id .E 2 H A I.M . Y I.M lH IK IS tl News Notes From All Over Oregon G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r U n io n A fail-elm« school nurse will be im ployed by the Eugene schools the com* in g yenr. 1-l-C. .3, speed approximately ftu.000 in ex- pensions and improvements during neat ynv- The Klamath oeunty court awarded a contrast te Doty A Messenger for preliminary Hearing and grubbing work an The Oatles-Caltfornia high way for a distance of ten miles soutn of Crescent. Cankerworms Quite Injurious to Trees For Mother’s Christmas D u rin g A b u n d a n c e P e rio d s T h e y D o M uch D a m a g e . | (Prepared by the Ualted Bteiea D«pne pair belonged to Rose. Other supervisor and has appropriated 31300 — —— — — — — partment has rscogDlsed as a part ot uf good things! »rms were reaching for her; and be- By M A R G A R E T BOYO for the work during 1926 the redes*) threat road t Jldtng pro H a n d le B e e s C a re fu lly Purchase of 2l>#0 acres of plno tlm- -M gram the foroet reserve section of the tvi by M » r g « r « t B o y d .) bor in Klamath county by R E. Gil to P r e v e n t E x c ite m e n t Weetoa-Blgin mountain highway , . . a pinch of salt.” chrlst. wealthy lumberman of AJtgau, In handling bees wait until the day Fund» have been alleted tor a survey ., — S ilas Marner. Mich , vega announced The purchase warms up, then handle them carefully of the ftret unit of five miles, which The first time 1 ever realised that so that they will not be disturbed price was ghfen at 363,000 will take tt to Tollgate suit wss not Just salt, no matter where any more than necessary. It Is not Wild swabs in much greater num The Salem W tlA at Grower«’ Co-op­ It came from, was one hot morning good for bees to be dlatnrbed very bars Hum in prov.pui years are being when we had to wait for hours while much, as nnnecessary handling will seen In (kkae to southern Oregon, and erative association announced that a Canadian fisherman who was to take cause excessive activity. This activity the entire crop for 1934 had been sold many agpsur quits tame, according to us across the bay removed the roe may cause the queen to lay more eggs with the exception of a few thousand Federal Game Warden Steele from a large sturgeon that he had 1 ,han the hive can properly take care pounds now In storage at Dundee. The C A P I T A L A N D S Ù R P L U S « lig h t and prepared It for shipment of. which Ls not advisable, points out Statu aad local officers made a demand for this year's crop showed ucross the lake to one of our flourish­ K. S. Prevoet, extension bee spsclaF roundup ef alleged bootleggers and Improvement over last season, and the Co.Timercidl and» accounts Solicited ing cities, where It was to be convert­ Ist at Clemson college. gamblers at Marshfield and arrested prices were very satisfactory ed Into Russian caviar. His part of When you are going through your eight persons on Hqaer charges and the process involved the use of a great hive and find a queeoluss colony It Purchase by the Southern Pacific 11 nten on gambling charges quantity of suit. He told us he used le boat to unite them with a colony company of 39 acres of land along the only German salt, whleh be declared that has a queen. Piling Is being driven et St Helens right of way of the Eugene-Klamath whs four times os salty as our salt I ---------------------------- fer the fpuodation of a shingle mill Falls line, four miles north of Kirk, .ait h a .. P ro te c tio n N e e d e d f o r which a Portland concern will build was announced at Klamath Falls been quickened by the statements that at that piece It to expected the pleat through the tiling of the deed with the A ll Y o u n g F r u it T re e s the alarming Increase In goiter Is due will be in operation by February IS. county clerk The purchase has re­ to u deficiency in the salt ws use. For The rubblt guards for young fruit Fire of imdetermlnfM origin destroy vived Interest In the speculation as I» S • — — — _ wZ a long time scientists were puzzled by trees should extend from the ground the fact that goiter showed a tendency tn u height of 14 Inches. Guards of ed the Rogue Valley M illing company's to the location of the division point to be so common In certain sections of building puper er cornstalks may be plant, consisting of a large three of the new railroad. story frame b u y in g en the edge of bpeciul price no o .ie -lia ll ton and tou lois \ | / the world tliat they were known as tied on and are efficient fer one year. There were three fatalities In OTe J y goiter belts or goiter zones. Switzer­ Experience at the Kansas experiment the mala basinets district ef Medfwd g6n due to Industrial accidents dur land has long been known as a goiter station has shown that wire cloth, one- A fresh stuck of Mrs. Christine Erickson, 78, of Birk- tug’ l he week ending November 26. at zone. Recently It lias appeared that fourth or one-half Inch mesh, makes rnfcIR. was hilled when an automobile cording to a report prepar'd by the RO have a well-developed goiter zone the heat rabbit guard and ls permanent tn the region of the Great Lakes, one us long as the tree needs protection. driven by her granddaughter. Ruby state Industrial ¡accident commission. author claiming that s fifth of the The wire cloth Is cut Into pieces IS Johnson, 13. skidded and overturned The victims were Frederick Stover. am ou n t school children In that area have en­ by 14 Inches and la fastened with bog twice on (he iey pavement near Rain Salem, wood hauler; Mrs. Frank East larged thyroid glands, or physiological rings. A four-foot high rabbit-proof I lv vcniioinicitI food i • (’a lv e i, p ig * and p o u ltry ler. man. Medford, can nor, and Dale A. goiter. Goiter ts rarely found among fence ls the best protection ag.iihet C. C. Seeley of Portland has taken Perry. St. Helens, policeman. A total people ltvlug near the ocean. The rea­ Jack rabbits. office as resident engineer for the Ore­ of 431 aocldsnts was reported. son became more or leas evident when research workers discovered s few gon state highway commto»lon In Announcement was made at Kla I t has proven economical to yetirs ago that children suffering from Klamath oeunty. succeeding R L. math Falls of the signing of contracts down corn. goiter could be much benefited by Kuney. who resigned because ot III fer two new irrigation districts which minute doses of Iodine. health will ooeer approximately 8000 acres Only silage from well-matured com Iodine Is an element that ts most The Woodmen of the World of Eu­ and represent a rooetruexion cost of sbuuJaut tn the ocean—the Iodine of should be fed to the sheep. • • • gene are planning to erect a boms on betwenn 3360.600 and 3304 960. Pre commerce Is derived from sea weeds I f your boys are leaving the farm th e she of their present budding- It Ilnriaary work will start at once. The Sea foods, and salt secured by evapo- rating sea water, contain all the Iodine tt tnay be that there Isn't enough room two dtetricse are the M alt* and Shasta a* wne M>iu-«>vd that the proposed strut „ E c o n o m y , B e a u ty a n o neeiied to keep the body In good condi­ there tor them tura would cost betwoeo 360.003 and View torigptlo* projects, which have Q u a lity --------- —----«— tion. It la claimed, however, that been hanging fire fer several years. 376.000. can he tint n t" fo u r kitch en by much of the sell sold nowudays Is de­ D e c id e d Im p ro v e m e n t in Acting under a legal opinion hand- I The ReMa City cannery rtotohed Its ficient In Iodine, perhaps due to the re­ ili e tostullment o* one of our seassn s raa and closed down Satnr •d down recently by the attorney-gen G ra s s h o p p e r S itu a tio n fining processes that have given us eral. Kart Fisher state tax com ml» day after rempieUng Ute apple pack whiter, finer salt tlisn our parents j There has been a decided Improve­ knew. which totpled (3.663 CMS* two oar sloner. '« iff asud nary, have started moving toto other meets e t the tan. Flans tor development of the Clear Itos'* T h e prices are right "Trig fined flour must eat hran to replace laboratory In the control of ths Uov »ear tern Lake water and power project are to f ie hran sifted out of the ground cricket with the poisoned bran It waa announced at the offtcee of be carried tn a bill to be introduced wheat, snd must w t yenst to .apply mash and by the entrnnologlst. e f th* the Capital Ics A Storage company at In congress by Representative C. W t . vilcnln principle excluded when Ralt Lake City laborstory in ,h . co» Ssieai that the corporation ptoaa to H - - ’ v the wheat germ Is left oat of flour trot ef the s lfw f* weevil with nrseto « W ith the High School Classics HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon $ 3 5 .0 0 0 f Recently our interest in ■or M ore egg production LAV 3.11711 j j. J Use F ish er’s E g g P ro d u cer ¡J; SI/ 4 \JE R S F E M ILK F O O D bulli ,o w! 5 C ..M,pp2:’ 7 tk-ired “ with Mz C O O M M PO P O I U INO ND » 'h • •• O. W . F R U M d/ Uz it/ « i ••« < ? £ ••••« •••••••• J BRIDGE&BEACH« RANGES J HEATERS • H IL L & < o : 03 . u _ ----Uoe t»eai das: I