Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 26, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Me'aw t A o n A fn l f o r tAo i i t u i n j !
\an ks njuuny
> -y a
P. Patton drove to Albany Tues­
Mrs. H. W. Chance is on the
sick list.
Calvin Wooley took the train
S h o rt Stjories fro m S u n d ry for Globe Thursday.
t- Sources
Miss Doris Lake spent the
week end in Corvallis.
* • “ •
T .v*-. •
A rthur Waggener and family
M rs H W . 'Chance ie uu the
were in Albany Tuesday.
sick lieu
H arry Com moos w as in Shedd
Travis M artin of Brownsville
was in Halsey Thursday.
M is* Fleeta Ltvick was in Al-j
P. H. Freerksen attended
bauy Tuesday-
grange at Browuaviia Saturday.
A ;C- Armstr.iiig and wife were’
Rev. Robert Parker and fami­
in Albany Tuesday.
ly were in Albany Tuesday.
Lila Dudley visited at the H arryj
jCplJiuiorw. home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Beene and
Mrs. A. C Armstrong called onl son Allen drove to Albany Sun­
M th . a barley Kmch laet.week.
¡1 day.
Mrs. George Alford and chil-|
J. W. Drinkard and wife
dr»n,spent'Tuesday in Halsey.
i drove to Corvallis and Albany
L H . Armstrong end family and Sunday.
m o th er W ere'in A lb a n y Friday.
»••••<. I
) ■ ■
J Mrs. Grace Foote was having
Mrs. OiiW . Frum and daught-rf dental work done in Albany
j Hmh spent MoAdsymt W ill K irk ’s Tuesday.
Seats for tonight’s school ulayji
Jam es McWilliams took in
wyre ueuriy aui(sold out by Monday*] the football game a t Corvallis
n ig h t.
iCr ul Gdi.vuia.
M is C. N. Moody arrived toils?
in spend IDuo-ksgiyiug ivuh her sou j
C .'r . and family:
Mis« Mabel
'•T 'e v d a y f« f a v i- it w ith her sistei,
J A r f a X A . Foote.
Ar*- B. Logan and son R iv of
Lalernide spent thank.-giyiug with
leiytives at Corvaliis.
ill» . L E Waltou weul to lia r-
risBurg Tuesday. She assists hsr
husband iu the s ore.
Mrs Harry Commons sod two
youngest sons are in Albany visit-
iDg'for a week with relatives. ■
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gormley
«rent to Springlield today do visit
their aoi, L. E ., and family,
K arl Brumwell and family went
io Portland for thanksgiving and
Mrs. Robustt ran the postoffics.
J. F. dcbdller has returned to
his hi'tne at Wolf Creek after a
yisit at the A .|A , Tussing home.
Mr». L j L . Crowe and daughter
Vesta of Portland arrived l'ueaday
to spend- ihanksgiving at J. W .
MieejCora Leah Moody went to
Hninwourg Tuesday for a visit
, with her grandparents, Mr. and
, M r « j|’. N. Moody.
M h P. J- Forster went to En-
gn.A today to «pend th a u k s g iv ic g
V with%er daughters, Mesdames Joy
, Rulsefys and Blanche Sweet.
W . rf. W ahl and wife and
•Waughtey Wdmu were in Corvallis
iJwiturdaly vlaitiug
W ahl’s
M ister, Mrs. Charles Gib«on.
£\ibercul"»is seals will he on
■^i- free. 1. Buv what you can
¿ f j help 1» *Be fight to rid our
co uutr » of ibis terrible disease.
The >y««n«o’s Study club, at-
preparing for a b.zaar io be
•,tl ven Ute. 13 id the Ollie M ill«'
¡ h ted by 'he cooimunity at
M. Bennett, near Lebanon. Sun*
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller
were Albany shoppers Saturday.
Before advertising to buy cat­
tle and hpgs W. H. Beene had a
government inspector test his
scales and they were found ac­
Joe Pittm an broke his Wrist
Sunday while trying to crank a
truck a t the home of T. M. Ben­
nett, where he was employed.
M. H. Shook, the local Swift
& to . man, drove to Portland
Friday night with a load of
dressed turkeys for the thanks­
giving trade.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Porter of
Portland came up the last of
the week, Mrs. Porter stopping
with relatives in Shedd while
Mr. Porter put in considerable
time at his .farm.
C. H. Koontz and family a t­
tended the football game at Cor­
vallis Saturday. Miss Alberta
of W. U. also attended and ac­
companied her parents home for
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 . Cross and
the latte r’s parents, Mr. and
to n g onttoko
On this national thanksgiving day, while joining in tbe
general expraasteo of gratitude, I with to thank the gmd
people of Halsey ard Li tin county for tbe proeper»u*
buainea« I have so long enjoyed and to assure them that
I ahall endeavor lo continue to so conduct tny business as
to retain their confideuoe and aateem
M. E. Church
Robert Parker pastor.
Sundav school, 10-
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 3,
Intermediate League, 6 80.
Epworth league, 6:80
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer-meeting Thursday, ' :30
Church of Christ
Lon Cbnmlee Minister.
(Con tinned!
Halsey Garage*
hsk msnv things to he th a n k -(
ftif for. not tbe least of which (
Is the ability to bring to bear (
niri the problem* of it» cus*
idjners up-to-date equipment (
and the beet of nieobanical(
Sermons for nextSundav: Morn­
"Thej »’01 he but ‘little obecnrltle»'
ing subject, “ W ill a Man Rob tn fresh places," he Interrupted "The
Godf’ ’ Evening subject, “ CoU; whale world It only cempoeed of little
notes, you kaew. and ths»r reverbera-
tio u ; voo May Meet a Fo >1 "
Plans for h great white gift > She listened la surprise. In her ex
Christina'- «re well under wav. perlenre. talk like thia, especially from
T te evening of Dec 21 has been a man. was unusual; hut from one
famed for n life of action It seemed
re acted f«-r the date. The build­ little short ef miraculous.
attend, d ing wi.l he full of folks
“Well," she said, enjoying the nov­
Ray Logan of La Grande is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Logan,
and old-time Halsey friends.
H Porter
Proceeds lo he u»ed for -ompanied hv Mr*. F
f Portland, drove to H»l«»v M " [ -
th epuhiw library.
l«v and visited at the Dr T L
Albert West, who has been ir
Marks and C- P. Stafford home*.
i hospital in Albany since be
, v s « .hot iu the leg, was brought Mi»» Grace Wallace and cousin
t o / \dolpb Falk's home last week, Harry Reeve* arrived from their
• pi is iu quite a serious condi- home in Portland f»mdav evening
tl> t , it being feared that his leg «nrt are visiting their grandpor-
have to be amputated.
«nta, J. W. Rector and wife
LX jn ’t worry over yonr Chris'-
M r. and Mrs. J. H. Van nice
w a 4 lists. All vour problem» wil
daughter Ellen
ba A ly e d hv a Visit to the har»»t Tueedav after a three.weeks visit
on > • .vmb«' 13 io the 0Hie M iller with their son at Lewiston, Idaho
bm ldit'g. Forget your Sa'urdaj They mede the trip bv «uk> and
and take advantage wary accompanied home by Ken-
i f thesA bargain» end carry hon e oeth, a «»udeotof W. U ., S^'em.
^oug 8 in d a y dinner from enr
Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson
cooked f»»d counter.
visited at the home of the lat­
Mrs. A a. A. Tuasi g ar.d Mrs. T. ter» parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
< 4 tidin g.
e ta y
has employment.
T. P. Patton and Miss Cleona
Smith attended the football
game a t Corvallis Saturday.
M r i J. C. Bramwell has been
assisting in caring for Mrs.
Nancy Palmer, who is quite ill.
Mrs. Mary Miller spent the
week ?nd with her daughter,
Mrs. Florence Leeper of Eu­
Mr. and Mrs. Grant McNeil
and children were visitors at
the home.<zf Mrs. J. T. McNeil
Sunday. .
Karl Bramwell and family,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. White and
Mrs. Ma y Miller drove to Al­
bany Thursday.
The M. E. congregation lis­
tened to a sermon by the dis­
trict superintendent, Dr. S. A.
Danford, Sunday.
Mrs. Karl Bramwell and chil­
dren and Mrs. Edith Rohnert
and daughter Louise w’ere Al­
bany shoppers Saturday.
Mrs. E. Shedd and little
daughter G reta May of Shedd
attended the meeting of, the
ladies’ study club Friday.
Miss Beulah Miller left Satur­
day for eastern Washington,
where she will spend the winter
with her sister, Mrs. Mark Bran­
Miss Gladys Willbanks re-
*’-'-ned Saturday from a visit in
Albany. She was accompanied
by her grandm other, Mrs. D. S.
Mrs. M. E. Bassett left for
Portland Sunday. She will be
the guest of h er granddaugh­
ter. Mrs. Mayme Robinson, till
after thanksgiving.
Mrs. W ill Porter of Shedd, ae.
fr io n tlo A ip t
„ Lila Qudlev won a turkey at the;
Miss Elta Morgan of Leban­
dance at Tumble Inn Saturday, on visited
at the Frank Gray Mi'»
home Friday.
A. C. Anuhtroiig and wife vis-*
Monday Miss Mary Smith re­
ted at A C HatoTi e Al*>a»y
turned to Albany where she
,.ai</RUa« *
Mrs. 0 Hecker left .today to
• (>epd few data with her uaugh-
tAo p o o t n n d Aopo tAo»/
Halsey Happenings
and County Events
tA a t u ro p o t t u n d A o p o fu l f o r tAo
t A a n A fu t f o r
* O.W. F R U M *
o f tAo j
ttago to to n to .
properly come« 365 time« * year (366 thia year), tor mor­
tal man alway« baa much to ba thankful for, whether he
kaowa it or not.
Today We join with the rest of the nation in giving
thanks for the many blessings which we enjoy in common,
And »« epeoially thank our friend« and patrons for favors
enjoyed; and bops for a long continuance of tbs pleasant
relations existing between us.
Ali-wy, rewd.i to serve tbosq^iaring aut] trouble,
• ,
A. E. FOOTE, Prop.
elty »f metaphor. “I went to feel the
hl< ‘reverberations'—to get among
deep chords. In feet!"
“They might be rather overpower-
It's lievlog some sort of right
keynote that counts."
She knit puizled brows, trying to
fellow his meaulng.
What keynote
could there be to all the JumhK of
separate entitle» that make up life?
“What keynote the world usee. 1
suppose, what you want, to discover?"
he asked
“De I? I t that It?" Kugerly she
leaned toward him. “Oh. I wonder—
What do you think It tsT‘‘
He blew out a rloud of smoke; Uien
smiled, “fkxxlnem knows 1 Perhaps
there Isn't one What private one^ do
we tU use! Don't you often woiuler.
when you meet a number of new peo
p ie - "
"Hut I nerer do meet them ! It Is
quite an event to meet a stranger,"
she assured him.
“Well, you shall soon meet plenty—
ef all nationalities
Even natives. In
the Philippines."
Barbara came back to practical
re a lltln with a start. “Natives! Are
they blark? I should loathe them."
"Oh. no; aurely not I like them
Nw> looked at him Incredulously.
“But why the PhntppdneaT'
“I have to go to Borneo atgl the
Philippines for the firm " He plunged
Into detail« of the Journey, and aha
listened enthralled. Tn flash like a
I meteor ever France, Italy, Egypt, Im
din. with a few days at each loading
place, and the detour to the PactBr,
exceeded all she hud ever dreamed.
! The world— at test I
‘ Abruptly he broke off.
“But I have not yet discovered, tit
atrance lands nnd crowded cities, what
la wrong with lbs world! I hope vou
succeed In your 'heart’s dealre.' , It's a
tall order."
A subtle change In tits manner gave
her the Impression that. Inwardly, h«
laughed at her
“Anyway, It Is a wonderful, chanc*
I am grateful to you for giving It te
the ball game, at Corvallis and i international Ooldea Rule Sunday la
took in the . play
. “America’* a t ' B test for our religion—our stnoertty
Albany on the return home. f It la a day (or personal «took taking,
for meeaurlng eur Mvee by a univer­
■ Frank Gansle has installed a sally accepted standard •< life to ae
certain how nearly we have attained
radio outfit.
an Ideal. It la Intendad aa a day
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. DaVls to
of plala living aad high thinking
were Albany callers W ednes-
On thio day aO pnraeas who be­
Halsey, Oregon
lieve In Golden Rule ere aahed to pro­
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Stratton vide tor tbotr Sunday dleaer appfual-
tbe same slnkple menu p ro vlt
C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0
of Brownsville were in Halsey inately
ed for the teas of thousand« ef qM
dreo tn the Near Eaet Relist orpMB
Commercial and Saving» account» Solicited
Frank Workinger and wife ages.
A standard menu tor a Ooldea Rate
attended the football game at
/ •
Dtanar la a t follows: Pilaf Armentas
Corvallis Saturday.
or macaroni and eheeee. alswed aprt
Arch Handley and family of cot« with corn eyrap. brown broad aad
Albany visited a t the Fr^nk ,-ooorf
A slew of beef eed vegetables may
Workinger home Sunday.
be wbstttuted ter the pilaf er marna-
Roland Marks and friend Bus oat Ta deelred.
Fulton were over from O. A. G.
The food should be • noted hv l»*ud
and spent Sunday with Dr. and merchant«
'7 b e recipe for pilaf of the ebed .at
Mrs. Marks.
the Hotel bee Berpuee. Geneva, »wto
The county budget provides serldAd. where tbe ftret tnteraaUeaal
Special price on one-tnilt ton and ton lota
$5000 for the county fair. The Gortep Rule Dtnaer wns hel< 1« as I®!
A frvah stock of
board came out this year with (olleAe 4 cnpfula wall-waabad rich
t cupl ils butter or butter eubMltuto
a $2000 deficiency.
meltad. S eupfule tomatoes cal np,
Liquor law violator» had paid IVk dupfula vaal aad lamb broth. 1
in flnes and forfeited bail to tabtaapoonfula chopped onloae.
M il
Linn county from Jan. 1, 1924 tbe.^nlona with tbe butter; add the
The economical fond for calve«, pig« «"d poultry
tometaet; allow to etaad for Ova mto AV
to last week $3624.80.
ut*aj< pour over tbe broth aad wkm
W alter Frum returned to fiis bolllua add the rtce. salt and pappnr
home in Crawfordsville Wednes­ Btlr with a tork to keep It tre e hare
day, a fte r several days with his tag. .rover tightly and eeok hi tha
brother, O. W. Frum. and fami­ eve« for M aUuoCaa Tbea take (Tern
tbe (iven and let stand for I I mtaut««.
Tahe the rice from the kettle with a
Bert Minckley and W. F. Car­ aktAmer. lifting It from tha bottom ta
ter brought a truckload of lambs the top to keep the grata« teparm a
from S'veet Home Thursday It to taaperaUve te kave a kettle with
and another from Holley F ri­ a eovdr that eloaoa barmetloelly ae
Economy, Beauty anü
that the «team may he absorbed br
Q uality
the rice
The above nunntity srtfl provide (er
J. C. Standish has been open­
can heput into your kitchen by (
ing up some of the partifclly ten people.
th e Installment of on* of our
culvert« on Second Additional Brownsvlll«
street, and the job was
Mra Grace Gomlell was a paea-
child’s play.
B e,t hv Test
J. W. Danlev and children Mid n ger to Eugene Wednesday.
his mother-in-law, Mrs. J i B.
M rs J W S ta rr toil for Pert-
See our new and cúmplete Uu«i
Huston, came up from Portland tend today for « vi»it w ilt rela­
Saturday evening and Were tive« and friend«.
For M o r e e g g p r o d u c t io n
| Use F is h e r ’s E g g P r o d u c e r ¡¡j
$ compound
O. W . FR U M
v,ie*ts nt the B»n Schick boon».
M. M. Ward returned
Sunday after a two-week» visit
with her son George Ward of
Crawfordsville and daughter,
Mrs. W. J. Moore of Brown«
r *•
Mia« Lilia McCoy paved through
M o od ay evening on her
way to Portland.
M r. and M rs J . O V in c e n t l» ff
for Reditu-'«, C al., T'ue»- « f i
They will >p*ud the winter » th
their aen R n .
H a la ey
Bar' The prier» are right
H ILL & ©