Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, December 10, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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//íbany¿/) irectory
T h is is good a d v ic e: " i t you live
in A lbany, trade in A lbany ; it you live
in som e u th e r town, trad e in th a t town.
B ut in these autom obile day s m any re­
sid in g elsew here find it advisable to do
a t lea st p art of th e ir buying in the
la rg e r town. T h o se who go to Albany
to tran sac t business will fiud the firms
n a m e d below ready to fill th e ir require*
n ie u ta w ith courtesy an I fairness
Anto Supplies
J. H A l l is o n
442.W est First St
A Ib s n y Floral Co. C ut flowers
-**■ a n d plants.
• i d all occasions
F loral a r t for every
Flow er phone 45S-I.
r u n s w ic k
W O O D W O R T H 'S
/"’ all and see the big uasorLueu
’ -?of C hri«tinas p resen ts at
S. S. G il b e r t & S o n ' s
330 W. First st.
Albany, Ore
T h i v e n p o r t M u s ic c o m p a n y o ffers
Piano-case organ, good as new
Eetey organ, good as new
U sed Pianos.
Hogs & Beef Cattle
W . H. B E E N E p^ ’
State Inspected Scales
Barber Shop
Funeral Director and Li«
censed Embalmer
Motor Hearse.
p i s t b u r u Bros.— I’wo big groeeri Efficient Service.
stores, 212 tV. F irst and 225 South
Ladv Attendant.
M ain. Good m erchandise at th e rig h t B row nsville___________________ Oregon
t ’ l i l e C a fe te ria und c o n fec tio n e ry
H om e cooking. Pleasant su rro u n d ­
Courteous, efficient serviee.
W e m ake our own candies.
W S. D u n c a n .
K p iiu is d eveloped
p rin te d
We mail them rig h t back to you.
Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­
T ires and accessorie«
w . L- W R IG H T
Mortician & Funeral Director
Halsey and Harrisburg
Call D. T a y l o r . Halsey, or
W . L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg
Sinners in Heaven
(C ontinued from page
K i r k -P o l l a k M otor C o .
ly, Bnrbaro's purpose In life Just now.
Any display of It was, slip felt intui­
ture, rugs, linoleum , stoves ranges. tively, abhorrent to him. In silence
F uneral directors 427-433 west F irst she watched him unfasten the box,
street, A lbany, Oregon.
take out the spirit-lamp, reach among
the other contents, and abstract n tin
U L L E R GROCERY, 286 Lyon of milk.
(Successor to Stenbarg Uroa.)
Presently he brought some steam­
G roceries
F ru its
ing m ilk in a small tin mug. She had
P hone 2t»3R
often used that mug upon picnics
with Aunt D o lly ; the sight of It
caused another wave of homesickness
E veryth in g in the line ol eats
and loss.
« p p o .ite Postoffice
" I can't drink It," she muttered,
ob Candy C o., Fir.-t street, next turning away.
“You must,” he replied quietly,
door to B lain C lothing Co.
Noon lunches.
seating himself on the ground beside
H om e-m ade ca ids aod ice Cream .
her. his countenance Inexorable. She
took no notice.
uh Cleaning W ork?>. Inc.
“Come along! Don't be silly, Bar­
Cor, Secoond and K e rn
M aster D yers and C leaners
Quickly she turned and faced him.
Made - T o - M easure C lothes
Then rather too hastily she took
M F E R I A L C A F E . 2 0 9 v Hirt-1 the m u g : but her hands trembled, and
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
the milk splashed over the edge. He
P hone 665
ploced his fingers over hers and
W e n e v e r close
guided th e m ; and the cool Ann touch
brought a peculiar sense of calm and
agneto electric co .
Official Stromberg carburetor serv
"'It tasted—queer!" sbe remarked.
ice station.
Conservative prices
Rising, he returned to the work of
work guaranteed
119-121 W. Second.
unfastening their lnggage.
a r in e l l o parlors
“Your case Is unstrupped," he said
(A beauty aid for every need) presently. "W ill you unpack It now?”
St. Francis Hotel
“Oh !— I can't 1 Not yet." she said
Prep., W i n n i P r b d R ose .
‘•Shall I f
en aud m o n ey are best when
ortm iller F u rniture Co., furni­
The man sitting outside the little
hut raised his face, inhaling the soft
scents, grateful for the refreshing
wind. A ll night he had sat motionless,
head hidden in his hands. There was
nobody to see. In his haggard features,
what Barbara had seen that raornlug.
Although his eyes had not closed,
this solitary vigil, with lta forced tnac-
tlon, had revived and Intensified the
morning’s sufferings.
The sense of
powerlessness which had attacked Bar­
bara with such violence In the after­
noon now attacked him. Again and
again he strove to turn his thoughts
front the «-recked ransa ont there upon
the reef: from the dark waters and
the monsters which Infested them,
where those friends, strong and full of
life not many hours ago, now lay hid­
den. W hat aw ful fate, worse than
mere drowning, had been theirs? . . .
He strove to restrain bis mentul agony,
dragging Ids mind away, for down that
road madness lay. . . . There were na-
tlves, possibly cannibals, upon this I*-
land, to be faced sooner or later.
Therein, to hts mind, lay hope. For
surely they were In touch with civil!-
During his travels he had
picked up a good number of dialects
employed among Polynesian and M ela­
nesian natives. W ith luck he might
find means of rescue through their en­
terprise, If they had any. But this was
doubtful. H e knew well the character­
istics of the Pacific: knew the trnde
routes, the ports of call, the features
of Islands In touch with civilisation,
the features of many practically un­
known. . . . Intercourse with strange
natives, too. meant considerable risk,
w ith a woman In his care. . . . A t that
thought, the same strange th rill shot
through his fram e which he had ex­
perienced In the morning; the awful
loneliness of spllrt seined to fall from
Halsey, Oregon
busy. Make your dollars work in
ouwsavings department. A l b a n y S t a t e “N o ! Oh, dear me, * o l" She start
ed up In alarm.
B a n k . Under government supervision.
“ Well, but—don’t you want thing«
for the night I”
"'E veryth in g m usical”
' Second street, opposite Ham ilton's
S 3 5 .O O O
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
H e looked at her In mute Inquiry.
“You don't suppose," she asked with
asperity, “I shall ever— undress In this
Hi, r 24
Scattering h i* radectlnaa, a stran- 1
Bonnet brown eye, the »hade in place
gled. terrified cry came (Tom the hut
ef the other. . . . The wonderful
He set up. alert In a moment All bed
peace which seemed to have descended
been quiet hitherto.
The draught
upon the little hut. lulling hie mind,
dropped Into the milk had done lta
filling It, during those hours of close
work. He had been fortunate In res­
protection and companionship, w ith
cuing the case of medicines aod first- i
something exquisitely beautiful, albeit
eld necessities from the machine.
Incomprehensible, was shattered at oae
Again, louder, another cry euiete upon
his ears. H e sprang to Ms fe e t . . .
He half-wttbdrew Ms arm ; thqn,
Reaction had come upon Barbara, pausing bent over the sleeping girl
awakening from Che heavy effect* of
and looked long upoa the delicate fea­
the drug, so vividly that she wee al- I tures, ‘ the sensitive lips aud dark
moat delirious. The little hut seemed lashee
As he looked, an unhidden
thought flitted across hla mind, bring­
to swing round and round, now darting
ing a alow flush Into his face. H ad
suddenly up tow ard the sky. now
another taken indisputable possession?
dropping, as a stone, Into llmltlear
H ad he reached to (he very depths of
space. And ever, from the four q u ar 1
her soul; flrerl all the deepest fiber*
tera of the globe, roared what seemed of her womanhood? . . .
like ten thousand tra in s . . .
To I
He drew blmself up. geutly freeing
escape was Imimaslble, fo r somebody Ms band and arm. The question
had barricaded the door . . . the opened vistas down which he refused
hut rushed down new toward the dark to look.
A part of his nature that
fathomless waters , , , they closed ' night had been Illum inated as If by
above her head, and everywhere black I
many-hued candlqs; and he felt daz­
hands surrounded her— black leering 1 zled, strange to himself, almost, for
faces came close. . . . W ith a shriek once, afraid.
of terror she cowered against the wall,
H e rose with difficulty, his limbs
when the door opened; tben perceiving cramped after long alttlng; stretched
freedom, the ran blindly toward the Ms arms; looked down once more upon
starlight w ith o u t
the sleeping form confident of Ms pro­
A pair of arms caught her upon the tection
threshold. Half-demented, she strug­
Croft was a lover of cleanliness,
gled In their hold, gaaplng hard sobs. fa ir play, victory always—but victory
But they closed more tightly ; and their w ith honor. Throwing back hla head
protective w arm th shut out the lurking In a characteristic way, hla eyes still
dangers. Gradually she grew calm er; resting upon the sleeping face, he
the nightmare aensatloua of returning smiled. It was the little smile which
consciousness abated. Censing to strug­ many men knew well, which enemies
gle, she leaned exhausted against him, feared, but which those he led had
her arms clinging to one of hit, the ever loved to see: that smile with
waves of tier long hair falling across Mm meant a challenge, and a chal­
Ms breast.
lenge presaging achievement.
So for several minutes they remained
Noiselessly, be opened the door and
— two derelict beings hurled, helpless went out. Seizing two old bating dis­
pawns, over the boundary line of civil­ covered among the rubbish in the hut,
ized life Into a world yet In lta In­ be strode toward the river.
fancy— each conscious of a sense of
Bare for the distant tu rf, no sound
comfort in each other's nearness.
was audible. From the pnlm grove he
Presently he straightened himself. keenly surveyed the b a y : It was de­
W ith two fingers he felt her brow and serted ; the world might have been
cheek; they were of little more than dead. Plunging through the tall bam­
normal heat.
H e stroked hack the boo he came nut upon the deepened
h air clustering over her forehead; and stretch of w ater glimmering faintly,
she stirred, raising her head.
like moving darkness, below him.
"You must lie down sgnln and sleep.” Then, thrqwlng off his garments, he
he said, drawing her toward the bed dived Into the shadowy ripples, feel­
a t coats.
But her grasp tlgliteued
ing a prim itive delight In the cold
sting to his tired limbs. Afterw ard,
[ upon his arm.
“You are not going— fa r away? l i ­
slipping Into his shirt and breeches,
| lt's like s vault In here— full of he filled hla basins and returned to
death— ” H e r voice rose unnaturally.
the grove.
“I won't leaTe yon at all,” he said
When he emerged from the bam­
huriedly, bnt w ith a decision which
boo, the sound of voices fell upon his
obviously relieved her. “It's not safe
ears. Hastily stepping hack, he w ait­
— for either of us— alone— tonight."
ed, listening Intently. The voices came
H e r eyes wandered over his face.
nearer, then receded toward the sea­
In the dim starlight. In a dazed man­
ward outskirts of the palm grove.
ner, while she sank back upon the
C roft took a few noiseless strides In
coats with a long sighing breath.
their direction, won discovering the
One hand still clasped In hers, the
dark forms of three natives umong
other arm passed under her head for
the trees. Soundlessly creeping In
a pillow, he remained upon the ground
their wake, he hid again, close enough
by her side. The turmoil of his own
to hear tbelr speech, while they
' spirit seemed unaccountably soothed.
paused at the top ot the slope.
Though never sleeping, a comforting
He could see now, In the stronger
drowsy numbness replaced the sharp
light, that all were armed w ith long
suffering of Ids mind. . . .
spears, two ulao carrying bows and
But when the early light of dawn
arrows. Tbe third, an old man, wore
pierced through
the aperture, It
round hla neok a large clam-shell disk
brought with It the remembrance of a
— emblem of the rank of chief— and
man's handclasp, the trust In one
through hla noae-cartllagei a dork
Rings, probably ot tortoise­
shell, bung from hie ear*.
Croft wondered If this were a visit
o f negotiation, with a view to a com­
pact of frWndshlp with visitor» to
223 W . First it.
sprung Iruoi the waving palm : 1 he
white man”— be looked ftirtlvely round
— “did fa ll from the hbtes, sending his
bolt before him '” H e shivered, strok­
ing his sore shoulder.
“The great
white man Is a giant. O my C hief! He
will not easily be killed.”
Shoes th a t cost less per m outh ol wear
"How great Is the tribe? Didst thou
I not see others. Bubooma ?”
"None other did I stay to see. O
C h ie f! Perchance they are evil spirits
H ighest marknt prices paid for J come to haunt the huts where live the
ghosts of our slain »nee. Or perchance
i they slay w ith ball-devils like onto
those other evil ones.”
The chief sat In deep thought for
some moments; then rose and waved
his spear.
"The V o w !" he cried. "L et prepara­
tions be made, my warriors. When
next dakkness hides the earth, we will
fall upon thia white tribe, true to the
V o w !"
A confusion of voices resounded, ac­
companied by many furtive glances
Into the darkness of the forest; the
Laundrv sent Tuesdays
savage Joy of revenge was yet tem­
Agency Hub Cleaning Works
pered with awe.
Memories of the
means of w arfare adopted by white
men caused them to follow their chief
In still half-fearful excitement to the
sacred palm grove.
Presently the sound of native voices
rose once more, singing their Song of
V»’ "•
As he turned away, she saw the
"Sudden Service.’
same flash of white teeth la the dim
HE MARGUP-RIlE SHOFFE light that she had seen the first time
Sham pooing. M arcelling a u d Scalp they met.
" I advise you to change, a fte r such a
rreatin en ts.
M argaret C ountrym an,
soaking,'* was his only remark. He
'0 W es' Second st. P h o n e 22.
stood near the door, as If uncertain,
fo r a few moments, the* pushed it
he s p e c ia lty shoppe
open. "J shall have my supper outside.
for henistitclnug and stamped goods.
. . . Good-night!” he added.
Opposite Ham ilton's, 319 W. Second st.
T here was much sense In his advice:
aldo Anderson & Son. distrib- her clothes felt stllf and heavy. > e a r -
utors and d ealers for M axwell, C hal­ lly she opened her aultcuse. surprised
m ers, Essex, H udson & H ttpuiobile cars.
to find most of the contents dry. She
Accessories, b pnlies. 1st A Broadalbin
hastily undressed and slipped Into
cool, fresh garments. Throwing on a
loose Japanese dressing gown, she ley
down again, exhausted. A ll fears sank
Into oblivion. . . . She fell Into a deep,
bought, sold and exchanged at all timer
heavy sleep.
N«w furniture and
B E N T. S U D T E L L
Phone 7fr-R. 123 N. Broadalbin a t, Albanj
W r ite tor booklet describing our 20-
year Rural Credit Amortised Loans
The loan pays ont in 20 payments, re­
tirin g the principal
Cheap rates. No
B e a m L a n d Co.,
1’ 3 Lyon street. Albany, Ore.
farm loans
at lowest rate of interest.
Real Estate
Prompt service.
W m
Insr rance
Courteous treatment.
B a i », Boom 5. First Saving* Bank
builning. A lh rn y
Amor A. Tussing
H alsey , O r m o *
For More egg production
(gUse Fisher’s Egg Producer ¡¡j
/ it
Special priqe on one-half ton and ton lota
* A fresh stnok of
. =
T he economical food for calves, pigs and poultry
O. W . F R T M
The flare of many torches Illum inat­
ed the midnight darkness In the south
of the Island. Chlmabahol, the old
chief, sat In the leafy council chamber
near the entrance o f the sacred palm
grove, surrounded by his trusted w ar­
riors. In the center of the large c ir­
cle of squatting figures stood Buboo-
ma— next In rank to the chief— re­
counting. In his muttering slng-eong
dialect, the «trsngt story which, arous­
ing tragic memories. caused consterna­
tion and foreboding In
When he ceaaed. Chlmababot sat
silent, pulling Ma beard with wrinkled
dark hand» that trembled
An agi­
tated babel broke odt all arrmnd, fierce
native oaths b lem ln g w ith walls of
The chief et last commanded silence
and spoke.
“Whence came tbs'y. Bsbooroa? W a*
there no strange canoe floating, like a
vast Island, upon tile lagoon7“
•'There was not. O Chief The white
woman appeared (ft my path ',«• U
Economy, Beauty and
can he put into your kitchen by
<he inatallm eiit of one of our
Best hv Test
. Dieoevtrlng the Dark Ferma of
Threa N atives
their Island. He recognized them fot
memligys of the huge scattered fam llj
of Melanesians, or Papuans, whlcl
bare tome undoubted connection w ltt
the Afrlcaa blacks, and are te b<
found In numberless South Sea island«
aa well as In M N in e tla proper. Al
though their dialect Is more or lesi
local thsre bi sufficient sim ilarity t<
stake It fairly Intelligible te any oui
accustomed to tbe variation«.
J H a ll’ s C a ta rrh
H ILL& C s *
(To be oontinued)
See our new and complete line £
T h e prices are right **a<
J V lC U lC lIie
1» a Combined
local and internal, and has been success­
ful In the treatment o f Catarrh for over
forty year* Sold by all drugglsrt.
f , I . C H E N E Y & C O , T oledo , O h io
Birthday Doings
ai Charity Grange
Two Millers, a Kizer and
a Balky Auto
Charity grange last Saturday
m eeting,
with cafeteria lunch a t noon, in
honor of its continuous exis­
tence for over fifty years and of
founding of the order,
about fifty-five years ago.
The local body has had its
own hall for many years and
through all the years since its
birth has never suspended its
meetings, but more to the point
is the fact th at it has made a
good growth
in membership
during the past year, as has
leads tbe stales
in th at respect.
Governor Pierce had been re­
quested to attend, but domes­
tic affliction prevented. He had
ju st returned from the funeral
of a sister in California and is
now a t the bedside of his wife,
who is very low with a cancer.
Pierce had, however,
telegraphed to Milton M. Miller
to take his place and the Jitter
came from Portland, uddressed
the assemblage and took an
afternoon train back to the
metropolis, where he had an
appointment to speak in the
evening. Mr. Miller was not in
a despairing mood regarding
the league of nations and a pos­
sible abolition of war, and he
warned the rich tax dodgers
that they had not killed the in­
come tax in Oregon, but only
pohtpiiiied it.
B. M. Miller
of welcome to
day and an
made the address
the guests of the
address on the
and prospects of
the order, stressing the fact th a t
the farm ero’ hope for redress
cf economic inequalities lies in
co-operation, not co-operative
m arketing alone, but united ac­
tion on public questions.
deplored the fact th at they are
so often divided on public is­
sues and urged th a t they get to­
gether and discuss subjects to
be voted on, th at each m ight
learn the reasons for differing
opinions, sift the facts and com­
bine on what seems to lie for
'p o o h [8J 3 U 0 S a q i
C. P. Kizer urged fan n ers
to pull together if they would
place their vocation among the
prosperous industries. He also
Fred Lockloy’« recent
tide under “ Impressions and
Observations of the Journal
1 Pierce and his characteristics,
as revealed through an Inter-
: view with one who knows him.
The Wheelers enjoyed the af­
fair through the courtesy of Mr.
and Mis. A rthur Wesley and
j their auto.
Besides the feast of foods the
grange provided music, speak­
ing and acting th at were well
received, the most side-splitting
feature being a represtation of
a struggle with a balky auto-
j mobile, in which four boys rep­
resented the wheels and four
chairs full of girls the seats and
S c h o o I m a ster
Wayne Veatch was the peiplex-
ed and industrious chauffeur.
The Oregon Tuberculosis as­
sociation, in a list of indorse­
ments of its work by educators,
quotes this from Mrs. Geer,
Linn county school superinten­
dent: As Christmas time draw»
near I again have the oppor­
tunity to endorse the Christm is
seal sale in the schools of Linn
Surely no seal sold
during the Christm as season
can bring a more forceful appli­
cation of the message of “peace
nn earth, good will to men” than
this one. Our teachers have re­
sponded gladly in the past and
I feel sure you can count upon
them this year.
We guarantee highest market
4.3 years in business.
Reference, Hank of Calif.
Portland, Or«.