rtA a J Y E N T E R P R IS E An Indapanfiant— Not neu tral—na»«- paper, published eveíy Weduesdajr, h; Ly mg motionleaa ln the compara­ • • tive gloom, a prey to rising fever, new feurs assailed her. Shrinking In U t Wm. U. tS H E U LK K horror, -he faced the fact of her Iso latlon. Sundered from all the sure Baba, rts o. »1 t : a year In advance harbors of civilization with thia man A d vertisin g, 2oc an inch ; no ditcoun of uncertain moods— a man whuui she (or time or epace : no charge for com neither liked nor understood! . . . soairtbn or ciatige» A < »re fo r her physical w elfare had Sa "t*aM-foi r’arasrapha." te a Un certainly been shown today. But ln »•• advartlS'ng disguised as news. everything her w ill had been overpow­ ered, even to the extent of physical force. It was not to be borne! W hat might not happen? . . . T he fears, TO HIT THE GOVERNOR accumulating, grew Into feverish ter­ ror She struggled to her feet, and hurled herself w eakly at the door, A correspondent tells of t C O V V A IO M T » V F M I yvitli some frenzied idea of escape. . . . confidential circular mailed bi The door was barricaded on the Oregon republican headquarter outside! As a caged beast, half-mad with pointing out that during th terror and impotence, »he staggered anti-income-tax campaign wi. up and down the little hut, her brow ‘‘the time to hit the governor. clammy, her clenched hands shak Ing. . . . W ith n rush of hysterical T hat is an example of thi tears, she flung herself upon the greatest curse of American poli­ ground. “ H u g h !" »be sobbed, dis­ ( C o n t in u e d ) tic s--th e sacrifice of the public traught. “Oh, H u gh ie! H u gh ie!" . fru it. “N o r »ball you !” Gradually, worn out, she grew calm­ H I» word» went out Into »Hence. Throw ing away hi» hanana-sklns. he good for p irty advancement. They brought Instantly a vivid realiza­ rose and surveyed the w a te r; then he e r; gradually she lost consciousness It was “to hit the president tion of the Immediate priaent to her eatne close to her, towering over her, of her surroundings, falling Into troubled, restless sleep. . . . that the United States was kep' mind, followed quickly by thought« of ■» It seemed to her excited fancy. The sun had moved round behind like flaming steel. “I ’m going to try to reach the ma­ out of tne league of nations the future. A new fear shot up, the hill and the hut seetoed dark and "H adn't you enough sense to realize clutching her heart with a horrible, chine. I may be able to rescue our The Turkish massacre of th oppressive when, suddenly, her yye? this possibility?" clammy hand. She looked with sudden luggage and provision»— " opened. She started up in some Basketball practice started Armenians and the general ur Now was the time to assert herself, dread at her companion's p ro file ; and "O h! no, no. n o !” she cried wildly alarm. Surely it was not night, and she hesitated; searched vainly for a Monday, Dec. 1. Both team s something about his teDSe Ups seemed “Suppose you get drowned? Never rest of the nations today ar C roft still absent? How ever auto re to r t; opened her m o n th ; closed It to confirm the aw fu l foreboding. The seem to have good m aterial. mind luggage! W hat does thnt mat­ the price of a little party advai. fain t color revived In her cheeks by ter? Ob ! don't leave me all alone— ” cratlc nnd distasteful any companion again. In her weak state circum­ Friday evening the boys play­ ship might become, the awfulness of stances proved too overwhelming tage. exercise ebbed away, leaving her Terrified, «he tried to reach gome ed the first practice games of solitude— as for a moment that con Feeling u tterly Insignificant, »he mere­ white. She clenched her teeth and her part o f him, to restrain hint by force Democratic or republican o the year. The first game was tlngcncy swept across her mind— ly turned her miserable eyes seaward. lie caught her anus, raising her to hand»; ttwu, w ith an effo rt,'p u t hei made It desirable beyond nil richea. ganizations alike sacrifice th " I— was only looking— for you,” she the seniors against juniors. Se­ her feet and supporting her. dread to the test. She ran to the door. T o her sur­ murmured unsteadily. niors 9, juniors 20. In the sec­ public good for party advantage “L is te n '” he commanded in a tone “We— shall ' u s ' O f c o u r s e for them. I know this is true do ull we can.” Then, for a moment, all power She clung to his hands, breathing go««' ' Bathe In the river, but don't you have a hard tim e in m aking fo r a d e m o c ra tic no«tm ««tv hard, seeming to find the old mug- »vwr go In the lagoon. Swear to m e !” seemed to leave her body. She stood Dolly'B provisions. . . . Tears rose a living, so do we; you need to Barbara's eyes, and ber throat con- She gazed at him In stupefied got a letter from headquarter; netlani of his personality draw her up, rooted to the ground, her lips moving your money for gasoline, so do without uttering a sound, her eyes tra c te d ; but her companion's presence in Oregon saying: ’Now is tin deriving mental as well as physical •m azsnieut and anger. caused her to wrestle valluntly with “■Why not? I f — I f you go In— ’’ we; you have loved ones to re­ dilated. support from hl» grip. H er e>es fixed tim e to h it the governor.’’ St upon his, as If searching for help. . . . ■ "X— ee— I understand these waters About ten feet away, a p air of the grief stirred up afresh by the member a t Christm as tim e, so they hit him and the bank ac fierce, restless eyes gazed upon her, sight of this fa m ilia r old box. The Suddenly, like a plucky ray of sun- They're treacherous. Promise me— " do we (strange as it may seen!). counts of all of us. fascinated, from a sooty-black face re­ little homely tiling»- are ever those . Help us to be happy this Christ- shins In a stormy sky, u faint «rally, “O h !” she interrupted Impatiently which bring out the fill! of loss pulsive by its breadth of noae and flitted tremulously a e N H lo r j,. la “1 don’t want to bathe— ever— any I mas! I ------------------------------- The Portland business mei I! HP*- thickness of lips. T he dark, naked or tragedy. w here! I ’ll sit and watch you go.” Hiding weakness from Croft's eyes, | “ W e moat— as you said buck up.” wiio contributed to the $40,000 One of the orders A. C. Arm- "In this blazing sun? No. Indeed; form, of medium height and sinewy however, wns becoming, unconsdous- she whispered, the trembling words You must He down In the hut and I strong booked last week was for luiid th a t defeated the inconu scnreWy build, glistened us If fresh from the audible. sleep." (Contlnued fro m ra g e 3) , $300 worth of baby chicks. w a te r: the frizzy black h air clung tax may find it the most disas Vainly she remonstrated, fearing a damply about the ears and forehead. tixius investment they ever recurrence of the tangible loneliness As he stood watching her, like an anl- she had experienced upon the hillside. made. tnnl watching Its prey, the coarse lipa At mid day the heat became execs- His Jaw set In a way she was to know alve. M ercilessly the sun, like a quiv- well. W ith a vlsellke grip he drew parted In a slow devilish grin. , . . "When time shall be no mor< erlAg mass of molten steel, beat down W ith a quick stream of unintelligible her toward the liut. words, he sprang forw ard. —if th a t time ever comes,’ upcm the shore; no breath of wind T he interior was cleared now o' G row n*, bridge work anrd fillin g s. I t w il spell broke. W ith one shriek said a public speaker the othei stirred the hot a ir ; the lagoon, with rubbish, and a rough aperture for win of The pay you to get m y prices on your dental work terror, she turned and fled madly Its almost Indigo blue, assumed on oily, dow had been made at the end facing down the slope. day. W hen tim e ia no mors w 1 •Cusick bank b u ild in g , A lb a n y sluggish appearance, us If sinking tr Injund. T he shade was cool and wel­ The unintelligible m uttering ceased. it be “th at t i m e r sleep with the lowering tide. come. C roft fetched the coats und A blood-curdling yell Uke some wild W ithin the shade o f the angle fanned spread them upon the ground. — ■ I, w ar-cry pierced the still air, echoing "Now ," he said, "stay here until I by oae side of the hot and the hill he around the bay . . . quick agile S. P. Advertises Oregon hind. Bin-bars lay Inert upon a soft. If re,u rn -‘ steps sounded close ln her wake. "You understand? You promise to simple, couch of sun-dried coats. Find T he unearthly strength born of Oregon’s industrial and jyrji O r must I barricade the tng that the ground swayed and rolled remain? emergency came to Barbara. E very­ cultum! advantages are bein door?" like a mountainous sea If she endi-ov thing save the distant hut faded from heralded by the Southern Pnci erad to rise, site gave up the attempt, She pulled her huud away, und let her s ig h t; time ceased; coherent fic Company. , . sad lay inotlonleas, with closed eyes thought fled from her. Only one In­ Nearby were some untouched buna Containing if wealth of au­ stinct reigned— that of the hunted thentic and-u|Ptbyiate inform a­ aas and a broken coconut. the shell of beast to reach Its lair. That, once which was filled w ith w ater and placed there, defense might prove equally tion on the.opportunities offer­ upright between three stones. From Impossible, she never paused to con­ ed in th is jju u i, . six ty -fu i . wlthhn the hut came the noise of split sider. The bare feet drew nearer In ting sticks, as If somebody w ere hrenl page panHfbtot titled “Orego their hot p u rs u it; the weird cry again l'or rh eih ettler”, has ju st beet Ing the bamboo canes which, crossed and again resounded over the bay and Interlaced, formed Its structure. pliblishou by the Southern . . . Closer he came; she heard his The girl listened, wondering dully at, short snorting breuthlng . . . closer: Pacific company and is lieing the endurance o f her cranpntilyu. full the w arm th of It funned her neck "i.lely distributed throughout of a miserable sense of shame nt het . . . closer yet, nnd a hnnd caught the I nited States and abroad. own weakness. W ithout pausing fot roughly at the sleeve of her blouse, The pamphlet shows that res*, a fte r fetching their coats and pro tearing the soft silk to ribbons us she curing food, he hud begun clearing and with 452,000,600,000 feet, board wrenched her arm free . . . closer, measure, Oiegon has a larger Ini prosing this dreary abode— e a rn Inr and this time the sinewy black Angers grabbed the bare arm Itself. . , . supply of . tim ber than any othei down broken portions from the ruin above for a door, fetching other cane- A sw ift w hirling noise smote across state. Practically one-fifth of and palm leaves for mending th. her reeling b ra in ; something hurtled nil the standing tim ber in the thatched roof. past her shoulder . . . w ith a sav­ I nited States is in Oregon. Presently, hot and disheveled, he up age snarling groan, her captor fell It also points out th a t the pvared H e had shed nil his clothe- sprawling upon the ground. 1923 field crop production of except breeches and shirt, and looked Dazedly she looked around. Spring­ the state was $72.888,511. Win­ the thought, straugely In keeping with ing over crags, scrambling through •be ecene around them. This »■«< her ì brushwood, C roft came down the hill te r wheat led, with a valuation fir*« experience of a man whose life behind the hut at break neck speed. ot $21,624,637. The 1923 fruit had bees spent chiefly In wild »ur The native, quickly regaining hts feet, and nut crop valuation is plac­ raaadlngs, often upon hut the fringe of cast one glance toward the tall white ed at $13,960.21)0. The total c iv ilis a tio n . whose abundant vitality figure w ith blazing eyes, dropping, to value of Oregon's products from responded to the cell of untamed na h n muddled senses direct from the ture In a way that proved he had net larin, fisheries, livestock and heavens; then, without a word, he heaa shackled by chains of convention forests exceeded $350,000,000. | turned sw iftly and leapt, w ith ex- s round him, fetter by fetter, as tr.iordlnury rapidity, back toward the Of Oregon’s 61,188,480 acres, closing the years passed palm grove. cn.y 25..>58.622 acres are deeded "T hat's done!" he said briefly He H er transient strength ooslng sway, end 5,034,858 acres of tillable ■at down end proceeded to peel and "Now , Stay Here U n til I Return." Barbara staggered forward. land are as yet uncultivated. •a t bananas with considerable relish her aching head fall back up-n the Cruft caught her by the arms. More than 20,000 copies of " I feel so tMMleea!" she exclaimed fleece lining of the coat. "W hat the devil made you leave the —— — — — — — 9 9 9 0 ^ » , ^ th e pamphlet have been printed miserably, "Hoch a hindrance Instend "Oh, don't bully tne!" »he protested hflt?" be demanded angrily. ° f • help It would have been wiser Irrltn hly, trying to control the quaver and distributed. All tendency to faint le ft her No te have left me in the w ater You In her voice. "1 won't endure It 1‘leute la«h of a whip could so have quick­ wsmlrt get on better alone We shall — go." • en«! her bewildered brain. She re­ If you have an auto and the •n ly die lingering deaths here. If res lie looked down st her In silence coiled ln his grasp, gsslug up Into his may communicate w ith Hnstgn I « o( the Salvation A rm y st the cee dneeo't come " m otor won’t mote consult for a moment, his brows knit In per­ face dunifounded Amid the confusion • W hite Shield Home. S65 M ayfair avenue. Portland. Oregon. “Dashed If I mean to d ie '" he pro­ plexity. Then he turned end went out, of ber mind his extreme pallor struck W ayne Veatch of Charity tected hskweoe t v s large aiouthfnts of sfltting up the Improv Ised fi>»>r behind g ra ti|e , forcibly in » pierced her Bazar SINNERS \ IN HEAVEN of Hand-made Christmas Gifts Buffet Sets Aprons Towels Bibs Laundry Bags Toys at Bargains Also BY CLIVE ARDEN » 9 » COOKED FOOD SALE ‘/ Public Library Benefit Dec. 13 O. M. Miller Bldg. 3 H igh School Notes II ? D r. C. F IC Q , Dentist “ PLATES I e V a 8 b le w <1 THAT F IT ” A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros U. s. & C. T. C. Tires New, low-priced Gill More service Batteries for No more cost Ford, and other Skilled Auto re pairing Star, Chevrolet small cars Auto accessories MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. ft oi ai e> bl di es in ch Ix IM Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as you might ger for it in case of fire. Th American Eagle Fi -«‘ Insurance compan fi will pay you <>%' of the cash value in easel of loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent, ■ A n y G irl in Trouble f 4