Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, December 17, 1924, Image 1

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    £ ‘Ct,
Halsey Happenings
I tells*ons and improvements
! year
and County LLVentS Mn. Inez Freeland spent
week end in Albany.
S h o rt S tories fro m S und ry .
A lfo rd A rro w s
Brownsville Briefs
i town.
L- • A. McKern of Lebanon
Mrs. Charles Howe is able to
W r ig h t’ s morgue has anew roof. « a s in Halsey Saturday.
sit up a while each day now, but
A. C. and L. H. Arm strong is far from well.
fromr a v S t ’to A lb S y M onda^ | dr°Ve * P,°rtland
Mrs. Fred G ustaf .¿on and
„„a I
Blanche spent the first
Mr. and Mrs.
and d ?t
at Mrs.
Mrs Harry Commons’ home days of the
L E. T Abraham
^ a - a^ anA
week in Albany.
Mr. W arren were dinner guests Kridav
at Hans Koch’s Sunday.
i _ y'
Mrs. Will Harrison is visiting
F M M a v w a ii ana fa
1 f ' s - T- Scott> roadm aster or at the home of her daughter.
Drain s D e n t^ a w J i f
the Southern Pacific, was in Mrs. Dave Paine of Harmony,
y ia in spent the week end witn town Thursdav
u -r
a .
friends and relatives in Halsey !
Mia. H. Tevepaugh, who was
.. n a;, n. .
I Mr- and Mrs. C. L. Falk took operated on at t.ie local hospital
A.nu M 1 1 hr,*tD’.ns ’ ’»"«ther, the train for Portland Friday last week, returned home Sat-
“ — 7,
fur a visit with relatives.
have been
Mr and Mrs. 0 . \V. Frum
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Abraham
T h is is our firs t real ever
freeze th is
and daughters Ruth and Vivian are the pioud parents of an 8 ( j
drove to Albany Saturday.
pound son. Mother and sou
A r th u r W esley’s n r and one
along nicely,
fro m Cottage Grove ca-me so near
m ix in g on tbe highw ay F rid a y from Albany and visited her
Since Clarence Boggie was so
known in and around
th a t the C ottage Grove n is r , ac­ m other several days last week. well
k n o w le d g in g the com , paid A rth u r
ille , no sm a ll num ber of
Mrs. John Gormley spent the
W fo r damage to his ru n n in g
citi-.e is attended his tr ia l.
mother, Mrs. Hannah Cum­
The churches of the town
Serie D o n g ertv was a member « f mings.
held a union meeting at the
th» co'lege d e p u ta tio n team sei t . t
Christian church Sunday night
Mrs. C. P. Moody and chil- under the auspices of t ie W. C.
to n e ig h b o iin g town« over tbe
week end, save a report c o m in g . d re n went to H arrisburg Satur­ T. U.
iti« 9Ui.
an. t Tbe
i ’ 1 day for
a visit a t the C. N.
fro m C o rv a llis on the
Mr. and Mi's. “Smoke” Daw­
m eetings weie w e ll attended a n d 1 Moody home,
are remodeling their home
th e teams were in v ite d to re tu rn .
A. C. and L. H. Arm strong out by Linn Station and expect
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foote a n d ' have purchased a new engine to make it a permanent one.
son W alter and little Billy Kirk to run their thrashing machine The Dawsons formerly lived at
drove over to the Calapooia j w ith the coming year.
river Saturday and came back
Miss Ida Mitzner retu rn ed ' Grandma Schick is quite sick
with a couple of fine Christmas
morning to her woik in i at ner home in North Browns-
Albatiy, a fte r having spent the I ville. Grandma is past four-
The P otter sewing club met week end a t her home.
! score years, and until this win-
with Mrs. Lyman Pennel Wed­
j ter has been quite well. Mrs.
Miss Cleona Sm ith was home Thomas is taking care of her.
nesday. Tae afternoon was
spent in sewing for the hostess. from Sweet Home for the week
Mis. Cecil Harrison ran the
Fourteen club members were end and she and Piof. S. D.
present. Invited guests were Stevens and Miss Harkness of sharp point of a crochet hook
Mrs. Mack Powers, Mrs. Ken­ Sweet Home were Eugene visi- hito her wrist, 'lhe hook pem-
trated about one and one-half
neth Robson and Mrs. Haroid tors Saturday.
j inches between the bones of the
Pugh. Lunch was seived by tfce
C. A im strong left Friday vvrist. The wound is'healing
hostess, assisted by her daugh­ for A. his
ranch, in Douglas coun- niceiy.
ter, Mr#. Harold .Pugh, and ty to look after his sheep.
Mra. Kenneth Robson.
Coyote# have been very bad in
Rev. M. S. Woodwoitn spent
The Mountain States Power tire neighborhood. Twelve of three days in Albany attending
Company spent $750,000 on ex- the beasts Lave been killed this the Boggie trial. lie also at-
fall. They had killed one sheep tended th e farewell banquet giv­
en the A im strong ranch and en to Rev. Mr. Fellman by the
for neighbors.
Mr. Baptist church. Mr. Fellman
o n ly
Armstrong returned home Sun- goes to a pastorate in Pasedena,
EXCLUSIVE day evening, escaping the snow- Cal.
The Ash Swale Hunt Club
In a report to the board of direo m e t at the schoolhouse SatUl-
tors of the Linn county chapter of the day night and counted
American Red Cross society, a . c spoil a fte r another three days
Heyman, chairman of the roll-call hunt.
As usual Charlie Bo\\-
drive this year In the county, set forth CTS won the medal again. This
Bancroft Optical Co.
that a total of $2078 hfd been raised makes the
foutth consecutive
SIS West First street, Albany,Or.
in the county for nest year’s work. I year he has won the rhedal. The
I lc sing side are to fuYhlsh Uj#
(Continued on page 4)
banquet and oyster slipper .ft*
be given Jan. 10.
C. D. Estey went to Stayton
J. E. Dinwiddie went to P ort­
land Thursday.
Chester Rice was a county
seat visitor Saturday.
Miss Joan Blaikie is spending
the holidays in Portland,
X m a s G if t s
for family and friends
N eckw ear
H andkerchiefs
Silk Hose
S h irts
B arretts
Silk Scarfs
Sw eaters
Silverw are
C ninaw are
G lassw are
Jew el Sets
P ic tu re s
S tationery
C om pacts
M anicure Sets
Stam ped Goods
S lippers
<BvteryriM corraapoadme«)
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighten
Mr. and Mi’s. Louis Wallet of and Mrs- Inez Smith went t o ,
» »
!/• !«
A * lh •■
n n » v ' Sàafnrrlev
« « ’ " »1 » _
h n m . < j.,n d u v
•. Gleaned
by the
Home Sunday.
There will be no community
vr . ,
. it •
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck club program until after Christ-
-Mrii sp a pet I nion
went to Albany one day last mas.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichols
Louis Stags. 58, was killed Instant­
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram and Mrs. Floyd Nichols were ly near Coburg, whoa he waa struck
by a falling tree.
visited Mrs. Ingram ’s* brother, Corvallis visitors Tuesday.
Austin Alford, and family Sun­
J. C. Perry, a Salam druggist, waa
Mrs. Mae Smith and father,
Mr. Ferrell, visited Mr. and elected King Bing of the Salem
Chester Curtis and family Mrs. E. E. Hover Tnursday.
1 Cherrians for the enauing year.
The Associated Oil company w ill
spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson
Chester’s uncle, Jack Curtis, at of Corvallis visited their son immediately erect a »20,000 distribu­
tion plant In Eugene It le reported.
Frank and family Saturday.
Winter's Icy grip has forced the
John Hamer, 48, of Roseburg
The teacher and school chil­
and a form er resident of Linn dren are busy preparing the shutdown of two of the three pin»
county, was buried at Alford Christmas program to be given ; ,b*elU C0Dtrul c‘ mp* *” KUm»th coun
Tuesday of last week.
at the schoolhouse Christmas > ty.
Fire, which officials declare to have
Henrietta Starnes spent Sat- ave.
been of Incendiary origin, caused dam­
uiday night with her friend,
age to the etty hall at Astoria esti­
Thelma Ingram, and Thelma
mated at $2500.
John Standish Caught,
spent Sunday with Henrietta.
A total of 10.920 carloads of lumber
J. H. Rickard and family and
A diepatuh fro m H avre, M o n t.,
shipped out of Bend by the
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickatd in S uu d a y’e A lb a n y D em ocrat wero
Brooks Scanlon
and Shevltn-Htxon
attended an all-day meeting at said :
mills during 1924.
Miea France» W a g a r, daughter
t ie Lake Ciegk church Sunday.
« The |t>ost of G A. R 'v e te ra n s
hat d w in d le d thro u g h death u n til
th -re are more th a n »nouah offlo« s
to go around. A t the recent alec,
tio n Ebenexer Con wav was noni»
com m ander, H ugh V in ce n t ♦ice-
Cnnnnaodar. J. F. V e n n e r ju n io r
vire -co m m sn d e r, L . D.
V id ito
quarterm aster and a d ju ta n t. Hugh
V in c e n t C h a p la in . J. F Venner
officer of tbe day, John A rn o ld
officer of the gua rd , H u g h V in ce n t
representative to tbe 1925 encamp-
m ent, L . I). V id ito a lta ru a ta re p ­
pro m in e n t
By a vote of 51 to SI a levy for
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starnes rancher« and stockm en in the Sco- »20,000 was voted Io road district No.
and Miss H attie Dannen went bie dost r i f t , and John Sta-.idieh of 1. In the Manzanita-Nehalem country,
to Oregon City Monday of last P lentyw ood, who la connected w ith for road construction.
week, called there by the death the Producers’ News and F arm ers'
Newton C. Cheney of Medford and
of their cousin, M att Letten- P u b lis h in g company o f th a t c ity , Earl Leslie Wilson of Portland havo
meier. Mr. and Mrs. Starnes b i ve a rrive d in tlx y re , b rin g in g been admitted to practice law per­
returned home Tuesday while the firs t w h isp -ria g a o fu r u a a n c e manently In this state.
Miss Dannen stayed till Thurs Which may u n ite th e a rtis t and
Server conet ruction work costing
Miss W agar. T h e re p o rt is they
day for the funeral.
approximately »200.000 will be com­
were m a rrie d S aturday.
Beverly Isom entertained the
pleted by the city of Klamath Falls
Mia» W cg a r became acquainted
King’s Builders of the Christian with Standish two months ago. during the coming year.
church Saturday afternoon. Af* w hile he was stationed at St-obic
Thousands of boxes of prunes war»
ter the lesson refreshm ents previous Io lhe election, eugaged , mailed und shipped by Portland oltl-
wete served and games plaj'ed. ln campaign «o k for lhe f a r m e r - , ” >ns lBS* week to friends and rela-
Those present were Donald, la b o r p a rty . As soon as the earn
In pruneless states
Linden and Roberta Bramwell, paign was over Standish was tr a n s -| Two large male cougsra. traveling
R etta
Aim strong,
Kenneth fe rrc d .lo Plentyw ood, where ho la together, were treed and shot by W.
Smith, Aaron, H attie and Cath­ now p ern iau eu lly located.
*O Allison not far from Ukiah
erine Starnes, Beverly Isom and
larger weighed more than 200 pounds.
Mis. Bert Clark and Mra. Carl $60 for a Name
The demand for cross bred lamba
to form the foundation of breeding
The Portland chamber of roan-
Clocks has grown so keen that tb»
merce . qffcm , « r prixe
_ to the pel • Price has been raised to 11 cents e
Shedd Stammerings #on
who sends in Oh« moat s a tu - , poUnd
factory word or words to b e ,
Rnggie got 15 years and Neilson used os an over-nding brand ’
K „ ' . . . .. .
“ ,
10 -or to e Shedd ha n k ro b lp ry .
for product# of Washington and 8utb, rlln. WB. k,Phwl to dB8th hy .
Mr. Tait, the barber, has gone Uregon.
horse when placing feed In the ant-
The word or words must be mal’s stall.
to Montana on a visit for sever­
sucli as would include the pro-,
al weeks.
ducts of both states and m ust | Frozen fog which descend»'! over
Mrs. Dora Davis was agree­ typify the north Pacific te rri­ Klamath Falls did considerable dam­
age to telephone and power lines, and
ably surprised T iursday even­ tory as well as the products.
blanketed the etty with a fascinating
ing, when coming home from
The word or words should in white frosting.
church to find her home °ccupi- some way re]a te to agriculture.
ed by a number of l datives and and horticuUu,.wi prôducU as I Th' 8"uth«rn *■<•'«' company has
° 0cat 10’?
uhei- we« a# to the special climatic nw"rd,,a " con,rac‘ ,o the u '»h Co»-
11th birthday v, hich they had conditions which produce the struct ion company for building ap­
come to help celebrate. _Mr#. qUa]ity and quantity of products proximately 22 tnllas of railroad from
Davis was presented with a lof
¿ „ d t p ^ « ¿ p a cify Grass Lake to Diets.
A special school election called at
beautiful Indian blanket. « I fruiu ( vegetables, nuts
was Provided by the daj
Roseburg to consider th« Issuance of
Those honoring M rs.' T he contest will end Dec. 81, school bonds In the sum of »165.000
Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Rex and a]j SUggestion9 should be, resulted In the approval of the bonds
Duvis Mr. and Mrs C J. Shedd, mailed
the m arketing depart- b* ‘ vot" ,,f 4,# 10 ,w
W , nLer’ a i j m a edj ’«, r'i ment, Portland chamber of com-
r *w- *bi»h for s time tbrsatsned
and Mrs. Brasfield, Mr. and Mrs. merce Oregon Bldg Poi tkind. ! ,l1* *atir* business distrtet of Malta,
Will Porter, Mr. and Mrs. John
A committee of seven has was cherkad by tbe vnluntner fire de­
Cornett, Frank Porter, P. H. been appointed, consisting of E. partment after tbe Malin hotel had
Freeiksen, Mrs. H. Freerksen, E. Faville,
W estern sustalnoll damaxa of approximately
Mrs. Agnes Clark and niece, Farmer, Geo. E. Hall,
HAll, »1000.
Mrs. Calder, Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Emory Advertising Agency; D.
Benton county I* to have an "ocw-
Cloy, Mrs. Satchwel, Mis. Hof­ M. Botsford, Botsford-Constap- noinlc conference" January 13 and 14.
fman and Parphena White.
' oe A d v e rtis in g A gency, H . M. The government has just roinpfeted
an exhaustive survey of the county,
bailer, Kelley-Clark Co., brok­ the first to bo finished In the Pacific
ers; A. H. Smurr, Johnson Lib­ northwest
Pine Grove Points
ber Co., brokers; W. L. Taylor,
Fire lossea la Oregon, exclusive of
I president North) Pacific Cooper-
Portland, In November aggregated
Haynes and family stive Ptune EkcTfange, Portland; »166.450, according to a report pre­
were Eugene visitors Saturday. D. E. Towle, manager The Bar- pared hy W ill Moore, stale nre
L. E. Eagy and family - - « « ¡ ¡ > 5 ™ » " ’ P" kl"« <=•- Gr”
G. B. Tycer went Monday to
I^owell, where he has employ­
Mrs. C. A Blann and. son
Ardhie were Albany visitors
shopping in Albany Saturday.
E. L. Wood came down from
Hover visited his
Eugene to fill his appointment grandparents
at H arrisburg
at the church of C hrist Sunday. Saturday.
. ,,
H. A. Walker, m anager of the
Biownsville Woolen Mill Store ler and »mall son were Albany
at Albany, was in town Monday. visitors Friday.
M rs ’ 1 P Weber w ent to C or­
v a llis v e ite rd a y to v is it her hus­
band, who is cova.cscing in a bos.
p ita l.
| tors. and Mrs- Haynes were vi9i’ News Notes From
All Over Oregon
(E n terp rise C orrespondence)
ON, DEC. 17. 1924
f ir s t choice of
judge#, $50.00; second choice,
If the word chosen by the
judges jo submitted by more
tnun onihpeison the p n ie win
jj . ej0,e, of the word# choseh
Carl Nichols is a t home con- is accepted and put into use an
valescing after an operation fo t * additional $50.00 will be paid
appendicitis performed at a the
person presenting that
hospital in Corvallis.
A number of Pine Grbve peo- j .
pie have been attending the re-
Last year organic heart di-
vival meetings a t L akt Creek, i se ’se killed many more people
Mr and Mrs. N. E Chandler *»' Oregon than did tuberculosis
and W. G. McNeil and family arxi more than half again as
were among those who attend'd
38 cancer and pneumonia
the Sunday services and were A death from heart disease hat
present for the basket dinner: typically back of it a story of
infection in childhood or early
The Ladies' Missionary /.so­ adult
life. The commonest
ciety of the Methodist church, causes of heart disease are
south, of Peoria, met at the rheumatism and syphilis. Many
of Mrs. L. E. Eagy heart diseases are entirly pre­
Thursday afternoon. Ton mem­ ventable. Some are wholly cur­
bers were present. Mrs. Hein- able.
Thero were a total of 2#
flree reported.
A hill to limit the powers of county
Judges In their capacity as Juvenile
Judges will be Introduced at the next
session of the state legislature, ac­
cording to J O Tate, chairman of the
state child welfare commission
Construction of a new hatchers for
the state fish commission at Beaver
creek, which Is about two miles from
Hebo on the Tillamook highway, has
been started
The hatchery will be
one of tbe largest tn the state.
So raptily are deuands for fiction
volumes Increasing at the Umatilla
county library that the board has
found It Impossible to buy books In
sufficient quantities with the money
available to satisfy the demand.
Following a check of Its oWn figures
with estimates furnished by tha coun­
ty aaseseors' office, the Mullocpnah
county tax supervision end conserva­
tion commission placed the local 1*26
tax levy at 33 2 mills, as against >2.1
mills last year
The value of ell tria b le property In
(Continued on page 4)