PAGE 3 HALSEY hX I ER,HUSK >> / ^ í b a n y j 2 ) : r e c t o r y A/A««g ,- C o n t ic u id FARM LOANS at lowest rate oi interest. hut rance T h u is good advice: ** It V )U live Real Estate in Albany, trade in Albany ; it yon live Prompt service. Couiteoas treatment. in some other town, trade in that town. Form 5. First Savings Bank Hut in these automobile days many re­ W m B a is , builning, Albany siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany u Si to transact basinets will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an t fairness. X “D ld n f dare tell a »out Didn't know Number On* myself.—Had tv i work alone. Knocked Webb u.T Ida i home. Told guards he fed. Didn't 1 dare tefi Roberta what was ,tj> till I'd sounded h ili—Just hrfnrv we came te the show-down. Everything cleared Uf but one—now who the 1»—1 are ybui Scissors turned to get hla horse, ther halted and called buck over bis ahouk ; der: “Who? Me? Why. li n Jim Omaha." f V m t tk t I ntm - nationai S tock 1 I E:;»orrt!'?::,Poi»TLAND,?'(ov.i»8| a n d f a bwy I to They said he would surely die. Mrs Colt a n i Lottie Carl »aid be must live The agent for P«trtck * Saulsbury re HU( celved orders to spare no expense It PENDEXTEK > SHOE > rounding up all available members oi X E 9 S O R I E S A N D T IK E S SERVICE X| tbe med’cal profession In the hills Th« 'uto Supplies heed nnd arm wounds were n-’t danger* J. H JUUMX S loea that cost less per month of wear our , bnt the hole through the lung wa» 442 West First St most serious Hi, would die, he might Benefit by low week-end « COPYRIGHT ¿irTHE GO8B5-MERRILL CQ live, were the alternating reports oi A lb a n y B ak ery, 4 z 4 W est F irsi fares now in effect, on the street. Filially an Eastern practi­ f*3trect eale Friday, Saturday and 4 one-pound loaves tioner, rough of garb nnd wild with (C o n ti c o e d ) lor 25, whlskora, waa discovered In Wlilti* Sunday — return limit wood gulch and brought to the sick following Tuesday. As Dlnsdale swept around the next lb an y F lo ra l Co. C u t flowery Laundrv sent Tuesdays maa and plants. Floral art for every bend he glimpsed a figure crashing He remained on duty for forty-eight O r 15-day fares, on sale Agency Hub Cleaning Works and all occasions. Into cover on his right, and he knew hours, heavily subsidized by the »luge Flower phone 458-1 any day— return limit the fugitives had crossed the road and coach company, und then snnouneed A B E S PL A C E were making for their hiding places E ie c tiv : S e r v ic e — K ccuarg- 15 days, w ith stopover the Invalid had a chance If he could on the divide. He sent his horse able A & B batteries—WILLARD be kept quiet. Mra. Colt and Lottie at any point enroute ¿X tW&ugh the aiders and hazel nnd storage battery. Phone 23. 115.-121 W. Carl were hla nersee. Gradually he Second st. H. D. Preston—J. C. Cochran A m or A . T u s s in g gained the foot of a long slope where began to Improve and on the sixteenth M ake all your going ? the growth was pine and spruce and day of September stood au excellent i’ lu e B ird R e sta u r a n t, dot) L yon away plans to take ad­ more open. One horseman wns riding LA W Y ER AND NOTARY chance of recovering street. Eat here when in Albany. Into a dry gulley. Another had elect vantage of these low Tbe sixteenth of September was the 1 d Open from 6 tc 2 and 5 to 8. ed to take a trail leading along the H a l s e y . O regon Mas. B lount . first dsy he was left alone for a min­ round trip fares. south bank of the gulley. As the man ute; aud he waa arouaed from fitful In the gulley was the easier to follow For full information about f sleep by the sound of guns und lout r u n s w ic k Dlnsdale turned his attention to him. Í HONOGRAPHS thete anti other round tn p yelling. The gun volleys became more He heard the B.iund of another horse­ at violent. Dlnsdale knew what It meant fares communicate unth D ELBERT STA RR man crashing through the growth to W O O D W O R T H ’S Crazy Horse waa trying to sweep the the north of him and from the rapid­ k gulch. At tbe head of the bed hung F u n e r a l D ir e c to r a n d L i­ ity of his advance It was obvious he aven p ort M j *'C co n ip n u y o n .re hla belt nnd the two hand guns. Ht was descending, rather Than ascend­ Piano-case organ, good as new c e n se d E m b a lm e r secured the weapons and slipped out ( Katey orgai , good as new onto tbe floor and dragged himself to Efficient Service. Motor Hears». ing, the sltpe. This puzzled Dlnsdale. Used Pianos. as he did not believe any of the guard the window. There Scissors and Mrs j Ladv Attendant. Colt found him, coUapaed, one of th« E ~ aslb u rn E r o i — Two b.a grocery Brownsville.....................................OreK°" had had Urae to get above him. As ho drove his mount Into the gun» cocked. c P. MOODY, sg’1. PlHin» stores, 212 W. First and 225 utb gulley he gave a last look for the new­ When Dlnsdale recovered consdoua Main. Good me chandise at the rCiht comer. Then the bank of the dry ness Scissor» gently rebuked him | prices. wuter course shut off all view except "Why did you go to the window, | lite C afeteria ¡end c o n fe c tio n e i v San Juan Jca Ccme to a Halt, Lookad Taking a chance like that I” w . L- W RIG H T that straight ahead, and the singing | Home cooking. P'.essant surround­ Vastly Surprised, and Went Down of a rifle bullet from the top of the Mortician & Funeral Director j Plnsdule faintly explained. I — — — — —— — — — ... ings. Couru-oi a, efficient service. on Hit Face. south bank warned him of a douhle Halsey snd Harrisburg "Always looking for acUou. Tcter,* ^ alSfly HappOn.nflS a lt . We make our own ca ndies. danger. A bit of smoke on top of the W. S. D uncan . “What you heard ____ Call D. T aylor , Halsey, or was wonderfully detached froth all strhed Sdasors. W. L. W right . Harrisburg h bank revealed the source of the shot. were the citizens celebrating over Oen | (c< nrinned from pa» concern about himself. but the niarksmau, or of the (ftiarry ilm s d evelop ed and p rin ted . jj R,.nd en d fa u n l) w et* The whole situation wns very Imper­ eral C ook 's arrival In town. Every ¡ahead. Dlnsdale had yet had no We mail them right! back to you. one Is safe now. The Sioux will nevei M ord ay. glimpse, lie swung In toward the sonal to him. He heard nn exclaim»- Woodworth Drug Com .» ay, Albauv, Or­ sweep 1 he hill».*’ I .. south bnnk to get under cover nnd a tlon nnd thought the voice was fa­ egon- i _ _ _ _ _ _ The next morning the doctor aalf W illia m M rA lli»t® r waa an A l- miliar. Then strong anna lifted him second shot whistled close to his head. up until his head nnd shoulders were the patient waa wot much the wor»« ^ an y v iiito r M ou d ay, ord hales anl service His horse scrambled desperately over propped against a rock. Ten feet from for his exertions. Lottie Carl. Tires and ucceaa Ties the rough footing, making slow prog- him Iron Pyrites wns sprawling on 1U> hnd wwpt all night because she b» | Jay C u r" », from L eb an on , »pent (School Reporter. Repairs -ess; then a gun cracked ahead ami K ib k -P ollak Mold a Co. • A S cra p of P a p er,” tbe senior Dlnsdale owed Ills life to the tough back, his questioning blue eyes staring lleved «be had neglected him by run tb e •m i « i'h B e it C .a 'k am i l» W nlag eut te look at the hnlf-fniol«li»erg Brot.ji behind r rare Pphra-nn, F reddie H e in r ic h , I heard answering shots from dale's Ipft band and said: | son W a lter ml Mr. am i M't company wns sending a man. The let Groceries Fruits Vrcdt C3 o r a l e i e «io , I .. ____ i,„„v h,.t r 'I’ve flnlabed the Ogalala Jeb. Th» OsAid F ool» drove to P eoria S u n ­ Phone 2b3R \ ___ __ Imin A lh a rta o n , M ilford M uller, him. He glanced back, but could see ter was to Identify me. * He closed Ills eye« ns n stubbing pain man Easy did It. But neither I'yrlte» R ena W a lk er, O e o “ge Cr-«*a, Ague« no one, and decided the man he had olman j AC* ¿ s o n heard crashing down the slope must he suddenly reminded him he wns yet n»r San Juan Jo» knew It. He kept It H a y es and F ran k amt M artin G ro w y— -T>’ H eu ry K ‘Rt. Frati F alk no