By an Et.tcrprise Reporter) «g > a n y > // rectory SHOE - SERVICE z Shoes tn»t coql less per month ol »ear T h is is good advice; " It you live in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town. " But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable Io do at least part ol their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their xequirc- zneuts with courtesy an 1 fairness \ SINNERS IN HEAVEN Highest m ar|(«t prices paid fur Hogs & Reef Cattle W . H . B E E N E "¡S’ A C C ESSO R IES AND T IR E S S ta te In sp ected S ca les ’ Auto Supplies J H. A t t.lii.-i 442 W est First St • Modern Barber Shop ihany B i.k e ry ,-124 West First ‘•street 4 one-pound loaves for 25« A Ib a n y F io r ili C o. Cut Laundrv sent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Works flow ers ■4* and plants Floral art for every and all occasiona. A B E 'S (Continued) PLACE T h e R itin g O r c h e ttm P H O N O G R A P H S at W O O D W O R T H ’S / ’''•Il a n d s e e th e h id a sto r t o e u Chri«tiuas presents at S. S. G i l U b b t & S o n ' s 330 W . First st Albany, Ore DELBERT STARR F u n era l D irector and cen sed E m balm er w . L. W R I G H T Mortician & Funeral Director astburn Bros.— Two big grocery E stores, 212 W. First attd 225 South Halsey and Harrisburg M ats. Good merchandise at the right ( all D. T a y l o r . Halsev. or pricea. W . L . W RIGHT. Harrisburg lite Cafelerip and confectionery E ings. \ d lo m e cooking- Pleasant surround­ Courteous, efficient service. W e m ake our own candies. v ' W . S. D u n c a n . R E L IE F W ORK H E R O IN E BACK FROM NEAR EAST ilm s , d ev e lo p e d and p rin te d . We niail then» rig h t back to vou. Woodworth Drug com pany, Albany, O r­ egon. F AND SER V IC E Tires and accessories Repairs K i A k -P u x l a k M o t o s C o . urlrhillpr FJirnitute Co., fu rn i­ F ture, rags, Huoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral director*. 4 '7-43.1 west First street, Albany,.'Oregon. M a il aiders now. Grocery— Bakery E verything in the line ol eats — TIME— door t pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin. New u“ d f 'F U R N IT U R E A N D 'A R M M A C H I N E R Y bought, a> îlô *B<1 exchanged at all times BE IN T . S U D T E L L I 123 N. Broadalbin st., Alb««» u FA (,'M LOANS I ' k je - t . describing s _______i u . ; « ® one 20- our W r ite t o - ’ v 1 100 \ l i t Amortized Loans - 1 . , * UTJ 1 C n iu 20 payments, re- * 7 iys out \ Cheap rate». No • n a g th e ' principal > .M l » s t» C o . lelay. / „> L A ib a .y . Ore. I 13 I.yon «tre .... F/ARM L v ^ANS ■ A at lowest rate of in ReaC t «tate Prorw Jtl service WM Conrtec «w\tre,t’r' \ I / / A 4. < Matin««, 50c, *1.10 — NOTE— This picture will not lie shown in Albany again till Nov., 182* M I G n lY SPECTACLE uf Ancient and ■20tb Modern Day- from Jeanie Macpherson's • to Mrs. W . E. Rambo, a form er resi­ ales uf •Cap tu r y dent of Chehalis, K lam ath Falls and Wouder Baker, recently returnee from the 1 a d Ages aud N ear East. Modem She and her husband were singled Movie out by the Queen of Greece for special thanks In connection with Att the rescue of fifty thousand Greeks In Batoum, following the W orld war. W ith her husband, she walked lite r­ a lly In the steps of the Apostla Paul as they took hundreds of children from a Turkish bessigod Tillage through A Par too mt p o ju e t o i Tarsus to safety on tbs Isle of Cyprus (F a tn as Play« rs-La ky Corj or tian under the direction of the Near East Relief. N O T E —C o m p a n y ’s o w n o r c h e s t r a o f 20 p i e c e s “W e are fam ilia r w ith suffering and even starvation.” states Mrs. Rambo, I ''before ws went to the Near East, for we spent our honeymoon In India foot, knelt heslde her. anxiously forc­ seemed as though the soul behind were In the tortures of hell, was her In the midst of a great fam ine where ing brandy between her pale lips from hundreds of children were left at our a small pocket flask Presently he only answer. Abe' gazed, aweatruck. for a breath­ very doors. W ith re lie f money sent panged, a sudden dread In his heart, less moment, at his haggard eyea and from Am erica we gave employment to sod with his head close to her wet drawn blood-stained face, at the fea­ hundreds of men who were thus able blouse, listened. . . , Then, with to support th eir fam ilies, and the renewed energy, he set vigorously to tures usually so cloaked with reserve now. betraying unbearable agony; buildings are In ase today as orphan­ Wfirk again. thetf, with a hoarse moaning cry, she ages. At last she gave a little quivering collapsed la an abandonment of horror “Our oldest son, Victor, returned s slgli. H er hands moved gropingly few weeks ago as medical missionary Soon, w ith another, longer sigh, she st his feet. . . . Presently C roft raised his head, and to the very spot where he was born, opened her eyea and gazed blankly, as stood up He gave one long look sea and he finds that the leaders In the one newly awakened from a troubled com munity are the children whom we dream. Into his face. Raising s hand ward, to the grave o f such unlimited pride .and hope; to whore, also, those -«re d from death tw enty five years to her head, the vacant gaze changed who ¿ad risked their lives with him “ w ith this experience back of to one of feeble wonder. ‘we n atu rally look for great re “ Why, are you— hurt?” she half now lay hidden beneath the smiling blue W ith a long sigh, be turned « • • its N o m Americans taking care of a whispered. hundrea . „ thousand children in the hundreo”' Until then he had not recognized sway, setting his teeth sad squaring Near EaaJ- that the stream trickling down his hts shoulders . . . then looked st face was blood. W ith his fingers hs the figure lying face downward at his traced what was apparently s long feat A piece o< c ,r Pet ■Pr* ad ov* '- th* Propping on his knees, bs gently blnB of potatoes\ w l l l keep the light Jagged cut stretching fro » his temple raised her, so that aho leaned against X the wind.,ws from striking them to the left c a r: It smarted when touched. Taking the wet handkerchief him. an ,] tornir»* dwa» gT“«0 "P om e'” he urged, w ith forced brightness “W e must buck up, you know, and see what can he done." T H E C A N D Y G IRL | "Tall roe— first— w hat happened." ■he besought. “I t seems like ■— a or rather the girl who likes candy, I hideous nightmare— ’’ Mhoddering vio­ is everywhere ; her opposite would] lently. she bid her face again "W e had some engine trouble soon be hard Vo find. And if sits gets | a fte r leaving the Philippines, as you her candy from u« shs knows she, know, which obliged ns to return there gels tba best confectionary in ' to Issd," he replied. "W a get caught town That is why when you In tba center of a typhoon near the coast, and were driven completely out te ll her you w ill buy h»r a box ut of our course— " candy the always ssts ’ ’ Be sure “I t was aw fu l—a w fu l I T hat terrible, and get tl at C la rk ’a,” deafening ro a r!" She began »gala to tremble violently. "W a were hurled lato as air-pocket THE TEN COMMANDMENTS k g , Boom S, First iSavt®,*’ — . v 1 bnilomg . \ « ► J I I I I Nights, sue. t u o . H 64 Ml S tar Cast 6090 b o p io 500C A nnuals RAMBO 1 0 -H B u y in A d van ce CECIL B D eM IL L E ’S T l ’ F R f c l i L C A P E . 209 ’ W. F ir s t DEC. Ssat eale on Sunday at the box otfi«« — PRICES — Twice Daily 2:15—8:15 ‘l i u t i C h U 'iln g W o rk s , In c . JUJt t' f or. 8ecoond and Ferrv M atter Dyers and Cleaners \ M - T o r Mensure Clothes 1 ‘ "But— how—did we get h o r e t’ “1 found you tn the water, and swam In.” Feurfully the looked toward the dark mass, as If measuring mentally the distance from shore, scarcely un­ derstanding the full meaning of this feat Then she looked about h e rn s If seeking somebody . . finally turned to him, mutely asking the ques­ tion her troubling Ups dared not frame. H e laid n hand upon her shoulder, Instinctively fortifying het for the complete realization of the dread that was dawning In her brain. She caught his arm in s feverish grip, her eyes wild. “Captain C roft— tell me! The others? . , . Where Is Aunt Dolly?" A look, so full of anrulsh that It A ll S e a ts R eserved > pposite Postoffice t T u b C a ijd y C o ., F t rut s tre e t, n ext - * 1 out—" W E D N E S D A Y -T H U R S D A Y JACKSON . Dnwn broke at lost, the first dull lines of gray merging Into a myriad pearly tints. Birds awoke In the for­ est ; rustled amid the leaves; shook their wings; then flew forth to bunt for breukfast; their b rilliant plumage reflected the sun's rays In s thousand bright hues as they flashed from be­ neath the shadowy trees. Upon the sloping shore of a ttny cove, the waters of the lagoon lapped in a gentle, rippling murmur. F arther away, the surf of tbs open sea boomed like distant thunder against the har­ rier reef; waves swirled angrily through the gap wiilch formed an Inlet. Partly telescoped upon a Jagged promontory Jutting Inland from the entrance, rising and fulling helplessly at the mercy of the tide foaming through, loomed a mass of something dark. It looked strange, shapeless, forlornly tragic, as If flung down by a ruthless hand and forgotten. Upon the ground of the opposite cove, near a heap of wet coats, little rivulets trickling from her drenched garments, lay the Inert form of a girl. A man. likewise sodden from head to As she gated round the unfam iliar scene, an expression of bewilderment crept Into her eyes. Remembrance slowly retorning. this merged Into con­ cert, then fear . . . Quickly ft grew to terror. . . . Sitting up­ right, she turned w ildly to the mao at her side. “" ’here are we? Where are w e t' "W e crashed on that reef,” he re­ plied quietly. "The last engine gave G L O B E T H E A T E R (Albany) U L L E R G R O C E R Y , 286 Lyon ( Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Mfcme 2<>3R _______________ __ F B ' o LMAN' a I L i­ Efficient Service. Motor Hears» Ladv A ttendant Brownsville------- ----------------------- Oregon T A a v e n p o r t M u s ic c o m p a n y offers ” Piano-case organ, good as new Estey organ, good as new Used Pianos. F O R D ,S A L E S from his pocket, he sat hack and dabbed at It with the clntusy move­ ments of a man unused to troubling over personal injuries His look was still ¿ ted upon the girl's face. PART TW O Flow er phone 458-1. B r u n s w ic k . 5 / — *• "1M “' ‘A r *’ . , f - FA.’* » 1 ’ b '" / • \ > 4 H A I.A K Y KX : E R P R IS E PAGE J which caused ua to drop nrerty a thousand feet," he continued hurried­ ly. "That put two mors engines out of action and Injured the fourth. Only a miracle prevented our being dashed straight Into the sea. A fte r a bit I saw land here, and hoped to reach It In tlm e; tbut the crashed too s<-on— “ Be stepped, perceiving the state of her «bartered narrsa. Standing up, he rained her with him ; and she dung cenvnlatvety to bis arm, every limb ahaktng ag If w ith ague. tknelasplng bar hand«, he draw her arm threugh Ma, turning their steps h d a n d ; Ms ewfi feelings being almost heyaw r U a wtual Ire n central, he spoke w u fiM jk longing for Hugh, swept her sway. For the first time since the berror be­ gan. she found relief in tears She lay there alone, sobbing weakly. . . . From the top o f the hill C ro ft scanned‘ what was visible of the land along the north, east and west coasts. This was, he concluded, an island of volcanic origin, w ith the exceptionally high reef more or lest surrounding It. sometimes st a considerable distance from, and sometimes fairly near, the shore. H e surveyed the view c riti­ cally, a purpose forming in Ids mind. The gradient Inland culminated la a short, fairly steep rise to a grove of cocoa palms, near which a clearing was visible, covered with little groups "For htaveo'a sake, don't talk nr of something— possibly caves or rocks. think fihent II all. Just now I We eboll Nowhere did there appear to be sign of bumnn life. go raring mad if we do!” It would he easy, he saw, to reach T h e werds and tone acted as a tonic. those possible c.ivee by following the Sera »thing of her first feeling of in- fsriortty tn hts presence returned, neck of high ground running Inland causing her to struggle fiercely agulnst from the top of hts hill Turning sen- the weakness that threatened to over­ ward, ha shaded his eyes with hla bands and scanned the horizon. come her. No Indication of life was visible. No 'T here's generally an opening In a | brier reef opposite a fre s h w a te r smok^ no mast, no sail. He swept the small island with an­ river," Croft observed. "W hy?" she inquired, without any other keen critical glance. From hla Interest. To talk of anything, how­ knowledge of the South Pacific— In ever, was better than the silence' which ocean, somewhere, this Island must lie— he guessed It to be of little which encouraged thought “It's supposed that the sediment It or no use fo r trade, either In copra or contains Injures the reef-building other exports. In spite of Its patches polypes, preventing their working op­ of luxuriant verdure. Therefore, prob­ posite. The polypes can't live and | ably, It was never visited by tbs ouP- werk below a certain depth— a b o n t1 side world 1 Unless there were habi­ twenty fathoms or io. Aw fully Inter- I tations la the south, It was conceivably esttng, coral 1 Don't you think so?" I uninhabited—possibly unknown. For tome moments he stood motion­ Shs confessed , kutlre tguorunce on I the subject. Tbl« e p artly “O f conns not I" aha answered In ­ the Avork of man's hand, not entirely dignantly. the reaull of nature But he forebore H e banded her the blood-ata)(ie