itil iu . . ,t ..1 .'t'epolis, ajj i reward In iirowing that b o ,3 aa«T ¿CCs was n:3» uoatA s old until ska was a demand the opening of our APMF3AN i l i n u c v c 'I are being trained for Successful Urea year old whan both mother and child I> • u to all Japanese immi- l A i n t a u l l O U n v t l O An Independent— Nut neutral—bewe AMERICAN OPERATIONS thousand ’? the,r own C0Ultr,M ° M »«ntfred ware suffering from measles, paeu- .<• Allts an pain ol‘ the destruc­ paper, published eveiy Weduetday, children going out through m onls and dysentery Tnc I. W. W. who throws a tion of the city. Japan is a t l , Haa. U. WllklUlJCH the Near East to carry American They found refug« in a Near Bast monkey wrench into the grain niemfier of the league and would Ideals of life and culture will be one hospital only to be discovered by the separator when things do not I ! * obaiily desist on its demand” of the greatest contributions that any Turks, who two days later drove the •aba. rio '0. - | i I'j a year In advance. go to suit him is acting up to I ‘60 to guarantee the care tor * / r - —Christ. of a child such as Asadoahl. H eFlov« his Maker had pronounced, with I tably be worth the while of now flows out to a child som ewhere "Inasmuch as ye hUve done it all his other works, good, be-1 those who observe it. In the Near East," states J. J. Hand- unto these, ye have done it un came so bad th at he “repented I * saker, Regional Director of Near East ¡him th at he had made man up J 'X tho? , H^ stla i^ ltene1r to me.”—Christ, BARCLAY ACHCSON Relief. iir - ' on |fitclares th a t he loves his mil­ Next Sunday has been desig-1 on thp the P«rth earth ” The Near Bast Relief offices are at — whom — —.. , i Barclay Acheson, well-known to nated by the director of the I <.t~B.l^~wu»“t »7«T"T»abir,. r ,,f ,,„ r lionairess! bride, from 339 Burke Bldg., Seattle and «11 Stock rate in the person of Papa Rog- manr ln Oregon and Washington bo- Exchange, Portland. f - , , -rs separated him before their ' cause of yeara oi residence in Che- day,” when the people of this | T . „ .. prosperous land are asked to en* a ‘te r the earth had hild was born, ju st a “ much as 1 hullH' South Ben<1 and Portland, sali­ O ats, R icher T h an Corn, ne would have done if she 1 *d fr°“ Nfewh.York <”> November 5th. give as much as they can for •***" purged with water by tl tadn’f hod n 3 CCn^’ dI1d w e 11 b e - I j t0 C0Dtinue his work as Director of Favored fo r D airy Feed , i. • Overseas Operations for the Near East the relief of the thousands ofi summary drowning of ail but Oats will be more largely fed this lieve mm. ¡R elief. Acheson has recently Bpent destitute children who escaped eight human beings, a nev. AZAD O U HI PACM ALIAN year than usual. Their abundance and ------— -T-L- “ ore than a year in the Near East, from the murderous Turks. As s ta rt was made, but Satan was the shortage of com will Induce farm ­ Fine w eather for Thanksgiv- “ uking carefui survey of the different last as possible refugees tire be- "going about as a roaring lion ” Do all the little girls in Armenia ers to depend more than usnal upon ng. The fog was so thick v*e' whert A“icrlcan charlty is car- dress like you Zadl?" “Oh, my! no, their supply of oats to compound the ing placed upon a self-support- flinging monkey wrenches, tin-1 ,, , - fe - - ........- au - KHtK w e ing for more than 50 000 children. i.ig basis, but there remain til even the chosen race out Or | couc’n’t aee anything to growl Speaking before clubs of Portland, you ought to see how many clothes we dairy ration. thousands of children who m ust the descendants of the ei; h ' a,)0U^ T.hlS converaa,lon ln a Oats are richer In protein content Seattle and Tucoma business men, 18 ty‘)lcal of ,h e 0ulck , than corn. For this reason they make Acheson declared that the Neur EaHt ‘ , , “ d perish without the continuance were denounced as a “genera sy resp° n8C of Azadouhi an excellent dairy feed. Best result« IS nners in Heaten Relief is coming into a new phase p “ h«nd of outside help, and we are ask- tion of vipers.” , Wa8 USht t0 A ,ner are <>b,alnad they »>•* ground or of work. "Except for Syria and i‘ca hv he’ Z X|urr)uauiour saApsjnn )nd op pa ‘ So destiuctive of the compli- 'C o n tin u e d fro»x pngp 31 Greece, there is little more than the J , , by her fos,er mother, Mrs. Pearl crushed. The bulky nature of thin 111 Lb»ir plMVMM MIlU UO(*»lG«r W hul| rated machinery of hum anity 3eaUlcD“ WUy' n‘fcr,y ° f Medford and r u in , together with thetr richer pro­ It's finite possible,” he said, **thut i normal amount of suffering In tho wu would with the world to do did the monkey wrenches con­ Near East,” he said. "It is true that tein content, admirably flts them fer the whole colony which lived here bus "Little Azadouhl is no more lovable mixing with other fe e d s Because of at the for us if we were doomed to tinue to be th ----- — orthodox —_____ died out. Populations dwindle very ' the situation in those camps is des­ nor brighter than the majority of the slow starvation this winter un- CBurch preaches total depravi- much in the Pacific Islands.” these desirable characteristics, and the 1 perate, and there are thousands of 8,500 children over whom Dr. Ganna children there who will perish this fact that oat prices are on a lower Itss charity saved us. , ^* She gave a little shudder. S?ria*“\ X diCaL 0Ter8lEht Bclrut' P -'lty than most other grains, f.rm ere Last week and again today *ime passed on and there I 'It’s horrible here— I don't know winter simply because there are some was her utter helplessness“ during the e s p X l l v ' diirym en’ Tvho0'd1"*. folks in America who are getting tired there has been considerable arose in this country a states- why: Let's go down to the shore. of giving. Anyone whu hag ever seen space in the Enterprise given n?a.n w^ose greatness was pip-I There seems Sheared • - » " " - - - “ 8t"nil,lnK . the mlfucles that I have se e n — horn™ S i She pointed toward - a , , .— 1OS3 — and hopeless, ragged children to this subject, and we hope claimed and acclaimed iri all down there,” . ~ ‘ ’ our readers will consider it all *anBS and whose voice was lis-1 , h ' e ,terPd alr“«ture half-way ! turned into ha; py, confident health we felt we could not give her up and ' _ " h t ie h h ' w m ’ , ’ iul “ H ldren-w ould never taik about i brought her to America to a d o p t , D airym en A re C areless carefully and respond as liber tened to by all peoples, and when ± ne„ h the hill which they hud cl.nibed. , being tired of g i X g her. In Judge Tallman'g court in ^ •o n i , I , d1r" ',lon ! "During .he past y „ „ we . ally as possible to the appeal in he proposed a plan by which in Cooling P roducts Seattle tho adoption was carried out great wars— those g reatest ol'| h a n ,lX w-^l ° n,f behalf of the helpless. This Is the season of the year when r,n- T“e 16'°00 Childrijn from «»ing blind and while she, four and a half years old, m anifestations of monkey- namhoo walls were intact, but the solem nly raised her hand and declar­ milk and cream producers become wrench destructiveness— weii , thatch forming the roof showed large we trained hundreds of girls to go ed, “I adopt you as my mamma.” cureless In the cooling of their product UNWtQMIAiiLh. llUSINEHS out as nurses to save the sight of Azadouhl w u tlm first and only after milking or separation. The cool likely to be avoided in the fu- rents; on the ground within, amid other thousands of children, as well of education . ________ nights lead on« to believe that nature A bandit was shot to death by ^u>e» hum anity^ applauded and musty dead leaves, were scattered “s to raise the health standards every- child of a young couple and refinement am, was born shortly wIB take “f the cooling opera- utensils similar to those which they 1 where they go. a policeman at Seattle Monday. "*-'M11 I . <7ilr Uwn co u m r hap r n i r , 'y ' ^ n- , ' ,‘B‘-y^ ra^ d “ modern methods of after tho arm istice was signed and t,on- MIlk and cream, however, cool Another was killed by an of- it was evidently the most popu- Croft ghineed round critically, then agriculture by Sam Newman of Se­ because It was thought that freedom very »>awly la air er la water wheu ficer a t Palo Alto on the same lar proposition th at had ever at the girl, who had followed him, then attl« and Leonard Harthlll of Cor­ had come she was named Asadouhl not stirred. The center of the caa out through the opening seaward. ! vallis, are revolutionizing the Ideas of (daughter of freedom ,. But the close remains warm for a number of hours, a* ii i j been put forward. We can make this sufficiently hHb- farmers who are securing twice their of the war did not bring peace to sllowing opportunity for rapid ban- A nother lies in a Portland But the genius who devised hospital on the point of death this popular plan was allied to Itable to carry on with." he observed 1 rorjKer crops by the use of these the Near East and during the last ferial development. The result is milk three years o h m than a million poo- aol,r8 quickly and cream Is second modern methods. (To be continued) as a result of a pistol duel w ith « political party which was in pic have been rendered homeless. ! ired e when delivered to the.creamery •'Sometimea people say to me, 'Why a night watchman. the m inority in this country — ------- ~ ----- - - don t these people do som ething for Many of these who are now hom eless OBam on is dead a t Chicago, and the leading wite-puilers of Ups anti Downs in the Admy Work on th e H arrisburif th em selves’’ And 1 wonder if they refugees were three years ago living Tancl, another gunm an, m et the other party, fearing the In modern, steam-heated homes and i bridge has stopped for the Wln- L. Ray Myer», who recently mean the children, some of whom were sending their children to for- t e r ° the same fate. prestige a victory for his plan >ec«n,e a resident of H a n e y , bad begin as early ns eight to help earn eign countries for an education. Aza- I ' --------------------------- AU of them were killed with- would give his party, threw th< xp erien cc in th e arm y in Fra nee their own way C ut out politics. Avoid waste “The Near East Relief Is not giving douhi and her parent, were among in a week. They were all less biggest kind of a monkey fiat rome, of b u r patron» m ay read' aid to adult refugees except in the tim e in the futile endeavor than 8 6 years old. They all wrench into the works and about w ith inler«Bt distribution of old clothing. And last .U her uur mother mocner wan wan- Í ? t h e h o le fell aa they attem pted to h w — smashed them so fat as thi Mr. Myer» enli), e , ns a p rivate year we gave help to 500,000 ln this killed Aaadouhi aod by the gun. They were aU en- country was concerned Thev m il lu u g h t in four of th e deeper- i way. Our program is purely one of dered ln the woods from the time she b.e out su re )—Oregon deavonng to live w ithout the misrepresented the wording o‘. li e b a ttles on the M arne river. 0 |,, I child-care, and as soon as our children J voter to th e Legislature. .* / law. Though some of them the constitution of the league on th e A i» n e an d M arn e, at. V e ils , j are able t0 support them selves, our were th e best in th eir trade, they professed devotion to its at S t. M eh iel and in tin, A rg o n n e I work WH1 be finished. But these are / none succeeueu in tne attem pt objects, but refused to enter in wood mi th e N eu -e, as recorded in I ch,ldren’ mostly orphans, strangers in a strange land, with no claim what­ to defeat the law. The d e a d , by the door, claiming th at it hi» discharge p ip e r» . “ PLATES TH AT F I T ’» F o r bia iffiu ie n c v and v a lo r he ever upon the governments who have bandits are further proof th a t was better to climb up some given them a place to live." their game can be beaten a®d other way, as do thieves and was p r o n n t ii fiis t to the rank of Grown«, bridge work and fillineg; Il wik Acheson declared that th s Greek th at it does not pay. , robbers. They would have a cu I ih im I and then to th a t of ser­ government is doing more to aid the pay you to get ray prices ou y o u r/e n ta j wQrk geant. refugees than all the relief agencies The above is iroin the Portland new league, calling it an "asso- Cosick hank building, A lb an y ; A lte r m onths atn id the h o rrid combined, and is spending more on Jnnrual. nation of nations.” And with -¿ -■ 7 ■>- o f w ar he fe lt a y e a rn in g them than on all governmental Young man it don’t uav If S4:5?0.0^ ) they carried their carnage you wiS. Z u LK ody tHat the fo r a respite. F o u r o r five tim e s agencies combined. HALSEY ENTERPRISE M O N KEY W R EN C H PO PULAR •¡L3S*s s£ »... . »i Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist else trouble and yourself more. «•8t.raDDPd •• while you m to ¿ c a p . the law. - ¡ S S t , - and you are pretty certain to There never not c u u h t „ „ « ¡ time. fo e . 1 here Hie tbrne b 6 t. in jail at them knew it eftsfUt got wa^ nowhere he asked fo r a few d a y s ’ leave of absence, but was refused. T h in he bolted and wa» gone five day» F er th is he «as reduced to the ra n ks and o e p riv e d o f tw o -th ird » o f hi» pay for three m onth», bu: he »m e he w ould do th « '» a n ie gain under the same c irc u in - sisnces. j lie rest to his uerv< s wsa w o rth it. M i. M yers went th ro u g h a ll th is ith o u t re ce ivin g a w ound, hut lu o t a dose o f G erm an gas H is ¡»charge give» h is c h s ra c ie r a» E x m d fe n t ” ARROW GARAGE, Gansle Bros. AMERICAN IDEALS GIFT TO NEAR EAST “I have always been Interested In Near East Relief." stated a promin­ ent social worker of Portland a few A lb a n y fo r a 8 h .d d jo b who prob- T h e n th days ago, "but, until the last few ....iv w ould te ll h o i, the .a n .e o f Um e and , , W(,r k in g on months the whole thing seemed so , , 1 H , f,llo,L " b; 'ilu ” d “ *•“ fur an independent “world court” hopoless It seemed to be just one Ills d irty w » rk and thou to o k th e ir i„ j • .¿ 1 . dri-iry round of m assacre and sorrow lorn m ay n o t th in k •« , b u t he W ,uch ^ e i » leader th^senate over and over again. w ill be it lo er at the tin n l show . ............ ' '* * ” ‘lW la ^ i e- "I am sendiug a larger check this •town. j The machinery in' the senate year for now that the children are out ai d house of representatives of I urkey Rnd there is no more danger of massacre it seem s to me we have By ra isin g s fund o f about Janifles and crunches on the the big chance for which we have 140,000 and w ith it d e feating the rnoakey wrenches it cannot di- | boon looking for these many yeare, I..C .O . ta x the P o rtla n d o h . t n l . r i X ? Pl18*16^ nothing. Hurry Up, Boys , It seem s too good to be true that the , , A lew members have been kick- W orld war veteran s su ff-riu g m assacres are ended but such is th« of commerce and big bum ,“ » in- ed out of th* dominant party— (n u n n c u r o p s y lu a ir ic d iss« » » , , » case." terests have done more to w iden dominant by courtesy, for it is ra ly sis a g it s n -, «n rep h alili». k t h "Another thing that encourages the ib e breach between c ity and conn- utterly unable to dominate__ but • rg iea t ftfijovhio d y sen tery or to Is "the great constructive program try th su |lOO.lWO aud m an y year» mharmony is increased bfrculTiHa w ill Up premiroHd to which the relief agency is carrying «>f « f o r t could eoum aract. Th» ,r a t ,h e r ^ n n lessened by the »lave co n tra cted th o se a ilm en t* it. out and where methods of education, kicking. th e serv ice if th ey a p p ly f„ r r, jj,.( hygiene and industry have replaced re­ farm ers have not »handoued tb » ir The league of nations exists, before Jan. 1 n e x t, hut n o t later. lief methods. This I understand is tig h t fur a d ju a liu e o t of ta x b u i. of the larger part of the Near a t least. It was able to force 'M i'» Mary F a k e, Red Or..»» « e r e true East program although intich relief «leus. They have o n ly beguu. peace between Geimany aud Po la ry , i» p rrp a ie d to assist m f ilim * work Is still necessary in the pitiful land in Silesia, though but one o u i a p p lic a tio n « fo r com pensation camps in Greece and Syria where clo rs th in k th e - use use or o f io. g thousands of children are still home­ A translation of the Bible Parties belonged to the - P o — ■>,< lrom the Greek and Hebrew leaifUe- R settled the c o n tro -, word» make» them sse • less and many will die this winter original into modern English is between Italy and Jngo ,?""*d' a m.mmon igm.r unless help is given." The going to the Near East of announced. Many an archaic ‘ ,av!a* 1 members— in favor ’ h io k s th o se fiv e m aisd ie« men like Dr. Paul Monroe of the j expression in the standard Hi- .■ th e_stronger. Now it d e - . n ’ r» o u « -n t* o i« l trou b le Teachers College of New York and a I nationally known authority on edu- j cation, and Dr R R Re.eder. equally ( ell known who with Dr Jamas I. ance formerly moderator of th« Presbyterian Church and tbe carry ',ttt of their suggestions for the ih t o oi im . mg ónices in San .- 1st Cisco In< training of these children may mean The United States is not a have ju st been g ia n te f an in m ii.h for the future welfare of that -Several captions in our ex- | croase in wages from $18 a stricken country." week to $51 for an eight-hour "I give money now to the Near Bast • liOomt. Now, when flax looms .n n -^ r m » ... . ... day— more than 80 cents an R elief fuat as I give It te a college S ip si j h t t enough poison gas to destroy hour. or any other character forming organ- liStjae 1» thl« country -‘»¿ecfthg my i U. S. (V C. T. C. T ire s N ew , lo w -p ric e d G ilt M o re s e r v ic e B a tte r ie s f o r N o m o re c o st F ord, and S k ille d A u to r e p a ir in g S ta r . o th e r C h e v r o le t A lito a c c e s s o r ie s s m a ll c a r s M ORE S E R V IC E FO R L E SS M ONEY A m e r ic a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. H a y is w o rth j u s t a s m u c h in s to r a g e a s y o u m ig h t g e t fo r it in c a s e o f fire. T h ì i lA m e ric a n E a g le F in» ¡ n a u r a n e e r o m p a n / J hvill p a y y o u 8,-,% o f th e c a s h v a lu e in caap o f lo s s b y fire . ) P- SAFFORD, Agent^>^1 o ’ ---------- ---------------- I WU fW ’M ßi' Any Girl in Trouble,/ may «oasmonicatc with Kosign Lee of lhe Salv-si - a . Array at the White Shield Home SkS MjvfMr avenue. Pottlan'd. > e g o „ . «’ « r .n •= ■* > 1 I