SÔJ—— »Ml SKY EN Ti KKHIM' ¡‘ G E i. DRC. • • ’> ? O 5 5 5 e t ; ter were Albany callers Sun­ day. • Celebrate with ua Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Freerksen X B IG P IC T U R E W E E K . and grandson Bobbie were Al- 9 X Sunday, Dec. 7 to Dec 14 2 I bany shoppers Saturday. Albany visitors Mon­ • Globe and Rameseum s day Among were Delos Wesley, W. A. With each Theaters, Albany Allen and II. W. Clingman. W, |O. Abraham and family X Sunday — Monday—Tueaday left for Newport Saturday X GLOBE j morning to spend the winter. sold betw een now and C h ristm as • DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS * Miss Mary Smith came up from Albany and spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Josie RANGES Smith. Weilueadai and Thursday P. A. Pehrsson has a brand GLOBE a re g u a ra n tee d to b u rn twice as long on hall ' new radio outfit in his home j th e wood req u ired by o th e r ran g es and co st no j now, sold and installed by Frank J Gansle. m ore. Mrs. W. P. Wahl and daughter • — ---------------— L a m p S p e c ia l Whilma were Saturday after­ w Wednesday aud Thursday noon callers at A. C. Arm­ $20,00 Floor Lamps, $14.95 RAMESEUM strongs. HAROLD LLOYD >° $2 4 .0 0 “ “ 19.75 Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Merriam G IR L S H Y drove to Plainview Sunday and ta spent the day at the Clarence F r id a y a n a S a tu r d a y Cornutt home. G LOBE — a L iv e F urkey ■ T f 1 A N Vi ; Miss Marvel Lawrence spent h e r t h a n k s g iv in g w ith h o m e to ig a folks. • wood 1 tSiilurdwy an d S u n d a y RAM ESEUM J t LON CHANEY ». « Alford Arrows ( E n t e r p r is e I d ie d Bartcher Furniture Co. 4 1 5 —421 W. First, A lbany, Or« C o rr« ip o r,d e n p « ) , * Mrs. Dr. Fanning of Salem is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. i Lynn Sawyer. , Miss Gretia Harrison, who is i taki/ig nurse's 'training in Cor- | vaJJia, spent thanksgiving at j home. !t ■ The turkey shoot at the Ivan , Paine ranch last Tuesday was attended by people from all over the county. | H. Ackerman is the new ' chaplain of the Linn-Benton 11 Pomona grange and Mrs. Hazel ! Ackerman organist. i' Little Helen Paine, daughter i j of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Paine, The Ten s Commandments : THOSE WHO DANCE TO RRANCE G ARAG E i BnterpriM Oorraapoadoncs) LANG WOOD RANGE 5 Robin Hood Brownsville Briefs at t h e ir hom e iu S lie r id« i. 212 East First at., Albany ’ Phone 37V Engine repairing and recon­ ditioning a specialty First Valve Grinding Macn ne ever brought to Albany Makes 'era fit HALSEY RAILROAD TIME North South Nc. 32, 3:20 a. m. No. 17. 12:09 p. m. 18, 10:48 a. tn. 33. 7 ; ll p. m. 31, 11:34 p. tn. 34, 4:25 p. m. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. tn., stops to let off passengers from south of Eugene. Nos. 31 and 32 stop only ii flagged. Nos. 31. 32. 33 and 34 run between Port­ land and Engene only. Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. 15. Halsev-Prow naville stage meets trains 18, 17, 14, .34 and 73 in order named. Paid-for Paragraph« i It is feared the child had diph- (be a line) II tieria. The Paines formerly ( lived in Ash Swale. For S»le— Alsike Clover Seed. N. T. S mkbd . Mrs. May Dickson is still lingering close to death at the Old paper« tor sale at 5c a bundla hospital with tumor on the at the Euterprias office. Bureau, the Com- brain. The doctors have given Portland, Tacom a u p a ]] hope of recovery, KoTRAY Aaron Starnes jr. has been on ciotntng In Greece. H e pays the tionai Inform ation refugee women, many of thorn expert the sick list. m unity Chests of x The Hunchback of needlewomen, a few cents a day for and Seattle Include the N e a r East | Notre Dame X B. E. CogsweH and son Philip making over the clothing. Then if R elief fo r generous appropriations. Dr. Fox: of CrawfcrdsvilJ j Came to ray premises, southeast spent the week end at the ranch. a man is able to pay any price w h at­ The purpose of this bureau la to in­ was run over by Arvid Nelse l of H alsey, iu September, black ever he is expected to pay all th a t Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith of he can afford, although often only a vestigate the workings of re lie f in his Ford last Friday in fron; Holateio cow, with tail bob> ed. both at home and abroad, Osvttor please pay charge« and Portland visited at Chestei few cents, for the clothing. W e are agencies, of Charley Howe’s store. Whil? Halsey Happenings and no Com m unity Chest w ill give determ ined not to pauperize these peo­ a penny to an organization not ap­ not seriously Lnrt, he was tak­ tuke her. Curtis’ Sunday. ( C tn tinned from page 5| E. E C abey . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer of ple. who. until a few years ago, were proved by this bureau. Investigators en to the hospital, where he u R. L. Bilyeu was in Harris­ I Eugene spent the wee!-end prosperous and self-respecting. So have found that the money gets there nicely recovering. Mr. Nelson carefully does Ted G annaway handle HALSEY — if we give it.” burg Friday. whs e x o n o ’ s t - i i , «» t h « f a n l I n with Mrs. D. I. Isom. this clothing that he actually turns • T h e N e a r East R elief offices are a p rofit each month, a p ro fit Mrs. Bert Minckley was an at 61.3 Stock Exchange, Portland and with Dr. Fox, who was reading Cream and Produce Station Mr. and Mrs. Medford Ingram back which is used for the purchase of Alliany visitor Saturday. a newspaper while crossing the of Silverton spent thanksgiving food for the children of whom there 389 Burke Bldg., Seattle. street. Cash paid for P. A. Pehrsson was a Junc­ with their uncle, Lee Ingram. are thousands and thousands hungry tion City visitor Saturday. E. D. Isom and family und in Greece today. E. J. Pearl was a passenger Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal Cuthbert, Kiner, Latham, "T h e same sort of miracles are J. W. Drinkard attended a Mrs. D. I. Isom ate thanksgiv- wrought to Portland Thursday. & Hides. M. H- S H O O K clothing across the Marlboro Better Berries shoot near Jefferson Sunday. j ing dinner at A. F. Robnett’s, Black Sea w ith In old the Russion Caucasus T he tendency of the everbearing Frank Crabtree' and Cheste' where about h alf of the expense of Miss Amanda Mitzner preach­ in Eugene. red raspberries to produce fru it In Rice were Albany visitors Fri­ the work Is.m et through contributions F. M. G R A Y . Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson of the fall does not Interfere w ith the ed at the Methodist church Sun­ of old clothing from Am erica. T he .form ation of fru it the follow ing s e a -I day. day evening and seven persons Albany spent the vacation with Russian government pays a stated sum Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck and Miss tor these tons of clothing, and they sen at the usual tim e of ripening. Un- came forward for prayer. Prof, and Mrs. J. E. TorbeL jfortunately, the quality of the fru it Lillie Rickard. are furnished to w orkers who make of most full bearing varieties Is not and son spent thanksgiving in Mrs. Elizabeth English and A ll work done promptly and reason- I , ; 1 \ L daughter Edna returned to theii Mrs. Lee Ingram’s nephew, them over and put them in shape for of the best, and this applies partlcu- , Albany. , a v • to the bazaars or shops. Again la rly to the St. Regis. T hey are not [ home at Eugene Friday, after Wayne Hawke of Springfield, I sale ably. Phone •Henry Otto went to Albany the people are not pauperized for comparable to the old well known several days visiting with Prof. had his leg amput ited early 1 those who can pay, pay a sm all Saturday to spend a few days like the Cuthbert, King, M arl- i H. F. English and family. last week in a Eugene hospital1 amount, and only the cases of the most sorts boro. Latham , etc. Not only are the with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. D. S. Davis returned to He was injured in a motorcycle desperate need receive free gifts." berries of the St. Itegls poor In flavor, H. Otto. A t present. M r. M e rritt says, tha hut the fru it is under sized, which her home in Albany Thursday, accident aiiout six weeks ago. Miss Bernice Coshow return­ state of the A rm enians I b most un­ 'makes the picking of them slow work. alter a visit with her daugh- Thanksgiving guests at the happy. T hey are being torced out of ed to her work at Corvallis Fri­ This tendency to ripen fru it In the u.a, Mesdimes John Willbanka Michael Rickard home were Mil Greece, and, as they are not ajlowed First-class Work after spjtding thanksgiv­ und Eyle Chance. and Mrs. Ray Rickard of ( or- in T u rke y or Russia, they have Into summer and fall Is but rarely day, , J . W. ST E P H E N SO N . seen on the better varieties hut Is ing with home ¡folks. vallis, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rob­ nowhere to go, but are gathered in common to one or two sorts like the Mr. and Mrs. Ped Templeton, erts and children of Toledo, and refugee stations along the shores of The will of R. A. Sanders who have been visiting in east­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee of the M editerranean sea, w aiting fo r the St. Regis and because of this It Is made much of by some nursery men. leaves his Willson Goggles property mostly to ern Wasaington, returned the Eugene. League of Nations to decide what is Because of the showing that It has his grandchild, with Aubrey fore part of last week, accom­ to be done w ith them . "W h y the The standard of the world. made many folks w ill be pursunded panied by Mrs. Thomas Lacey Guests at a thanksgiving allies allowed the T u rks to get oft ito plant It next season. O f course Tussing as administrator. Wherever I tbs sun shines and the of Portland. Mis. IjiceZ re­ dinner at the J. II. Rickard so easy Is more than any of us can It w ill produce fru it for the canes are Mrs. E. Sim son of Marion, understand," he said, discussing the wind blow«. turned to Portland Thursday. iome were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. situation in the L evan t. "T h a t was 1 reasonably hardy, but folks w ill do Iowa, who hat; been Visiting We huve them in these color« Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jenks certainly a most te rrib le mistake, and well to pass them up and coniine their Mrs. F. S. Walker, left Friday amber, smoke violol ami green. L. I,. Swan, one of this coun­ Jenks, rnd children and 0. E. Jenks of w b o ,, “ •» for a visit with friends in Al­ ty'« new assembfvmen, says hr Tangent and M ia . Elizabeth ta rrlb le It was. ‘ _______ bany. i will advocate a Lax of 5 pm Robison of Albany. cent on the gross earnings ol Mrs. Del’nert Blackburn and motor stages operating iietweei daughters returned to their fixed termini and 8 per cent or. WASHINGTON BOY © * home in Salem Saturday, after Money interest mid fam ily necessities come high autos operating for hire outside HOME FROM NEAR EAST B ig h u - t i t e s * is h elp in g y o u r d a iry o ut th e w rong a visit at^the A. H. Blackburn of municipalities. home. <' w av. B e tte r p rice below co st of p ro d u c tio n . G et in th e We have a new restaurant chicken gam e. They have no s u b s litu te yet Thoniast Kirk returned \ to building and it is painted bright wili ta k e o rd ers u p to th e 1st o f J a n u i r v fo r b a b y 9 school du ties at 0. A. C. Satur­ red and yellow. When it gets o A. C W H ITE L E G H O R N S 9 a t ^ 1 ^ 2 ic c , h c i c is k h - a fro th m e the day, after, spending thanksgiv­ into commission it will probably f a r m , a n d g u a ra n te e a good, s tro n g e ld c k , ( ing with his aunt and unci“ offer a varied diet, for a sign 1 h a t d i o n ly fro m tny o w n s to c k . T hey a re as g o o d e g v ( Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison. on the front reads, ‘‘Hambur- la y ers as 1 can g et. O rd e r now . H < v e been in th e h usineas fu r ■Shill ’ one on »ui «i4« e ig h t y e a rs , ra is in g c h ic k e n s to la y eggs. Y o u w ill be p le a s e d . « e r. Serie Daugherty and R. D. Optometriite and on the other « id r‘‘Shetl Oil.’ James re^ui-ntfd to Corvallis, and ttianufaciuring opticians P. A. Perhaps, too, it will serve oys­ where they are O. A. C.. stu­ Pine Grove Poultry and Dairy Farm dents, T H B C IR C U IT C 6 U R T Saturday, after spending of the IN ters on the half «bell. « PEHRSSON, State ol Oregon for the County R F. I). 1 Halsey, Oregon their htil/day with Brownsville of L in n , Dept. 2. D. J. Hayes was quite severe­ friends and relatives. Bertha O Cunningham , Plaintiff, ly injured Friday night in at­ • va- 7 ------ ----- — tempting to alight from an au RETURNING TOURISTS Enocb J. Cunningham. Defendant. Clover unit a lfa lfa are more promis­ Feed FLax Straw to All totnobile in which he had been To Enoch J. Cunningham , the above TELL SAME STORY ing nitrogen factories than Muscle defendant: to Harrisburg attending lodge Shoals. v ^Classes of Live Stock named In the name of the State of Oregon, with some friends. They had "O ne of the greatest encourage- F lax s tra w can ha fed to any class you are hereby required to appear and Pertinent question for landowners; leached his home on their re­ nt nts In the eight years I have serv­ o f live s trv k . C a ttle , horses anil sheep answer the com plaint of the above named ed as D irector of the Near Eust is "W hy should a tenant Improvs some­ w ill oat I t la tba alven ce of a better plaintiff in the above entitled court in turn and in getting from the the report brought back by returning body else’s soil?” grade o f forage. W hen feeding flax .he nbeve entitled cause, now in hie automobile he was thrown to • • • tourists this year,” states J. J. Hand- straw one should b e a r In mind that w ith the clerk ol said comt. on or before the pavement. No serious in­ No. time isn't much to a hog. but a flax s tra w Is not o f very high feed­ the 24th day of December, 1924, end you saker, Regional D irector for N ear East jury was suffered, however, and warm, dry place In the w inter Is, and ing valae. F la x strtaw contains much ire notified that if you fail to appearand R e lie f for Oregon. W ashington. British A L F R E D M E R R IT T mawer «aid com plaint as hereby re Mr. Hayes is recovering nicely. I I Columbia and Alaska. he’ll gain faster fo r It. crude m aterial th a t Is Indigestible and quired. plaintiff w ill apply to the court Alfred M erritt, who has Just return ­ “ It la a very significant thing that although an anln ab ’ may All up on lor the relief demanded in her said com­ Bert Minckley and W. F. Car- ed to bla horns In Tacoma u fter three these tourists a ll come back w ith the Success in the dairy business de- flax straw n everth -less the animal plaint, towit: For a decree dissolving : s DRAYM AN BARBER' SHOP • Farmers Need Baby Chicks. • WHY I ( 9 t S 11 h H II I 31 (il 1« tl tr «>t f« «I il. Meade & Albro, F l a tts Albanv il oi Hl e> bl di ci in st ch L< iU * Bulbs! Bulbs! Bulbs! Tulips, Hyacinths ami N a r - oiasui should now he planted for spring blooming. Huy your hulha before thay ar* out of the market Lovely years service for tba N ear Eust Relief In Russian Arm enia. "Unless you have been over there and have seen thousands upon thous­ ands of children gradually develop from practical savagery, to which they had been reduced. Into happy useful salt supporting members of hum anity you can never know what that country owes to Am erica. The w ork la not finished yet but a fter this year should begin to dim inish. W ith thousands of children still hungry In refugee comps this Is no tim e to think of reductions or w ithdraw als." "Ted Gannaway, a boy from Med ford and Seattle, la bust dtatrlbutlnv Cut Flowers and latest popular Amor A. Tussin? Sheet Music LAWYER AND NOTARY ■ W P I l .UJaL-l-l..--------- H a ^ se Y' Q rsqok same story. Some saw one part of the work and some another. But all unite In saying that the Americans engaged In the work are of unusually high type; that the work is economic­ a lly and efficiently done, and if Amer- ' lea only knew the need and how tar the need is being met with the money available, there would be no la rk of funds "Am ong those recently visiting the N e a r East and whose reports have been uniform ly enthusiastic, are M rs C. 8. Jackson and her secretary. Miss Julia Hobday, of the Oregon Journal; Miss Cornelia M arvin. State L i­ brarian Mrs Louisa Kellems, of the Eugene Bible U n iversity; Prof 3V J. Sly. L infield College. Miss M ella Sm ith of the Portland Public Schools, and D r and M rs H W Cos of Port land, philanthropists. Dr J R W at her bes. form er President Portland Cham her of Commerce " A c tip f up the sdsucs of the Ng , [»ends upon the cow and the man. If ; Bot „ lUch n