Halsey-Happenings-- and County Events Short Stories from Sundry Sources Good morning. y Merry C hristm as.-< " Day» are growing longer. < How do you like our new bead ? Mix» Melba Meal went to Albany Monday. Lawrence Welle ha; a guest ever the holiday». Del ma Wahl arrived home T hun- day from school. Miss Helen Arm strong is home from Eugene for the holidays. Hugh Cummings of Corvallis was a visitor at the 0. W. Frum home fared by soma that hu might have smallpox. • - i J. W. Southern went to Frida v. Brownsville Briefs Alta«} • Who wished this white Christm as ua? . . Our thermometers are playing tag with »ira. Travis M artin want to Portlau I • A. G. Powell went to Albany on I Thursday. *»* t Chester Rice was an Albany visit Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cross drove or Friday. to Eugene Friday. Mrs. W. C. Ehnore was an Albany * , t Atnanda Mitxuvr is tpeading shopper Friday. Christmas at home Mrs. A. W. I^wsort spent Thurs Kvuusth Vauniue la bums from day in Albany. W . 0 , tor the holidays . H erbert Irw in was ‘ an Albanv Mrs. A. P. Phillips of Albany visitoi Friday. was in Ualsay Monday. Kenneth Overloads ipsttding tbs Beulah McKern was married re holidays io P srlla iid . < cently to 0 Strickler oi Lebanon. Theodore Telxie weul to ,Port­ There will ba a Christmas en- lan d today to spend Christ m at. ieitainment at the M. t . ch u rc h Mrs. Eldora Boyden Went to I,a touigut. Crosse, Wash., for a visit Friday. County Clerk Russell is a member Mr. and Mr*. H. A. W alker of oi the legislative committee of the Albany motored to Brownsville F ri­ Mist Alberts Koontr, atudent at County Clerks’ association. day. • , W illamette university, is home for The Christian ehurob program the holidays. Miss M ay P age is spending has beuu postponed a week on Christmas with home folk* a t Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevenson of account ot bad weather. Yatnbil). Brownsville were Halsey visitors John Brassier and taanly will ba Sunday. Nutgrowere fear that many guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Harry young tree* have been killed by Mr- and Mrs. Fred Robins expect Mrusstai Christmas day. the cold. to spend Chriytmas with relatives Mrs. L. E. Walton, who assists her Mrs. L. V. Branson left for Stay- at Lebanon. husband in the drug store at H arris­ Mrs. William McMahan and daugh­ burg, spent the week end in Halsey. ton Thursday. She expects to move there soon. ter-in-law, Mrs. James McMahan, A party of 26 Odd Fellows hired an John Edwards returned to his home were Albany visitors Monday. Albany bus and attended a meeting n Portland Friday, after a visit in Wdliam Smith of H arrisburg was of the lodge at Junction City Wed­ Brownsville. fined $260 Monday because ho was nesday night. Mr*. N ed C allaw ay and d a ugh caught with liquor in his residence. Mis» Myrtle Tobay, who teach*« ter M arg aret were p»«I<|iigfrr* to Miss Enid Veatch came home from a t Oregon C ity , is ap e u d iu g th e Portland today. V . o t O. Saturday to «pend the holi­ holiday» with her mother. Mrs ‘ Red ” H co k e r went to In d e ­ days with her parents, B. C. Veatch John Gormley. pendence T u aeilay jto »pend C h ris t­ and wife. Delora Weils arrived from J odc - mas with relative*. Mr. and Mrs. Wahl and Mrs. A. tlon City yestsrday to spend Mr". D. M cK ercher of Crhtv- C. A rm strong were Albany visitors Christmas with her grandmother, fo rd sv itle is sp e n d in g C h ristin a* at Thursday, Delma Wahl returned Mr». L. A Pray. P o rtla n d w ith her parents, with them. Beulah E. Northern and Clyde Do­ ' e • ■ . . Little Blissina Byers of Indepea Ted M itrner was called upon again dence has been visiting at the home bell, the la tte r a Ito eburg youth, Sunday' to fill the pulpit at the Har- of her aunt, Mrs. Will Robertson, were licensed Wednesday to marry. riiburg M. E. church, as the pastor and other relatives. Ray Osbume, who has been visit­ is »til) Hl. Mrs. George Hayes was a passen­ ing friends at Rrownsvllle and Hull- W. H. Beene and family left S at­ ger to Albany Friday to hear the ley, left Friday to visit a sister in urday for Long Beach and propose cantata, ‘"The Messiah,” given by Eugene. to reside In the sunshine state the the Albany Choral club. Mr». Grace Goodill w ent to rest of .the winteriBb Eugene Moaday to spend the hol­ The W. H. Beane family loft fur B ert Mlncldey and W. F. C arter idays with her daughter, M r*. have shipped out 7 carloads of sheep California Saturday instead ol K itty Turner. They thus far, and the sheep raisers are Wednetday, a» expected James Waggoner haa nine foxes on ntay be gone six month. keeping more than before. Tne ' H arrisburg Bulletin’s pre- his fox farm , east of, town, two of Miss Cleona Smith, who is teach­ which have ju st arrived from Prince ing at Sweet Home, came home the Christmas number contained 10 page; Edward Island. la st of the week to spend the holi­ and was in colors. It was well pat­ ■Mrs. Peggy Lovely was called to day» with her father, W. L. Smith. ronized by local advertisers. Sheridan Thursday on, account, q fth e Helen Arm strong came home Sat­ Mrs. A. W. Shedd and little daugh­ death of her little niece, daughter of urday accompanied by Ardath Call, ter and Miss Lucilc Shedd came Mrs. Davo Paine. well of Portland, who will spend the down from Shedd Friday to attend Paul Turuer, who ha» been holidays with her. Both are gtuderts the meeting of the Ladies’ Club. visiting hia grandmother, Mrs. O. of the U. of O- * , M m . Bliss Brer» an d her two P. Goodall, returned yesterday to •• * i V ’ . A party and general good time daughters, Bliseina and Betty, laft Eugene, where be attends the (J. was had In the vacant side of the yesterday le t th e ir h am s in In d e ­ of O. Reynolds building Friday evening pendence, aster a visit w ith rela Leslie Haskin of Brownsville, ex­ A fter some games were played a ivea. pert floral botanist, ,the sweet- taffy PbH * •» enjoyed. Mrs Auaelins Acklsy and briar rose, now so common, iifld, in Aokley, ol Misa Nettie Spencer is the repre­ grssdson, W illiam Oregon, was introduced here b y .lhe sentative of Douglas county at the Hartland arrived Monday to spend mother of L. E. Blain of Albany. Chriaimsi at tbs borne of Mr. and Portland meeting of the Oregon Mrs. S. A. Andrews of Saattlw a r­ S tate Teachers’ association during Mrs P. J. Furster. rived Friday to spend Christmas the 'Christm as vacation. Duncan McKercher of Crawfords­ with her friend, Mrs. Laura Blksen. Miss Pearl Pehrsson came home ville shipped a 100 pound dressed Jack Elliott and Reed Miller of deer to the Hazelwood at Portland from Monmouth, where she is a stu ­ O. A. C. are spending the holidays dent at sta te normal. Friday, to spend Thursday, for which lie received $1.00 with home folks. He sent a n o th e r to d a y , the holidays -with her parent«, Mr. a pound L I). Vidito received word the, past th e fo u rth th is y ear. and’ Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson. week th at he had been appointed Cecil Bilycu and Mias Mildred Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland wiM aide-de-camp to the commander-in- have aa dipner guests Christmas day Carey stole a march on their chief of the national G. A. R. This friondt and ware quiellv married Mr. and Mrs. Witxig »nd family of at the M. R parsonage bv the is an honor that he is juMb de­ Corvallis and' Mr. and Mrs. George paster Mor.day svemng. They serving of and came as a complete S tarr and daughter Louise of Halsey. were guest* of Everett Carey and surprise to him. Times £.» Grant Reynolds, the S. P. track wife after the ceremony Their The new Methodfst Episcopal walker, has a system all Ms own. home will probably • ■* iu the Coos church was dedicated flftnday by Bi­ •He bought a ticket to Shedd Monday bav country.t hop Shepard of Portland, assisted by and then walked back with the cold William Gleason, 71, on his way District Superintendent Uanford and north wind at hie oack Instead of from Sand Point, Idaho, to the home Rev. Parounagian, a former Brotvhs- having to face it. of a »»ar is a Axils. The girts are too A hen laying well I* s «nod eater J ahy, and reams of paper have been Her Intestines are. therefore, fuller go band In hand • • • end more distended, and require more used to teH us how much more braz­ The dirt farmer, If he would be »uc enly hold modem girts are than those room than when she la not lay.ng reneful. mu«» also be a brain fnrnier. • • • of other days. We incline to .a g re e When laying, the ovary uDd oviduct Eterote* 1« n»»er*’i preventive of di­ with Judge Payne. Or ,he sre of greater size snd require more girls are more independent. There romn. T ' provide thia extra room the gestive trouble« Io live stork distance from the rear end of the keel • • • are more ways open in which t . to the pelvic bones lm reuses with a rtarofnl dairymen hev» found that can earn an honest living. consequent Increase In size of the ab­ wenn end cold cream never mix eetla- domen. A spread of three or more At the eity couneil room last week Angers In the smaller breeds, and four feettwtly, • e • e J W Rector was caring for a w an­ or more Angers In the largi r breed*, An ounce of carbon disulphide pre­ derer With a very badly »wollen face indicates that the ban la in laying vention wilt save more than a hoekel of Dr. M ark, w m eelled and P "” *f***‘‘ eanaluo* oern iroia woovite. >is brouMg poison «>•*- n had Sunday. UKC. 24,l'?:s Alford Arrows hL K tk, MNlERPHISR School Notes ‘BM vipnw Cerraapcadears) PAGE 3 Lake Creek Locals Lieu Rolfe went to Buena Vista (By Special Correspondent) one day last week. Flnt«r»rtM* O»rraiH«4ttr«> Leon# Paiiucr of Mouutoütb i t Mr and Mrv. I.ee Ingram went to Basketball practice was turned o ' ­ the a. Springfield one day last week er to the hoys last week, as the | Monte B. E. Cogswell of Portland weather was too cold for the girls. Mifet ru b e), who Uachen spending the week at hiz ranch. Perhaps the boys arc made of stern I I i” ; >*stu€ h'.'itt« 6un«j«iy even« er stuff.” in»»: Fred Burkhart of Salem spen’ sev­ eral days last week nt his farm. We certainly would like to know E. D. Isom and E A. Starnes at the meaning of these student Ixsly tended an Odd Fellows' meeting at meetings which the teachers are not Creswell Wednesday night of last permitted to attend. week. The low er g ra d e ; are w oiking on th eir C hristm as program and wc are went an operation for appendicitis the day after Thanksgiving and is sure it will be a grand and glorious since*«. Philip Cogswell of Portland under recovering nicely. The funeral for the little Sleutel baby, which was accidently «mother ed to death at. its home near Halsey was hold at the Alford schoolhousi Mondav, with interm ent in the Al- ford cemetery. E. D. Isom lias received a letter from Joseph LeBeatl, who came to his home a couple of weeks ago amt was taken to a hospital in Albany by Mr. Isom and E. A. Starnes. He is still in the hospital but expects to leave after new years Increase Capacity of Small Vehicles Two Side Supports Will Prove Convenient. Loud« of merchandise, which lire light In weight hut large and bulky In size, can easily be curried on smull wagons b.v providing two zldo sup­ ports of (he kind shown In ihc draw, lug. The supports lira made by pall­ ing a 10-lnch hoard to two lengths of or 3 by 4-lnch wood, as shown in the upper right hand detHll, and the supports arc then arranged on the wagon box. as shown In the left-liund view, with the 2 by 4-lnch legs cross­ ing each other. The legs should l-e bolted together to keep the supports In position securely, so that heavy londs will not disnluce Ihpni. Isirge i 4" mio '' b o a « o I S K « - SCAN’ USO I The «now and tyld weather havo been .the t-auMc o t tptxçh trouble with . pump* and w atrr pipes. . Among thodv Httcniing church from IVorltt Sunday tverv Mr. and Mrs (tflhipx and Mrs Shaw ' Thanks to the janitor, the school house has been quite warm except r the north rooms, where the wind M«T- «L S. Nicewood returue< kCI dinner. Bei n ut ■ mnettnge have been well I on the holy land and the origin of altftided tin: week, eotuidering th e our Christmas customs, which w* s’oftrty vvealhct. Six new members ilh stra te d with prints. A program were taken into, the ehurclt Sunday cf C hristm as music w as given by- inorning by M r Mtigbee. Mrs. E nglish, Mrs. C lark, Mrs. Sltif ford and Mrs. Mrinkaril. A reading by Mrs. Pearl Blicdil was mtieli tfn joyed. Followed the Christinaa tree, ivhii Ii bore greeting? for each member fpnm Portable Barnyard Stand for Lantern the hostess. Little Elaine Ktrnltiy then entered bearing a basket of Found Very Useful as It Uan gifts, which were distributed. Be Set Where Needed/,’ The tables were gai with Clui^l ini fmms mo eqqlpfletl with ePt-b-fe mas gretus and red ribbons Pl»e« cards rcpre>enteil trees each with a llg'il the u.ie of ■ lantern I;. • i i « c c »- tiny doll. The hostess was asjil»|ed ‘ *it,tr,< In ninni en»-w the tant*iH in Inin» en » ill'll driven Into tli« Wall by Mrs. Drinkurd ami Mis. latnlmer nr a no'ir-bi ' post but fh|." Is uofc Miss Lucile Shedd of Sliedd mid lisilily b- ( » i i »* the litntern 1» net at Mrs. Inez Freeland were guc L, . qvnd«n» lututl'tt) * Cabbage Flavor 1 . . | Is Undesirable _ _ t -, , Sid* nupportt on Small Wagon In­ erts»« It* Capacity for Holding Bulky Load*. Mix. \n n ir *ion<»fc of Corvallis &tu| liter Marie u civ m e rts at th e Martin Cunmnnjpi -»e be »»i lust .'»li»r* 'l-e light <» newted It eon h tj . ii Some Crop.«« Often Fed tu *”’*'• Dairy Cows as Means of Supplying Succulente. ■ — ■ ■ l ‘ l • Ì . . * ' ,”1 " -r 11»- • p k rf *.f in> h ti-ftti i***| m < nrr»»w dlMl Th# enl. «a slioxiu, t» to the acre In seeding the unset,rl der certain conditions Teats have form uh eye at tile top Jo» 'holdlag fled seed 1 should want to bm e a gnr been conducted by the dcpiirtiiichi to Hie lantern, a otre hook boftr. sl)p|a>d mins I Ion test on It and know the i s t - determine the extent to Wtdrh *!»♦«• thrAngh »he eve fur »hl« btp,,„ee „„.j centoge of bard seed» Some unarart- crops affect the fle'or of nitIL sud' tb* end; of. the, mJ jir<, | k o i pi»»i"'i| fled seed contains a large nnionrt of how they may b* fed and the mid» imo lite ope» end of *p. pi,,,, t i , » seed that will grow immediately, that Whole outfit It ligf.t in weight nod c»» handled ao as to mlnlmlzb anrti le, It Is not hard s““d. It was found that mi the average b» çan led »’oiiod < » ti v - Popv tCg The only ndvantage of seeding the eli'«n dairy cow* mnainue. i i ; uiuell ■» Met-hiiitlc. Vaguxinr. unsvarlfled seed In the fall la thui the 14.3 pounds of cabbage wllhbi one work cun he done away from the pres­ hour before milking time, abnormal sure of spring work und, further­ and objectionable flnvOrs are pro Covered Farm Machinery more. It will give the seed the full ad­ duced In t(i» milk. An Incrasse tn Donhlp.e Length of. Life vantage of early seeding the follow­ the amount «»f eshbag» f"d liueip'lfle« 1/lfllM? »hr lengtli of tilt I1f« ,|f ing «nrtng. The freezing and thawing these flitrbr» An sverege of 25 farm marhtneiy h giving it 11 slieltw of early spring will usuati* soften the pound* of cabbage may he renautned »h«» will pro» 'ct It front ' old uuta' seed that Ilea neor »be surface s-iffi Immediately after milking, hn ’ erar. weather Tbst '• »he w»e g w clgntly SO that It will germinate without haring objectionable flayors fa. sf »ha d»i sr Ift e v * e r agricultural Where spring seeding I* prs-tlred the In the tnllk become noticeable sw|i» »n gn ieeiicf t'nberriro of wiaeensbi, scarttled seed should be used of these flavors may be el|ntju«fed It; fnif» *«. I should prefer to use the white proper aeration of the milk, and )’eepte- are. Issrsilng Hi»» Hie Ufa blossom sweet clover for pasture pur­ other» greatlj redured hf fsvnr. "levhlurry If re ill/ CO'isMe*- poses because of It» longer sen son of Flavor of Potato»». sbty ItffgOJC, »hey fm uerlr growth and grenler yielding <-apuclty. Kinder, mowers and otbe; The feeding "f 14 * pound-» of p"’j) _»hviig»jl —H I.. Wnlefer, North Itakota ttollege »oes sn hour liefore minting mgt farm ibyrhlnert of thl» »,pc. t< s e ll of Agriculture. flavor the milk to * »Ugh» extent, hut houtsid thofltd lag* .A to 25 vAers hardly enough tq he .detected, by tp» >uf l a n - r r ipretders. *ven of fbs bee» Bank Rutabaga Turnip« average ennsumer. increasing tW; S'wAe would probatd< om last longer to Keep During Winter utnoiiM of fwdiuee* docs not irtcre«*» thuWr feuA year» •» »fle t«;;* the nlin-irmal flavors and odor, pro Rutabaga turnips may be kept In perfect condition throughout the win­ duped In the milk. Dairy ’co*» til».' Iw fed ns much as 2fl pouii'l* df Iflil«- ter If dug In late Novemlier or early toes Immediately »tier milking wiih Iieeeinber and hanked In sofl Cut off the tops close to the turnip» and trim no rttsultanf off flavors in the tuilk. the roots, place the turnlpe In banks The g'Xid corn farmer doea not contulnlng from 5 to 18 bushel» each, plant nubbin*. Why should the frulf and cower with * to 12 Inchca of soil. grower buy scrub trees to ael an or­ There Is no necessity for putting ' straw around the turnips; die »oil will chard! « • e . keep them cool ami moist. Too many farmer« still d<> not real The turnips may be taken from the Ize that the experiment stutlon* «»4 bank any time during the winter ns needed. They will keep III perfe. t agricultural college« exist largely |u save costly mistakes and lung aspe- condition in the bunk until the weath rteuc« atrugglr» hy fannsr*. er turns warm In early March. isneu hollaed -It* crnnjnns'l , ,'lTbs *veysg' 'liivestmeut for fan», »rar hlnery on n I UH acre funn 1» sp proxlto»'»1' *1 d»»' arrarding to »be !»*22 cefl»us a we!! cM*tr««*sed la const rip »oil. Hie np- pucatjnn of a flh year a,” was the »»element tua'I* by I *«ffce Mt- — — f ' ,