Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, December 03, 1924, Image 1

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HAL8F.Y, LINN COUNTY O R E 'O N . DEC. 3. 1*24
T h a n k s g iv in g D a y
D o in g s o f H a ls e y ite s
u t h o r i t y for south-
ern P a cific to acquire
co n tro l of the E l Paso
and S outhw estern ra ilro a d sva-
tem by lease and «.fork ow ner­
sh ip was granted by the in te r ­
state commerce com m ission last
Septem ber, and at the same tim e
a u th o rity waa given the A rizona
and E astern, a Southern Pacific
s u b s id ia ry , to undertake eon.
s tru c tio h o f tra c k th a t w ill
place P h e n ix and the S a lt riv e r
v a lle y on the m a in lin e of the
S outhern P acific, the work to
be com pleted hv Jan. 1 next.
O ct. 14 a u th o rity was granted
S ou th e rn P acific to acquire con­
tr o l of th e A riz o n a and Eastern
and the P h e n ix and E astern by
Niahtmarets Invited
Young and Old.
T w a iity -a io e members oi
the K ir k and F ru o i fa m i­
lies gathered at the O \\
K ru m home to celsbrat-
th a n k s g iv in g and to h elp dieuoat
of a large tu rk e y aud a il the trim
inings. Pi event were M r. and Mr«.
J. P. W i.h u r of P o rtla n d , Jamet
riio ta p a o n and fa m ily o f A lb a n y .
¡M r. and Mr». Ray F ru u t and am
of P la in v ie w , W a lte r F ru m and
fa m ily o f C ra w fo rd s v ille , W . R
K ir k and fa m ily , F ra n k K ir k aud
Wealey H o llo w a y of H ro w n a v ilh .
T he com m ission said : “ The
S outhern P acific has tia il in
cob tern p la t ion
d o u b le -tra ck ma
its lin e between Tucson and E l
Paso. I t w ill secure substan­
tia lly a ll the advantage- of
double tra c k o p e ra tio n on a
more favorable lo cation without
any o u tla y fo r new c o n s tru c tio n
** In 1923 the exoeaa of easi-
bound tr .illic over w .s itio u n d on
the S outhern P acific between
Tuc«on and E l Paso am ounted
to 90.362,000 gross to u -m ile *.
D u r in g
th e
same y e a r
on the
doultth lin e a n . g. » I ,U ..4, itiv, in ■ .
S outhw estern between the same I • 0,U3<>,000 to u -m ile s
T o » a n n u a l a d m in is t r a t io n a m i m e l a t i ng
I ointa there was an excess of west, saving th ro u g h better balancing of penses, $ 1 ,4 8 7 ,8 6 0 ; io ca p ita1 i ing ó to ta l annual saving of 13,-
boo lid tra flic over east.bound o f J t i a ttic is estim ated at $662. (XX) ; in • nd maintenance e ’m rge- I h ro u g h 430 960 ’
H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s
tern at G rant’s bridge, on the
a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts
T. J. Skirvin made a business
trip to Eugene Saturday.
Deane has filed suit
Short Stories from Sundry for Beulah
divorce from G. S. Deane.
Ted Mitzner occupied the p u l-!
pit in the M. E. church at H ar­
risburg Sunday morning.
The school play Wednesday
At the anniversary meeting
night yielded $93.15.
of Carity grange. Saturday
Power, night, Governor Pierce is ex-
which recently bought the Scio oected to give a talk,
light and power plant, will r u n , Some of the tim ber in the
a Une to connect with its sys- H arrisburg ferryboat has ro t­
ted so badly th a t the ferry is
-M flM H M a M n M n R a R iw * suspended for reoairs.
Linn county has withdrawn
A lbany's
from the state industrial acci­
’ n n lv
dent commission because the Scourge Fast YieleHno to Health
W ork
fees were out of all proportion
Christm as 8eala.
to the benefits received.
T he Christmas oeal Is with ua again.
B ancroft Optical Co.
J IJ W e ,t First street. Albany,Or.
While Dale LaM ar of Peoria Seven m illion of them have beon dis­
tributed throughout the str.te of O ra
attending the j school
• l ,
gon to be sold during the month of
at Rialto hall W ednesday night £ocorob„ t0 , , „ nce the-right Tuber
n somebody
,. WI
1 re n lutomobil«.
/AVI 1 1 n culoala— _ Give
. _
mi. .
stole his
H e a lth " campaign. Th«
The car was found next day, seal, w ith Its bold victorious figure
typifies the movement which it baa
abandoned near Lebanon.
t (C o iitin u rd 'in pat e 6)
\ \ e fe a tu re
O re g o n C it y V ir g in W o o l
lor Men and Bovs
Oregon Qty W m M b IGBs Capynght. '»V»
larger number of Oregan counties dur­
ing the year than ever before. Free
tuberculosis clinics were held. Thaua-
ands of pieces of lite ra l are wan din
H ealth Mima were circulat­
ed. Supplementary m aterial to aid 1a
the required teaching of Health and
Hygiene was offered to every leecher
In the state.
Another piece of the Association's
work, of the utmost value, ta the tusk
tng of surveys, and Investigations re­
garding the tuberculosis situation In
the state
T h e Bursas of Clinics sad
Surveys has been able to furnish ac­
curate and up-to-date statist‘ca th s t
are fast c ry s ta llite s public opinion In
regard to the desperate need of addi­
tional tuberculosis hospital facilities
A ll thia was done on 6 cents per
I f every purchaser would
double his purchase the Association
could double Its service.
her sister, Mrs. Ernest A bra­
Miss Delma Wahl and her
roommate, Miss Anna Silver,
came from Corvallis Wednesday
»veiling to spend thanksgiving
at Miss Wahl's home. They
returned to Corvallis Friday
E. B. Penland and wife, Mr.
tnd Mrs. Fred Robins and chil­
dren and Mrs. Fanny S ta rr
were dinner guests at the home
jf Mr. and Mrs. George Starr.
Mrs. Mary Bierly, w ith her
sons and daughters and th eir
.amilies gathered a t A rth u r
Waggener’s for a feast. There
were twenty-four of them.
Mrs. Bert Clark and daugh­
ter Georgina and Mrs. Henry
Brock and daughter Doris spent
thanksgiving at Lebanon with
Charles Poole and family.
Mrs. Harry Commons and
Mrs. Fanny Gray and grand­
son Marion Metcalf of Cottage
Grove spent Thursday a t the L.
R. Wilson home. Mrs. Gray is
having a residence built in Sa­
lem and will make her home »ud A d ria n i-m ith were l anks-
there as soon as it is completed. tvening a fter a week's visit
Miss Freda Koch of Portland with relatives in Albany and
and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Shedd.
Dethman and children, from
C. L. Carey and wife spent
Hood River, came home to spend hanksgiving with Mr. Carey’s
thanksgiving with th eir par­ parents, returning to Eugene
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Koch. •unday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote en­
Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sickeis
tertained at dinner Mr. and went to Corvallis thanksgiving
Mrs. F. W. Robinson and family and spent the day with Mr. and
of Junction City, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. C. G. Hamer.
A. W. Foote and son W alter and
Mr. and Mrs. Morse, from
Mr. and Mrs. David Foote.
Brownsville, were thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor ot guests of their son, Clinton
Portland were guests a t the J. Morse, and family.
C. Standish home. Fred retu rn ­
A. C. Arm strong and fam ily
ed the same day but Mrs. Tay­ Did M r*. R R. In g o ld h»d
lor visited in Eugene before go­
thanksgiving dinner at the L. H.
ing home.
Arm strong home.
Charley Straley drove to Cor­
A. H. Quinlby and family
vallis Wednesday evening *nc went to Chester Childer's, near
brought home his mother-in Lebanon, to spend thanksgiving.
law, Mrs. E sther Rike, whe
Albert Terwilliger o.‘ O. A. C.
spent thanksgiving with the
was the guest of DeLos Clark
during thanksgiving vacation.
Miss Grace Wallace and little
Adolph Spelling and sons
H arry Reeves returned to P ort­
and Lloyd ate thanksgiv­
land Saturday, a fte r enjoying
thanksgiving with their grand­ ing dinner at CUi'tis Veatch’s.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rec­
P ic tu r iz in g th e
Leone Palm er came
10 C o m m a n d m e n ts
home from Monmouth, where
she is a student a t the Stmtc
Normal, and spent the thanks­ P haraoh’« Army, Israel
giving holidays.
Oregon Seal Record ■xaellent.
A record In the December Christmas
Seal Sale was made by Oregon last
year, which places her wall toward the
top of the list of atataa In the per
Miss Cleona Sm ith, assistant
capita sale of aeala. H e r 1823 record
waa 2.6 aeala sold for every person principal of
the Sweet H
In the state, an Increase of aevea- high school^ spent the tha
tenths of a seal over the 1121 mark.
giving holidays with her fatliei ,
Portland, and Multnomah county.
W. L. ém ith.
Oregon, laat year won a cross country
* «
conteat against Portland. In Cum ber­
C- H.t Koontz and
J; >nd
land county. Maine
T he race waa to
Mrs M’ V. Koontz were dinner
see who would sell the highest number guests
.the home of Mr. and
of sqals per capita
A U rge s iv a r . „ ----- — . -r- - _ ,
es Drinkard.
loving cup was awarded Multnomah Slrs
M l'S . Jam
D n n k a rd . f
couadg. which reached the record
Mr. and Mrs. . J. . . A.
U a lo a t her
nsr opponent's
opponents 6.2. Even
r .ir n
. . - Stevenson
t ! against
and the Ked Sen.
The most extensive use of
army field telephones since the
world war was made in the
Cevi^ B. De Mille production of
financed so successfully that within
the last fourteen years the death rate
from tuberculosis has been cut In hall
theatre, Al-
In the United States Throughout tbs
hany, Dec. 10 and 11. Inci-
country, one hundred thousand peopla
are enjoying the Christmas aeaaoii
dentally it enabled the Holly­
who would have perished If the dis
w o o d folks to phone home from
•see were as uncontrolled as It was _,
IO. Multnomah did net reach the top spent- the_ day with their »on,
corner of the thirty-six
• decade snd a h alf ago.
among the Oregon counties, for she Stanley Stevenson,
and family
In Oregon, the toll In tuherrutoata
waa slightly surpassed by B-schutes
f v u ^ene,
square mile location. But more
deaths la 1323 was 623. and the b»st
T h * 1824 Christm as Beal Sale be
estim ates Indicate that about 1600
gins becem bsr 1, and continues until
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ro rt- im portant even than th at, it
people In the state are afflicted
Tu­ Chrlstmaa
The ta le cenatltutaa the gQn h a j
, o n ancJ J a u
r guided both Pharaoh’s arm y and
d R v V
Israel, directed the Red
berculosis is now characterized by aole support of the Oregon Tub errs
- fleeing
leading specialists as a preventable,
losls Association, w ith all Its health
sea tp be turned on or off at the
curable disease, and one that seed
and antl-tuberculoets work, sad pro­ mg dinner.
wold of command, accompanied
not menace the lives of our cltlsens,
vides funds for the County Public
Moses to Sinai, and ruled the
I f known measures o f prevention and
H ealth Associations
N inety five per
storm in which perished the
proper living arc put Into practise
cent of the proceeds are retained with- , - -
t a A u ,
In the state, only five per cent being the A rthur V\OS le y h o m e Ih U r S - votaries of the golden calf.
T h e chief object of the Chrlstmaa
emergency telephone
Beal Sale is to fiaaace the educational aent as commission to the National, or ; d a y .
campaign which w ill help equip the parent organ.,mtloa._________
system consisted of a six-mile
general public w ith such inform ation
roll of wire mounted on n sand
about the m alntenaace of their health,
F o r seventeen years, Christm as a n d Adrain Smith were thanks­ sled drawn by horses— the only
that tuberculosis shall be ultim ately
Beals have been following their useful giving guests at W. P. Wahl's
means of transport tnw ng the
elim inated as a destroyer of raanklad.
career In the United States The first
Eldon Cross and wife had roadless sand dunes. It was not
sale amounted to about 33600
year's totaled tour and a qua Car m il thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. strung on poles but merely laid
along the ground, following the
Cross’ parents a t Hillsboro,
Uoe dollars
G ra n t' McNeil and family ate director or his assistant to any
dinner a t the point desired. Using portable
The P otter five-hundred club thanksgiving
Five Cents Per Capita fa r Ohrlstmaa
rro a ivvra
a rm y
T. McNeil.
Scala Paya for Oregon Campaign.
met at the home of Mn and
T he only scarce
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skirvin
of funds for the Mrs. P. H. Freerksen Saturday
n ati tuborraloela, night.
Five tables of progres­ spent Thursday at the home of
Thus ttic c »6 id »nil ilm J600
end Habile Health sive five-hundred were played, relatives 3t Junction City.
road acted
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bamford players engaged were always in
by the Oregon Mi4». Fred Sprenger and Henry
thanksgiving day with instant touch with headquar­
Tubwrealoats Aa- Abraham winning
first prizes,
J. C ..P o rte r and Er- Mrs. Rosa Powell.
About 250 officers and dough­
Fred Sprenger,
wife and son boys from the United States
ed County Pubiio neat Abraham
the consolation
I p r» -s. At m idnight the hoBteBs were
at J - C
Government helped in the mak­
ing of the picture. Spectators
tlons. Is the Chris'm as Seal Bale
nerved lunch, assisted by Mrs.
E very person who purchased seals laat
Travis Martin spent the day of the Param ount spectacle of­
year Is entitled to the satisfaction of
ten remark on the way the big
in Portland.
knowing that even at the small per ry Sprenger.
tine or-
i crowds are handled and the
capita expenditure of 5 cents, over a
” J
period of a year, a long Hat of things
was accomplished
Thousands of children were enrolled
ta the M odem H ealth Crusads. ta d
given the baoefit of daziane teaosiag
and practise In tha performance of
hablta of peraonai hygiene so necea
aary to good health.
Public Health
Nursing aervjea w»» »»tended jgtg a
parents. She returned to Eu-
urh« Ì.W
i . ill
! «ene
«ene Sunday
Sunday evening
evening for
for school
Gilbert left the same day fori
Mrs. Ida Crittenden of Al-
Portland, where he is in school, bany spent thanksgiving with
’" J t T ’T I r J j 'r.'-,
lh*1 thl"
' . K ly ' hJ
rP8Ujt of arrny methods and
arm y discipline, for without
th a t It would indeed have been
a chaos.