PAGE 4 H A I.S K Y E N T E R P R IS E >••••••••»••••• returned to bit borne in io lay. G L O B E ALBANY Sunday — Monday —Tuesday Dee. 21-32-28 «FEET CECIL B. D eM ILLE’S J1 Portland W. R. Kirk and daughter were 5 in_ Albany Saturday. J j 0 . W. Frum and family drove j Coming JACKIE COOGAN Mr»- W . W Abraham becarn» ibe mother of a lO ipound bo> Friday through a Cessrisn opera tion at an Alnany bosp tai, tln- lecood lime she has been through «Uch an experience. in A Bey of Flanders Halsey Happenings etc. (C o n tin u e d from page 1) Taylor went to Salem | Mr. and Mrs. David Partcli and son Ambrose of Eugene passed through Halsey Sunday on their way to The Dalles and ^ / " V i o r t ‘ u n ^ “^ ‘’Mrs! P artch’s uncle, C. P. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. A- W. Foote and wife. drove to Brownsville yesterday. Ted Mitzner was called to A t the public thankaiiiving »err- H arrisburg Sunday morning to The Arrival of That Box of Candy is always quite au event, but ho* the enthusiasm dampen» if the con fectiouery falls short of what th- appreciative uue hug a right 1 expect! If you gel a box of on. delicious confections they’ll be ev. crytbiug she .Ireamed of, an more. Of course our confectiouer. is pure, and it surely cannot h. called Ingh in price. Clark’s Confectionery icee at A ll any $56.20 was raised occupy the pulpit of the M. E for the near relief. church. Mr«. L. C. Merriam went to Roland Marks was over from Albany todayj O. A. C. for tihe week end. linemen working . The telephone - „ -1 Mrs. Claron Gormley was here were called to Cottage Grove visiting in Albany and Portland today for repair work . severai days wee){ Mr. and Mr». A. E Foote wer® Miss Grace Kirk will give a visiting the latter’» parent» uea’ Christm as program a t the Kirk Junction City Sunday. Mr». Eltba Turner of Albany arrived yesterday to vieit her ■ister, Mr». Hugh Leeper. Lon Chamlee and family and Mi«» Qanevievn Wells wur • at din­ ner at Bert Clark's Sunday. Mi». Henrv Eug|ish and cildn-ti returned yesterday from visiting Mrs. Elisabeth English in Edge e Mr«. J. J Corcoran »pent several day» last v • k at the home of her uucle, Chester Curtis, near Peoria. school, where she teaches. Thursday evening. Mrs. A. E. Foote visited het parents, Mr. and Mts. F. VV. Robinson^ near Junction City Wednesday. Her m other ac- companied h er home for a short visit. M. H. Shook returned the first of the week from Portland, where he had been on business and to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shook. E. E. Gormley was in charge of the ... and Potted Plants Cut Flowers, all kinds Floral D esigns and Sprays Phone orders given prompt attention y M n K A i> I l.l la * (h m <>( te Ui tr of f* »I «k fr or «r ex tl. di ca in’ «u ch Lo IU : J T u m b le I n n : • 2 j miles north of Albany, on too Pacific highway, ® N E W Y E A R ’S E V E , D E C . 3 1 • H a ts , b lo w o u ts , s o rp e n tin e s , w h is lo s , e tc., g iv e n a w a y fre e . • > <3 Everybody is going. Plan now to attend • Consolidation of the Bend Brick company, located 234 miles west of Bend, and the Central Oregon Brick company, located near Terrebonne, has been announced. The new com­ pany will be known as the Central Oregon Brick company. Because of the growth of the dairy industry In Klamath county the Fort Klamath creamery, which had oeen shut down for several months, has re­ opened. More than 200 dairy cattle have been shipped into the Fort Klamath country since October. Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of journalism at the University of Ore­ gon, will be in Chicago December 29, 30 and 31, attending the unnual con­ ference of the association of Schools and Departments of Journalism, and the Association of Teachers of Jour nallsm. Prices for practically all foodstuffs to be used at the state Institutions during the six months starting Janu ary 1, 1925, have increased from 5 to 35 per cent over those quoted on June 10. 1924, according to bids received at the office of the state board of control. An amendment to the interior de­ partment bill as passed by the hou e, continuing the appropriation for the Owyhee Irrigation project in Malhi ur county until Ju ly 1. 1926, was adopted by the senate appropriations commit tee. The amendment w ai offered by Senator McNary. Organization of a state constabulary to supercede all special state com- nlsslous and agencies now charged with the enforcement of particular penal statutes. Is contemplated In a resolution unanimously adopted by the District Attorneys' association of the tate in annual session In Portland. ! Charles O. Dawes, vice-president­ elect. will be on the program at the annual convention of the Oregon Wool Growers' association In Pendleton January 14-15, if a report from Boise that he would be there for the Idaho meeting Is correct. Mac Hoke, secre­ tary of the Oregon association says panytug suwmill deprived the county of one-third of its taxable property by a deal which gave the timber Rnd mill to the Pacific Spruce company on a tax-exempt basis for year» to come. Assertions that the Indian bureau’s plan of educating Indian boys and girls with white children has proved a failure and a plea that the Indian boarding school formerly operated at the Uma’ llla agency be reopened were made in a public statement at Pendle ton by Captain Sumpkln, chief of the Cayuse tribe. The Indians have been advocating the opening of the old boarding school for some time, and a delegation will leave soon for Wash Ingtoa, D. C , In an effort to obtain action on their requeet. Children’s Farm Home The W C. T. U. farm home has two build'ng» for gills end one foi boys. Not enough money wm raised thia fall Io build another hoys’ structure, t o the project was deferred until spring 'there are 75 children at the home, most of whom have nevei known a real Christmas time n u l l lh«v went there, uud many wen! ijiis year who have never seen o n e . I'be generosity of friends of little children throughout the slate is depended nn to see that I bey have “ the time of 'heir lives.” I t is hoped that, their tahle» will b spread with u real Christma» feast Any questions as to specific needs will be answered promptly if ad deessed to Ada Wallace Unruh, 606 Stock Exchange Bldg., Portland Mr Rawlings baa invited the children to sse u Jackie Onogan •how at the Globe theater Christ mas morning. War is Hell (American Legion Weekly) vancing figures, laid his hand upon tl transmitter, with forefinger oat stretched toward the little key upon which so much depended. No sign the wire encircling the hut waa visible ln the comparative gloom. A few tense moments. . . . th he pressed the key, keeping ft down, giving the »park gap a alight adjust nsent Then, from «11 around, rose a deaf­ ening medley of howl« and /rensled yell», partly of pain hut more often of fear, a» the advancing men came contact with the wire, seeing the wicked blue sparks hiss at their hare flesh, feeling th e . «harp sting of the electricity. Those who escaped It were equally terrified, and the whole order broke up. Some rolled upon the ground rubbing themselves, still howl Ing; others fled, sorenmlng. toward the south. A few, bra v e t tried again to reach the goal; and again retreated half petrified wRU fear of the un natural. Croft waited until hot a few strag­ glers remained near the hut. “ Now," he cried, "we must show ourselves, and complete the Illusion!' “ O h !” remonstrated Barbara, “ Is that necessary F' ORRANCE GARAGE 212 East First »t., Albany ; Phone 379 Engine repairing and recon. ditioning a specialty Fir»t Valve Grinding Mäen ne ever brought to Albany Makes ’em fit HALSEY RAILROAD TIME South North No. 17, 12:09 p. m. Vo. 32, 3:20 a. m J3, 7;tl p. m. 18, 10 48 a. in 34, 4:25 p. ni 31, 11:34 p. m. So. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. tn., stops to let off passengers from south of Eugene. Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. Nos. 31. 32. 33 and 34rnn between Port­ land and Engene only. Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. Halsey-Brownsville stage meets trains 18, 17. 14. 34 and 33 in order named. “ Y e s : If It's to be a success." Seizing her arm, he dragged upon Linn countv physieiansevidantly the door, and whirled her round to the *njoy the highest standing in their landward end. home cot» nmnities of those Those natives who remained uttered f any county in Oregon. In loud, fearful sheuts, at sight o f the the adjoining countv of Lincoln two white figures; falling upon their the standing of the profession is faces, they stretched out arms of sup plication, gabbling what Skemed to the poorest in the state. The inference» are based Barbara unintelligible nonsense. Those foregoing fleeing turned, halted, then likewise solely on the official election re­ fell upon their faces, terrified at these turns on the neuropath b ill-— Ore- apparitions in the’starlight. gon Voter. For n moment the girl thought her companion hod lost Jils senses. Loos­ Twenty-flva saw (raugn k»v» ing her arm, he sprang forward with a k«»a orgaaiut ia Oregon tili bound, his arms wildly w iring. Ap­ pearing unnaturally tall, hlh.whlte shirt year—more tttaa In any oth»r and bandaged head Increasing the su ■tat«. pernatural effect In eyes used only to a dark naked skin, he went through a pantomime of weird gestures. Now and then this was Interspersed with extraordinary utterances snarled from Cash paid for between gleaming teeth and cruel, drawn-hack I1pn. The wild awful fury, seeming to emanate from every pore, Cream, Poultry» Eggs, Veal terrified her; he looked every Inch a & Hides. M . H - S H O O K savage himself. His weird babble bore strong resemblance to that of her pur­ suer. Aptmrently the prostrate natives understood at least part of the dis­ course; for occasionally eager hands were raised In supplication, accom­ panied by cries or moaning re­ plies. . . . All work done promptly and reason­ Suddenly, at If at some command, ably. Phone ?09 the groveling wretches scrambled to their feet With another torrent of wild words, he wheeled round, and, to her nmazement, threw his arms around her, pressing her close. . . . What seemed, ln the excitement o f the mo­ ment, like a cloud of smoke, together with a sharp exploglpa, momentarily dared her senses. . . J . W. ST E P H E N S O N . She felt herself lifted bodily, whirled back again round the hut and In at the entrance; whllk, from without Hany Useful Gifts arose a fresh confusion of howling cries, with the tread of running feet, for Cnristmas as the warriors, terrified by the magni­ A gift of glasses will bring fied effects of the revolver shot ln the dusk, dashed for their lives away np pleasure for 365 day». We also the slope. , . . have many pretty aud useful gifts Once Inside, ha leaned back against in jewelry. the bamboo, still holding her close, his breath coming first, every nerve tin­ gling. primitive man among primitive mpn, after- the savage state Into which he had worked himself. Well done!’’ he panted.' laughing wildly. “ The revolver—Just then—was nn Inspiration! Vanishing In a puff of smoke finished the trick !” Barbara gasped, too mtlch aston­ ished to realize that she was still clasped ln his arms, having forgotten the existence of the revolver during the last scene, ft hung from ber hand, still smoking a little from Its acci­ dental discharge. Cream and Produce Station F. M . G R A Y , D R A Y M A N BARBER SH O P First-class Work Europe, weltering in debt and m is­ ery, throbbing with national jealous­ ies and hatreds, placed flowers on the Tile condition of M,s. Nancy tombs of its unknown soldiers on armistice day. But o f all the cere­ monies on this November eleventh N IC E In accordance with a contract let none was more compelling than the by orchardlsts of the Rogue River parade of the division of the living valley last fall to the American Can dead through the streets o f Paris. company for shipment from Toledo, F O R C H R IS T M A S N ot a drum beat. N ot a trumpet O., between November 20 and Decem­ sounded. Instead, the tramp of tired ber 14. 110,000 orchard heaters, or feet, the clumping o f crutches, the smudge pots, in five cars, arrived at creaking of wheel chairs, the silence Medford to be used In heating of stunned crowds o f spectators. orchards next spring. There passed in broken ranks a regi­ A total of 1111.965,63 has been ap­ ment of the war-blinded, each grop­ portioned to the schools throughout ing man led by a child, another Tillamook county since January, 1924, regiment o f the armless and the leg­ according to a report of the county less, and a third regiment of those school superintendent’s office. The whose faces were so horribly marred Palmer, who has been very ill to, Sw ift & Co., station during the funds from which this was derived •onu tine, continue« unimproved absence of Mr. Shook. by wounds that many wore masks. Include >44.1jS8 from county. »5430.22 Optomdtyìst». Jeweler» There were twenty thousand of The grand jury meat» tomorrow from the state. »42.962.50 from the Mrs. Hafrry Commons and them. A fte r the first moments of and mant^ficluring opticians to »it on the quartet arrested for Mrs. A. C. A rm strong visited elementary fund and »19,435.91 high stiflin g silence, a tidal wave of emo­ Oregon Holly Best lobbing Spurlin’« home near Bar ALBANY school. h- George Workingcr home Suo- tion swept over the crowds and the riiburg. H olly is grown in Oregon from The work of Issuing 1925 motor ve­ well-clothed, well-fed and sound-bod­ IN vT H B C IR C U IT C O U R T Saturday. stock imported from England. I t ia of the State of Oregon for the County Howard Ternan arrived from hicle licenses has started In the sec­ ied wept loudly and unashamed. Mr. and Mis. Jam es Drink- retary pf state'» office at Salem. Un­ of Linn, Dept. 2. St. Helens Monday to visit his superior to the native holly for dec­ Bertha (X'Cunningham , Plaintiff, m other, Mrs. J. C. Bramwell. ard and the latter a mother, Mr». der the law these licenses cannot be orative purposes and superior to the Sinner» in Heaven •vs- Albany used legally until January 1. In is W illiam Wheeler failed 1,1 dodgr M. V. Koontz, were same strain grown in England, ow ­ Enoch J . Cunningham. Defeadant. suing and sending out 1925 motor ve­ (Continued from page 2) quickly enough on tlu highway shoppers Thursday. To Enoch J. Cunningham , the above ing to difference in climate. Oregon- hicle licenses earlier than usual tills named defendant: yesterday and a car bumped hi» Ing Into the starlit dusk without. grown holly is being shipped to alt Miss Doris Lake went to Eu­ year the secretary of state Is of the In the name of the State of Oregon, leg and plugged hi» rib» against hi» For several minutes nothing more lung» with enough force to knock gene Friday to do some shop­ opiuton that an eleventh-hour conges was heard. The girl was beginning to parts of the United States for C h rist­ you are hereby required to appear aad answer the complaint of the above named the breath out of him for a few ping and visit her parents, Mr. tlon will be avoided. think It hud been a false alarm, when mas decorations. H tre is a suggea- plaintiff in the above entitled court is Organisation of the Willamette val minute». He and D J. H»ye« and Mrs. B. A. Lake. all at once a slight rubbing noise tion for side line for Oregon the above entitled cause, now cn file with the clerk of said court, on or before have taken lessons and by tba time Mrs. W. P. Wahl, Mrs. G eo'rgel1®7 «row,!r8 levying a duty of six reached them, as of something wrig­ farmers. the 24th day of December, 1924, snd you they are of ng« may become anti- Maxwell and Mr. Coot celebrat-1 renls “ P0“ 0'1 ° ° cherries imported gling over rough ground. At the same are notified that if you fail to appearaod Philadelphia had need of answer said complaint as hereby re­ tied to the degree of A D. — Art- their birthdays Dec. 13 with I ntO Stalesl are necessary Instant a dark form was dimly dis­ cernible flitting, shndow-llke, from a lul ' “ I Dodger n 1 " ln »vent the cherry industry of the some Oregon Holly this year. quired, plaintiff will apply to the court distant tree to the shelter of a large c . _ . „ , northwest Is to prosper, according to The city lan out of bayberry for the relief demanded in her said com­ rock, there falling to the earth. Pres­ c c . Murphy, after visiting st • H i / ’ £ .P 1'0" '" ° J , R f ? w n s - D L - Board of The Dalles, who has ently, from behind this rock. Issued a blanches, which were being plaint, towit: For a decree dissolvisg the bonds of matrimony esisling be­ various points in California, Vllle, Dr. Calder of Shedd and I returned from points in California, decoration, and tween plaintiff and defendant: that plain­ stopped at Halsey to visit bis Rev. Robert Parker of Halsey I where he conferred with a number of little, snaky, black stream— three or bought for street venders then sold a lot tiff be awarded the custody of Fraaklia Cousin, Mrs. Adda Ringo. He drove to Eugene Thursday to at- [ Cherry growers’ organizations. four bodies wnddltng aloog on their of poison ivy, wlhich acts ju s t Cunningham and of Jane CnnniagMani. ------------ —----------— ———— | tend a group meeting front», their outline faintly distin­ like our poison oak. And then the minor children of plaintiff and de Resolutions were adopted at a meet fondant; for an ordei directing defend­ guishable. The Standard Bearers jr. Ing ln La Grande of 60 sportsmen, held the doctors were kept busy for ant to pay into said court for plaintiff Minutely sweeping the whole vlsibl« News Notes iloO as attorney’» fens, suit money and W ill have a under auspices of the Wing, Fin and a while. borixon with his keen eyes, Croft now •ther expenses; and the torn of »39 s Fleetfoot club, advocating shortening (Continued from page 1) Bazar & Cooked Food Sale perceived other black streams. Issuing month during the pendency of this suit A world conference to restrict for maintenance of plaintiff snd said | of the trout season indeffultely. hold­ from other temporary shelters, slowly the stale or uregon tor isz», ISeltsA Saturday Dec 20, 1924, at tba ing the deer season to the month of trickling down the slope. . . . He the «ale of opium adjourned »itia children ; and the sum of SoO a month as that equalised hy the county October with a limit of one buck, ask die at Geneva Saturday when permanent alimony dunng the minority leaned back. Mrs. O. M. Miller Building | ing boards of equalization and that equal Ing for a grouse season from Septem “ They are crawling along upon their Great Britain aad France refused of said children; and for her costs and disbursements of thia suit; and such Ised and apportioned by.the state tax ber 1 to October 31, and recommend­ stomachs, as I predicted, to avoid de­ to sight the agreetneut. Mr. Sie, other O p en at 10 a. tn. order as shall bo proper in the tection,” he whispered. th» Chinese represents tive. re­ premises. , ummlaalon Is »1.05M80.736 «1. as ing a bounty of »50 on cougars. FOR SALE Presently, two or three figure» de­ marked that “ for way» that are! against »1.O4X.410.C18 SI for the year This summons it served on yen by B F. Jones of Newport appeared tached themselves from the moving dark and for trick» that are vain ' publication in The Halsey Enterprise bv 1933 These figures are set out In before a subcommittee of the house mass snd wriggled forward with la order of the Hon. B M. Payne, Coanty the first conference is peculiar.’’ a statement prepared by Karl Fisher, Judge of i.inn County Oregon, made committee on claims In Washington. credible swiftness, leaving the re­ slate tax coinniis.'.oner. The total In November 10. 1924 That date of Ihe D. C.. In behalf of a claim of Lincoln mainder some yards behind The final 300.000 boxes of t h « ! fi’ st publication of this Sammons is No­ I crease la valuations for th« year 1»24. "Si-oats 1“ whispered Croft. | county for »186.000. It ta contended vember 12, 192«. and the dste ef the lsst I at compared with those for 191» la or S month» old Barbara caught her breath sharply, Hood River grower«’ apples have publication is December 24 1924. i that the government In the »ale of (lS.47tf.ll7.PS. dr« wlpg hack into the hut been sold to a New Yoik firm lor | the Blodgett timber tract and accom A M O R A. T U S S IN O . Croft, his ejee fixed upon the ad •oOO.OOO, f. a. b Hcod River. Attorney for Plaintiff. 3 la l(s ’ e ai to Albany Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Cross | were Eugene visitors Friday. Mrs. Claron Gormley went to | Portland the last of the week • • for a visit with friends. 9 The public library benefited | • about $13 by the Ladies’ Study club’s bazaar and food sale. (producer nf A (J f The Ten dpj iV Commandment» A T b it lias been »elected a» among the 10 best pict­ ure« of 1924-5 pongla» yesterday. »&CBO )c 3 9 3sea:»o»«o®®oe««i»o I BIG C A R N IV A L DANCE ! O E C . 17, )9ü4 Latest Sheet Music M eade & Albro, I PIGS F 9 . SAW Residence. Halsey. Oregon. 3