RURAL E N T E R PR ISE me end the farmer pays It all. IIUBCU, lie pays the excess wages of the to hls U< thousands of employes in commercial "What l a . I t r ha^fwfmtad printing offices in San Francisco whe • » Was. H. A B K B I.K M That’s what It la.* He «to«pe« to pt<« have just been granted an increase up the frnlt "What are you -Mag o fS l for a week of 44 to 48 hours here? Going to bathe?" ■■to. |i.»o a re a r la from $48. “I waa," she c e p lle i hesitatingly Advertising, BOc an _______ 1WB inch , ; no „ dlscour, He pays the »8.20 between thi "Rat—don’t go. Can’t we sit down sad tor time or space . no charge for co. talk? It—It's so lonely." 'rice he gets for that box of apple boai O iu or * laughs Again he looked down into her ey«^ nd what the consumer pays. *» "T a la -fo i P . ragrsp»«,-- ( o a lla a almost hungrily Nothing ahe coal« And the hogs in the ¡ntermetfiat » • •4 v .riia .n g dlsgultad aa news. have said could have hit tho mark wtifi Cages of the game form their eflam ~ ------- J___ surer aim. B«rt he clenehed hta hands 5rs of commehce and boards of PROGRESS and pnt them behind him. ado and send representatives t- | She gave a quick look at Ma glootay immunity meetings of farmers ari The Enterprise today enters upoi jface, throw prldo te tho winds, and a field which the purchasers of thf .eep over rural woes and urge tin BY CLIVE ARDEN plunged with her old lmpulslveneea 'fferers to come to them for sotac« business envisioned over three yean “Can’t we be— friends?" ahe asknU C O F V t l » H T » y 7MC COHFAMV -and get buncoed some more. ago when they took possession. Sick Hg remained silent, with hands still A union of the faripers of thi clasped at hls back, watching her curi­ ness and death interfered with th, suntry as complete anc absolute a ously. plans then laid. Not until now ha- e railroad unions or the coal min "I thought you did not with it,’’ h« he survivor felt justified in makin; remarked at last. ions or the hod carriers’ union the change which is seen In this issue She sat down upon a rock, ab­ >uld fix the price of every bushr Tho intention ie, while continuing stractedly picking out bits of the moss f wheat or carcass of beef or poun the thorough news service of th, which covered It ‘ wool at a figure that Would givi pest» with serial stories for leisure “I—I’Ve— forgotten that—" She rmers the same comforts and lux hours, and udding a department paused, flushing “If—we shared our preserve It by drying thin slices In the ies that would be enjoyed by unioi (Cnntiooed) which will appeal to little people an< thoughts more, things might not seem sun. She soon acquired primitive ways iborers. quite ao bad,” she suggested. “W w hat—were—yon doing?’' she of preparing, with a campfire and a stimulate in them that habit of read stammered. The ghoet of a smile moved hls Upa., irg which is indispensable in the ac few old native vessels, the strange fish Again he laughed wildly. "Telling birds nnd the fruit« he brought. “You shall have more company soon. quirement of a useful practical edu them we were sent here by their gods, We are going to visit the natives I cation in these days, to make ar Then, one day. he enme striding have sent a message to the chief." and should blast the irinnd into a thou­ down the slope, after being nbsent for . . . Seized the Coconut and Hurlad effort to produce a paper which w if “About what?" sand bits if they showed us hostility! It Down the Beach. hours, looking strangely haggard round be especially welcomed by Linn coun You saw the effect?" ft "To cotne to see me and be prepared the eyes. With disconcerting sudden­ ty fanners. To do this we shall givr "I did, indeed!” Realizing their po­ ness, In characteristic, brief sentences, needed here: he would have seemed as to conduct ua back to their settlement particular attention to the thing! sition. she tried to free herself, but his To make friends." he demanded, more than suggested, much out of plape as the proverbial arms tightened. “Friends! Those savages—* that are being done on those farms fish out of water. ' friendship between them. “Among natives," be continued, ex­ "It's necessary. They leave ns tloae If one farmer has found a side line Croft, on the bfher hand, appeared | "We can’t go on . . . this life’s We guarantee highest markei citedly, "a wife is tabu to her hus­ of production profitable under a cer dally more suited to hls environment, , now through fear, which probubly «rices. band To—to make you doubly safe, unbearable..................’’ Hls voice was fitting In as if It were indeed hls won’t la s t They will bate what they tain system of management othe unusually curt, the sentences were dis­ 43 years in business. I told them you were my—my wife.” “natural sphere.” Gradually, us the ' fear; and In time only the hate may L.rmers, with similar conditions o Reference, Rank of Calif "Your—" Words failed her. More jointed. hls nerves evidently worn thin. past grew fainter, li«jr confidence re- i remain. That's not the right keynote She wns taken unawares, at u mo­ soil und climate—and transportatioi vehemently she struggled, suddenly turned. Hls apparent disinclination ' for a happy life here; Is l t t ’ He PAGE & SON arid marketing—would like to knot afraid of him, of his savage grip, and ment of deep depression, when every­ for her compuny, though reassuring In ! looked quietly up at her. with a smile Portland, Ore. of the eyes which glittered strangely in thing seemed very dark. Not pausing one way, piqued , her In another. So full of hidden meaning. about it. With the co-operation of the to reflect on the possibility of similar the semi-darkness. farmers, we hope to be able to tel "No." Sl»e flushed a little; then she withdrew Into her own sh ell; and ; But ordinary shuck,es of restraint '«offering having Impelled this request the Invisible «vail grew higher between 1 gave a dreary laugh. “But I can't them. forced Egg Production from one unaccustomed to beg. she had fallen from Croft for the moment. them, only occasional chinks appear­ Imagine what could be. In these cir­ Every farmer who has done some Since those wonderful hours of the shrank back, her fears and suspicions ing, or thin places through which they cumstances.” With Artificial Light night thing or learned something that I’ crowding In. before, the girl had assumed “Can’t youT* He looked away at the came a little nearer. At these time« Using artificial lights oh pullets to might be profitable for other farm “Pm afraid I can’t trust your_ the girl regretted her refusal of hls one water tumbling over the huge bowlder, .'orce egg production during the tir.-i new prominence in his mind. Ha had friendship. I can’t forget—’’ ers to know is earnestly urged to cal! become acutely aware of her, as he had catching here and there flashes of «un­ friendly overture. ear end letting the hens work undo He looked at her qneerly, with eyes and tell the editor or to write dowr it was ooe evening, two or three ' through the network of branches latural conditions the second year is never yet been aware of any woman that flashed In stidden anger. It whs all stmnge. bewildering Life the facts and mail them to him. Nt eeks after the natives’ ntt.rit »!—« overhand. "You were going to find out he practice recoinmeuded by the tie weeks attack, that “D n it a ll! That was an excep­ matter whether you can get them In .tartinent of poultry husbandry nt or death, man and woman, savage, the largest chink In the wall appeared. all about that. in crowded cities; just the form and phraseology you South Dakota State college after care- primitive passions pitted against sav tional night. Can't you understand?" The day had been unusually unu hot; weren't you?" But yenrs of Puritan surroundings No “A book what?" ul experimentation with forced egg age, primitive passions. . . . and she strolled _ _ ' __ wish, simply set down the facts sc uUp to the are not wiped out In less than a week. drawing room code of morals or man "What the keynote la which you river to bathe. With bai© sunburned the editor can put them in shape for production under artltlctul lights. "I’m afraid not. I—" The forced production has been nem was guiding their destinies out feet, nnd the revolver— without which have found missing to the vast har­ the press. That is what an editor Ir "Then you must lump It!’’ He found udvlsuble only In the case of here she seldom stirred—stuck In her belt, mony of creation." for. turned away with an expressive shrug, she passed through the grove, through She glanced nt him In pleased sur­ olrda which are not to be bred the He laughed again, pressing her and disappeared up the hill. We want to make the Enterpris« following spring, for forcing future the tall dark avenues beyond, to the prise. fiercely up against his chest. "So— That was the only overture he ever so helpful to Linn county farmers breeders, It has been found, causes “How nicely you express I t! I never clearing by the .water’s etlge. There while we are here, you are mine: Don’t that they will be glad to get it at realized It so dearly as that; It waa all hem to produce the eggs which are forget. You may belong to another in made; nnd the strain between them she halted, amflzed. the price. less fertile and which hutch poorly. In England; but here, you—you are Increased. Face downward lay Orofti hls dark vague. Yas I suppose that la what Barbara welcomed anything which heud burled In hls arms; beside him I felt. It's strange, bat 1 haven't felt All subscriptions are payable In ither words, forced production by ar­ mine I” made work to absorb her thoughts. were one or two branches of bananas; It so much here." advance, and all papers sent to new tificial light plan make« weak breeders. His tone was exultant, and he bent For the terrible feeling of Impotence, She watched him collect hls fruit. Artificial llghtlug, when properly a couple of breadfruit had rolled, nn. er backward so that her face was up­ the sheer homesickness, the loneliness' subscribers will be discontinued at | used, has decided advantages, hew "Have you found the k eyn oter ahe noticed, a few yards away, ■' turned, unprotected beneath his own. the end of the time paid for, unless ever. It means more winter eggs were ever below tlie surface, reudy, Strangely embarrassed, Barbnra hesl- asked boldly. His breath came hot and fust above all together or individually, to spring the subscriber requests a continu­ The lighting lengthens tile hen's work He looked nt her for a moment tated, uncertain whether to go or stay. her lips. upon her at any moment. ance until a more convenient time to lug day, and more work means more She was In the act of turning away, thoughtfully; then answered, guarded­ Some primeval, caged beust Instinct A day arrived on which the onsets ly: ’1 know whfit It Is. And I have pay. You will not be pestered by feed consumed, which brings about u seised her, too, sweeping away fear. when he lifted hls head and saw her. tame “not singly but In battalions.” For a moment both were silent. In emly fully realized Its necessity since— ' sits of the paper, if you don’t want greater production of eggs. Raising her free hand, she dealt him. She had been alone for hours. When The Increased production Is secured It. ; hls face was the look she had seen coming hare! W e all use substitutes with sudden passion of rage, a blow The in the face while struggling violently Croft arrived, her spirits were below It has a lot of there on the morning after the wreck. out in the world. J- W. €3ark will interview some however, only at thia season aero, her nerves frayed, her temper lots! yearly production, It has been He rose to hls fe e t ; and. conquering branches— or, rwther, suh-keys. Per­ subscribers who are hi arrears and found. Is not Increased. The gain In In his grasp. was not of the best. He glanced at her her embarrassment, she went toward haps few people ever discover It. His arms loosed her so abruptly that shrewdly, but appeared to notice noth­ some prospective new patrons, and production comes at the season of the him. . . . Wen, Barbara, h ate your dip." she nearly fell. For a moment he ing. Coming to the hut, he dropped a will have an eye out for Interesting year when the price of eggs Is high He waa about Ao turn away; but,. “What is It?” she asked earnestly. stood before her. his hands groping at large coconut Into her lap, where she farm doine-s that might bo worthy which makes this method worth eon-’ He looked dqpn Into the misty bins hls head, looking dazed, or as If awak­ sat outside the door. sldarlng. of publication. (Continued page 5) ening after some vivid dream. She "There yon are, my child I Get Mr. Cluik is a farmer and stil' confronted him with the fury of a little busy!" he remarked casually. Don’t Force Pullets to wildcat. owns a farm, though incapacitated Uncontrollable irritation, the result through injuries sustained while Lay Eggs During Winter y o u r ’“ “ re “ “ d ' M"d ' I_ o b - Ih ate of solitary fretting, welled up within serving in the world war, from labor her. Impulsively she seized the coco­ Now that the pullet« , re hoUied Covering her fnce with both hands, nut and hurled It down the beach. lug as he formerly did, but he is nd laying It behooves us to consld- “ PLATES T H A T F IT ” able to travel, part of the time, for h.,a ‘ J- " V " ,f0‘n , ‘° “ Pe t ' 1)1 , e strove to subdue the extraordinary “Don't call me that! Pm not yonr tumult within her . . . then looked Crowns, bridgo work and ’ fillings. It wil •child'—nor anything to do with yon." hem Usually we know what kind of tho Enterprise, and his signature tr There was a moment’s silence; then p a y you to get my prices on j our dental work reetllng Is behind these pullets and up at the sound of the door being a receipt for your subscription wil’ hastily shut with a crash of bamboo he gave a little laugh. i ■ nether they cun normally be expect- cam»«. Cusick bank building, Albany be accepted at this office as equit! 4 t0 !<« eggs apiece or ISO or to gold coin. “No, Indeed! Let's thank the good An Indépendant— Not neutral— nene paper, published eveiy U'eduesday, SINNERS \ IN HEAVEN TURKEYS CAPONS ZEAL HOGS POULTRY r Dr. C. FICQ, ¿Dentist D. During the next year many per- one will get 20 eggs less than the drds are bred to lay and some will . « or try to get 20 eggs more. The «applying of protein iti eoirect pro. portions la . »tumbling block to many ■ae^ X * * ? •* ’ tt‘'“ U’ per meat (JO p«r cent of the mush) is ieiessary and any np.rS U detrtmen- uiat to \ “ f*d' CU‘ dbWU »'«’ ueat. Bloody egg, flopi l>uU(.tg ur# Busily « sign Of forcing which will eeult In high mortality. Late hatched •«Hets may have to be forced In order « get a winter production, hut they “* Injured for future years and for ■reeding both by late devrfopment md by forcing. The moral |g |lnt(.h ar , i 7 . ° C KrU,n* ’’"“'‘T Extension peciullst. Colorado Agricultural Col- ege. ’ Kasp of reflef' she realized that she was alone. Lord for that, at all events." She looked up, dumfounded; but he had turned away into the hut. So that was the position? Her dis­ f. nhAf L tb0 nntlv*’"' «»tacit, a new like was returned In full? A sharp In co-operating » is pose of theii phase began between the pair. Para- stab of hurt pride nnd desolation products the firmer« of America art fioxlcal though It may sound, the caused sudden tears to rise and roll faced by a prohlejp:entirely different hours which brought them so near to­ down her cheeks. She scrambled to from that presided in England. Ir gether widened the gulf between them. er feet and, out of sight among the tiiat country (jt* consumers took th« Hud that eventful night ended with brushwood, lay down und sobbed out lead in co-op^tutive marketing and the accidental discharge of the re- her heart vmlver. their daily life might have con­ Lave for s' generation had thei Croft got hls own supper that night. tinued more or has placidly, like the He imide no comment on her swollen wholesale hob sea, where they receiv waters of some river, with but an oc­ eyes und lack of appetite. But when farm produpe and other supplies an casional rock obstructing Its even she took the large shells used for distribute them without any such ex course. C ro ff, „mazing lack of plates to wash In the lagoon, he rose travagnnt grafts as cause an Oregoi * T h"d b’'”n ,lke « h“<* «»on- Impulsively, to follow her. After a farmer to take »1.80 for a box of hurled violently Into the center of the few step«, however, he paused ttneer- river, «-austng ever-widening circles to talnly. With u little helpless shrug apples for which the New York con extend. Intensified a hundredfold. al, he returned to the hut. sumcr pays $5, as was reported on the fear« of her flrst BftPrno,,n I.uch day he spent much time upon government authority last week ir the Islam) rushed riotously hark She the reef, salving all that was possible this column. Kerosene Oil for Roup became conscious of him as she hud of the machine, until wlmt remulne«! In this country the consumers co Some people have had good results I never newer been before: not only of the was swept uway one night by the tide. y treating roup with common kero- ■ force „f hlg w„, but operate, not to help tho farmers cul A dozen times a day, one or both on« oil. I'ut a spoonful of the oil out this waste, but to compel the , the passions lying dormant under a climbed the hill und vnlnly searehe«! a a pall of water und dip the heads cold exterior. employers to pay it. And the em f the sick birds Into It. With a slow, Nothing more had been said concern- the horizon-gathering, with dwindling ployers reimburse themselves b> hopes, more fuel to heap upon the teady motion, draw the birds head • P'?Od*- H“'f « I ”” ‘'ng some charging the farmer for manufact hrough the film ‘of oil, withdraw growing pile which some day might urod goods about double what hi« lowly, and wipe dry. The oil seems kind of apology, she had decided, next flare Into a beacon to attract a passing morning, to accept It frigidly, drawing vessel. B English cousin pays and paying thi o kill the germs of the local diseits.« close the cloak of her own reserve und farmer less than his English couslt ent the afternoon fetching things the trees, leaving Creft no wiser. Barbara was haunted by thoughts Only last week, under threat of « & Hides, m H- S H O O K a i^ V ™ " r*ef' of Hugh s suffering. To be alive. In general strike, the Southern Pacific splendid health, yet unable to Inform | Thia position endured for some days compromised with workmen by al­ those mourning her death, could be lowing an increase ofj.wages which ]° awny •" H a» equaled only by « | lke Impotence upon Posdble. and her loneliness became at will amount to half a million a yeaf times Intolerable But ahe learned the Other side of the grave to allay the Who will ultimately pgy that half many practical things He taught her ■offering« of theme beloved upon mrth milllen’ Not the railtirad company. SHOE C to rreat. fire by friction with wood • to After a lifetime, too, of Inseparable It Is not making interest on the hake breadfruit—that subttltute for a companionship, this new existence In SERVICE which Hugh had no part, seemed jnpney it uges in the buemess now. Shoes that coat leas per month of wear ceres! In the South sees—In hot Yet. paradox , ,h « I strangely Incomplete CO-OPERATION -ream and Proauce Station AKKUW GARAGE, Gamie B ro s. u . S. tfr C. T. C. Tires New. low-pr«be<À Gill More service Battfififts fori > Batteries for • No more cost Ford, ¿ i and Skilled Auto repairing Sta r, othttf Chevrolet Auto accessories small cars MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY’ A m e ric a n ISagle Fire Insurance Co. .. ^ d' -S J U S ^ as mucty in storage as J n'ghtv.geí f7«r 14 in ca{* ’ <>f Are. Th) Iwill t'? H- J lre ^nsur:> nee comuanp L hissby ¡he /0 ° th ® Casb- val™ ca9a C. P. STAFFO?.tu , Agent . hls presence was not Any Girl m Trouble', may communicate with Ensign *** of »he Salvation \ Army at the W hile Shield Home. S6» Mavfal r •venue, Port Und. '•gon.