14 4 0 J i HALSEY NTERPRISE I H A L S E Y , L IN ? * C O U N T Y , O R E ON. N O V ^ - • 1924 “Only a Few Days, and Thou Too—” Here’s to the Thankful Day • - \V . . Since‘af'to u ru n iver**l thanks were told *»**««>*" greater In the world’s applause. And fortune's newer smiles surpass the old— ! . .. < : * * - ■ • ' .¿- i ?r 4 ¡ I t i '• .. . . b { us * thankful-thankful for the prayers " hoe* gracious answers were long, long delayed, That they might fall upon us unawares. And bless us, as in greater need, we prayed, tg I / ’ * * L / T fh “ >* thankful for the loyal h a n d 'r z " ’ r "L. \ ^ lat 'ove ^ d out in welcome to our own7 ' When love and only love could understand , - The need of touches we had never known. " d -■ ■ - ,..c - ’ rw 'V Let us be thankful for the longing eyes That gave their secret to us as they wept, V et in return found, with a sweet surprise. Love's touch upon their lids, and, smiling, slept c, _ , . . VV#’1* **** held herself sternly In check. and rejoiced over. 1 “I — I —oh, i sn't you se e that even If Thanksgiving la continued as u re Picturesque 9«evicts. llglotis service for several days, thdtigh' ' care anrrutinded by symbolical tokens anil figurative acts and parabolic speech. Gloria was tired o f me. You merely clinging to the m m iory o f tbelf glerl served J as an excuse. And she saved ■us past, drawn near to each ofher b»-i I'"' i this nncienr people belnns to a me from doing w hat I should have cause of their common love for thelt | poet axe when inon clung to symbols, had to have done In Justice to her— ■ peculiar traditions and fo r their "To j anil to un oriental Clune where all speech Is lion ery and tilled with and y o u !’’ rah"— their solace through the a m In this land, sacred by Its ra th e r In colonies nt sites tlielnWHkT . Some tim e later. Jim txplnlned how ■tiderful history, mystic by Its he had reached the bungalow where right through Inheritance, tho ugh*tiot' trnugc traditions, ancient, becst.se lanet boarded Just a fte r she had le ft; granted them by the usurpers of t h e li; the blrtbplute of venerable religions, how- he bad missed tlie steamer, but land Driven through the centiwle' from country to country persecute«: I v.here the city walls Inclose beloved loined a party going over In their own for their religion and messacretb h\ | ruins, snd the barren stony bills speak sorrowfully of what lisa been and la the Intustlce of radical prejudice, the- now flock to their own opuntry. sSllliir | no more, there Is something peculiarly touching and appropriate In the con­ sll they possess to pay the voyage snd come, to look upon the land wjip-rt ■ tinuance of these old time customs. The construction of these "tsber- lived their patriarchs snd prophet» nucies" furnbjies a time of great snd to die and he hurled on holy soil uinnsement to young and old, for nil Thres Great Festivities. members of Ihe fam ily take part In The three greatest tea»!« in wb'elt I the rearing and decorating of this the .tew remembers h|s pa«t and fill slrv home within which the feast Is to fltla ltd sll the details possible the old he lelehrafrd Rome chouse the large, Mossls la w In the land promised to open courtyard of the house for the Moses so many centuries ngo. are the sllc of H il. temporary residence, while Pseanvfr, Tabernacles snd Pent-cost o th ers prefer to hnlld It on the flat It ta a t the Feast of Passover that he roof of the house offers the Paschal sacrifice In the tern p'e on Mount Sinai, since upon Its spe ( stands a gorgeous mosque where only ! Plowing stubble or sod Innd foe Islam bends the knee and bows the wlteal stern a fte r harvest, or as Siam head In adoration to Allah and Mo ns some gre,n m atter Is up. Is a rec­ him m ed Yet there are times when ognized and safe p ra rflr* season af­ the Jew la hla own ancient land re­ ter season In some tents, an actual joices snd la glad W ith (hanks to Ids difference of five bushels to the acre God for the existence todav of hla hove firm shown. In favor of »arty race— still set ap a rt—and with great fall plowing It opens the soil for festivity he commemorates God's won moisture during the fall and winter, derful preservation of this people and kills weeds makes green manure of celebrates the rem arkable events In the sod. makes s tinner snd better He Was Alonst their history- H e I t elated at the se»dbed. and makes less work In the privilege o f helng able to rrteh rate hla yacht; how be had planned to tell her own feasts In the piece where they early spring, when planting season 'a i on. U Is also heat when lime Is to tie everything at the very summit. were Instituted, and thli la entirelyj fur tbs uexi wheat etui» »: ., i t JgL "And now—no more homeslc t