—Continued A/Awisg ^ /^ b a n y j2 ) ir e c to r y FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest. Real Estate T h u i t good td v ic « : " i f you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; i f you live in tome other town, trade in that tow n," But in thete automobile day« many re­ n d in g elsewhere had -it advitable to do at least part of th eir buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to trauiact business w ill find the firms named below ready to 611 their require meets w ith courtesy an,t fairness. Prompt service. Insurance Courteous treatment. W m B am , builning, Room 5, First Savings Bank Albany C. J . B r e ie r C o. SHOE 2 SERVICE A C C E S S O R IE S A N D T I R E S Auto Supplies Shoes that cost less per month oi near J H A luso n 442 West First St .tb a u y B a k e ry , 424 ^street W ent First 4 one-pound loa vet for 25e A lb a n y F lo ra l Co. Cut A flower« D ELB ER T STARR D ire c to r and censed E m b alm er at W O O D W O R T H ’S sll and see C the bi$ w . L. W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director Cotton p la id Suiting», par Vard Fine n ls id G ab erdine rig o ls r 8Cc v a l­ ue per v a rd , st , . , 3 6 -in rh Blue re g u lar 79, 85 attd assortuieu avenport M u s ic c o m p a n y uff«r>- Piano-case organ, good as new Estey organ, good as new Used Pianos. Halsey and Harrisburg Call D. T a y l o r . Halsey, or W. L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg istb u ro Bros.— Tw o big grocery E stores, 212 W . F irst and 225 South Main. Good merchandise st the right SEND prices. ME BACK” PLEADS THURBER lite C a feteria and confectioner« Uoma cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. W e make our own candies. W . S. D cncjl N. E F and RD SALES AND p rin te d olman H Fruits « An © 9 H e a v v O it in e F b n n e l, colors, 6 vsrds lig h t end d ark L uu HOSIERY H"w . . . . fu m i- Produce © © & jac K son : 2.89 2.19 O ne lo t good flsnnol S h irts , M en ’s fine dress S h !rt» In si|k and 2.00 stripes . . 1 1 7 6 , IJ ^5 and H e a v v wool Shirts Grocery— Bakery Everything in the line of eats • opposite Postoffice ub C and y C d ,, F irst street, Dexi door to Blain Clothing Co. H 85c $1.00 1.00 » e in ©4.43 ChMdren*© S e t t e r s , made of fin** w *>ol 1.69 A few R oy«’ 8 we» ter« le ft at . \ ' 2.85 M EN’S SHIRTS ;i$ l» 4 9 H eavv flannel S hirts, U L L E R G R O C E R Y . 285 Lyon (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Phoue 2t>JR © M e n ’» lire v v W ool Sweater». »p»cisl a t ................................>2 98 a m t * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral director» 427-4JJ west First street. Albany, Oregon. F Q /j SWEATERS • n S E R V iC fc C o ., .’ . . . . W om en ’s fine Lisle Hose, regu lar o utsit», 3 p a i r « .................................. Tires and accessories Repairs K i « k -P o l l a k M otor C o . * ’E p o rtin ille r F u in itu te , j W o m e n ’ s fin e S ilk We mail them right back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or egon. p o OO- value, i.ow 59c 39c 69c 69c © 32-incb dress G in g h a m s, 86c grade. W o m en ’s heath er W ool H»»t oonfectionory io town T h a t te wbv when yon te ll bbt you w ill hov h*t a bog of candy she alw ays »ays * ' Be sur« si d get i t at C le r k ’s ." FARM LOANS Write tor booklet deacribmg onr 20- ir Rural Credit Amort lied Loans e loan pave out in 20 payments, re­ in« the priocipe, Cheep rate». So .. B« a k L a n d C o .. /- 'l l ’ C la r k US Lyon street, Albany. Ore © © When a Bumper Crop's a Crlm«^ T H E C A N D Y G IR L T, S U D T E L L © We cut all our ra­ find shelter in her border*. I and 1 -fed them tions to twe meals a day, ant that Thurber hopes, after visiting Ore­ The other day the president was black bread and water. But we gon nod Washington, to return again of the organized raisin grow«is saved the children.” to the oamps in Oreeca. where he When the orders came from the says there are at least tt.OM orphan of Csdifomia in a public address th a t -it Turks that even the children must shtldrwn. many of whom muit die tMa declared emphatically , would be a crime to plant leave Turkey, Thurber was 200 taUee winter from sheer exposure. The Neer East Belief offices are ad another grapevine, in the golden from the coast, with thrae ranges ef mountains between him and safety. <12 Block Exchange Building. Port­ state. ’ Wobably he hud in mind It was In the dead of winter, with deep land. and 221 Burke Bldg.. Seattle. toe fact th at the growei s so far enow everywhere. There were neither have received only two cents a railroads nor automobiles, and the 1 pound fo r the raisins grown 7,000 children were transported la rw The Study Club , and delivered to the association lays on the three weeks’ Journey te Mr«. H. F. English and Mrs. in 1923. The general manager the tee Many died earoate. as tre- the walnut producers’ or­ qnently there was no shelter either by L. E. Waltcn were hostesses at a ! of day or night sad they had te sleep meeting of the Study club ganization warns the growers la the open In the snow. When final­ to prepare for lower prices as ly they reached the ooaat and aaw tke Thursday afternoon a t the Eng­ Fourteen members the bearing acreage increases. Am erice a flag flying ever the skips lish home. brought for their rescue, and the responded to roll clUi with The management of the prune white-coated sailors tenderly lifting Thanksgiving selections. Mrs. and apricot growers’ association the tittle ohOdren te places of eefsty, C. P. Moody wag elected to is worrying abojut the possibili­ ■ome came to him and asked. "Where menibcrship, Plans were per­ t y of 'a oumpfcr crop in 1925, Is God?” Maturplly they thoaghf they growers, watching fected for the bazaar and cook­ and th a bad reached Beaten. j the flgs increase, are When Thurber arrived In Constaa- ed- ftjbd sale to be given in the scared future prospects, tladple he found thousands of peo­ 0. ’ ill. Miller building, Decem­ ple huddled In the great Selemle bar­ ber for the benefit of the agriculture ia in a fair position, i b u t’oniy because in 1924 crops racks in Constantinople; the barracks public library. Look at cotton. In which Florence Nightengale Im­ An interesting lesson on the were ¿hort. mortalised herself a few geaeratloaa When th e yield estimates went furniture of our forefathers ago. Typhus, typhoid, smallpox, dys­ up two million bales, the value entery. seurvy, were only a few of the was ¡given by Mrs. J. VV. Clark. j of the cotton crop dropped diseases taking heavy toll ot human Appropriate charades and musi­ Ute Thurber bought cabbage by the cal selections added to the a f­ nearly half a billion dollars from i the high point. Fundamentally carload to break the scurry; bat when ternoon’s enjoyment. even oarloads were set soOfelent te Mia. J. VV. Moore of Ilarii»- ' theryi hpd been no lasting ad- , o: If 1925 should see give the necessary greea foods te tha burg was a guest. scurvy sufferers, be bought s field of 1 bufriRP0<7rpps everywhere, there Table decorations were char­ grass and with that broke the disease will bqfewailing and gnashing of He stayed In Constantinople natll acteristic, a replica of the May­ teethr all the fanning coun- ( flower forming the centerpiece Oreec« agale opened ber gates and try.-^I& ccm ber Sunset. allowed tke remaining refusoea te and m inature craft were used agtiL sold *xd »«changed at all tim et f s Confectionery Chester Rice was a visitor a t the county spat Monday. Misses Betty Coshow and Fay Proebstel spent the week end at Corvallis. Rev. E. L. Wood retuined to Eugene Monday, a fte r filling his appointment at the Church of Christ. J. L. Bowman returned to Portland Monday a fte r a visit tie Brownsville to look a fte r his. • © • • © © • * w ’o'ati © « © a© Noon lunches. Home-made candv and ica Cream. "All I ask ot the American people Is that they will seud me rljh t back Into the midst ot It all again. I want ub C leanin g W o rks, In c . Cor, Becocud, and Perry to he out In Greece takinc the motherless children out ot the leaky, Master Dyers and Cleaners desolate camps and piscine them In Made - T o - Measure Clothes homes ot comfort,” says Christopher M P K R IA L G A P E , 20» 'V . F irs t C. Thurber, who It spending the early Harold G. M urphy Prop. weeks ot December In Orefon and Phone 665 Washington as speaker tor Golden W c MBVSK CLOSR Rule Sunday, December 7th. During bit Ore years In Turkey, jtaonkto E L E C T R IC co a Official Stromberg carburetor aarv Thurber lived through more expsr- e station. Conservative prices A ll laoees than would come to the average ark guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. person In as many llfa-tlmes He was Imprisoned by the Turks tor tour A R lN E L L O parlors months because he would hot pay his (A beauty aid for every need) Income tax— a tax larger than hit Prancis Hole: whole lneotne. Prep., W lNNIPtM D Ross One night, while alone In his office en and money sre best when be was suddenly summoned to the busy. Make your dollars work in Turkish headquarters, where without our savings department. A l b a n y S t a ceremony TM or explanation, he was beat­ B a m s . Under government supervision. en into IntsnsiMlfty. The soles of his Fast were mashed to a pulp, h it riba G O R E ’ S M U S IC H O U S E crashed, and his face was almost un­ " E veryth in g musical ’ ’ recognisable, whan, attar a night of In­ sensibility he was found the next 25 W First st. m oral»! by the other Am Orleans. 3 T IM S O N T H E S H O E ÏÏO C T O R L ater whflg taking children from 5 Second street, opposite Ham ilton's the bodies at their dtad mothers, an (orc Infected louse crawled from the body "Sudden Service.’ ’ ot a child to Thurber's body, and for P H E ^ M A R G l h R i l E S H O I ’ F E days be was delirious with typhus. L Shampooing. Marcelling and Scalp "The thing that oauaed me to lose raatineuU Margaret Countryman, faith In God and man and everything « W es’ Second st. Phone 22. and everybody, was the order from New Tork saying that since people K S P E C IA L T Y S H O P P E In America were getting tired ot giv­ r hemstitching and stamped good«. ing. we moat take In no more children. an iilto n ’s. 315 W. Seoond at. Four thousand children presented themselves In a period of a little over s ïd ï^ A ÏÎÎÎe re o i) A S o n. d in triu - » year They were the remnants of ltors and dealers tor Maxwell. Chsl- po.ooo people driven past my relief Bssex H id so n A Hupm obila cars, station dnilag tke l« |t thro» years, woriea. » poliea. 1st A Bros da bin net more than 10.009 of whom sur­ vived. How could I refute tbaaa chll- dren’ 1 couldn't! I took them la. c « tn iil Intereel». L. W. Inedit and Jess Eaton of Portland have purchased Shannon’s saw mill and .will rvo it this winter and spring. Mrs. A. E. Loucks returned to Walia Wailu Friday a lte r n visit with Mrs. E. F. Sa-wyer. E. A. Evans made a trip to Albany Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Damon and little daughter of Beftd ar­ rived Thursday to spend . unksgiMii^ witn the for.i.ers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. D a m o n ._ ________ Farmers not tha Oniy Sufferers Are you a farm er, and do you feel blue because the farm ers are not making profit«? Well once in a while one is, and the others may realize th at their’s is not the only occupation pur­ sued a t a loss. Internal revenue reports show tliat 1475 planing mill companies in 1921 (th a t is ns late as figures are given) re­ ported a total income of ¡¡>38,- 000,090 less $5,000,000 income ta x ; the other 1891 companies reported losses of $76,000;00<> on which fortunately they had to pay no taxes. i ¿unset for December says: The 2000-odd leather and leather-products m anufacturers lost 957,000,000 in 1920 and 960,000,000 the next year. They are still paying Irish dividends. Half the paper m anufactur­ ers in 1921 had an aggregate income of 937.000,000; the other half saw $49,000,000 go down the rat hole. Of t i e m anufactureres of furniture, auto bodies and other lumber products, 2984 had total profits of 970 000.000 on which tfiey paid the Government $11,000,- 000 in taxes; the remaining 3749 companies reported total deficits of $120,000,000. Even the oil corporations in th a t year showed a loss of 988,000,000 for the industry. In the coal indus­ try the net earnings of the prof­ it takers failed to cover the losses of the unprofitable com­ panies by 95,000,000. Outstanding exceptions in this gloomy compilation were public service corporations, ho­ tels, restaurant and 'laundry people, banks and the theatres. With them the returns indicat­ ed a good average profit. In renewing his subscription to the Enterprise .< H. D. Mitz- ner, now of Los Angeles w rites: “We surely miss the Enterprise and wish to subscrilte again. We are enjoying good health and the wonderful privilege of going to day school this year." Mr. Mitzner also sent an article, printed elsewhere, giving the verdict of 82-year-old Dr, I. W. Munhall, editor of the Philadel­ phia E astern Methodist, and re­ membering th at the publisher of the Enterprise must pay cash fatty Vaar*. Sold by all dmtxlat*. for setting type, inclosed $1 to P. J. CHBKIY ft. CO, Toledo, Ohi< pay for th at. as place cards. Raymond Logan, who is em­ Club will meet December 11 ployed ’1A t h e 1 W estern Union with Mrs. W. H. McMahan. Corrtfc»any at La GrBnde, attend­ ed the jootlMtll garde a t Corval­ Morton Hadley -and family, lis ’Saturday and ¿hen came to accompanied by Molrton’s broth­ Halsey to spend' the rest of his er, Fred Hadley, drove out from week’s vacation Jwith his m oth­ KansAs and have lieen guests at er, M fi- B e l v a r g l x ^ a n ^ , ! the 110106 of their brother, Frank Ijadlev, an! wife* M ur- ton is the father of Gladys and Treatment,both Velva Hadley, who have been local et-d Iw m isl, in,! has been ssiccas- making their home with their lul In tha mataeanx of Catarrh for over H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine uncle for some time. ♦4< ■ It * t ' 1 • •R' 1