HALSRY MMTfcKCKIStt P K'.B 2 NO V. 2>. J«*» I \ue Grove Points News Notes From 1 Kay. ateta traaaurar land mill. The new reilreed line wtl. start Oom and connect wtth the 7FB has sufficient evidence that the haa appointed Oaorga P. <9rtf A ll Over Oregon lamette Tetley Soebham railroad at An Independent— Not neutral—news* Lord is surely working. nth of Salam, as dsgiuty state traaa iK n trrp rla e Carreepoad paper, published eveijr Weduesdaj, Tihrd: During this month, I in event Mr. Qrlffttfa accepts Molalte. John McNeil and wife wtraia Qjeane(j « r Was. it. A H tK IJ C H have seen hundreds of strong the Western tha agpofntmant ba will enter upon men and women come from all Albany Friday. hla now dattaa January 1. W ith the H igh Newspaper Union Wi|, £ , od wlfe Ti, iud at rrlp lo. * 1 .0 a yeer la edvaaee. parts of the house to the altar, Tha body of Arohta Boon«, coo S ch ool C lassics weeping and bowed under con- L K K ” Thorgd#y. Advertieiog, 20c ao in c h ; no discoun North Rood la to hara cMy deliver, daetor. oaa of tha four man killed seeking penitentially, J tor tune OE »pace ; no cbarge for com viction, the Salmon croak wreak la Coos poMtJün o re «auges, By MARGARET BOYD the justifying grace of God and j Charlee Nichole end »one were aarvica bagtaning Dacembar L Baas In cauaty tha latter part of October tor SuaOald haa baaa advtead. ba "F a lo -1oí Hare«r*pb«.” te a Una. Albany visitor» Wednesday. the peace that passeth all un­ • e advertíam e dliculaed aa aewa Fredpuattea at MarahflaU atea« eras found at Gaylord. I t m ile, trow bar ta Clatsop and Tillamook conn Even In its treasures he cauld And tion. Charles Gilbert and wife of Cor- Some months ago was report­ Twelve aemmuultlas »ad a o ra thaa tlaa haa been sold by A. 8. K erry oi Food fo, the fever of hla mind.* Fourth: The atmosphere o f Ivalli» visited their sou Frank and — Lady a f the L a k a ed the discovery of a picture of all the services I attended was ■ ramily Thursday. M ladlvldnal Industries had axhibita Seattle to tha Oregon American Lum bar company for 94,300,000. The stand According te an old story, tbraa Jesus antedating any of the intensely spiritual; and I am i Mesdame» Bervl M cNeil and at tha aaaaal Marlan-Polk Industrial at timber la near VUs-noaia and K erry men. a lumbermen, a botanist and a show at Salem. well-known Latin paintings and absolutely sure I could not be Anna Eagy visited th» school poet, went for a walk together through A ruling made by W illiam Mender Fla» baatla lnfaststloa la tlmbar ot s foreat. After the walk, tha lumber­ representing a very different deceived about this matter. I Monday afternoon. the Des-hetse natleaal forast baa teen ahott aommandant of U a Oregon sol man could discuss the sort of lumbar physique from that shown in never have been in any place Mr. Hofiicb of Albany apeot found te ba moat aoriana. reports dlara’ home, requiring aU veteran« the trees would make, aad bew much the generally accepted paint­ where there was so much de­ Thursday installing a ligbt plant I . Jacnloka, l o t t n m a i t aaiomolcglat drawing a pension of 350 or mare tl it would cut to the aero; tha botanist ings, none of which claims to vout praying. ai the Charles Nichols borne pay for U e tr clothing, haa been pul could name the species of trees aad A laaa rob bar lootad tha Cttlians' Fifth: Quite a number of my have been cotemporaneous with Into effect at the Roaaburg Institution undergrowth, and could discuss the Mr». Emma Sylvester has re- National bank at Matollua at about the subject. personal friends, prominent and Soma one stole 9400 In cash, aev ecology of the region; the poet could tulk of the arching of the branches, This older picture represent­ influential ministers and laymen 'turned to her heme in P jrtland, 93003 In avranay at 1:30 o’clock aral and one cheok for 96( «everal weeks spent wfth her tha afternoon and Qod la aa ant» from voucharn the decking with light and shade of ed a vigorous, energetic appeal­ tu Los Angeles and from other Booth KaUy Lumbar company moble e the forest floor, and the catering of parts of the country, are of the 80 ü l*red ing, red-headed man. employes In logging camp No. 34 the tree trunks and leaves. All bad Attar hearing komaataad diepatea In And now appears a new “Life 3ame opinion as myself, with Mesdames N. E Chandler, P above Wandllng, while the men slept looked et the same things; but each tha vletaity of WaplntUn. Fadaral Land of Christ,” written by a man regard to this servant of the A. Pehreson, R W Stewart, L . E according to a report aent to Sherlfi had seen Just wliat his Interest and who has made a study of the Lord and her work. Eagy and E E. Hover attended Inapactor W alter baa gone to Prlao Taylor. training had fltted him to see. vfUa to make investigations tor the I hold no brief from Mrs. the missionary meeting at Mr», subject since his boyhood Sun­ It Is much the same with reading. Bacaane bis wife had started di Three men may read the same bosk day school days, when he noted McPherson. What I have writ­ i Dunn’», in Peoria, Thursday al- gevarnmant. vorce proceeding« agalnat him, Au and get from it three totally different W arrant lndabtadnaaa ot Washing the efTenimate character given ten is of my own free will, and ; ternoon gust Medlar, 53, shot and sarioualy messages; or the same men may read ton const* la 1141.339.14. with caab on in representations of one who wholly disinterested. I have Mrs. L id ia Davis. Mr. and Mra. hand amounting to 9413,154.11, ao wounded her and than turned the gut a book et three dlffereut ages and get exerted more influence on man­ heard and read so many harsh Sam McHugh and George Heller, cording to a racant report ot tha conn on himself and sent a bullet througt from It three different messages. We kind than any other, and began criticisms of this servant of the all hla brain in the basement of the wo can understand of uny book or poeia of Portland, visited Mr». Mary ty traasver. to doubt the accuracy of the in­ Lord and her great work, most­ Herbert only what ohr experience has fitted us man's home hi Portland. at R. K Stewart’s last formation current on the sub­ ly by my own friends, that I week Mr». Davis is Mrs. Her­ Tha Columbia Count* Fair aasocla to nnderstend. We cannot comprehend Plans of the United States coast a thought that Is outside our knowl­ ject. decided to look into the matter bert’s sister. tion baa purchased 170 acres of land guard to place seven now speedy cut edge. When u man evolves a new idea He reconstructs many por­ for myself. This I have done, on tha highway near Daer Island and tions of the story of the life of md in fairness and justice I T b s community club program wUl spend 940,000 oa saw building» tera In waters off the Oregon coaat be the rest of the world Is unable to un­ fore Christmas hara bout changed anc derstand It UDtll Intellectual bridges Christ, not controverting the have been led to write the above. given Fridav evening was well and Improvement«. Oregon may net gat any of the cutters have been built to connect our old attended. While it was shorter writings that have come down Mrs. McPherson is fortunute FranaU Wimmer, 99, employ« In th« now being built a t Puset Sound ship ideas with the new Idea. through the centuries as sacred, in having a noble, sensible than nsital, it was well enjoyed. paper a llla at Oregon City, la la th* When people find Shakespeare and but setting forth new ideas bas­ liristian mother, Mrs. Minnie Miss Helen M iller of Albany hospital suffering from a gunshot yards, for more than a year. Milton and Thackeray dull, it merely The cost of Irrig ating la n d . In Ore means they lack knowledge to eiuibla spent the week end at the J. A. ed upon them. Instead of the wound la tha cheat aausad by an sect gon, baaed on the ftnaoriul statement« them to enjoy the works of these weakling pictured by Italian Kennedy, who manages the Johnson borne and she and Miss dent at hla home. of tha 43 Irrigation districts organized writers. Pupils who find Shakespeare masters, he sees a person of business affairs of her daughter Hazel Johnson presented a urgro Marina F. Martin. 55. war veteran while they are In high achool masterful strength of character, and is her confidential advisor. comedy at the entertainment that aad night watchman, waa shot and In tha atata, ranges dront 91.24 U a are bora likely to find him a moat fascinat­ was well received. • L. W. MUNHALL 3114.34 an aare, or aa avenupe of 943.31 so superior to his surroundings killed duriAs a revolver battle with for 33 af tha projects, acdprdlng tc ing writer when they reread hla works that frequently he triumphed fifteen er twenty yeara after they are robbers at tha Closest A Davare com a report Died at Salam by ^he atari out of school; because they will have pan* office In Portland. over opposition by quietly ignor­ irrigation commission. gained In knowledge sod exparlanoa ing it. This story is running in Thera ware 1199 homesteaders Returns reewtvad at the odSoes oi In the meantime. A nno u n cin g O ur the Woman’s Home Companion, pahlte lands In Oregon in tha last I f a man has a mental obsession, a tha aaaratary of state from every coun beginning with the December fiscal year, according to a report of ty In the state Indicate that PresMenl "fever of his mind.” he will find food number, and the view of Christ’s tha Interior department. Tha number Coolidge rereelvad a tourt of 142 $7i to feed It In whatever ha reeds. A bo- attitude toward cavilers is il- nt acres entered was 144,000. Haver and an uubellever, for example, votaa In tlyls atata at the ascent elec lustarted by the story of Abra­ ISIT OUR STORE and see o u r The Multnomah County Pair aaao tion. Mr. Davis received 47J139 votes can read the same book, aad oaa win And in It arguments to strengthen be­ ham Lincoln, when he was ex­ elation, with headquarters In Orasb while Mr. La Follette rocwtvpd 68,44f lief and the other arguments te windows, which will he in readi­ pected to lie moved to anger at am aad capital »took of 9T9.OOO. has votes. M r. John« reeateied a total ol strengthen unbelief. They wilt have the report that Secretary Stan­ bean lnoorparatad by T . R. Hawttt, 817 votes. read the same thing; but each will ness for Santa. Most everyon e ton had called him a fool. In­ C .I. Baker and C. □. Schneider. The state highway oongniisslon hat have made mental note only ef whal has his p a rtic u la r cerem ony attend - stead he asked: “Did Stanton The Oregon Short Lina Railroad Hied with the public aarrice depart lnteres’ed him. and each will hav« IX a e /"x « a I » » — — A * w* — ~ - • a say that?” a y k n »» t F upon C hristm as. t O k > urs is A to _ assist comps«* has ttlad application with meat application for pe|rmlMlon tc construed doubtful passagM according “Yes, sir.” you in the selection o f gifts th a t will tha pabllc serrice eosamlasloa tor par allmlnata a grade croasltgc involving to his owo obsession. “Well, then, I guess it must ho m ost ap p reciated . mission to discontinue Its station at the tracks of the Boetbrirn Pacific be so, for Stanton is usually Rlrartlda oa tha Brogan branch. company near Lakeside. Cl >os county Conserve Soil Moisture right.” O f co u rse th e item s nam ed are m erely su g g est­ Govern ment banters who arc In through the construction ¿4 an over by Keeping Down Weeds We will send the Enterprise ive o f th e wide a sso rtm e n t to be found in o u r Joaapblna county In aa effort to exter­ head crossing. Tha aost w) ta eatlmat One of the principal steps In con­ and the Woman’s Home Com­ minate coyotes, which are baaoatlng a ad at 917,900. serving soil mole lure in tha garden In store, which is brim full o f fascinatin g th in g s panion one year to any new sub­ manse« ta fnrtaam la the outlying keeping down all weed growth. This for C h ristm as giving. Oregon w ill help provid» th« > Thanks­ scriber for $2, if the cash comes diatrlou, are having akceUent sac giving taaet far President A id Mrs jna.v be done either by cultivation or in at once. We will even extend by mulching. If a mulching system in Calvin OoolMge. Bd Sunday, \ brothei P ajam as the offer to include present sub­ G arters need, from three to six Inchon of ntrav HAJJSEY ENTERPRISE Christmas Opening V1 scriber» who cum* prompt 1t with the $2. This offer will not be held open indefinitely. If you want to read tnis new and inspiring “Life of Christ,” now is the time to get all but the first installment, and you may be in time for that. A Religious Editor’s Opinion Dr. W. L. Munhall, age 82, possibly oldest Methodist evan­ gelist in active service and edi­ tor of the Eastern Methodist, enroute to his home in Phila­ delphia, accompanied by his wife, writ»» : I believe Mr» Mufllers, various kinds I)ro9s S hirts D ress Gloves H ouse S lip p ers H osiery, in cotton, silk S u sp en d ers o r wool U m brellas H andkerchiefs, cotton, W ool S h irts linen o r silk N eckties C ollar Bags Bill Folds Cuff Links F an cy Chain Com bs Belts and K nives Fancy Hickok Bel (»Buck les and B eltogram s McPh«r»on 1» a true servant of the Lord. I have been in contact with her work for a month, with excel­ lent opportunities for studying It; and 1 am surely competent T h e re ’s a su re c u re to r C fite to express judgment of such a h u n g e r at th e matter; and I unhesitatingly C o n fe c tio n e r y Uecliue that, in my opinion, she is consientiously and with extra­ an rt Best sw eets and soft d rin k s ordinary fidelity doing the C a fe te r ia at th e work of the Lord, and with His divine approval. Best cuisine Efficient service The following are some rea­ P le a s a n t su rro u n d in g s sons for these conclusions: First: She believes the Bible is the word of God and is un­ VV. S. DUNCAN Alhany, Oregon compromisingly loyal to the fun­ damental doctrines of historic Christianity. I have heard her H A W A II RAISING FUND ARM ENIAN C H ILD R EN preach nineteen times, and in FOR S R K 1K REFUGEES all those discourses there was W ANT AMERICAN FLAGS never even a remote unbiblical Honolulu.—Under the leadership of suggestion. 1 have never heal'd Uevarner Raymond C. Brown, tha is­ Jerusalem.— Armenian chUdroa in the gospel of the grace of God land et B »wall has decided to act as the Near East Relief orphans««* th more lovingly and faithfully a Good Samaritan In Bible Lands by Palestine and Syria have petitioned proclaimed lending » donation of 9S5.OCV for the tba American consul hara ta saaura American flags tor aU tbetr orphan­ Second : The character of the Or**k ^ « g « « » through Near Bast age bunding In a latter to tha ooa- people who wait upon her minis­ Relief. A proolamation Issued by Oov aul. they atata "It la tha only flag Brow« stye: "America’» work In the try. They are os intelligent as Near Rust la a symbol, not of tha we have, and the only ana that maaaa can be found in the average polKtahl aad coaamerelal America but a homeland to ua. America has been well-to-do church, and fully half of tha Idealistic aad humanitarian our father aad mother, and wa want of them men; and when it is America Weighed la tha scales of tha Stars and Stripes always with ua remembered that her audiences the futnra. this Is tha America of as a constant reminder of what wa lo your country.'' The consul range from 201X) to 6000, with which wa and our children ahull he owe Invited contributions of flag«, I from eight to ten services a proud Every parson In Hawaii should haa (eat by 5 feat, or larger. ba proud te have some part In It.** week for nearly two years with steadily increasing interest, one Charge« .against tha office of J. A. Ltnvlila, federal prohibition director tor. Oregon, era nndnr tnvaatlgation by lataraal 'Ravanna ' Coaunlsalonar », R was admitted at Washington. D. C. of tha nationally known evak gellst, Rev. Billy Sunday, forwarded 5 v ex proas from Hood River, a 22-» nnuacad that th , bridge will ba of flciaBy aaanad to traffic D acam bv | A islebvattoa. wfth mid -Cal am M m partl< Ipeetag. wUl ba held. Ouy Christy, 10. was kilted and Norman Knllck severely Injured by the explosion of several .36-calibei rifle sartxfdgas In the pocket ol Chriety whUe they ’WWe riding In as automobile about Tour miles east ol Keating, and atgout 18 miles north east of Baker chrtaty died about 21 minutes after tha expkiaton. Whal caused the her ¿dent Is not known. Oregon per,tIons have been granted as follows: John W ellbrrok. Portland 313; V iola