f \ It.il.sP.V l i \ T í . k i K IA K PAGE 2 i »V. 19. ¡Original Estimate & Accounting Sheet IW í* In “A Man for the Ages” the Enterprise published a true deer? * ______ story of the civil war and of . . . „ PL . r Abraham Lincoln, the homely Stopping the Paper best-loved American. The (Corvallis Courier) same story has since appeared Jn first newspa. in the movies and thousa days, when a subscriber have seen it with sym patheti came jn an(j stopped the paper, thrills. t he almost considered it a per- The narrative of Jim Ir- affronti but as he grew win’s struggle and victory, in oj(jer jn th e business, and gath- this paper later, gave an insigh ere and year a fte r of the 7th of this m onth: year, and then when the pub- "Oregon boys and girls are 1]gher agkg for a ,ittle Clgh to rapidly winning distinction in appjy on aCcount, the subscrib- ugriculture and stock raising. gr resent s tbe “¿un” as he calls The current issue of the South- u and verba)ly castigates the ern Pacific magazine carries a and te,lg him he never story of two Oregon youths, subscribed for the paper in the Karl and Jack Dennen, lb an . ^ rs t pjacei and jn the second 11 year old boys of Shedd, who Jt .gn,t worth a tinker’s were awarded a cup and ribbons dam and jn the third place he for their Scotch bull w n ite didn>t get ¡t more than every Cup,” entered in the recent Ore- other week and in the fo u rth gon state fair. place he ju st guesses the gov- “The two have long been a c -, ernm ent says th a t any newspa- tive in the boys and girls sent a 8Ubscriber after club- Through their training nts mo lim io nut tim o e is out rnnnnt cannot 1)0 be col- col­ received at the annual state lected for, so ju st stop the old fair camps the two youngsters rag. were able to raise their bull ’There is another type of sub­ calf into a prize winning animal. scriber whom most editors of “The Southern Pacific an­ country weeklies know altho nually awards six scholarships ^ j ] tQ honor the type a t the Oregon agricultural col- j jg th e' m an who gets k pa- lege to the boys or girls stand- £or R jong |j me and prob- ing highest in agricultural oi abiy owes from one to five stock raising pursuits. ■ years’ subscription. Then, when "Many of the boys specialize he begins to figure th at some in the raising of p o tato es., day tbe editor is liable to ask Some go in for raising barley, | pay fQr ¡t> refuses wheat, corn and rye. a he girls , jt ftt thp and lets the usually go in for millinery, fru lru it j gOvernment government notify the publish- publish­ canning, dressmaking, cooking er th a a t t the no longer longer er th the paper paper ¡8 is no and poultry raising. I he m em -) want eeen exceptionally credit­ sends and as the account is able, the article states.” hardly worth suing for, he is The Enterprise has ju st com­ finally left alone to his victory. pleted the publication of “Pay But there is the occasional Gravel,” a thrilling detective man who really likes your pa­ story emphasizing historical per, yet for purely personal rea­ facts in the “wild and wooly sons feels he cannot afford it. days of the Deadwood country. He stops the paper with an These are all stories which apology, and makes you feel like school pupils, as well as their an old friend has been lost. parents and grandparents, can read aith pleasure and profit. Grow Supplemental Feed in Hogging Down Crops in Heaven,” our next serial, is u . When corn Is to be ho|ged down it on ■ different _____ lines. A prize was Offered "for"the be8t new story. 1« always advisable to grow some sup- Some of the best fiction w riters piemenmi food along with the corm borne OI II , w ;n n er ( Soy beans and velvet beans are good Competed. When t crop« for thia purpose In the case was announced she proved w ( f |,pnns t|,e hogs will be a lady employed in clerical j hll|anee ration iuiriy well, but work and who had never essay- tn tt»e case of velvet benns, the hogs ed to write a story before. may eat the corn first and leave the .. , , I- •’ Hollar bean« alone to be graxod later. In th|, of tlie corn nlny be may not like it, but liv e , sym- gllthered nnil ft>d to the hogs later, pathetic, red-blooded hum ans ,f bogw nre gtven access to will find it well w orth their | n mineral mixture, feeding value will be added to these crops. It Is pos­ while. sible to arrange forage crops so that Celia B ellm an, «he governor'», hog« m«y be turned on the fields for p rivate secretary, i» being sued lor n period of time and turned out later rvnvir for the market without having alienatin g a husband’» affoclions. he,'T hand-fed a single day during the Celia (presum ably the »»me) is ent're finishing period. reniem bsred at Klniita, Lane Go,, as having bad a peaobant for affec- i H ighest m arket price» paid for .k .., H im il.n n tb °« ’’ Deoule tion« a few ye««» *K°- The p lain ­ tiff’s husband, with what affection» tion s he afill has control of. ha» bled away to a logging cam p in p u n u it of the nim ble wage dollar, and tim e may reveal whether he W bi» Ulv »pouaa w W ill i l l g garner a e e e s w a the - - - w or Irgeer atore of lucre from «he siluatm u Ob, ye», we love you, Portland. Hogs & Beef Cattle W. H. BEENE Phone 169 State Inspected Scales HALSEY * Cream and Produce Station Cash paid (or n it y of state interests is • gr**« Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal thin g. You »aved us from incom e & Hides. M. H- S H O O K tax (or incom e) on tbe products yoe haodled fir ns and now have knocked ou t the incom e ta x law by u«iug •4 2 .0 0 0 of your incom e from handling tho»e products and i U •u r »applies. Over »4t,000 w»» »pent to defeat tli« income t»x in lb» let» election. :.M . GRAY. D R A Y M A N All work done promptlvfan.l reason­ ably, l’hoae This original estimate shows in p rallel columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next pre­ ceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last ona of said three fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year. (“Six months of the current year“ meant six months of the last school year.) EXPENDITURES Special price on ona-baif ton and ton lota A fresh atnek of X JERSEE MILK FOOD Reader« w ill find th a t “ Sinner» SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.-41 v F°r More egg production • itise Fisher’s Egg Producer^ W T he aubjact ean n ot com» up in the o Independent—Not neutral—nawa- legislatore now for tw o years' paper, published every Wednesday, Farmer« and property ow tere « y Wm. H. WHKICI.KK should see to it that friends of the I tax art elected n ex t tim e to enact ■aka> rlp.'o. . |1 *S_ ,.a r la advance # n(#w an(J b -U tr U w /f t Advertising, 2>* an inch ; no diacoun lor time or spare ; no charge lor com Several Innocent persons h iv e position urcaauges. «a -Paia-for Paragraphs.” io a llaa. recently bean sh ot by in iq a k e I y Me agvartia ng disguised aa new s officer« bun tin g crim inals. W ould it not be well to require burners to EDUCATIONAL FICTION see the borus before shooting at a s d ev il, the saute aa in case of a HALSE Y ENTERPRISE C O M P O U N D * Item am ount desired i|/ I T he econom ical food for calve», pigs and poultry «>. W. I Rl M 8 3 ? § S j 3 Sf I " '3 5 HALSEY STATE BANK E AND SU RPLU S Com m ercial and Savings accounts Solicited Economy, Beauty and Quality by BR1DGE&BEACH Beet bv T est RANGES See our new and com plete line HEATERS s § 5 £ c ' 8 c F I 2 1 Si X - « h © c £ Cjl - © I 5 a ■ K £ 3 SS s Ì r= 3 - 5 I Cf » 5 . a 4-» — 4 C £ a 6965.00 72 10 f 1186.50 677.5^ CONSTRUCTION: • Total Construction 170.00 225.00 170.00 226.00 m a in t EPAIRS 50.00 50.00 160.00 School bldgs & grounds 200.00 tTota.1 Maintenance 50.00 200.00 50.00 150.00 50.00 200.00 and INDEBTEDNESS: 75.18 100.00 100.00 Warrant & int. thereon 3000.00 1045.00 75.18 100.00 100.00 Total ¡INSURANCE 50.00 30.00 60.00 60.00 School bldg, fur. £ fix. .. 30.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Total NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter». of School Di.trich MISCELIANÇOUS: iMo. 41 of Linn County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL, MEETING o 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 Sundries ia id district will be held at Schoolhouse, on the 1st day of December i , Total 60.00 50.00 50.00 . 50.00 lt 7-30 o’clock in the Evening, for the purpose of discussing the budget EMERGENCY hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition .... 100.00 ..... 100.00 Total emergency of levying a special district tax. 8737.50 5872.16 The total amount of money needed by the said school district during Grand Tetal ............................... ............. 6055.78 ............ 7962.50 11331.50 9012,60 the fiscal year beginning on Juno 16, 1924, and ending June 30. 1925, is I, B. M. Bond, do hereby certify that the above estim ate of expendi­ estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts t o be received tures for the year 1924-1925 was prepared by me and that the expenditures ,rom the county school fund, state school fund, elementary »chool fund, and budget allowance for six months of the current yes»- and the expend^ turea for the three fiecal years next preceding the cuerent year as show? ppecial district tax, and all other moneys of the district: ibove have been compiled from the records in my charge and tru« an^ B. M. BO ND,' torrcct copies thereof. District Clerk. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Total No. Sal. a yr. RSONAL SERVICE »1600.00 »1600.00 ......1 2. Principals .................- 2250.00 1125.00 .....2 Asst. Principals ............ 2700.00 900.01) ......3 3. Teachers ...... »....... 720.00 720.00 ...... 1 4. Janitors .................. U. S. & C. T. C. Tires New, low-priced Gill 10.02 10.00 ..... 1 6. Clerk ..............- ...... »7280.00 Batteries for More service ToUl .................................. - ................. Ford, ! and No more cost MATERIAL ANU SUPPLIES: 200.00 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) Star. ■ other Skilled Auto repairing 100.00 2. Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.) .............. • Chevrolet small cars • . 75.00 Auto accessories 3. Library books ............................. - .................. . 10.00 4. Flags ................................................... — MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY 25.00 5. Playground equipment ............................. 200.00 6. Janitor's supplies .......................—-......... 300.00 7. Fuel ............ .... ......................................... 25.00 8. Light ............................. ......................• 22.60 9. Water .................— —— ................ 957.50 Total ................................................. MAINTENANCE ANU REPAIRS: 200.00 G io w n s, brjdgf work ar.ft filling». It w*f School buildings and grounds ..... .................. 200.00 pay you to get ray pricesJoQ your dental workl Total .................- .......- ....... ....................... C usick bu ik b u ila iiig , A lb a n y 1NUEBTEUNESS: 100.00 2. Warrant and interest thereon ................. 100.00 Total .......... -........................ »........ INSURANCE: 50.00 ’ building, furniture and fixtures .................... 50.00 Total ..... ...........»..........- ................ ........ MISCELLANEOUS: ........ 50.00 Sundries .................- .................................... 50.00 Total ........... ..................................... - ........ EMERGENCY: 100.00 100.00 Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as Total Total estimated amount of money for all purpose» during year 8737.50 Bxà“ The prices are right H IL L & W W W W W ’ may communicate with Rnsign Lee of the Salvation Arm , at the i Whitt Shield Horue. 565 Mayfair avenue. Portland. O, cgon. 4 I. i X s w ¿ ¡ X — w * PERSONAL SERVICE: 2. Principals 0600.00 »1066.68 »1066.68 »1600.00 Asst. principals ....... 1125.00 750.00 750.00 1125.00 Asst, principal ....... 1125.00 750.00 750.00 900.00 600.00 600.00 3. Teachers, 1st,2d, 3d 900.00 900.00 600.00 600.00 4th, 5th and 6th 900.00 900 00 600.00 600.00 7th and 8th 900.00 900.00 720.00 480.00 480.00 | 4. Janitor« ............ 720.00 10.00 6.60 6.60 5. Clerk ___ ____ 10.00 Total personal service 7280.00 4853.28 4853.28 7055.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 50.00 11 Furniture (desks, etc) 200.00 125.00 125.00 I 2 Supplies (chalk, etc) 76.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 3 Library books - 10.00 10.00 10.00 4 Flags 25.00 25.00 25.00 5 76.00 75.00 75.00 200.00 6 Janitor’s 300.00 268.70 300.00 325.00 7 Fuel 25.00 25.00 12.50 25.00 8 Light 22.50 22.50 22.60 22.50 I 9 Water 20.00 20.00 20.00 10 Postage and stationery r 957.50 623.70 727.50 677.50 Total mat. and $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 can be put in to your kitchen th e in eta llm en t.o f one of our •« 3 M “ • M Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L Expenditures for thre. years next preceding last school year Expenditures and budget al- lowance for six months of last school year. 4.