^ Z /íb a n y ^ Z ), irectory -.1 . w ill Auto Supplies A lb a n y Floral Co. £ EC. 107 IM* D ifficulties O f T he --------------- o I0Z N o. 1 'Jail and see the big aseortujdu of Chri«tmas presents at ° S. G il B ert & S o n ’ s 330 W. First st. «Albany, Ore. T ^ a v e o p o r t M u s ic c o u ip io y offere { Piano-case organ, good as new ,, , ~ Bstey organ, good as new Used Pianos. Ip M S tb u r n Bros. — Two big g m e e rv W. S. D uncan . ¡’ OKU SALES and service I ires and accessorie* Repairs gPC R eckless E x p e n d it u r e s ...... Too M uch C r e o it ...............— EAR 9 - ROC BUCK AGRICULTURAL FOUMOATlOM ' A Modern Barber Shop per '’* nt a t the fBr,nel'9 in the United states blame their finan­ cial difficulties on the low prices of f irm products, accenting to the Sear»- Roebuck AgrlcMlrural Foundation, which has completed a study of the p ri­ mary factors nffectlng the Unsocial di leultios of the farm er based on a sur- vey made by the tu tte d States Departm ent of Agriculture. Seventeen per cent of the farm ers feel that high tax t ure the direct cause of the farm de- v lw e n per cent blame the big!, costs for farm labor, ten per cent feel that high freight rates are responsible ten per cent blame the high Interest, six per cent credit the depression to reckless expenditures during boom period, ana four per cent think it * m too much credit. An Inquiry made by the Departm ent of Agriculture through both banters and farmers shows that on an average 3 per cent of tbe fnrm owners tn 18 corn and wheat producing states lost tl etr farm s through foreclosure or bank­ ruptcy during the late depression. Fo. r and a h alf per cent more had turned QVer ,h elr furnis ,o creditors without legal process, making a total of about 9.8 per cent who hud lost their farm s with or w ithout legal proceedings. An additional 15 per cent were really bun rupt. but were holding on through tbe leniency of tbelr creditors. By grou; s of states the percentage o f owner- farmers who lost their furnis since 1P20 were us follow s: Five East North c e n tra l atates. nearly 8 per c e n t; seven North Central states, over 9 per c e n t; and for the three M ountain statea nearly 20 per cent. The percentage of ten­ ants who lost their property ran m aterially higher. Records of the- Department of Justice Indicate that tn the pre-w ar yea.«, 8 per cent of all the bankruptcy cast s were farmera. During the deflation 14 per cent of all bankruptcy cases v e re farmers. In some of these states where In pre-war years the fan n er bankruptcy case« represented about 7 per c«at of all such cases, this percentage Iu 1922 bad risen to nearly 30 per cent These losses have not been due to Inefficiency on the part of the farmers, points out the Agricultural Foundation, as practically all of them were In­ curred by men who had been doing fairly well until they entered tbe period o f drastic deflation. Laundry sent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Works ABE S PLAC E DELBER T STARR Funeral Director and L i­ censed Embalmer w . L- W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director Halsey and Harrisburg C all D. T aylor . Halsey, or W. L. W right . Harrisburg Ip lliii» d evelo ped m id p rin te d . * We m ail them right back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ egon. 40« H igh I n te r e s t R ates •—..... t j l i t e Cafeteria aud confectionery I Home cooking. Pleasant surround-1 Courteous, efficient service. Vv e make our own candies. 30X F r e ig h t R ate « Efficient Service. Motor Hears». Ladv A ttendant Brownsville.......................................Oregon stores, 212 W. First and 225 South M ain. Good merchandise at the right prices. 20Z W a g e s ------------ I f you like them e«v thia one will suit you, for the Interlock help* you over the stickers. I f yOk're in th.- « p e r t class jo u c .n And on un­ usual word or two. This phczle contains every letter In tbe alphabet except "k". Cut dowers p h o n o g r a p h s at W O O D W O R T H ’S F armer . H ioh T a x e s ------ Floral art for every I li R L N 8 W I c K PAO E 3 Low F awm P rices - State Inspected Scales Flow er phone 458-1. H A L S E Y li . \ T E R PR IS K P r im a r y F a c t o r s A f f e c t in g F in a n c ia l “STEPPING STONES” W . H. B E E N E J. H. A llison 442 W est First St * * ■ and plants. and all occasions C R O S S -W O R D P U Z Z L E Hogs & Reef Cattle J^C C K S SO R IE S AND T IR E S KOVZ TO S 2 L V E A CROSS W O R D P U Z Z L I Ib« • e t t e r , s n s l a n f la t k . w h it e e .a e e e t k ls » » „ l a w e rd e b e lk r r r t l e a l l r « a d k o r la e a la lly . r h e a r e l l e i t e r ta ta R r • « « « h e r . w h le k r e f „ . t . ( k r « e a a t t t a Z N e te g b e la v s i h r p e a . l e . T h a e N a . i a a d r r tk e r o lu a .« h e .d e d - h . r k --------------h e « 4 e 4 ~ h o rb - s o n la l" d r d n r a w o r d w a t c h w i l l i l l th e w h i t e ep«c© « u p t « «be f t M b l a c k « < j« « r« to t b e r i g h t , « a d « « « ü b e r « « d e r * v © r t t « « l " a w o r d w h ic h w i l l S i l t b e w h i t e i q i a r « « t o t b e « e s t b l a e k M e b a lw w . N o l e t t e r « go In t b e b l a c k « p a r c « . AH w . , . . - ----- —- o r d « « « e d « v e t f l e t l o « « r r J Ir 2 . / « " u V ’ ,’ *.r A k k r e r ia S S a a e . ■ ! . » . , 1 , 1 ,1 « ! . . t « r < . a h . . l ta r m a a a d a h a a lr la t o n u , a r a la d lr a la d la Ik a d a k a llla a a . lf'X>,1 “ U ,c e : ' “ »>» '»VC SHOE Z in Albany, trade iu Albauy ; if you live SERVICE in some other town trade in that town." , _ u But in these automobile .lays many re- i Sh- * ‘ th* 1 cost less per month ol wear aiding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms Highest market prices paid for1» named below ready to fill their require- wents w ith courtesy and fairness. * ? .p e ll (Ç o p y rlg h t, 1 2 2 4 .) Horizontal. Vertical l — M o h iin u ii« d « n c a l l t o p r a y © r &—*-F « rt« *» O— L a r e © v e h ic le K ^ -B r n a y of 1 2 — Woo 11» A m e r i c a n r n p t lj© 1— A e h a o v k le d g e 2— T o o l f o r t r i m m i n g a la ta g 3 — I n d e f lt J t p a r t i c l e 4— N p eel© « u f p la e 0— H e b r e w m o n t h 13— Bea»t of burden T— D e c n y 14— —B o y ’« « « m e K— A t t e m p t ! • — I n it i a l« o f ■ f « « jo « a F r e a ld e n t 10— R e c e p t a c le 17— Po««e««e« 11— f t e g l o a 18— E l o n g a t e d (l«h 11— H e a d e o v e r la g 20— T o a l l o t I f — C o n lf e r o u « t r e e 2 1 — A t a d ln ta n c © 17— 1-1« te n « 23— B o d y o f w a t e r 19— C o w b o y ’« r o p o 24— T o 11« 2 0 — C a t ’« c r y 2R— E n v e lo p 22— A fQ rtu u 11 v e 28— L u c k 20—- H i g h In t h e «ca l© 3 1 —- C r a f t y 2 7 — F u n e r a l p ile 32' C a rd G am e 2h— D a n c i n g « h o e 34— I m p e r s o n a l p r o n o u n 20— G o d d e s s o f D a w a 36— S e t« o f t h r e e 3l>— b l i n d » o f t h e S o u th « • • 3 8 — N o te o f a n i le S3— S i m p le t o n 2 9 — N o t eh 3R— A s a i l o r 41— U n it o f w o r k 87— A n g e r 42— H o m a n b e in g « 3.— M e a d o w <3— M e ta l 40— P r o c e e d l a n d i n g p la c e G re e k le tte r T h e « n la t f o n w i l l a p p e a r In n e « t last»©. [Siate Teacher»’ Meetind 1 The meeting of the represen­ tative council of the Oregon JGVirtmiller Furniture Co., furoi- State Teachers’ Association will ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. be held in the Lincoln high Funeral directors. 427-433 west First school auditorium, Eugene, street, Albany, Oregon. Monday, Dec. 29. P U L L E R G R OCERY, 285 Lyon The first general assembly (Successor to Stenberg Bros., wifi be a t 9 a. m. Tuesday, Dec. Groceries Fruits Produce 30. The program follows: Phone 263R 9:00 a. m. Assembly singing. J IO L M A N & JACKSON 9:15 a. m. Involution. Grocery— Bakery 9:20 a. m. Introductory sta te ­ E veryth in g in the line of eats A. C. Opposite Postoffice ment— Superintendent Strange. ub Candy C o ., F ir m s tre e t, n ex t 9:30 a. m. Education in a De­ door to Blain Clothing Co. 42— mocracy—President Thomas W. Noou lunches. Eutcher, Kansas state teachers’ Home-made candv and ice Cream. college. Electricity on the Farm Owing to the sparsely settled n<- ITub C le a n irtg W<>rkp, lire . 10:30 a. m. A nation-wide pro­ lure of eastern Oregon the cost of Cor. Secoond and Ferry (The Open Window) gram for rural education. Master Dyers an^ Cleaners such service is in most eases cn -ci. Interest in rural electric service 11:80 a. m. Address—Miss M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes nomic unless the farmers under­ Olive M. Jones, ex-president of over the territory of the Oregon take to use electricdy for other S fP E R lA L C A FE , 200 W. Pirat N. E. A., New York. Light and Power company, with pur oses than lighting. 8o tbe Harold G. M urphy Prop. Tuesday afternoon and Wed­ headquarters Bat nker, is rapidly chief endeavor of the oomDany is Phone 665 W r never close nesday morning, the teachers to educate farmers in the use of will meet in the various depart­ increasing, and several rural com­ power for agriculture and iu the TLJAGNKTO EL E C T R IC CO. sections. Wednesday munities are plsnuing co-operative home. Official Strcnnberg carburetor serv­ mental tlhe association will movements to secure electric serv ice station. Conservative prices. All afternoon Many rural surveys have been worfc guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second. cdnclude its work with the fol­ m id * and extensions are expected lowing program : A R iN E L L O PARLORS 1:15 p. m. Assembly singing. ' (A beauty aid for every need) M Francis Hotel 1:30 p. m. Report of com­ Prep.. W islnifred R ose , m ittee on resolutions. 1:45 p. m. An Outsider's |t*n and money are best when busy. Make your dollars work in Views of Oregon’s Rural Needs our saviugs department. A lbany S tate Mrs. Mabel Carney. Halsey, Oregon ’ , B ank Under governmfedt supervision. 2:30 p. m. Address—Miss Olive M. Jones. M O O R E ’S M USIC HOUSE C A P IT A L A N D SURPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 3:15 p. m. Some Observations “ E v e ryth in g m usical” on Government in America— 223 W. First st. Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited President Butcher. Ited ; ; K irk -P ollak M otor C o . H "Science Plut Harru Practice” O regon A g ric u ltn ra 1 College W IN T E R S H O R T C O U R S E S Eleven courses witb n u o e i and dates as follews ; Dairy M anufacturing Jan. 5-31 Dairy Herd .Management Jan 5 tn March 20 II . Fourth Annual Cannera' School Feb, 2-20 H I- IV . Poultry Husbandry Feb. 2 to Mareh 14 V. Land C la ttific a tim and Apprettai V I . Febr. 2-T Farm Mechanics Parra Power and Power Equip­ ment, Jan 6 to March 10 Gas Engine». Yractor» and Equipment. Ian 19-23 General Farm Repair, January 26-30 Farm W ater Supply and Sanita­ tion, Feb 1-6 Ges and Electric L ig h t and Power. Feb. 9T1J Farm Conarete Construction, Feb. 16-20 For full Information address D E A N -Q F A G R IC U L T U R E , C O R V A L L IS . ORE I The Enterprise’ B ig B argain O ffer M S ave h. On Voun M A G A Z IN E S ! /(HOME YEAH HALSEY STATE BANK M She $ /ircrlcan Needlewoman '.he Household f ood Storica ’. h» Farm Journal Q T IM .8 0 N T H E SHOE DOCTOR Second street, opposite Ham ilton's store. “ Sudden Service.” Jag, Whoopee! Jail W W sA THIS NEWSPAPER, 4 w i While tbe Globe theater he m a r g u e r IT E s h o p p e illustrating tbe results of break­ Shampooing, M arcelling and Scalp ing all tbe ten commandments, Treatments M argaret Countryman, Tburaday night, at Albany, John 110 W es' Second sL Phone 22. Ehrenreicli and a female compan­ ion smashed several of (hem and • T H E S P E C IA L T Y SHOPPE *■ for bemstitchiug anil stamped goods. some windows and other things at Opposite Ham ilton's. 318 W. Second st. Brownsville. The pair registered at the hotel a ld o A n d e rs o n dt S o il, d is t r ib ­ utors and dealers for M axw ell, Chal­ aa Mr. and Mrs R. L. W rijh , but t appears that in thia instaeee mers. Esses. Hudson & Hupmobile cars. Accekscries, 3 polies. 1st 8t Broadalbin. Wright was wrong, The tn ir left their room after a while, both ol New FURNITURE AND them booly, and the man tried tn and FARM M AC H IN ER Y crank up bia machine, which stood used n front of the hotel, hut Ltstie bought. Sold and exchanged at all times balked. Then he threw some bad anguage, but that didn’ t move B E N T. S U D T E L L her. He smashed the windahild, Phoue76-R. 123 N. Broadalbin st., Albany but still she wouldn’t go. He had some bottles, empty by this time, and these he hurled 'brough the windows of nearby stores. Tbe their W rit« for booklet describing our 20- Couple then returned to room. “ The morning a fte r’’ e r Rural C redit Amortized Loan« 7« The loan pay» out in 20 payments, re- tbs city marshal arrested them and tir in e the principal Cheap rate», No Deputy Sheriff Chandler furnished delay. 8 eam L and Cp.. a car that woutd go without a 133 Lyon »treet. Albany, O re. cursing and took them to Albany and assigned them very safe quar­ ters. Ehrsnreich is an Albany youth at lowest rate of interest. known t tbe police woman Real Estate , Insurance is Viols Edwards and Ibe also of Prompt service. Conrteaus treatment. Albany. She slipped out of the W k ' B ah », Rooms, First Savings Bank hotel by a side door and started b uilding Albany f ir Halsey, but was caught. H a l­ sey would uot have been a congen­ ial refuge for her under tbs cir- 2\mor A. Tussing umstaaces. T W 4T ing r- Thte is your chance to get 12 big iMues o f each of thcat fov.' valuable magazine«— 48 issue« in all— JE R S E E M ILK F O O D in bulk COM PO U ND .Z t 10 O kboon r Send in your The econemical food for calves, pigs and poultry /»> Ot >»Aif o f the ua i«J aub*<-ription pri»-e. Reading m atter for th© whole iu m ily — firti >n. pattern«, em broidery, rec­ ipe«, do © I try . d a iry , livestock, crop«, farm m anaaem eot. etc. D o n*' ml a« th i« un usual o p p o rtu n ity to «et thia v«lu> able, inter eating and inetru ctiva group o f magaatne« I f yo u «re already a aubaenber t o any o f the«e m ag atin — your tub© auoa- rip r ip tw tu n o w in ill be oe extended cztcna©a for ta r otM ooe year. y« A fresh stock of I— a« .«. P xs. order now l T hia offer ia m ade for . • « h o rt tim r oaJy^JB oth n e w « n d renew al aubkCTiptioo« to th ia paper w ill rarehfr- these rnatfacinea. B u t d o n 't w a it u n til th© offer ha a bocu W ithdraw n, jfll Ft— 1 " O n a Kaor — O ffO C ff AT0B7 O. W . F R U M Scad yoar order to o ar < Give, the magazines to y n q r frie n d s as C hriatm as itifts keep the m yo u rw e lf Call and see sam ple copies. 1 Economy, Beauty and Quality can be put into your kitchen by ih e installment of one of oor FARM LOANS H alsey , yfl O BIG IN TER ESTIN G f 4 0 I SSUES A T »/« PRICE 4 Special price on one-half ton and ton lots FARM LOANS L A W Y E R AND N O TA R Y A rare and ur 'isual money saving bargain offer In read­ matter for the whole family for a year. W e offer this combine ion to our readers far a short time only. R en e w a l subscriptions w ill be extended fo r one y e a r fro m praaont d a ta o f e x p ira tio n . . *'or More egg production | u Se Fisher’s Egg Producer a JJ 2» BR1DGE&BEACH Best by V ■ i n I.I— .1 . No ehorob tervice ever better taught religion and morality or Ibat “ the wage« of r i l l is d e a th ' ” than did *' Ib e Ten Cfimninnd- merit»'* at the Globe theater, Al. b«ny, leu we>k. The attendance, too, wai about up V> capacity. Test RANGES Hamuel Gntnpere ii dead. See our new aud complete line HEATERS •aT" T h e pricks are right ’Wk H IL L & © Gao,• Maxwell and wife were ia I Albany Thursday. I 4 * • 9 H a lF s C a ta r r h • Medicine claim for It — rid your system ol Catarrh or Deafness Clarerme Buggtk bogged clear down Friday, when a jury at Alb my ennviot’ d hirn of compile, itv iri tbe Shedd bank robbery, and shudderod and sobbed where lie M l , Neilson was convicted with him. Sitters gut a sentence of 15 years and Keplogle, who ia under 18, was turned over to County Judge Payne in the juve­ nile court. will do w h it w« — - - — ■ ■ , . e Lebanon cannery Is ex- caused by Catarrh. peeled to run ell winter on prunes be h m M wn from California and Roseburg, car- J. CHENEY As. CO., Toledo, Ohio lead» of which are constantly ar­ F. _ riving.