u b -C a n d y C o ., F ir s t s tre e t, next of preparation was In progress— spear­ what lying therein." had never expected It to be otherwise. mobiles, the waste cren case oil ing of fish, gathering of f r u i t by men ; door to Blain Clothing Co. Unwrapping the tissue paper, the This vivid description of the Ten- the most prac.'l nl —nt -■ al. while the smoke of many fires, ascend­ tonic tongue convinced his listener Noon luache». box disclosed a leath er bill-fold w ith Home-made candv and ice Cream. ing Into the still air. Indicated the occu­ u hand-tooled design. “Ellen,” he H a ! The d— d H u n s ! I thought IV pation of the women. shouted In his happiness. “ See what as much." He again Interpreted for lib .C le a n in g W o rk * , IllC. The ver- ri H a d not the chief ordered unlimited my ‘first lleutenunt* made w ith her "Now let me ’ Cor. Becoond and Ferrv feasting to pacify the stomachs, music the girl at his side. '.n; !.. own hands fo r me. T h e card on It think. W e must turn this to onr ad­ price of o g‘> M atter Dyers and Cleaners , to delight the senses of the Terrible vantage says: I t proves what we talked awakened tin- co ! rv o tin* fact ft- t , M ade- T o -M e a s u re Clothes Ones? Balhuaka, the stone god. looked about that evening by the riv e r; doesn't If we arc to continue to produce - i . “ 'Just an attem pt to »how a wee I M P E R I A L C A F E , 209 'V . First Incongruous among garlands of trail- in the present q u a n tiy at a profit w It? The effects of our ‘civilized’ war p art o f my great appreciation for the must produce them cheaper tune le tag vine and the feathery leaves of •y ■' Harold G- M urphy Prop. were felt even here I" H e ran his fin­ wonderful work you have done to ' Phone 665 • tree ferns. Before him stood the sue- gers through his hair, watching Chim­ loss between producer and consumer “ Why B, B,, Thia Is No T im « to W orry teaching our class. reduce the cost of hnndllng, and cre­ J rffielal tahile— a massive tree trunk- aba hoi thoughtfully. W a wkvkb c l o s s ' About That," •YO UR F IR S T L IE U T E N A N T .’ • ate more market by making egg» stripped of its bark, upon which was “And thy Vow was o f vengeance B ffA G N K T O E L E C T R IC CO. more attractive to the housewife. pMed a heap of dried sticks and un­ thought she might understand tbelr upon all white men?” Xwfi. official Strom berg carburetor serv­ dergrowth. needs better but somehow I couldn’t ■........................ ice station. Couservative prices. All Balhuaka ever demanded a sacrifice get up much enthusiasm about it." work guaranteed 119-121 W’ . Second. ex fu ll a o o a . and the moon was now at Why, B. B , ” protested his wlf«, the fa ll ; and the people trembled, for arinello parlors "thia la no time to worry about tbet.” (A beauty aid for every need) the selection had been reserved for the “I feel rather responsible fo r the St. Francis-Hotel Great W h ite Chief, and who could tell Motor Hears«. girls, and the attitude they may take. Efficient Service. Prop., W lN N tra g b R o w what rnfitlees cruelties he m ight not I hope they haven't been Influenced Lady A ttendant «tact? too strongly by moi* Hrownsvillc............ ......................... Oregon | en and mooey are best when Meanann eat by her sick child and "B. B., yon are In a bad fram e of busy. Make your.dollars work in People shunned her hut. al­ c u r savings department. A l b a n y S t a t e wept. mind tonight," Interposed Mrs. Bax­ ■ J J -f ,? à * x Under government supervision. though It was not yet proclaimed tabu. ter, sitting down on the arm of bis She ktMiw well what was In their chair, patting his head. "Don’t you 5 3 5 ,0 0 0 i f i ’ O O K IE'S MUSIC HOUSE W . L. W R IG H T thlade *. W ith no superficial civilisation know that most people are too busy Mortician & Funeral Director causing them to hide their natural In­ tonight getting ready for the Christ­ Commercial and.-Savings accounts Solicited ‘ E veryth in g musical ' Halsey and Harrisburg stinct o f self-protection, they openly mas festivities to be mooning ovsr 223 W. Pitti at. hailed thia possible substitut» to r an C all D. aylor Halaey. or past history? You know we bave to W. I.. right Harrisburg get the box ready— ’’ T H E S H O E DOC TO R offering. Some of her friends even Second, street, opposite H a m ilto n ’s taunted her w ith their hopes, i f she "Ob. yes," broke in “B> B." “T h a t appeared outside. store. \ \ "Sadden Service." “A - ta ! e-aa ! Weep. M earns a t The Uttle one la w ith thee for the day; he m arguerite shoppe but, a-aa! w ith the setting of the sun Shauipooiagi, Marceliiug sad Scalp he shall become as the smoke curling Treatments. M argaret Couatryman, up te the nostrils of the Great W h ite l i e W es' Second »L Phone 22. C h ief 1 Weep, Meamaa !" Yet she was one o f themselves, and H E S P E C IA É ÍT Y S H O P P E the child a favorite. She thought none for hem stitching and stamped goods Special price on one-half ton and too lota O pp osite*H sm iIto u ’s. 31» W. Second st, the worse of them : they knew not the a rt of wearing double-faced masks. A fresh stock of a ld o A u u o r .o it <4 S o u . d is t r ib ­ Meanwhile, the dreaded visitors were utors and deslcre'for M axwell. Chal­ being escorted w ith some dignity through the Intricacies o f the thick J E R S E E M I L K F O O D in bulk enable« ns to mers, Eases, Hudaen A Hupmobile cars. Accessaries, a poljes 1st A Broadalbin. Inland vegetation. Although obviously J — / — —x --------- a A r " -------- v r — t k ------- ' rv supply you with any C O M PO U N D amount desired terrified, the old ch ie f bore blmeeif N t« well, maintaining a natural dignity and The economical food for calves, pigs and poultry w ith his hum ility. «sed Chlmabahol, emboldened by a friend­ W u g b t sold sad exchanged st i l l tim e* ly overture, put Into words a question which had long troubled him. Am erica« Needlewoi BEN T. SUDTELL ‘•Where dwell thy tribe, O M ighty ’fiie Household (Joed Stories Phene 76-R, 123 N, Broadalbin s t, Albany Chief?” he Inquired, with some trepida­ 't he F a rm J ou rn al tion. “No white warriors w ere visible I (Continued from page 2) THE C hristm as R eprim and & S ISS«. A BK G A Waste Oil Made Useful H Wh IT "M DELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer » HALSEY STATE BANK w M Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU R PLU S \ - •» T ^AtAAArAAAAAAAAAA^AAAAAAAAA QTIMSdJk’ Ö . W . ------------------------------ — T ' For M o r e e g g p r o d u c tio n Use F is h e r ’s T The Enterprise’ E gg P roducer B ig B argain O ffer W Save >i O n V o u r M A G A Z IN E S ! FOB ONE YEAH FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY O. W . F R U M FARM LOANS W rite tor booklet describing onr 20- yeer Rural Gredit Amortised Loans T h e loan pays out m 20 payments, re­ tirin g the principal Cheap rates. No delay. B b a m L a n d C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM I-OANS at lowest rate of interest Real Eitstt Prompt service. Wa' A a iw , Imuran« Courteous treatment. Boom 5, First Savings Bank builning, Albany Amor A. Turning LAWYER AND NOTARY H 4 alset . Ornaos e ■»»-i around thy dwelling upon the coral shore. Do they, perchaDce, live In the rocks or in holes deep within the Perth?" ■ For a moment the other was myetl- fled. Then, remembering the natives’ tribal Instinct, he seized this advantage and stood up, waving bts arms as I f to Include the universe “My tribe.“ he explained equivocally, “Is aver present ; It ever surrounds uni Armed and ready at any moment te come te our aid. It waits, though In­ visible to mortal eye. Earthly habita­ tion Is not necessary for the W hite Chief’s w a rrio rs" The old native glanced about un­ easily, a look ef alarm overspreading his face. H is sense of drama rising w ith the situation. Alan stretched out a regal hand. "Peace, O C h ief! Have no fe a r l They w ill not touch tbee without my command. Tho ANO THIS NEWSPAPEO, i ' ( ' | Economy, Beauty ano Quality can he p u t in to y o u r k te k e u by q tb e in s ta llm e n t o f on« of o n r BR1DGE&BEACHJ Best b y T e s t ® RANGES Set our new and complete line J Q A rare and umuual money saving bargain offer In read­ ing matter for the whole family for a year. W e offer thia combina. ion to our readers for a short time uoly. Konow al subscriptions w ill b« extended fo r on« year fro m present d a te of e x p ira tio n . 4 f 0 B IO INTER ESTIN G O ISSUES A T »/. PRICE • This is your chance to get 12 big issues o f each o f these four valuable magazines— 48 issues in all— at h alf o f th e ue ial aubacription price. R eading m a tte r fo r thn vb o fe fcunljr — Action, patter os, em broidery, re r- ipee, teA iltry, dairy« livea trxk, crop«, farm management« etc. D -n't rnise this u n u m a l op p o rtu n ity to get thia v a le - abie« ia te .r« i.n g an i . group o f magasmea. I f yvju ere etready a aubacriber to any o f theae i your tuba n p tiu o anli be extended for one year. Send in your I •W HEATERS • T h e price» are right ' ' Mt H IL L &« paper w ill o thie receive theae rtiagaurwa. B u t d o n 't w ait un “ " been w tohdrewn. Five far One F« /it bend your order to o Call and se e sa m p le cop ias.