I • •itcd at Frank. W u rk i-g e r’s Suu- day. Î Mra. Wooddy of Brownsville was io Halaey Thureday. • • A * d . . * A J J S 3 . W 9 3 » A . « 4 » Ja O J :: I i G L O B E AL,Af frutea Testlag c i K lam ath dairy aad breed lag cattle ta r tnkerculoais wUl ba re­ newed this weak. The teeth aaanal m eeting of the Oregon State Drainage aasoclatlon w ill be held la Eugene Thureday. A surrey of Am erican n u rs e rj lists A shipment of 4s Chinese pheasants, shows that there are more thag 200 furnished by the state game farm near kinds of apples grown in this country , _ „„ and offered for « tie a . trees, hot not , E “ * i M re l‘f“ ’ e? B" “ r PUot hock “ ur« than 20 at must are of real com- j Field work involved In the survey u>* rcl* l importance W ith the growth Of a pipe Itne for Bend's proposed new • f the consumption of apples, the buy- 1 city w ater system has been complet lug public Is developing a discrim inât- j p t . Ing taste In selecting q uality eith e r C e rtlflra te s from the U n ite d States for eating or cooking, government expressing gratitu de of McIntosh Heads List. the people for services rendered by A study of the apples o f New York la regard to quality shows that the Indian • tribes during the w ar were M cIntosh heads the list w ith D elirious presented to three Indian tribes In second. Follow ing In order o f excel­ special ecerctses F riday at the Um a lence come Grimes' Golden, Stsytnana tUla Indian agency near Pendleton. Wlneeap, Jonathan, W ealthy, York, Announcement that the Shelvtn Baldwin, Duchess and Ben Davla. T he last named Is oue of the commonest f H ixon Lum ber company of Bend would and most largely grown fa r many start lum ber operations In K lam ath years, but has lost heavily In pubUe | county on an extensive scale shortly favor due to its poor eating qualities, a fte r the firs t of the year was o ffic ia l­ W ith the Improvements and develop- ly made at K lam ath F alls by Thomas ment of cold storage and more care- ^ IP P ^ S .’ the natu ral I M cC aan' « • » • « > m anager of the com paay. keeping quality Is not such an Impor­ tan t factor, and the question o f qual­ Sixty-one fires occurred on the Siu is always quite au event, but how ity can be given greater consideration. slaw national forest last sum m er and the enlhu-isSin dampens if the con­ Many of the older and extensively 1 fall, but only 34 required use of forest grown varieties are surpassed In flavor , , . . . fectionery falls short of what the a . eatlug apples by newer varieties. “ ^ey extinguish and appreciative oue has u right to which can now be kept aud bandied ' ec,Ptro t according to R. S. Shelley, expect! i f you get a box of our coniniercially as eually aa the older, supervisor of the forest. A total 0 delicious confections they’ ll be ev­ better keeping aorta. 1339 acres of land was covered b> ery (biug she dreamed of, and Cooking and Eating. the fires. more. O f course our confectionerv W ith the development of a discrim­ E. O. Blanchar has announced a git is pure, nod it surely cauuot be inating taste, aome of the standard of ten shares of the Hood R iv e r W hite apples w ill be used more largely fo r called high io price. cooklug purposes w hile the better Salmon In te rs ta te bridge slock by M ist Anna M. Spring to the Hood Rlvei quality apples w ill be used exclusively com m unity hospital fond. T w o yean fo r eating as raw fru it. M any people brought up on old-time ago Miss Spring donated an eight-acre the M. E. church Sunday even­ sorts, not the tastiest apples In the orchard place as a nucleus for a com ing. Mr. and Mrs. Buckwalter world, but reliable standbys, have m u n ity hospital. th e ir consumption of this worked in Africa for 30 years douh'ed R eports of Hood R iver apple shii health and strength giving fru it a n d in 1916 th e lo n n e i died aild , through un acquaintance w ith superior pers show that 2866 carloads of pack _ ed apples have been forw arded t< roar- Mrs. Buckwalter went on the varieties made possible by the __ vela of cold storage and the attrac- ' domestic and export m arkets. Data or, retired list and has since been live and handsome display» now com- ■ other fru it, potatoes and allied pro- giving lectures on life and work m.mly seen In fru it markets, where a ducts follow : Pears, 140 cars; cu. in Africa. Her home is in Cali wide variety of apples Is on sale In apples, 329 cars;, fru it Jplwp 35 cars, contrast to the lim ited assortment of i potatoes, 3 cars. , , foinia, but she form erly resid form er years. . In a special election at N o rth Bend ed near H Jsey and is related to three measures carried by overwhelm the McNeil families. Mrs I, The A rnvaTof That Box ofi ,ul IMCkln“ and Candy Clark’s Confectionery M r Powers w ill join her (be U r.I ot the year. Mrs James D rin kard Salem visitor yesterday, was a Mr. and Mr» L . V . Chance nnd niece Gladys W ilib au k* visited A> bany Thursday. M r. sml Mrs. A. W . Foote a t­ tended services at O ik Plain Sun­ day afternoon, which were con­ ducted by Mr. Finith of A lb any. ' Miss Gertrude Porter is a mem­ ber of the Ladies’ octet iu Port­ Buckwalter took the train for land. wnieh gave an entertainment A bany Monday, to start fron at the auditorium Sunday. Halsey th»r« ves'erday for Oakland. Cal people with radio seta beard her in choros and in avverai soln. W j C ar, y r . tUrBai, t „ b u I. ; home a t Eugene Saturday after several days' visit with Halsey th e friends. lb» editor of tbn E tarnr.i • » l l l l l s I lls 1 11 U111 i l l'l lu e X o r ic-|i-» as c o n lp a rrd w ith M M . b re a Of H -d lo n ( K a l i . ) U »co pd 4r w h o es­ tablished Ih i’t , inn er in 1870 »nd i* KC va» re ul J. R u t lb « H a le v eader ouble H EADER D f ouble basketball H A LSEY levy for general expense, for 1925 to tjie amount of 8*7,326.82. T h e second f carried an appropriation of 1400 for the olty lib ra ry . T h e third was for | com pletion o f the muulclpul w harf and construction of a warehouse thereon game H IG H T h e state tax on gasoline and dis I d ila te collected on sales made dur I the m onth of October, 1924, ▼s. O A K V IL L E Charles Gourley of Yachats arrived Sunday and visited at amounted to 1241.33^.39, according to a s ta u m e n t compiled by Secretary of 9 ta te Koaer. As compared w ith the m onth of October, 1923, gasoline sales increased app ro xim ately 1 0 ,per cent, d is tilla te tale s rem aining about the same. , RIALTO HALL ¡m J b la tta A lb a n y N IC E Potted Plants Friday Evening at 8 F O R C H R IS T M A S A dm ittance, 10 and 25c Cut Flowers, all kinds Floral Designs and Sprays J e V o I 11 k m il $ li ui tv tl tr i>l f« «I d< fr oi Hl e> bl di ca in Rt Phone orders given prompt attention Perfect System of Marketing K- °* Topp1"’' • » • ‘» •rifi of Jefferson ___ 3 __ v i r i i l . county, found for acquittal. Topping Dressed Poultry With was charged la circuit eourt at Madras wRh appropriating ceuaty funds while Very Little Delay. Latest Sheet Music ■ man was edllibg a O ’ per <>■ aalarv the E- E. G o rin '.v hotne and a l­ ■ vear before the Recorder was and Mrs. elaron burn and h»d followed the p rin t­ so with Mr ing trade several year, previously. Gormley. Mi'» N. C. Sm ith and .o n . were Bom last Saturday morning, in A lbany Saturday. a t 8 o’clock, a daughter, to Mr. W R K irk and fam ily visited the courthouse city Saturday. M r., C. P. Stafford lett F rid ay to »bop and vi-nj in Portland and Oregon City. Slid get home last night. I he Pacific telephone company ha* lorn nut Ha old ’ • lead ” from here In Shedd, the new one bay 'ing been completed. Ix IU a tte n d e d th e C h a r it y g ra n g e home-coming Saturday. e.ilar. as at liret thought, W orkinger and faroi’y PIGS or A months old. f. 0. S almom F arm women belonging to a home demonstration club In Anson county, N. C„ with the belp o f the home deui- onstration agent, according to a report received by the U nited States D e p a rt­ ment o f Agriculture. Iiave developed a system of m arketing their poultry la an organised way. enubllng them to place I heir dressed chickens on sale 1th the least possible delay and to realise Im m ediate profits. Flan o f Organisation. T he m arketing was organised first by securing a list of every woman la the county having liens fo r sale and the number available. N ext a meet­ ing was held In each community rep­ resented on the list, at which the tuem- Interested w ere Instructed In dreaalng. packing, making out b ill*. | and other selling details. Kui-h com- d m unity was given u t|ieclal tim e for jits shipment to Wadesboro, the coun­ ty m arket. Wednesday of each week ■ was set aside as "dressing day" and ^Thursday us "puckhig duy.” T h e hens were brought to u central point, usually a club member's house or the schoolhouse, nnd everybody helped w ith the work of killing, pick­ ing. nnd, a fte r the hens had been cooled overnight, (uicklng In barrels. If. as frequently happened, the exten­ sion agent received telegrams calling , for an Increased num ber o f chickens. ' the local leader In tom e community farth e r down the nchedule was notified to have her club member» get th eir 'supply ready. Sweet Clover Seeded In Fall With Winter Wheat ! bars ■Sweet clover can be seeded with Mesdamos Karl Bramwell, better standi have been secured by Edith Robnett and May Miller seeding sweet clever about eight weeka before the Brat severe fall frost cornea drove to Albany Thursday and The plants from such a fall-sown crop were guests of Mra. David mature later than do the plants from Froman. : eeed eown the following spring, but Friends of Miss Mary Henry I wn a"»” *««* »»“M only bring will be glad to know th at u n d e r1 of " ,T ‘ ,vlo” r “ “ ‘*‘‘ th e carp o f n n e w d o c t o r ah a la ' ‘ toT * uud h* f |n« weather, and m e care or a new doctor she s ,, ‘ mM,hal„ ege to lb# plan impiuving in health and is able 1 - I t the summer atasnn Is very dry to tie out of the hospital. Her fell seeding Is lena advlanhla Then trouble is pronounced not tuber- the next beet plan would be to now FOR SALE rh and Mrs. Jam es Coot, on the W . C. Sm ith ranch. A. C. AiTnstrong and wife w inter wheat this fall without much ’< Hoggin and Neilsou are on tria l j chslice tliut the legume w ill crowd f«r 1 lie Shedd hank robbery. I f out the grain or Interfere w ith har- thqre i. a possibility of beatii g veatlng. Where there la enough mois­ the- case Bogg'e will do »0. lie ture In the aoll for quick gvrudnatlon, h a . Gale H ill defending him . and where hulled seed la used, some George A fte r d eliberating for 21 hours the Jury at Bend la th e second tria l ot the clover on top of the w inter grain broadcast In the early spring when the ground Is tn a honeyrorahod coo dll Ion I .ate fall seedings ere sub­ ject to heery Injury on wet d a y land, and the root growth from falling clover la perhaps not so greet. W ith gasoline and electric power tn modern farming, the old gray mare doeen't need to he what she used to be. People Enjoy Themselves. People had a good time at these community “lien parties." T he bua- hand.i and often the whole fam ily come and helped T he value of re­ ceiving a check for all one's poultry at one tim e was greatly appreciated Orders from Individual houaewttee and from r r o c e r v stores, hotels, and tea rooms were also filled hj parcel poet Through selling dressed chick- I ana, orders were also secured for oth- ic r products. Including turkeya, fig prw eerrea, pickle*, and butter. holding the office of s h e riff H e dis appeared about the tim e the shortage was discovered, but la te r returned 1 v o lu n ta rily to face triad. I A ttorney-O eneral V an W la k le has ¡ sent te W aahlngtea by a ir m all a request that the two appealed cases Invo lvin g co n stitu tio n ality of the so- called compulsory school law be ad vanced on the dneket o f the United Stntee supreme ohurt so that a deci eloo w e u ld be forthcom ing before Sep i tem her 31. 1928, the date on which the act w ill become effective. O re < o e ;poetmaskers w ere aem lnated by the president as follow s: Alsea. Charles .O . H eads red ; Bay City, George C- Peterson; Orand^ Ronde. E d ith G lo ver. Lakeside, Charles W St. Deen Is; Lexington. Em m a M. C. B rasah art; Oakridge. Sadie B. Jones; T a ft. F rederick C. Roblason; West L lan . M a ry F Schults; Estacada. A l­ bert N. Johnson; Seaside. E rie N. H u rd A t a special m eeting of the hoard ef c e a tro l at Salem C arle Abram s was elected te succeed W A Delsell as secretary of that hoard T he eelec tden of M r Abrams followed the resig­ nation of Miss C elia Bellm an since M ay 1 p riv a te secretary te Governor u r ? :, £ ^ r e pointed by Oeverner Mias Heilman la ^ accordance w ith a legal opinion tho.stnte tnx r o » . . . . i o . h a . . . . o u n o . ’ A .. tt _ ed that the collection of the state laceree tax for 1>24. baaed oa lacomen A Sow and Eight Pigs FOR SALK W A ( TORRANCE G ARAG E 212 East First SI., Albany Phone 370 Engine repairing and recon. Receipts from m etor vehicle licenses ditioning a specialty during the period January 1 to Novetn First her 1924, aggregated 14.788,911, or 1 aa increase of 8684.808.<0 over those for the e a tlre year of 1923. acoord- ever brought to A lb an y iag to a report prepared by Sam A. Mukes ’ em fit K o ie r. secretary of state. T he regis­ tratio n s for the 11 months Included 191,480 passenger ^nd com m ercial ve­ HALSEY RAILROAD TIME hicles. 2756 motorcycles. <00 dealers. N orth South 14,544 chanffeurs aad 47,186 operators. No. 17. 12r09 p. m. An unsolved m ystery exists in E n ­ Nc. 32, 3:20 a. m. IS, 10:48 a. m. 33. 7;11 p. m. terprise In the death of Samuel G. 34, 4:25 p. m. 31, 11:34 p. tn. H ickm an , who was shot and killed No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., stops n early a week ago.. Clave M elto n was to let off passengers from south of slig h tly Infured when H ickm an was Eugene. Nos. 31 and 32 atop only if flagged. wounded fa ta lly T h e . two men and Nos. 31. 32, 33 and 34 run between Port­ tw o hoys were a t a oab(n on Rail land and Eugene only. creek and the men were preparing a Passengers for south of Roseburg should meal. A shotgun was discharged In take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. an adjoining room, the shiox piercing Halsev-Brow nsville stage meets trains a p artition and lodging mostly In H ick 18, 17, 14. 34 and 33 in order named. man's abdomen, although some scai- terln g pellets aii'uek Meleofl. W ho fire d Ih c A iic t t i a a n i 'L r _ r . V N — i 1#. Valve Grinding Macn ne Paid-for Paragraphs (&c a line) Kill Orchard Mice With Pojsoned Bait A . Outline of Effectual and In* expensive.Formula. F o r Sale— Alsike Clover Seed. N. T. S n e id . Old papers tor sale at 5c a bundle at the E nterprise office. EBTRAY Came to my premises, southeast of H alsey, in September, black H olstein oow, w iib tail bobbed. Ow ner please pay charges and take her. M lce and other rbdents are begin­ ning th e ir d ettru M lve winter's work in the orchard. Fuy this reason steps should be taken "by growers to pro­ tect the fru it tregs, says A. Freeman E. E. C arey . Mason, extension specialist In fru it growing at the New Jersey College of HALSEY A g riculture In N'sw Brunswick. Clearing grass and rubbish away from the tree trunks and mounding ths trunks w ith earth w ill protect the Cash paid for trees to a certain extent. Mechan­ ical devices such as w ire netting and tarred paper may be used, but In most cases, poisoning w ill prove au effectu­ al and Inexpensive method o f control­ ling destructive rodents. T h e United States Departm ent of A g riculture recommend* the following fo rm u la : M ix together, dry, H ounce of powdered strychnine end H ounce o f baking soda. S ift the strychnine- eoda m ixture over X quart of rolled AU work done prom ptly and reason­ oats, stirrin g constantly to insure an ably. * Plione 7C9 even distribution of the poison through the grain. H eat the poisoned rolled oats In an oven nntil thoroughly warm . M ix 3 parts of melted beef fa t w ith 1 part of melted paraffin, end sprinkle 6 tableapoonfuls of this m ix­ ture over the warm , poisoned rolled oats, mixed until the oats are evenly coated. Allow the grain to cool and J . VY S T E F H E N S O N . It Is ready fo r use. I f large quantities o f the bait are needed, use X ounce of strychnine, 1 ounce of sods, b quarts of rolled oata “ THOUGHTFULNESS" aud X \i pints o f the beef-fat-parnffin H ave you remembered to give m ixture. It Is very Im portant to have the beef fst-psrsflln m ixture hot and father or mother K rvp to k glasses W e w ill be glad the poisoned rolled oats thoroughly for C hristum *? w arm , otherwise It w ill not be pos­ to belp you make the selectiou. sible to obtain sh even coating. TsblespoonfnI quantities of the poisoned oats should be put In con­ tainers placed In the orchard. I f mice sre very abundant, a container should be used under every tree. A ll poisoned baits and poison con­ tainers and utensils used In the prep­ aration of poisoned baits should be kept plainly labeled und out of the reach o f children. Irresponsible persons and liv e stock. Cream and Produce Station Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H- S H O O K F. M. G R A Y , D R A Y M A N BARBER SHOP First-class Work Tne G reatest of All Gifts To Protect Fruit Trees From Mice and Rabbits Meade & Albro, Optom etrists. Jewelers A good remedy to protect fru it trees from m ire la to break down mice bur- and m anufacturing optioiaus w v h end follow that by spreading ALBANY poison b ait about. Sweet potatoes, ent Into grape alxe, make good halt IN T H K C IR C U IT C O U R T when sprinkled w ith strychnia sul­ of the State of Oregon for the County phate. one ounce to one bushel of of L in n , Dept. 2. halt. The bait Is first soaked In a Berths O. Cunningham , Plaintiff, tub o f Water, then the poison, usual­ •vs- ly mixed w ith baking powder. 1* Enocli J. Cunningham , Defendant. sifted over It from a salt shaker. A To Enoch J. Cunningham , the above few pieces of h alt are placed under a im e d defendant: each tree In wide-necked bottles, un­ In (he name of the State of Oregon, der hoards or In open tunnels so that you are hereby required to appear and chickens and live atock w ill not come answer the com plaint of the above named p lain tiff in the above entitled court in In contact wtth them. T o protect trees from rabbits, a the above entitled cause, now en hie w iili the clerk of said couit, on c r before heavy galvanised wire, about ooe- the 24tli day of December. 1924. and you q uarter Inch mesh, serves well when arc notified that if you fail to appearand put around the base of the tree and answer said com plaint ts hereby - re extending about 20 Inches up from ths j u i r e d . p lain tiff w ill apoly to the court ground. Newspapers or corn stalks for the relief demauded in her »aid com­ plaint. low it: For a decree dissolving wrapped around the tree w ith hinder tw ine make lean expensive protectors, the lionds of m atrim ony eaisliu g be­ tween p laintiff anddefendant: that p lain ­ but should be removed early In the tiff be anardeil the custody of F ra n k lin ■pvtag- Cunningham aud of Jane Cunningham, the minor children of p la in tiff and de fendant; for an ordei directing defend­ ant to pay into said court for p lain tiff JloO as attorney's fees, suit money and other expenses; and the sum of $38 a Many farm ers have begun cutting month during the pendency of this suit eonlwood. I t la entirely possible to lor maintenance of p laintiff and said •o conduct thia operation that the children ; and the sum of 83f) a month as permanent alim o ny during the m in o rity '* * * £ «nainln< it u id 1« i r f t la better ccmdl- of said children; and for her costs and disbursements of this suit; and such tg an „ |a> H „ other order as shall bo proper in the T rrn iv fi Tryon, fnrentry specialist at Clemson premise«. college. This summons is served on yon by Many farm wood lots win show a publication in The Halsey Enterprise by high pereontage of suppressed, o ver order of the Hon B M Payne. Count» topped and genem'dy crowded and Judge of Linn Countv Oregon, made backw ard trees Such stock should he X o v tn ib e r 10. 1924. T h a t data of the first publication of this summons is No­ removed ffw the of the forest Cordwood catting furnishes a good vember 12. 1924. and the d«te ef the last publication is December 24 1924 outlet fo r this sto ck. even though only AMOR A TUSSING, • few cowls for do* lestlc consumption A ttorney for Plaintiff. gre used. Residence. Halsey. Oregen. ’w r z Cutting Cordwood Will Fierce te succeed Serve Two Big Purposes banded dewn by the atterney-geaernl. f ' election last month Karl Fisher, • stats tag cnauussloasr, estim ates that 1 the unpaid port inn of the tax w ill ag­ reed ll.bOdJzOO. U V M M Ih '08 t