PAGE 4 gon stands at the dairy state. > ••••••••••••••••••••••••• G L O B E ÀLBAWY 3 d a v i, atartÌDg Saturday, N o t . 22 t I Miss Ida M itxo e r c ine up frooi Albany, where she teaches in tbe owblic schools, and spent the week end at home. 30 2 5 11 3(J_p. j n . _ I A meríc A ; Bigger and better than “ The B irth of a N a tio n .” J ^ o tt—Thia picture rune this game day io the A u d ito ­ rium at Portland. POPULAR PRICES Adulta 60¿ C hildren 25c Halsey Happenings W ill Price and fa m ily of Monroe visited at the home o f George M axw ell several days last week. Mrs. J. W. Rector aod Mrs. G. W Laubner were both passengers to A lbany Thursday. uuoui »bow Saturday and Sunday, D avid W. G R IF F IT H ’S .iSurdny a n ' vriited at the News Not« (Continued iron, m m I* head as a 1 homes of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott and Mrs. Florence Leeper. At tne next general or special elec­ NOV. 19 I*** HALSEY KN'f EKFKl!»*! Dr. and Mrs. T. I. M arks we-c >uesls at the W ill Porter home in Shedd Saturday evening. M r. and Mrs. H. W Chance in d grandson H a rry spent Batur lay w ith friends and relatives in Arownsville. Delma W ahl received some cU‘ - tnd bruises in an uuto col'sionj Corvallis last week, but o u tb id * langerous. Sinners in Heaven « « By Clive Arden (Continued on page 3) H a rry Commoni and fa m ily vi - terrace, flooded in the red gold of the *.ed ut the T . B. Sprenger hoiin setting sun. Barbara sat upon the low- 0 Shedd Bunday af'.ur noou. parapet. Croft flung his long tegs over Hill & Co.’s stoves and ranges stand the test. One went hrough the whole Enterprise edition last week standing bot- and drew out Ids cigarettes. Present ly she found his glance fixed upon her. “Weil?” he asked, without prelimi­ naries. "What about our little trip? (Continued from page 11 Mra. Perley True is a t bou-e » gn u. H a rry Davie ia the owner of a siiin v new Buick. W. P. W ghl and wife were in A lb a n y Thuraday. H . L. Slraley wa* no Albany caller Thuraday. Bert M iuckley took a load of hoga to Salem F rid a y. George Starr and fa m ily drove to Albany Saturday. W illia m Corcoran spent tLe week end w ith home fo lks. Genevieve Wells was the guest of Georgiua C lara Sunday. F a rm e rs N eed Baby Chicks. W H Y ? M oney in terest and fa m ily n ec e sd tie s com e h igh . ’ 1 1 1 • Big business is helping your d a iry out the wrong w ay. B u tte r price below cost of production. Get in the chicken game. They have no substitute yet. w ill take orders up to the 1st o f J a n u irv fo r baby ■ ^ c h i c k s from , b.- O . A . C . W H I T E L E G H O R N S at 12Jc, cash a the farm , and guarantee a good, strong chick. X hatch o nly from my own stock. They are as g >od egg layers as I can get. Order now. H ive been in the business for eight years, raising chickens to lay eggs. You w ill be pleased. ' P. A. PEHRSSON, Pine Gro/a Poultry and Dairy Farm R F D 1 Halsey, Oregon tom-side up and came through the ordeal just as good as new. tion In Douglas county the county court will submit a proposal to vote a 3-mlll levy to conetruet a new court­ house The levy will raise *120.000, which, with *70,000 now In the fund, will be sufficient for the building. Nick Deckley of Dogffen, N. D., It In a Eugene hospital suffering from a broken collar bone, broken ribs and seveie gashes about the body, the re­ sult of an automobile smasbup six miler north of Junction City. A number of officials and employes of the Oregon state highway depart­ ment left Salem by automobile last week for San Franc toco to attend the annual convention of the American Association of Highway Engineers. What Is believed to have been the sm allest real estate transaction of record in Wasco county was consum­ mated when Sheriff Chrisman sold at public auction a lot at Shaniko to John McHargue for 75 cents, cash. Tbe Pendleton round-up in 1925 will be conducted for four days instead of three days as formerly, according to action taken by tbe stockholders In annual meeting. The dates of the show will be September 16. 17, 18 and 19 Salem, on tbe percentage basis, ranks first of the cities on the Pa­ cific coast in building construction Increase for the month of October. This is shown in the national month­ ly building Survey of 8. W. Strauss A Co. The sheep market in central Oregon has strengthened materially with ewes selling from *12 to *14 a head, stock- men of the D eschutes coentry report. It Is predicted by central Oregon sheepmen that wool will sell at 60c a pound In the spring. Arthur A. Page, 87, • of San Fran­ cisco, was killed Instantly wham the auto In which he was ridlr«, driven by J. F. Leer, also of San Francisco, went off the grade about, half a mite north of Siskiyou mountain sum mit and crashed on the rocks beneath. Representatives of power companies In Oregon, Wasbingtorg. Idaho, Utah and Montana, constltutiing the execu­ tive committee of the W.orthwest Elec­ tric Light and Power association, met In Albany and dlscXissed technical problems. They wetw guests of the Mountain States Power company. The Oregon apple crop has been moving out wj«U, particularly from the Hood River district, though shipm ents have slowed down samenfliat In the past few days. T otal shipm ents from the state up to the first of this month were 2809 cars, or only 177 cars'- less than In th e same^'perlod last year. Complete unofficial returns from every precinct 1n-every county In the state dlsolose that tb e only neck-and- neck race amdog the major candidates In Oregon d it ing tbit/ recent election has ended with Sen ator La Foffette 549 votes In the lead over J. W. ¿ a v is for second (h o lts f e t the presidency. There was one fa ta lity due to In­ dustrial accidents lit Oregon during the week ending Nt member 13. accord­ ing to a report p repared hy th e stage industrial accident '(commission The viotim was Mat/ * McKle. a ssista n t powder man. of St. Helens. A, total of 523 accidents ws s reported luring the week. when formed wUl be a con-prcfltab:« body, functioning to build and mala tain a Harding memorial park at th* top of Blue mountains near Meacham, to have been held at Milton. Decem­ ber 20. has been Indefinitely postpon- *d, according to Bruce Dennte. tem­ porary secretary. The meeting, wkioh would have resulted in permaaent or­ ganization of the association, was post­ poned because it was discovered that ipeclel state and federal legislation were necessary first. Mr. and Mrs. to d Leila, M rs. >e< th»c(.fct;ca tcccoagggc :•» a I TORRANCE i ' GARAGE • 212 Bast First at., Albany * • Phon« 379 2 * Eng-ne repairing and recoa- ft d itio m n g a specialty a F irst » J Valve Grinding Mäen ne • ’ • ever bioughi to A lb a n y Make* ’ «iu fit * • Frank, Gansle Adda Ringo and H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D TIME Miss Doris Lake drove to Eu­ - South North gene Sunday and were there No. 17, 12:09 p. m. Gansle and , no . 32, 3:20 a m, joined by Charles IS, 10 48 a . 111. 33, 7 ;ll p. m. wife bind brother Ray and the ■, 31, 11:34 p. m. 4:25 p . 111. party drove ‘ on to Cottage No. 34, 14, due Halsey at 58)2 p. m., stops Grove. to let off passengers from south of Enirene. Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. M r. nod M r* F M- M axw ell, Noa. 31. 32. 33 and 34rnn between Port- t • i * ’ t worn land and Eureuc only. form er r w n W s of thia c ity , were PaMeugert f‘ r goulhof Roteburr »bould weik-end guest» of M r*. M axw ell n u k e Xo. 17 to Eugene and there transfer father. J. M . Porter, aud 4 iatera. | to No. 15 Mrs. E d ith R uboett and Mm. K « rl ' Halsey-Brow nsville stage meets trains U 11 J 18, 17, 14. 34 and 33 in order named. Bram w ell, m id M r. M a x w e lls ; ■ brother George. M r. M axwell i * : ------------------------------ now p rin c iim l of tbe high rchool — p atton returned Monday at D raiu. from a week’s visit in Seattle Mrs. G. W. Laubner was in and Portland. He attended the Albany Thursday. International stock show. LIVE TURKEY DANCE Ht T u m b le In n S a t u r d a y M ig h t , N o v . 2 2 2 i miles n o rth of Albany. th a o k s g iv irg tu rk e y frea Come ! You may get vour AnbtTetheBt‘ Old T im e N ew T im e D ance Wednesday n ig h t, Nov. 26. F un for everybody. Come ! Have you counted all the risks?" Carl H ill, senior at (J. A. C., “Bisks? No! Or I might never get Elmer Munson and wife leave was home for the week end. Resoiutjt ns of ¿tespe t Mrs. A. A . Tussing and M* s- there!” • for Nebraska today on an ex- His quick look of approvnl was lost The county fa ir association is lames Bert C la rk and B. M. Bond on the girl, as she glanced away with detiat ted tended visit to several of Mr. our p i uasu.orv of I rove to Albany Monday to attend ready to pay a ll premiums in fun a laugh. brother, Robert S. Winniford. m u n -o n 'i brother there At- .he Rebekah convention. “When there is a chance of getting Mrs. W . P. W ahl and daughter who died Oct. 22, 1924. bert Heinrich is taking care of W ilm a are haviug sore throats auu Mr. and Mrsf W. A. Muller your heart's desire, would you count Again that unwelcome yet re- t^e piace while they are away, risks?” oolds, attended Mrs. Davis’ funeral at lentless, visitor, death, hath en- _ . . “No!" he ejaculated warmly. tered the poitals of out lodge L . H. A rm strong and fa m ih Corvallis Wednesday. "That’s my creed.” room and summoned a dear dined at the A . C. A rm strong bom- From the determined lines of his P. IL Freetksen, Fred Spren- lips, she judged this to he the Sunday. brother to trie beautiful home $ter and Lyman Pennel attend­ well-cut truth. beyond. His zealous work in M r. and Mrs. H arold Stevunsoi ed the Masonic lodge at Albany “But your ‘heart's desire’?” lie wenl the interest o i our beloved or­ of Brownsville were Halsey visitor» Friday night. on ; "what do you mean hy tlial ?” der and his life, laden with gen­ Sunday. She flushed faintly; the shy reserve P. H. Freetksen and wife and J. W STEPHÊNSO N. tleness and kitto deeds, has won In tier nature ever made personal talk John Buss and John McNeil mother were in Albany Wednes­ for him the plaudit of the good difficult. were among passengers to Al­ day. Master, and will cause his name "Surely you have that?" he sug­ bany Monday. to be cherished in the affection­ G. R. Walker, who has been gested boldly, wuving his cigarette ate memory of our lodge. loing carpenter work at Ban­ toward the diamond scintillating on M r. and M r*. T. F. H illm an , The standard of the world. who now reside near Brow nsville, don, is now working at Reeds­ her Unger. \A n d wliMieaik. I’ be All-wit»- Wherever the sun »bines and the “Oh, yes. Yes. 1 have, of course In are the parents o f an 81 pouu- port. Father has called our beloved wind blow*. that way." she replied hurriedly. g trl. born yesterday. brother to the new Jerusalem A. W. Foote and his father, The hand struck up a stirring jazz We have them in these colors H. C. Davis of Halsey and Fred David Foote, drove to Craw­ tune, n medley brluglng hints of tom­ where “happily he hath heard amber, smoke vm lot and groeti. K. Sm ith, E arl Oxford and A. P fordsville Thursday and attend­ toms, drums, ruttling castanets, the the signal of has release on the Howe o f Brownsville are on th» ed a sale. uncouth music of the Fust. . . . bells of the Holy City, the “O h!" si'“ er'»d Involuntarily, start­ December ju ry panel. chimes of eternal peace,’’ and The Ladies’ Aid of the ing up: then sitting down again. “But he having bein a faithful and Mesdaipes W ill Beene, FranV Christian church met at the you could never understand." she mut­ ardent worker in the teaching Gansle, John Salash, C. P. Mood, home of Mrs. L. A. Pray Thurs­ tered. of friendship, love and truth, and Adda Ringo attended the Re­ day. "Whnt?" He watched her closely, bekah convention ut Albany M on­ therefore be it his cigarette burning, forgotten, be­ Mrs. Harry Bressler went to tween his fingers. day in the Ringo car. Resolved, That Purity Rebe­ Newport Sunday to be with her kah Lodge No. 130, in testi­ “The craving to live—really live!— M r. and Mre. Ed Hansen and sister, Miss Mary Henry, who for a time! To get out Into the world; mony of its loss, and to express daughter Gertrude and Mrs. Han is seriously ill. to—to experience everything instead its Rebekah ovs, c«u>e the char­ te n ’ s sitte r, Mrs. T. K. Seavey of of Just reading about It alt; to—feel Addition of s is i cement pends at Kugene, were guests Sunday of the Mesdames 0. W. Frum. Adda life itself! In huge cities, among vast the hatchery of tlie state 'leh com ­ ter to be drap'id in mourning for ladies' cousin, C. P. Stafford. Ringo, E. E. Gormley, George crov ds. I want to find out—” She mission at Bonne tv like will -irlng the thirty days and that we tender Mrs. C. P. Stafford was a pas­ Taylor and G. W. Hoffman were hesitated, looking away over the cap acity up to 10.500.000 :!fih, and to the family of our deceased O ptom etrists senger Tuesday to A lbany, where among those who attended the meadows, with a puzzled frown. m ak -, jt one of th e two largest batch­ brother our sincere condolence, she spent the day w ith Mrs. Mc­ Rebekah convention at A lb an y “Something seems lost, missing In er* es in the workl. according to H m h and that a copy of these resolu­ nnd m anufacturing optioisns some way. I—I can't explain." She W illia m s and was her guest at the Monday. Mitchell, state sstpeidnt, md Dr and Mrs. SKWiner will retut b to the minor children of plaintiff and d e­ ly and Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sneed 1 Salem shortly a fter the first oil the tswear to their identity and the fendant: for an ordei directing defend­ ant to pay into aaid court for plaintiff spent a delightful dav at the year. > case was dismissed. *106 a« attornev'a fee» «nit money and home of Mr and Mrs. S. J. I Portland will figure In the trial of ethef expenaea-, and the luni of *39 e Smith Tuesday of last week. month during the pendency of this ault Charles R. Forb« s, former diroctxtr of C. W. Standish went home to for maintenance of plaintiff and aaid The occasion was Jim m y Sm ith's the national vet erans' bureaa. In ‘he . ; end the turn of *30 a month at Uatusd i Salem Saturday, after a visit to children federal court J In Chicago. permanent alimony during the niino ity birthday and a large birthday j w state» Marahst ciarsnc* R Hov.-hkiss | his old Brownsville stamping of »aid children; end for her coat» and cake was in evidence, with ail j diabnreement» of thia suit; and each a received an tird« r from Fe<9o'«kJ Judge - g r o u n d . the trimmings. other order aa »hall bo proper io the » ¡George A. C o . gN t»<*r of th»‘ a vrihero I — ---------- The National Butter Makers, Illinois dthtri<4 court to have P J- , Mrs. W. H. McMahan s sts- pretnnea Thia mmmon« ia served on you by at a meeting at Mason City, Ia..' Dwyer, vid it»*- o f the Hotel Po rtia e i. te l -t Mrs. Stewart of Corvallis puh'icaticn in The Halaey V.nterpriee bv awarded prizes to the makers of j produce all lay books, cash books, has been visiting her this week. order of the Hon. R M. Payne, County Judge of l.inn Countv. Oregon, made the best 20-pound cubes of h u t-, _ lourrala and 1 *ke papers show lni sums November 10. 1924 That date of the ter from batches of not less The contractor pa! I by Fozb » and member» I >t his -jjyqo oqi ino-t* poo; first pnhlication of thia snmmona ia No­ Hale Miller, son a f Mrs. than 200 pounds at a churning churning, bany bridge expects to continue lie M ille r / 1. i party jvhen t bey stayed there, from •ja ieg ee oi peen u-q. eaew ■ P«» vember 12. 1924. and the d«te of the laat V. E. Collins of Albany won work all winter and h Ore- Octçber. Reudence, Halsey, Oregon, Cltis. He is improv^ Hardy M«m< ^Ial osscclotioa 4 which - BARBER SHOP First-class Work W illson Goggles M eade & Albro, • HALLS’ FLORAL MUSIC SHOP * WeHtsiflo Greenhouse Products All •Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs: Tulips, Hyacinths and Narcissus should now be planted tor spmg blooming. Buy your b u ito before they are out of the market. FLO W ER S ami latest pnf> S H E E T M USIC Lovely ( ’( ' ? ,,lar ••<»e I