U A .£ £ 7 E N Ï2R P K IS Z I'A'IH 2 kkV T r RPRISF I >P.C 17 T ie n tell ipp If you hav discovered I tum u neuiziea, racmg rm* new ter. what—Is missing.” ror, striving to control herself befor, | said Surprised, she listened silently. He thi* man whoee very look dlacouregwi Mr W at. H . iV H K K I.E B I Thus did Barbara take the Brat step turned away, laid one of their coats weakness. The coolneat of hta i,«»r * from ant the net af lifelong cooraa- Just Inside the door, and threw him­ ng, us he stood playing with the • » t e r i » 'o . f l . i : a yaar la a d ra a o * tlona, tad tread the free aparfoumaee self down upon It. Within a few weapon In hla hands, calmed her beyond. A d ve rtn in g , 20c an incb ; nodiacouc bracing hor to a simulation of th* minutes he was sleeping .the sleep of for lim e or «pace : no charge for cou “You flt tn so well—aa tr it Is year sheer exhaustion. same feerlessmes* ooaiOon or c jaugea. natural sphere r aha added. "Show me," she said,, going to him But the girl sat for long under the t e •T’a ld -fo i paragraphe." l e a lia*, He smiled half to himself, patted little window, lost In thought, won­ Quietly, aa If explaining the mech a » a d v a rtisin g dlagulaad aa o a w * the spare aaat bealda him. Rather dering over his word*. And ever her inisni of a watch, he explained how wonderlngly she approached, looking, mind reverted to pqe sentence. A It worked. ho thought with compunctlo* i “I will load It. and Ox It ready for few words of praise from one whose T H E F A R M E R ’S BURDENS tremely young and delicately made. opinion us*" he concluded. you* huFe unconsciously To inform a sensitive girl ef the forth learned to respect, qpd what a world And tbe girl who, tn England, had A government survey covering coming attack of possible cannibals of courage do th iy bring In their shrunk from all firearm * took the lit- 816 farms io Linn countv oi wsa to Croft, ton times more formid­ tra in ! tie weapon from him eager y. welcom­ able the« mooting them single-hand­ ing It as a valued friend bringing, poe- which cash rents were paid showed 9 \ \ » —< W F t r « i g H T S V r u t K » a » - » « n a z u . C O M A M fT ed. Ho " i s not versed In the hi albly, the greatest succor of all. There are no pl«»sant hours of tw i­ that in 1920 the average rent w«t filing of these situation* light in the troplU. Tbe sun set* As they sat In the dark hut, upon 12.47 per acre and the averag their upturned suitcases, near ths and soon the wortd Is wrapped In Taking her hand, he drew her down valuation w»s $70 Thia means window aperture, the strain upon Bar­ darkness. It had disappeared behind close beside him; then. In a few bara's nerves became almost unbear- the west bill, and already a few stars gr return to the uwner of 3- curt sentence* he told her. were Rhowlng In the swiftly darken l able. With every minute her faith in per cent, from winch taxes am The fingers he held closed convul­ ing sky, when Croft came out of the the electric ruse, never strong grew sively upon hl* ow n; her free head other items must be deducted. 1 weaker; nntll It ebbed away, leaving clenched Iteelf upon her knee; tbe hot to where Barbara was collecting only a ghastly death, or worse, creep­ farm prices have varied since 1021 faint color drained away, leaving her the remains of thplr supper. He car­ ing nearer with the rising of every it is believed that rents have prac face quite white. ried something I n ‘ his hands. (C o n tin u e d ) j face, she made a plunge. 8tar- • • • She faced the moment Can't we go—hide tomewher*—on t caliy followed them, so that th "Do yon understand a revolver?” he when, her companion slain, she wouid « . » • alatitaa. and C ro ft* ¡¡iusl.i I “I want ,0 bnow— " the reef)” she urged, turning dark Inquired. seize the revolver, turn the dark muz­ situation is substantially the same of a friendly compact was destroyed “Yea? What?” Quickly his eyes eyes of fear upon him zle to her fluttering heart, place her She turned rouqd, mingled tsar and Hostility was evident. He soon re * #ear(,hed her own, causing her to low Ou page 3 is a chart showini He shook his head. Very thought­ relief In her fact. "Have you one? finger on the trigger. . , . ghB Used that an attack waa being organ er fliem confusedly, fully, from every point of view, had the farmer’s conception of th N o ; I have never fired one In my life. clasped und unclasped her clammy lead for the following night, thongt “I can t remember what happened— he considered the position. Should hands, sitting upright; then crouching I wouldn't dare I” principal sources of his unequal b»i could not distinguish the plans bo I *m airald I------ did I behave rather they, by hiding, etude the natives to­ ‘Well, I want to show you how to back against the bamboo. . . . Only log laid [ stupidly, lust night?” night, It would be but a reeplte. The burdens. The chief of these is lov use this little beegt, in case anything fenr of disgrace in ber companion's He stretched out his hand for a ba Emboldened by tbe absence of an) same danger would surround them ev­ goes wrong and you are left—” opinion restrained her wild impulse prices of farm products as com sign of their enemy, the men remained nana, peeling It with irritating deliber­ ery moment they spent here; they to rise and flee somewhere— anywhera She laughed, miserably. pared with those of what til standing for several minute*, gnzlnj ation before replying. could never know peace or safety. For " If they manage to ki)I you, they —to escape this fearful ordeal. Had “You were, naturally, slightly un dawn the slope at the solitary nut farmer must buy. tome reason these natives were hos­ will soon finish me off.!^ Croft touched her or spoken, heir con­ hinged after all your experiences. wherein Barbara lay unprotected. At tile: something must be done to over­ trol would have snapped altogether. He regarded her In silence, for o The government daily market last, This guarded reply was unsatisfac­ come their hostility. Cntll and unless after an Indistinct colloquy, they But he sat perfectly still, his gaze moment. news service, under date o moved slowly forward la its direction. tory a friendly compart could he made, "They wouldn’t kill yon.” he aald fixed upon the dark slope down which She felt exasperated. Looking Heroes they must be forced to leave the two For a moment Croft's heart seemed November 14, shows the gaunt quietly. “Do yon understand my their enemies would come, hit mind stop beating. To expose himself, at him. she fancied the suspicion of white people alone, through fear All apparently oblivions to all else. meaning?” let th a t has to be run by a bo: to a Kntle hovered around hla lip * this he explained to the girl, who rec­ inarmed, would mean certain death, As she watched him, her fevered Her face went very white. For _ "You realize, of course, that any­ ognized tbe wisdom of It, as well as of Oregon apples and the num and the consequent abandonment of brain seemed gradually to grow calm, few minutes she paced up and dow * thing I did— or said—Avan because— I *n « t she deemed the Impossibility. the girt, whose life now retted upon ber of profits taken from it be- j her faith In his confidence and In­ "Two! Against, possibly, hundreds! h l* to a fate probably far worse. In- mean. It was not my normal state! genuity to «treugthen. . . . The strain lore it reaches the consumer it >lde the hut. If he could but reach It, “Oh, I quite realize that I" His tone How can we make them fear ns?” she relaxed. Hope struggled feebly with­ asked hopelessly. lay the suitcase containing his re­ caused her to look up quickly again. New York. The New York re in her heart. She no longer felt the "Why are you laughing?" she asked volver. Should he risk all and dash "Through their Superstition," he re­ wild desire to scream or to escape. Her tailer took $1.87, the jobber tool from plied promptly. “Once make them be­ his hiding place or— 1 A sigh of uneasily. elenebed hands parted, »nd »he sat 49c, the wholesaler 39c, the rail i relief escaped hl* Up* when the men “Why are you so afruld)” he re­ lieve we deal with the supernatural, back with a sigh. torted. suddenly halted. For wbat seemed nn or poaseaa magical powers, and they roads 80c, the shipping organi Those who, from lack of imagination Nonplused, she took refuge In a will make us ta b * T h * dread of death zation 27c, leaving $1.18 of the eternity he watched them confer to- and lta sense of fear, face a terrible evldeetly divided In opinion dignified silence. Finishing her break­ or disease from violating a tabu will $5 tlbe box of tipples sold for, foi -•Ihor, ordeal with gallantry, are Jnatly called m th* wisdom of tbetr venture. When fast, she looked round the buy—at the them to shun us like lepers.” brave; but those who, tortured by the grower. The retailer go? at last they turned and made off rugged hill beside them, tbe palms und cause Barbara, inexperienced in natives' these possessions, foreseeing all with more profit on the sale than thi toward the south ef the island, he dense forest trees In the background, ways, was only half convinced. She shrinking dread, yet meet It with no grower got for the entire sea fouad hl* clenched bands, were ahak- the coral shingle and white sand listened Incredulously to the scheme outward flinch, deaorve the laurels of son’s labor and expenses. ng and his brow was w et He hur- stretching down to the magnificent he propounded, her knowledge of elec­ heroism. Some such thoughts flitted .led down to the hut, where he found blue of the lagoon. In the distance the tricity being limited. The solution of this problem i through O o ft’s mind, as be sat wait­ J white-faced girl Ineffectually bar­ reef and vast stretch of limitless sea: I will get eome gtlck*” he conclud­ ing, fully conscious of the suffering co-operative marketing. When ricading the door with suitcases. the Intensely vivid colors and contrast es rising; “and place everything In silently endured by his companion. this has been tried it baa moi She uttered a walcoaalsg cry on his shone In the sunlight with extraordi­ th* “ I »ball turn In for a When she relaxed against his shoulder, nary brllllnnce. appearance at the window. bit- This afternoon we’y strengthen often been a failure than a euccen he drew a breath of relief. . . . " It ’s all very beautiful.” she said at the walls of the h u t; and I'll put up a “How did you escape) Where were What seemed like hours passed In not because the principle is wroto last, conversationally. you) What caa we do)“ partition. Then we shall each have the silence end darkness. Then Bar­ but because of faulty ip p lie tt » “It Is f" he agreed warmly, rising to rbom until w , can build another hut To his own amassment perhaps at bara suddenly raised her head. much as h er* he laaghed— almost his feet. Bringing his mug filled with Plenty of work before u * if rescue Home, like the Pacific Coast Pou, Have I been asleep?" the whis­ happily. water, he sat down close beside her. doesn't come soon 1" pered. In astonishment. try Producers, have been so man 811eqtly, «he helped to collect sticks, "Now, please mend my head.” “They have gone away," he replied. He turned to answer, whipping sud­ sgsd us to relieve the farmer of Barbara was concerned over his pal­ an extraordinary numbness pervading We enn’t do anything at present.” denly back to the aperture, and cran­ her mind. Oroft's spirits rose. He lor and the lines surrounding bis eyes. portion— a aniall portion—of tl She gated at him in some bewilder­ ing forward. A sound had reached “You look worn o u t!” she exclaimed had faced and eluded death too often ment, knowing nothing of the reac­ uuconaciouabie 'oil the middlewr, bis intent earn— the faint distant tion which had caused that atrange Involuntarily. "Didn't you sleep well to fear It. His confidence In this slm- crepitation of snapping twigs. rake off between him and the co pie ruse puzzled her. light In hla face; and he laughed last night?" Now that the dreaded moment had Collecting the rubber shock absorb­ Burner. More must he done aloi ugaln, boyishly; then leaned farther “Not a w in k!” He glnnced quickly arrived, Barbara was eooedous of an er belonging to tbe wireless outfit, he in far a closer Inspection of the blue- up at her. Wheroupon her unruveled this line, but wise aa the serpen I « utter lack of agitation. Save that ber eonhialon returned fourfold; and she Broke the sticks into short stakes, clad figure with It* cloud of hair. fingers closed upon his arm, sbe gave a co-operator « h o can no »leer ti showing Barbara how to! cover them "You are bettor)" he ashed. finished her Job In silence. They Wouldn’t Kill You,» He said. no sign: her eyqs {oUoweiJ lit* peee- enterprise as to »void the pitfal Tbe paleness of her «hooks changed •Tin going up the hill to the wire­ This done, be proceeded to fix them “ Do You Understand?" (Cnutitiued on page 4) suddenly to rod under his scrutiny. less.” he observed then. “You need firmly In the ground round the hut, craftily dug in its path by (I I 1 m all right," ah* muttered, not fear the natives. They won't re­ then attached the aerial to the top of profit taking go-betweens. turning away. turn until they have mustered tbetr each: thus forming a wire circle a few Inches above the ground, as far from There are those who fear th> “I will go back for the water,” he numbers." remarked; and hla face disappeared the great Farm Bureau noarketib) At her look of alarm he continued the hut ns the Amount of aerial per- from tbe sp ertnr* hurriedly; “I've got a scheme for mltted^ The two ends were carried corporation, in auquirii g the bu»i. Barbara's tulad was uneomfortably scaring them off altogether. I shan’t through the entrance and connected nass of five leading Chicago pro confused. Safe In some refuge, aho be long away. I f you shout, I shall to the transmitter Within. G row n., bridge work and fillings It wil Now !” he exclaimed, “when I duoe gambling firms, with a sea kad seemed to be sleeping for hour*. hear.” pay you to get my prices on your dental work wave, press the key on the transmit­ When she awoke she instinctively There was no suggestion of her com­ in the exchange and a string . Cusick bank building, Albany sought for a hand which proved not pany being required. She watched ter here, and watch the result.” mid-west warehouses, has paid tv He wpnt out to the w ire ; and, kneel­ to ba there. Througliout tbe terrified him disappear, with a sickening sense much for its whistle. Let ■■ hop moments that ensued, vague Impres­ of the oppressive loneliness that she ing down, placed one hand about half sions of some mldtegbt event chased dreaded; but pride forbude her utter­ an inch above It. Raising the other not i hl Is we await the outcoini elualvsly through her brain. They ing a word to detain him. Then, with he gave the algnal. Our sympathies art all on She pressed the key as directed. Im­ th were Intensified hg Croft's sppear- unconscious Imitation of Croft, she bide of the bureau anca. Vainly rhe tried to capture the threw her head a little back; clenched mediately, a series of bright blue sparks flashed, like flreflle* from the threads; to s *|« ra ta the real from her hands; anil entered the hut. . . Tbe eccomi handicap, in th. the chaos of delirium. AU was coo- wire to his hand, which he repeatedly While the natives hurried to the opinion of these fermare, is higl fuslou, Jumbled repetitions of accups south, to prepare for battle, the man Jerked away; then, delighted with Its taxes. Tbe ” • are oot going to h. ulated horrors. She caught first at sat on the ground beside the transmit­ success, he returned to her “You se*" he explained, “the vol­ tfd u cel by another e ip e a .iv , co., one thread; then lost It and caught at ter, staring out to sea. his brain work­ another. Hut aver at one point her ing on the scheme to which be bad ume of current to always large with grcsional inv».Ug,|m n, t0 di. cheeks burned. How much was true) Just alluded; bis mind torn between wireless, therefore takee effect by known, nor bx Surely not—. _,The more the thought, conflicting decisions. In this predica­ sparking at the moment of contact a 140.000 oamp.lgu to beat an the more conr’lnced did she become ment. at the mercy of a tribe of hos­ The human body 1* of course,!a con­ of lta Incredible reality. . . How tile savages, there were but two for­ ductor; Our visitors will get ttrf shock Oregon ¿income tax. Dor bv , , 0<| could she face her companion) 11» lorn hopes of defense. One lay In the of their U v e » -eepee!ally»,, they ueu »0« to Salem a le g i,|.Ure C0B, eloue could place the unraveled little weapon down In the hut. with Its ally approach- any object of a (£ , k by threads In Iter hands But how to Hmltt-d supply of ammunition; the oth­ waddling ulong on their stoma«is "• lo«ed of lawyers and city traders He chuckled with the anticipatory make him do so7 H q w - er In the Inherent siqierstltlon of the over - a So engrossed wefe ’ her thoughts Islanders. I f once the latter could be enjoyment u of a arhoolboy ------- ,----- Merrill, 80 uiiits south of K ian that she started violently, qt the sound roused; If hl» ruse, for nil Its wildness. 1 " Joke; then suggested having ■th Fall., has diteb.rgad it . ou of his voice again at, the window. succeeded, their lives might yet be some "" h ” food. Mechanically she fetched Atpit Dol­ 'Your nerve* are aWluqljv weak,” he safe. On the other huud, wireless ines policeman because there Ì . nothin remarked. sages might reach a ship In time. ly's box and drew out tins of be»if and for him to do. Halsey ¡, equalj "They ere aot I” she snw, oped Indlg There was not enough electrical en- coffee, heroically trying to sha*e In his nantly Was she always ta feel fool wgy for both purposea. . . . confidence well-behaved. Both ar, ,,u| He talked on. compelling Bar to at­ lah and. above aU, appear so. with Which should It be? town, surrounded by pro.p.rou this men) "My God!” he muttered to himself. tend. diverting har thought* until the « m is . Compare them, as loc. Opening the door, she toot'< in on« ’ Was ever a man In such a d— d po­ meal ended, covertly watching her ev ♦D expression. Then h* drew her tlon. for happy homes, with l.tgs of the basin* without looking ; up sition?" within the hut. to rest. A scented, steaming bath co uld not c iti*, like Seattle, where police an have been more welcome thus t. la t l it ­ Mechanically again, ahe entered, go­ accused of bootlegging and chil tle basin of cold Water. The f r « hness No better tonic could have been glv- ing to the tlttl* window and looking luvlgorated ber, reviving * girlls h In­ <>*i to Croft's mind than this necessity •ut. droartly, toward th* palm*. H * arati g«t drunk at school. terest in appearance* Unpuck h i f a for Immediate action. Until he had fixed up the do*e. then came over to ttey traveling rnlrrer. she proceed. I te mad* hla derision and the details were her Soon tbe legislature will be j( "Y*o don’t feel at aU n a r v o u r he do up her hair, dressing la one of the matured, be forbore to alarm Barbara asked nonchalantly. cool washing frocks Intended for At '«•• with the prospect before them. ••Mioo. Than look for th . pre. t r a il* She turned, wtth a forced « l i e . For about two hours he was absent. lobby to urge , he publication I, Croft was thumping en the hut ifc • • Then a spiral of gray smoke ascended “Oh, no! . . . Dear m * nsl l b . n a w ,p .,w ri, 0 , mending breakfast, before the corupl« . . O f court« not." ah* an*w*r*d. from the hilltop, and he appeared with with terrific emphasis. hts arms full of wire. put forth in t h . votar.’ pam phl.t, Hon ef this toilet. His quick glance- "That's all right I You're * piocg, “I hav* left a beacon burning. In thus substituting ona extravaga took In bar dainty end very civilized’ inc appearance down to the gray sued« <^s»e a paaalng vessel— " Abruptly h* •«ul for a g ir t!" for another. Abolish the e ^ sed. standing still, hit eyes upon She flashed an Indignant look at hla. rbo|> •hoes ; hut he made no comment. thing. the Afure emerging from the hut. which, la spite ef herself, faded aa she Again the content, of the old tin box - A transformation !" he exclnlmed ; met th * onanpectsd laughter In hta proved Invaluable, with the addition of • «’ rang* n*w ton* tn •y e * «h. department of agricalturr bananaa and coconut. They spread and t \ #r* “You wanted »dventuro" b* ro- fcom m and. p.r.dichloroban.inr their store upon the ground outside, tn ' hl* VO. N t e T h * u MlBty »hoes and stocking* had minded b*r. “You vented to ’feel ’ o rape I clothe* moth*. No .elf. re the early morning sunshine. been dis Yar«l*d. the hairpins thrown H f* to learn the ‘meaning* of thing* Con rare« tlon languished. Croft may commun,cat, with E . . „ „ Lee erf the Salvhtte. Arm y •preting moth will , , By wh, „ aeemed abstracted, deep In thought. away. W ’ on« ‘ b'c* plait »wing­ to »und the -dwv chord*’ Well ' the Yon have yeur heart** dtetro—at ths White Shield Home. 56i M avf.tr .van« * r o ttk lld . t > r r o n . ing down k * r bac*. rolled up, Her riddle of th * night lay an «uc^a word a* that 1« tolerated 6«i>» fw t s '- b the sand, • she very bedrock of nature' Seize It. salved . . . Jkxbar.! DrUig to y>. very dregg! , several fo rth » glance* at ip* Independent—Not neutral—n *w i paper, published eveiy Wednesday A b | (last *d him ■ shy look of Inquiry. — "It team* mure — »"-in hers." - M SINNERS \ ^ J N HEAVEN B*" CL,VE ARDEN Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist • “ PLATES 1 e v 0 8 h k V» <1 I 1, ul t* II tr ol (a «I tli ÍX 01 at e> bl di ca in 81 ch lx THAT F IT ” ARROW GARAGE, Gansle Bros. U. S. * C. T. C. Tires New. low-priced Gill More service Batteries for Xo more cost Ford, and Skilled Auto repairing Star, other Chevrolet small cars Auto accessories MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. IV Ila.v is worth ju st as much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. Th? i American Eagle Fire Insurance company; |will pay you of the cash value in easel oí loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agents < *•••••••••••••'♦••••••« ••••••• Any Girl in Trouble ) I I. I