^ /^ Íb a n y ^ ¿ )ire c to ry A/Aoitg iô r> ecZ « /-g ~ C outm ued Bull Convicted a t U nique Trial FA R M LO A N S at lowe»t rate ot interest. Tlii» 1» good advice: " It vou live Real Estate Insurance in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live Prompt service. Courteous treatment. in »ouie other town, trade in that town. W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bauk Bat in these automobile day» many re­ builning, Albany siding elsewhere find It advisable to do at least part 01 their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will fiod the firms named below ready to fill their require­ Write tor booklet describing our 20- ments with courtesy ant fairness. year Rural Credit A nortiaed Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal. Cheap rates. So ccessories and tires Jelay B eam 1 and t o., 153 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. Auto Supplies J. H. A llison <42 West First Si Court of Bovine Justice At­ tracts Big Crowd in Frank­ lin County, Pa. HALSEY l ì \ ì E a I'R i ì L I N O V I f lv2s Stockley. the widow of the late vlcer. sagely remarked ' "There are often two j man's ligure standing near; and anew, sides to these things; you never , without Unking up. that she wua being know." 1 intently ecrauniicd. Even the squire and Mrs. Rochdale, kindliest of the "old order." began to show a slight coldness They placed the hospitable doors of Darbury house . ajar, so io speak. Instead of wide open. , hinting to their only son that a little I less golf with Jhe major might he wise Put. Hugh laughed at the hint. In his easy-going way. "That s till his fu­ neral. not mine” ; thus he waived re­ sponsibility for the morals of the house of Knndall A wholesome young Briton, Hugh would nbomlnnte shady actions. If 1 brought actually Into contact with | them : but he lacket the Imagination ! to visualise what failed to Interest him HI* own pnrpose was single, hls own Barbara Stockley, only ( . "*"r |hp ,a((> T|,.„r hni| fliiej it en PAGE J (Prepared by the United State« n»- partment o t Agriculture.^ Although the lire stock of the com­ munity was of such good quality that It was difficult to find a worthy •‘pris­ oner.* the mock trial of a scrub bull recently stuged at Waynesboro, Pa.. drew an audience of more than a thou­ sand persona. The advertising club of the chamber of commerce, the Franklin County Farm bureau, and the county agent had charge of arrange- meets. Tbe trial wan conducted ac- ---- - ---- -------. , cording to on ontllne furnished by th e >nd . ib an y B ak ery , 424 West First ^street ; United States Department ot Agrtcub Growing up together. 4 one-pound loaves ture inseparable, their engagement was a tor 25c Proceedings Realistic. { fon,piin<. (XmPlu-on Xob«xtv therefore SHOE > heen , urpr| t(.g its public an SERVICE ’ Local legal talent made the-eourt lb an y F loral Co. C u t flowers and plants. Floral art for every Shoes that cost less per month ot »ear 1 proceedings realistic. The sheriff and no„n,.em,.nt upon Hugh's return from hla force of deputies "arrested" the • fh<> w >r and ail occaaioua. hull and otherwise aided bi conducting | wedding had been fixed for the Flower phone 458-J. The smiling faces of loved court order. • , following December The happy pair ones gathered in cheery u to Eie>'lfli S e r v ic e — U ecliarg- For tbe convenience of busy farmers wpre (p p ve |n one of (he pretty ntod- able A & B batteries—WILLARD assemblage. the trial WHS held nt 7 o’clock in the ern >,„„»»« t Hlllhenk during the old houses . at old storage battery. Phone 23. 119-121 W. evening. The merchants of Waynes The welcoming banquet squire’s lifetime, continuing all their Sesougl St. H. D Preston—J.C. « ocliran boro held a "dollar day." whtCB was activities In Dnrbury ns usual Every­ table —the delicious tur­ Lautuirv sent Tuesdays lu e Bird R esta u ra n t, 30V L yon widely advertised, with the scrub-bull body would call upon them ; an 1 every­ key feast—the hours o f \geucy Hub Cleaning Wot Ics street. Eat here when in Albany trial as an auxiliary attraction. T"cn thing would be nice, respectable and pleasant reminiscence. Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8 ty-flve hundred curd Invitations were conventional. M R S. B LO U N T. Plan now for a full measure ABE S PLACE mnlled and 500 colored posters adver But while everybody purred content “T h a t Won’t M atter. Ha la Only th« of Thanksgiving enjoy­ tlaed tbe event. edly over this satisfactory romance, a P ilo t” R U N S W IC K The trial took place on an el bet De­ bombshell exploded In their midst, ment. PHO NOGRAPHS Amor A. Tossing lighted plutform erected In the ball launched by the heroine herself In I think you are so brave to fly to at F<»r reduced fares and com­ park. Band music added to the enter- stead of spending the next four months ▲nstraliu!" Miss Brown excluliuoi. W O O D W O R T H 'S plete railroad information talmnent and the services of the hoy amid dainty needlework, her mind 'And with 11 strange umu. too! DooOB't L A W Y E R AND NOTARY communicate with scouts were enlisted to handle the oblivions to till save the prospective Mr. Hugh mlndT" 1all an d see th e big a seu ro u e i traffic. A dnlry-cottle specialist from bridegroom and the dressmaker, she H a l s e y , O regon Barbara laughed nt thia typical D ar ^of Chri«tma» present» st the department of agriculture acted ns shattered all traditions by announcing bury remark. 8. S. G il kmrt & S o n ’ s expert witness for the proeectitlhn. her Intention to accompany an aunt 330 W. FiTst at. Albany, Ore. "No! Of course hot.” Mr« Stockley's half sister, to Austra­ Court of Bovine Justice, « “But suppose you don’t like litany D E L B E R T S T A R R iveu p ort M usic co m p a n y offers "Thut won't mntter He is only the A Jury of 12 men rendered a verdict lia. Dnrbury gasped. But It gasped Piano-case organ, good ut new Funeral Director and Li­ of guilty after hearing the evidence yet more upon discovering that the pilot" Estey organ, good as new Glancing up as she spoke, she ghve c F. Ml GbY , 4 L laid before the court of bovine Justice. Journey was to he made. In ultra-mod Ptit'iif 226 Used Pianos. censed Embalmer The prosecution showed the detrimen­ era style, by airplane. An ordlngry ,_.i Involuntary start nt flndlng « dl- Motor Hearse. tal effect which scrub bulls have on ship would have seemed at least re­ tract, piercing look fastened upon her islb u rn B ro s.— I’wu big grouet* Efficient Service. Ladv Attendant. stores, 212 W. First and 225 South the dairy Industry. It then described spectable. 'It was not the rude ature of a man The ostensible reason given was |Who apprulses women us If they were Maiu. Good merchandise at the right the prosperity and other benefits Brownsville.- - - - - --------------- Oregon prices. ;________ 1 brought by pure bred bulls und pleudetl merely a visit to the nunt's colonial horses; rather (lid It seem to scatter est trickle In reply. re'atlves. But. of course, everybody noneesentlnls and to probe,Io the spirit ( Slowly, to Bnrbarn, the time »ora forcefully -for conviction. lite C afeteria aud co n fectio n ery knew better than to believe th a t; u within. For a iimment her own eyes on. More nnd more weary of the mo­ The defense consisted largely of ora­ Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ tory aided by music and poetry as vain (deeper motive was needed to Inspire seemed held by a curious compulsion notony. sick of the smell of chocolstw, ings Courteous, efficient service. w . L. W R IG H T resorts to save the prisoner from doom At the same Instant Mrs. Field esme she beeanie consumitd with restlesa- We make our on n candies. sucii a risky wild-goose chase. Could Mortician & Funeral Director One witness for the defense failed to then; be private trouble between the briskly round the corner of the tent. I nnsa. W. S. D uncan . Halsev and Harrisburg All the social world had loft long Impress the Jury when he testified that engaged couplet But the girl herself "Ah !” she cried. “You are here flrat. ilm s d evelop ed am i p rin ted . the scrub bull was a great lultor-snvlng went about ns usual, only n suppt*»ed Alan." Then, turning to Barbara, “I ago. From the glass walls of the win­ Call D. TAYLlik. Halsev. or We mail them right back to vou. W. L. WRIOHT. Harrisburg ter garden came the exhilarating. If device. Hls daughters giving less milk exciteinent deepening the already deep want to Introduce you both." aho said garish, strains of dance music, tantnlla- Woodworth Drug Company, Albauv, Or­ required fewer palls and cans and taking an arm of eaclt. Mqfrx of her eyes, bubbling out occu- egon. were more aulcklv milked. And Barbara, feeling uncomfortably Ing In their Infectious riijthiu. Bar­ slonglly Into scraps of confidential bara hummed the tune, tapping her IORD SALErt AND rtERVi.CE speech which yet were no confidences self-conscious, too bewildered to do more than stammer n conventional foot In unison, occasionally surprising Tire» and accessorie« at all. , . her companions by performing a few Kepairs "Such un adventure!" she exclalrond, greeting, was forced to lift her eyda to revolutions round tlio lent. In the hls. They were deep-set and gray like K irk -P ollak M otob C o . when Miss Brown sought to probe to middle of one of these she halted the soul of this problem. “The only those of hls cousin, hut lucking the ten­ abruptly, for a shadow Imd fallen ortm iller F u rn itu re C o ., fu rn i­ derness which lurked In bars; the little one 1 huve ever Imd. There will ne«e; ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. lines at thslr coraera, surely hot aton ­ ncross the rays of the sun streaming be shell another chance.'' Funeral directors 417-433 west First ing humor, appeared out of place. In 1 athwart the stall This from one who should have street. Albany, Oregon. ______ __ her rapid glunce she was dimly aware ■ "Gome nnd donee with roe." snld been deep In the adventure of mar of great height, brood shoulders and a Croft. uller grocery . 280 Lynn rltige ! Miss Brown was rather shocked lean, deeply tunned, clean-shaven ftjCe. • Her face expreaaed blank astonish­ (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Hugh, she learned, hud been averse "Alan borrowed a car and tumeyl up , ment Groceries Fruits Produce to the Idea ut first. Quite right und last night.” Mrs. Field smoothed awer ( ■•Oh l" she exclaimed, confusedly. "I P^one 2h3K _ _ ____________ proper! He had also steadfastly re­ the Impending awlrwardnass; hilt at j __we-A>nly the villagers usually dnnee fused to go too; and Dnrbury had O L M A N tfe JACfCSON that moment so u s one called her here."' agreed with the decision. That u Grocery—Bakery "Oh, good lonl !" man should give up the routine ot away. BY CLIVE ARDEN rything in the line of eatr The amused contempt In Ills voice There fall a silence, which the girl » ppoiiie Postoffice autumn pursuits was unhourd of »svaii racked her brains In vain to break. She made her (lush, Then, conscious of . Besides, he manuged hls fs was somehow conedous of fdMfl« bovint given s wrong Intpreeelua of de­ U u b G audy C o ., F ir s t s tie e t, next therts extensive property, und tbe har­ acutely disappointed. This w nsitji* testable snobbery. She felt furious wltb H door to Blain Clothing Co. vest would sotm be In full swing Dar- man who, to Iter Inexperienced nt»